Name badge dosimeter (C. Mawson)

Artifact Number:



This personal “name badge” dosimeter, encased in a plastic medium, was presented to Colin Mawson on his retirement from AECL in 1979. The dosimeters, originally called film badges because they contained a radiation-sensitive film, were upgraded in the 1970s to allow a variety of dose measurements. They were carried at waist height and served both as an identification badge as well as a dosimeter. The two lower  photos show a dosimeter of this vintage opened to display the inside.  In the right-hand photo of the exploded view, the main thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) holder has been taken out of its normal position.  Note the absorbers made of different materials.  These allow some differentiation of the energy of the radiation impinging on the various elements of the dosimeter.


thermoluminescent dosimeter; radiation doses; dosimetry
Associated artifacts:
See artifact 2018-126
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