The Society for the Preservation of Canada’s Nuclear Heritage
What We Do
The Society for the Preservation of Canada’s Nuclear Heritage was founded in 2017 in Deep River, Ontario.
The Society’s goal is the collection, safeguarding, and promotion of documents, artifacts, memorabilia, and knowledge associated with the history of the Canadian nuclear industry. We are a non-profit charitable organization.
In the News
News articles featuring the Society and its activities
Canadian Nuclear Heritage Museum
The Museum is in Deep River, Ontario, the “Home of Canada’s Nuclear Pioneers”. Displays include reactor models, fuel and tools, radiation detectors, early computers, scientific equipment, memorabilia and personal items, and much else.
Society Executive
Board Chair, President, and Treasurer: Morgan Brown
Morgan Brown is a retired reactor safety research engineer specializing in CANDU severe accident simulation. He worked in reactor safety research at AECL and CNL, at both the Whiteshell and Chalk River laboratories.
Board Vice-Chair and Vice President: David Cox
Senior Nuclear Professional, retired after 34 years employed by Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (1985-2014) and Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (2014-2018). Diverse experience in Leadership of Nuclear Reactor Operations, Licensing and Safety Engineering, Project and Program Management, Waste Management & Decommissioning Project Delivery, R&D Management, Nuclear Fuel and Fuel Cycles, Fuel Safety, Fission Product Release and Severe Accident Management. Currently sharing experience through consulting and volunteer activities including serving on several not-for-profit Corporate Boards.
Secretary: James Ungrin
Jim Ungrin joined the Accelerator Physics Branch in Chalk River in 1970. He retired as Manager of that Branch in 1996 when it was defunded, and serves as the Artifacts Chair for the Society.
Membership Director: Allan Symons
Allan Symons came to CRNL in September 1972, joining the Physical Chemistry Branch. In 1986 he transferred to the Chemical Engineering Branch. Immediately following his retirement in September 1999 he changed careers completely, setting up The Canadian Clock Museum in Deep River. This non-profit museum, with its focus on two centuries of Canadian clocks via its collections, web site, and publications, continues to help people researching their inherited and found clocks. Allan has served as the Society’s Membership Secretary since its beginning.
Cataloguer: Tom Alburger
Tom Alburger was successively reference librarian, acquisitions librarian, and cataloguer at AECL Main Library, Chalk River from 1972 to 1995. In retirement he is the Society’s published documents cataloguer.
Director: Bruce Heinmiller
Bruce Heinmiller joined AECL in 1988 as a health physicist specializing in dosimetry. He spent the bulk of his 29-year career at Chalk River’s nuclear laboratories performing and overseeing dosimetry services for the site, and leading programs in health physics and dosimetry research at Chalk River and for outside national and international organizations.
Director: Sourena Golesorkhi
Sourena Golesorkhi joined CNL as a reactor physics analyst in 2015 following the completion of a PhD in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Ontario Institute of Technology. He coordinates the Society’s website and is responsible for any typos and spelling mistakes you encounter.
The Society publishes a biannual newsletter each spring and fall. If you would like to contribute to the next newsletter, please contact us at info@nuclearheritage.com.
How can I get involved?
Donate your time and materials
Participate in fundraising activities
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