Souvenir from opening of Algom Uranium Mines, 1957

Artifact Number:



A souvenir generated to commemorate the official opening of the Algom Uranium Mine near Blind River on 16 February, 1957.  The artifact, which measures 15 cm by 10 cm by 1 cm, displays samples of raw uranium ore and two samples of concentrate, one a 170-times concentrate while the other is an 800-times concentrate.  All the materials are encased in thick acrylic and no radiation above background can be measured.  The artifact had been residing in the vault of the main offices of the Bank of Montreal (BMO) in Montreal and was subsequently donated to the Society by BMO.


uranium mines
Associated artifacts:
See also artifact 2018-163 which contains ore from Blind River mine of Algoma Uranium Mines made in memento presented to Les Haywood.

The Society was contacted by BMO in 2019 with an offer of the donation.  The history of the artifact and its connection to BMO is unclear.  The Bank of Montreal may have played a role in the financial affairs of Algom Uranium Mines during the 1950s and may have received the artifact as a token.  Unfortunately, the word “uranium” caused some concerns with both Canada Post and commercial couriers and as a result the artifact could not be mailed/shipped directly to the Society.  A Society member and resident of Montreal, Giles Sabourin, was able to retrieve the item in Montreal in May 2019 and it finally arrived at the Society building in August 2020 when he visited the Society holdings.

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