Model 450 Scott sound meter and vibration probe

Artifact Number:



A Model 450, sound-measuring meter made by H.H. Scott Inc. Maynard, Mass. USA.  The 16 cm long, metal-encased meter, can make direct measurements via an internal microphone or via an external signal.  It was donated along with an ElectoVoice Model 805, crystal-contact microphone with a ~5 m long cable.  With this input, it was used to detect vibrations in equipment.  This model of external microphone had originally been developed by ElectroVoice as a pickup for musical instruments.  The sound meter required a battery having an unusual voltage of 22.5 volts. The unit also had a 115V AC input for calibration purposes.  Manuals for operation both of the meter and the microphone were also supplied.  The entire assembly was housed in a wooden box. The sound meter has an AECL-NRX sticker and inventory number but it is unknown where within CRNL the instrument was used.


measuring instruments
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