In the News

Press coverage of the Society and its activities

Escorting “hot” shipments in hot weather

by Jim Ungrin
One aspect of Canada's nuclear story not often discussed is the role Chalk River played in supplying plutonium and uranium ...

A Canadian Nuclear Safeguards Invention

by Mike Attass

You know that eerie blue glow, indicating highly radioactive material? It’s called Cherenkov light, and it’s behind the success of ...

What’s in a (reactor) name?

by Morgan Brown

It began with a label on one of our nuclear heritage artifacts, a traditional Gurkha kukri knife, in the Society ...

First Chalk River “electronic” computer recovered

by M.E.Stephens and Jim Ungrin

In 1957 Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories (CRNL) acquired its first “electronic” computer. Known as the Datatron, Bendix, Burroughs 205 or ...

Nuclear heritage group welcomes vintage photographs

by Jim Ungrin

Among the many artifacts the Nuclear Heritage group has received and are eager to collect are photographs of the early ...

Chalk River and Material “49”

by Jim Ungrin

B.G. Harvey at CRNL (Photo from the Empire Digest, June 1948) The files of the Canadian Nuclear Heritage Museum (CNHM) ...

The Art of Accelerator Targets

by Jim Ungrin

Nuclear physicists using accelerator beams require specialty targets for their studies. During the 1940s, experiments with relatively low-voltage accelerators (2 ...

Scientific Publishing in the pre-PC Era

by Jim Ungrin

Those of us who have been retired for some time look at publications in present-day journals, which display text, equations ...

Spreading the Nuclear Message

by Jim Ungrin

Despite the fact that radium treatments (nuclear radiation) for cancers started as early as 1904, Wikipedia defines the start of ...

Emails from Families of Chalk River Alumni

by Jim Ungrin

Michael, Richard, Alison and Christopher Harvey in Deep River (1951) Over the past year the Society for the Preservation of ...

New Zealand’s Contribution to Canadian Nuclear Energy

by Jim Ungrin

New Zealanders at the waterfront (spring 1946) R-L: Arthur Allan. Mr. and Mrs. Manssen and finally, Gordon Fergusson The name ...

Recognizing Chalk River Alumni

by Jim Ungrin

Several previous Nuclear Heritage articles featured the achievements of a number of the scientists who worked at the Chalk River ...