Graphite blocks from the ZEEP reactor

Artifact Number:



The ZEEP (Zero Energy Experimental Pile) reactor was the first reactor outside of the USA to go critical. This event occurred at Chalk River on 05 September 1945.  The reactor vessel was surrounded by various-sized blocks of reactor-grade graphite which acted as a neutron reflector.  Three of the blocks have been donated as artifacts to the Society.  They have a square cross-section 19 cm on a side (nominal 7.5”) and are 76 cm (nominal 30”) long.  Nuclear graphite is defined as having a “density of at least 1.5 g/cubic centimeter” hence the blocks weigh approximately 41 kg.


matrix material; zero energy experimental pile; zeep
Associated artifacts:
See artifacts 2018-035 and 2018-042.

The ZEEP reactor vessel and graphite were sent to the Canadian Science and Technology Museum (CSTM) in Ottawa for display following decommissioning of the building that had housed the unit.  Space limitations at CSTM in late 2019 led to the transfer of the graphite to AECL-owned storage and at that time three blocks were donated to the SPCNHI.

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