Cutaway model of NRX reactor

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A cutaway model of the Nuclear Reactor Xperimental (NRX) reactor, which came into operation at CRNL in 1947.  The model, which stands on 20 cm tall legs, has an overall height of 72 cm.  The base of the model measures 60 cm in length and 30 cm in width.  The length of the acrylic “calandria” is 15 cm which, when compared to the actual calandria height of 3 m, sets the scale of the model at 1:20. The model had been used for many years in the Radiation Protection Branch to illustrate the functions of NRX.


canada nrx research reactor
~1955 (Model is shown on page 25 in a 1956 AECL publication “Atomic Energy in Canada”
Bruce Heinmiller, a former CRNL employee and a Society member, was able to facilitate the transfer of this surplus model from the Radiation Monitoring Group.
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