Mounted depiction of IMPELA protype accelerator

Artifact Number:



A foamboard mounted, 32 cm by 53 cm, artist’s cut-away view of the prototype Industrial Materials Pulsed Electron Accelerator (IMPELA) which was constructed in Bldg. 610 in CRNL in 1986. This electron-beam, linear accelerator was the forerunner of a number of 10 MeV, 50 kW accelerators sold for industrial applications by the Accelerator Business Unit. 


linear accelerator; irradiation plants; electron beams
Associated artifacts:
See also 2018-003.
The IMPELA prototype was built, commissioned and extensively tested at CRNL in Bldg. 610 inside a shielded “tunnel”.  (At the target end of the accelerator, the radiation fields were higher than those that would be measured in the core of NRU.) During the construction of the prototype, AECL formed an Accelerator Business Unit (ABU) which later became AECL Accelerators.  AECL Accelerators operated out of a facility in Kanata and built and sold a number of accelerators to industry for various industrial processes.
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