In the early 1980’s, the IAEA was pressured to show that used reactor fuel was not being diverted for weapons production. Reactors had to be “safeguarded” as was the terminology for a system for IAEA inspectors to detect fuel diversion. American interests tried to claim that an on-power fuelled reactor (CANDU) could not be “safeguarded”. Consequently, the Atomic Energy Control Board (AECB) received funding for developing a safeguards system and contracted AECL for the technical work. This included counters to tabulate each bundle that entered and left the core, cameras to photograph the fuelling operation and sealed cages to detect removal of stored spent fuel.
The item here, whose base measures 15 cm by 9.5 cm, was presented to Dr. Andrew Stirling who directed the technical program. The smaller diameter device is a Geiger counter holder for counting bundles while the larger diameter item is a seal that would be attached to the spent fuel cages. The seal contains a wire coil. A special tool with an ultrasonic transducer was attached to the seal under water and produced a unique signature. If tampered with, the signature changed and could thus be detected. Mr. Victor Allen designed the bundle counter.