Vintage Machlett AEG-50 X-ray tube

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A Model AEG 50 Machlett X-ray tube.  The tube is still suspended in its light-weight shipping crate, a square 25 cm box that is 81 cm in length.  The AEG model was used widely in the 1940-50s as an intense source of X-rays for the study of radiation effects on numerous materials, including biological materials.  The label indicates this unit had a tungsten (W) anode.  The tube is 38 cm in length and has a diameter of 5.7 cm. Operating characteristics were typically 50kV at 50 mA. It is believed this unit came as a spare from the Montreal Laboratories   The markings on the side of the crate read DOE 4/CR 2-E-1018 which may indicate a purchase order number. It is not known where at CRNL a low-energy X-ray unit was used.  A much more powerful 2MV X-ray unit know as Dumbo was used for biological effects research at CRNL.  It arrived from the Montreal Laboratories where it was initially used with a beryllium target to generate neutrons.


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