AEP model 5210 beta dosimeter

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An AEP 5210 beta dosimeter.  The dosimeter stands 23 cm tall and is 20 cm in overall length.  The dosimeter was designed by AECL and a sticker on the side indicates this unit was manufactured by Canadian Admiral Corporation Ltd.  The scale indicates beta dose rates of 0-100 rad/h on a logarithmic scale.  The probe has a 3 cm diameter and is 14 cm in length.  A plastic cover protects the detection end of the probe which has a central exposed diameter of ~2.5 mm.  The detector is a silicon p-n junction, reverse-biased diode.  Readings are normally taken both with and without the cover to determine the gamma ray component of the radiation. The history of this artifact is unknown.  A sticker on the side of it indicates it was used at “AECL -Toronto”.  A calibration sticker indicates it was in use as late as 1992.


radiation detectors; beta detection
Associated artifacts:
Another meter of this type, also originally used at Chalk River, is part of the Canadian Science and Technology Museum collection   Artifact # 1998.0212.001
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