Tracerlab Radiation Survey Meter Model SU-1D

Artifact Number:



A multi-range, ionization-chamber-based, radiation-survey meter which measures 40 cm in overall length with a 15 cm active length detector.  The meter also has a support to allow it to make it self-standing.  The final photo shows the end of the detector barrel, which has a rotating cover that exposes the thin aluminum window and allows the detector to be used with low-energy X-rays and/or beta radiation that would otherwise be stopped in the cover. Tracerlab introduced a series of these “Cutie Pie” radiation meters in the late 1940s.  The series began with SU-1.  The full-scale meter reading on this unit is 15, 150 or 1500 mR/h, depending on the range selector knob position chosen. 


detectors (radiation); ionization chambers
Associated artifacts:
See artifacts 2018-113 and 2018-118.

Two meters of this type, also originally used at Chalk River, are part of the Canadian Science and Technology Museum collection   Artifact # 1998.0210.001 and 1983.0184.001

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