A multi-range, high-field, ionization chamber radiation-survey meter which measures 40 cm in overall length with a 15 cm active-length detector. The meter also has a support to allow it to make it self-standing. The photo in the second row shows the end of the detector barrel which has a rotating cover that exposes the thin aluminum window and allows the detector to be used with low-energy X-rays and/or beta radiation that would otherwise be stopped in the cover.
It is not known if the unusual red colour of it indicates this particular unit may have been used in a special area such as a hot cell. The specifications sheet was found on the internet at http://national-radiation-instrument-catalog.com/new_page_37.htm It indicates that the SU-IH was designed for dose rates up to 1500mR/h. However, given the meter scale and range selection labels, it appears that the meter was modified at Chalk River to measure exposure rates up to 1500 R/h, or integrated exposure up to 1.5 R.