Two hand-painted signs believed to have been used on the original “employment office” used by the Fraser-Brace Company (F-B) in the village of Chalk River in 1944. The building was originally a barber shop and was located at the junction of the Plant Road and Highway 17. Next door to it was a garage, known as “Harper’s Garage” that was also taken over by F-B and Defense Industries Limited (DIL). DIL, a Crown Corporation, were assigned the task of setting up the laboratories at Chalk River as well as the town of Deep River. They subcontracted the actual construction to Fraser-Brace, a Montreal-based construction company. The “employment office” was located a short distance from the Chalk River train yards and station where workers from Ottawa, Montreal and other locations would arrive. Both signs are painted on nominal ½ inch thick particle-board. The Fraser-Brace sign measures 25 cm by 137 cm while the DIL one measures 20 cm by 36.5 cm. No photograph is known to exist of the building in its original location, but it was found and relocated at the Deep River campus for the 25th anniversary celebrations in 1970 for a short while. Its final fate is unknown.