Framed photograph of SLOWPOKE 1 ready for testing

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A framed, 79 cm by 104 cm, photograph of the prototype SLOWPOKE 1 reactor in Bldg. 145 at Chalk River in May of 1970, just prior to testing in the Pool Type Reactor (PTR) reactor pool.  The schematic of an installed unit, shown in the lower left corner of the frame is reproduced in the right-hand panel along with a second similar schematic below.  The two persons at the very left of the photograph are, respectively, P. Stephens-Guille and S. Gowans.  They were the engineers intimately tied to the mechanical design of the reactor assembly.  This photo was one of several that were displayed for many years in the foyer of Bldg. 145.


slowpoke type reactors; research reactor

The SLOWPOKE (safe low power critical experiment) reactor evolved from an AECL proposal in September 1967 by J.W. Hilborn (CRNL) and R.B. Lyon (WNRE) titled “Preliminary Proposal for a Low Cost Neutron Source”.  The initial proposal was for a ~100 W source but this grew to 5kW and by May 1970 the prototype shown in the photograph was complete and ready for testing in the PTR pool in Building 145 at CRNL.  After testing the unit was installed at the University of Toronto.  It was later upgraded to 20 kW and licensed to operate remotely.  In 1976 it was replaced by a higher power SLOWPOKE 2.

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