Memento celebrating initial criticality of Hanaro reactor

Artifact Number:



A triangular cross-section, wooden and brass memento celebrating the initial criticality of the Hanaro (High Flux Advanced Neutron Application Reactor) reactor in Korea.  This nominal 30 MW, MAPLE-style reactor, is located at Daejeon, Republic of Korea.  It was designed and commissioned with the assistance of AECL and achieved first criticality at 16:09 on 1995-02-08.  The memento, which measures 23 cm in width by 10 cm in height, is inscribed in Korean, English and Chinese.  The top line on the reverse carries a message promoting globalization from the Minister of Science, Mr. Jung.  What follows are the names (and possibly signatures) of 150-200 personnel involved most directly with the project.  The name of Garry Kugler of AECL’s Power Projects can be found in the middle of the list.  (Hanaro may also be translated as “to be one”.)


kmr reactor; research reactor
wood and brass
Associated artifacts:
See also artifact 2019-121
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