Teletector Model 6112D telescopic gamma dose meter

Artifact Number:



A Geiger-tube based, gamma radiation monitor developed to allow radiation dose measurements at a distance.  The unit, which is stored in a wooden box (16 cm wide by 11 cm high by 76 cm long), has a 49 cm long probe and an 18 cm extender.  Extension units available from the supplier, AUTOMESS (Automation und Messtechnik GmbH, Landenburg, Germany),  allow the meter to work at a distance of up to 4 m from the radiation source.  The instrument has a very wide dose-rate range of  0.1 mR/h  to 1000 R/h (about 1 microsievert/h to 10 sieverts/h).  It can be used to measure both total dose and dose rate. It was used by the CRNL Radiation Protection Branch at CRNL.


radiation detectors; gamma dosimetry; geiger-mueller counter
Associated artifacts:
See also artifact 2020-019.
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