Reference Catalogue

Resources about Canada's nuclear history

One of the major goals of the Society for the Preservation of Canada’s Nuclear Heritage is to collect and preserve relevant documents.

These were used by AECL researchers and other Canadian nuclear scientists and engineers; nearly all were donated by them or their surviving relatives. Below is a simplified version of our catalogue of published books, pamphlets, and electronic resources held. Some are out of print or in fragile condition, and their loss would be irreplaceable.

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Limited photo or digital copies may be available in exceptional circumstances; for example, in answer to a reference question. However, we welcome visits by interested researchers to use the reference collection onsite. Library and Archives Canada, and many Canadian major university libraries or similar libraries in other countries, provide interlibrary loans and photocopy services.

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Records may be searched by clicking on one of: the Names (authors), Titles, Subjects, or other elements.  Records for multivolume and continuing publications, such as periodicals, show holdings in Condition/Holdings.

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1900-2000 : a century of Canadian physics = un siècle de physique au Canada; Physics in Canada = La physique au CanadaOttawa, Ont. : Canadian Association of Physicists, c2000p. 56-166 : ill. ; 28 cmPhysics in Canada = La physique au Canada, v. 56, no. 2 (Mar./Apr. 2000)Cover title. Issued as vol. 56, no. 2 (March/April 2000) of Physics in Canada = La physique au Canada. Includes bibliographical references. One article in French; foreword in French and EnglishPhysics -- Canada – History; Physicists -- Canada – BiographyPamphlet files2021-1208
25th anniversary for U of T SLOWPOKE[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 1996]page 29-31 : illustrations, portraits ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 17, no. 3 (Summer 1996).SLOWPOKE type reactors -- History; University of TorontoPeriodicals2018-1400
A 25th birthday for Pickering[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 1996]page 36 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 17, no. 1 (Winter 1996).Pickering Nuclear Generating Station -- History; Nuclear power plants -- Ontario – PickeringPeriodicals2018-1400
[Analyse sûreté des PWR; PWR analyse de la sûreté]32 leaves ; 30 cmPhotocopy of probable Institut national des sciences et techniques nucléaires publication [197-]. Titles from heading on first leaf and 12th and subsequent leaves.PWR type reactors; Reactor safetyPamphlet files2022-1047
Analytical chemistryOxford ; New York : Pergamon Press, 1959-volumes : illustrations ; 24 cm Progress in nuclear energy. Series 9. Analytical chemistry Publication history: vol. 1- . Current frequency: irregular.0079-6530 Radiochemical analysis; Nuclear engineeringSPCNHI has v. 1 (1959), v. 7 (1966), v. 10 (1970). V. 7 has best wishes note from editor, Herbert A. Elion, to donor inside front cover. V. 1 & 10 spine faded. V. 10 with “remote labs” written on it.Bookshelves TK9350 A6 2020-1111 (v. 1); 2020-1088 (v. 7); 2020-1089 (v. 10)
Annals of nuclear energyOxford ; New York : Pergamon Press, 1975-volumes ; 25 cmPublication history: v. 2- Jan. 1975- . Current frequency: Eighteen times a year with additional issues in Jan., Mar., May, July, Sept. & Nov., . Former frequency Monthly,-. Continues: Annals of nuclear science and engineering.0306-4549Nuclear energy—Periodicals; Nuclear engineering—PeriodicalsSPCNHI has: v. 24, no. 9 (Jun. 1997 ), v. 25, no. 1/3 (Jan./Feb. 1998 ), v. 27-30, no. 1-12, 14-v. 31, no. 3, 5-16, 18-v. 33, no. 1-10 (2000-2006 ).Periodicals2018-1542
Another anniversary : GE Canada celebrates the 1955 creation of the Civilian Nuclear Power Department, designer of NPD[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2005]page 16-17 : illustrations ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 26, no. 3 (Sep. 2005).Canadian General Electric Company. Civilian Nuclear Power Department – History; NPD reactor – HistoryPeriodicals2018-1400
Canadian energy newsDon Mills, Ont. : CCH Canadian, 1980-16 volumes ; 29 cmFrequency: semi-monthly, Apr. 1980-2004? Monthly,[Sept.] 1972-[Mar.] 1980 v. 9/72-v. 3/80,[Sept.] 1972-[Mar.] 1980; v. 1- Apr. 1980- Ceased with v. 16, no. 4 (2004)? Supersedes: Energy news. Absorbed: Northern reporter, Apr. 1980; Pipelines, politics & people, Apr. 1980; Canadian nuclear news, Apr. 1980. Published in loose-leaf binders.0319-3403Power resources -- Canada – Periodicals; Energy policy -- Canada – Periodicals; Energy conservation -- Canada – Periodicals; Petroleum industry and trade -- Canada – PeriodicalsWNRE Library discard. SPCNHI has: v. 1, no. 40-41 (1-15 Dec1981), v. 2-3 (1982-1985), v. 4, no. 1-10, 12, 24, 36, 44, 46-48 (2 Jan-15 May, 16 Jun, 15 Dec 1986, 15 Jun, 15 Oct, 16 Nov-15 Dec 1987), v. 5, no. 2-41, 43-48 (15 Jan 1988-5 Sep, 2 Oct-15 Dec 1989), v. 6, no. 1-10, 12-48 (2 Jan-15 May, 15 Jun 1990-16 Dec 1991), v. 7, no. 1-3, 5-v. 10, no. 126 (2 Jan-3 Feb, 2 Mar-15 Dec 1992-1 Aug 1997).Periodicals2022-1238
Canadian nuclear technologyToronto : Maclean-Hunter, 1961-Volumes : illustrations ; 29 cmIncludes Canadian nuclear abstracts, spring 1965-0576-5811 Nuclear energy -- Canada – PeriodicalsSPCNHI has: no. 1-5 (Summer 1961-Summer 1962), v. 6, no. 4 (Jul./Aug 1967)Periodicals2019-1148
CANDU : Douglas Point Nuclear Power Station8 leaves, 2 folding : illustrations ; 28 cmPhotocopy of article in Nuclear engineering (England), vol. 9, page 289-294 (Aug. 1964).Douglas Point Nuclear Power Station (Ont.); Nuclear power plants – OntarioPamphlet files2022-1071
Chapter five : news media; Environmental communications handbook[12] leaves ; 28 cmPhotocopy of pages 51-62 of Environmental communications handbook.Mass media and the environment; News media; Public relationsText underlined on every page, and some text highlighted.Pamphlet files2022-1017
Chernobyl in perspectiveVienna : International Atomic Energy Agency. Division of Public Information, 199664 pages : illustrations, maps, portraits ; 28 cmIAEA bulletin, vol. 38, no. 3 Sep. 1996 issue. Includes articles on the International Chernobyl Project and the International Conference on One Decade After Chernoby.International Chernobyl Project; International Conference on One Decade After Chernobyl: Summing Up the Consequences of the Accident (1996: Vienna, Austria); Chernobyl Nuclear Accident, Chornobyl, Ukraine, 1986--Health aspects; Chernobyl Nuclear Accident, Chornobyl, Ukraine, 1986--Environmental aspects; Chernobyl Nuclear Accident, Chernobyl, Ukraine, 1986--Social aspects; Chernobyl Nuclear Accident, Chornobyl, Ukraine, 1986--Economic aspectsPamphlet files2024-1021
Chernobyl : 20 years after; Chernobyl's legacy[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2006]page 33-34 : illustration ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 27 no. 2 (Jun. 2006). Reprint of summary of “Chernobyl's legacy : health, environental and socio-economic impacts and Recommendations to the governments of Belarus, the Russian Federation and Ukraine,” by Chernobyl Forum, International Atomic Energy Agency, 2nd rev. Edition, 2006.Chernobyl's legacy; Chernobyl Nuclear Accident, Chornobylʹ,Ukraine, 1986 -- Environmental aspects; Chernobyl Nuclear Accident, Chornobylʹ,Ukraine, 1986 -- Social aspectsPeriodicals2018-1400
Chicago pile no. 1[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 1992]page 26 : portrait ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 13, no. 4 (Winter 1992).CP-1 reactor; Nuclear fission – History; University of Chicago; Nuclear physics--Research--United States—HistoryPeriodicals2018-1400
Climate change 2 : [Canadian technology development] : March 12, 20021 CD-R ; 12 cmCopies of 12 papers and slides.Climatic changes -- Canada -- Congresses.CD/DVDs2022-7017
Deaths : Dr. Leslie G. Cook[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 1998]Page 38 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 19, no. 1 (Jan./Mar. 1998).Cook, Leslie G., 1914-1998; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Events that shaped the industry[Place, publisher not identified] 201051 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 28 cm“Updated January 2010.” “The 24 events included occurred after 1975.”Nuclear industry – United States – HistoryPamphlet files2022-1170
For Canada it's year 1 of the nuclear electric era[Toronto : Public Relations Division of the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario, 1962]page 16-17 : illustrations ; 28 cmArticle in Ontario Hydro news, vol. 49, no. 10 (Oct 1962).NPD reactor; Nuclear power plants – OntarioPamphlet files2022-1244
Former AECL president Lorne Gray dies[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 1987]page 4 ; 28 cmAriticle in CNS Bulletin, vol. 8, no. 2 (Mar./Apr. 1987).Gray, J. L. (J. Lorne), 1913-1987; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1460
Fukushima Daiichi analysisBerkshire, UK : Global Trade Media, 201140 pages : colour illustrations ; 28 cmNuclear engineering international, vol. 56, no. 685 (Aug. 2011)Four articles on Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant news, comment and crisis. Cover title.Fukushima Nuclear Disaster, Japan, 2011; Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station; Nuclear power plants – Japan; Reactor accidents – JapanPamphlet files2022-1001
Fukushima Daiichi analysisBerkshire, UK : Global Trade Media, 201139 pages : illustrations ; 30 cmNuclear engineering international, vol. 56, no. 684 (Jul. 2011)Four articles on Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant news, comment and crisis. Cover title.Fukushima Nuclear Disaster, Japan, 2011; Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station; Nuclear power plants – Japan; Reactor accidents – JapanPamphlet files2022-1000
Gentilly station control system designLondon : Nuclear engineering international, 1972Page 933-934 : illustrations ; 30 cmNuclear engineering international, v. 17, no. 198 (Nov. 1972)Article in Nuclear engineering international.Gentilly Nuclear Power Station; Nuclear power plants—Quebec (Province); Centrale nucléaire de Gentilly; Centrales nucléaires -- Québec (Province) -- BécancourPamphlet files2022-1010
Honouring CNS pioneers[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2004]page 58 : portraits ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 25, no. 3 (Sep. 2004).Canadian Nuclear Society – HistoryPeriodicals2018-1400
In memoriam : Daniel Allison Meneley ...[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2018]page 4-12 : illustrations, portraits ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 39 no.1 (Mar. 2018).Meneley, Daniel Allison, 1935-2018; Atomic Eneergy of Canada Limited – Officials and employees – Obituaries; Ontario Hydro – Officials and employees – Obituaries; University of New Brunswick – Faculty – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
In memoriam : William Gordon “Bill” Morrison, P. Eng.[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2017]page 5-8 : illustrations, portrait ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 38 no.1 (Mar. 2017).Morrison, William Gordon, 1926-2016; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and employees –ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Introduction to nuclear engineeringNew York : Simmons-Boardman [1958-59]1 volume (various pagings) : illustrations ; 22 cmEach part, also published separately, has special title page. and paging.Nuclear engineering; Nuclear power plantsAECL NRU Reactor copy. Library stamps, pocket, card.Bookshelves TK9008 I5 1959 2023-1082
John Archibald (“Archie”) Law Robertson : July 4, 1925-February 18, 2018[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2018]page 43 : portrait ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 39 no.1 (Mar. 2018).Robertson, J. A. L. (John Archibald Law), 1925-2018; Atomic Eneergy of Canada Limited – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Journal of nuclear energy; Atomnai︠a︡ ėnergii︠a︡New York : Pergamon Press 9 volumes : illustrations ; 26 cm. Publication history: vol. 1-9; Aug. 1954-June 1959. Frequency: irregular.Issues for Aug. 1956-June 1959 include translations of major articles of Atomnai︠a︡ ėnergii︠a︡,v. 1-4, no. 6. Split into: Journal of nuclear energy. Part A, Reactor science; Journal of nuclear energy. Part B, Reactor technology; Plasma physics, accelerators, thermonuclear research. Related titles: Atomnai︠a︡ ėnergii︠a︡.0891-3919 Nuclear energy—Periodicals; Nuclear engineering—PeriodicalsSPCNHI has: vol. 6, no. 1/2 (1957).Pamphlet files2022-1108
Leningradskai︠a︡ AĖS = Leningrad nuclear power plant[Leningrad? : Ėnergoatomizdat, Leningradskoe otd-nie?,199-][16] p. : ill. ; 28 cmIn Russian and English.Leningradskai︠a︡atomnai︠a︡ elektrostant︠s︡ii︠a︡ imeni V.I. Lenina (Russia); Nuclear power plants—Russia--LeningradPamphlet files2021-1182
Metallurgy and fuelsNew York : Pergamon Press, 1956-volumes : illustrations ; 24 cm. Current frequency: iIrregular Progress in nuclear energy. Series 5. Metallurgy and fuels Issue for 1956 lacks numerical designation but constitutes volume 1.0555-408X Nuclear reactors – MaterialsAECL library discard. Stamps. Pocket. SPCNHI has vol. 4, 1961.Bookshelves TK9202 M45 v.4 2024-1010
NPD commenmorative plaque[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2002]page 57 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 23, no. 3 (Aug. 2002).NPD reactor -- History; Historical markers — Ontario — Rolphton; Nuclear power plants -– Ontario — HistoryPeriodicals2018-1400
NRU turns 40![Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 1997]page 31-32 : portraits ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 18, no. 3 (Fall 1997).NRU reactor – Anniversaries, etc.; NRU reactor – HistoryPeriodicals2018-1400
Nuclear engineering at the University of Toronto[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 1993]page 25 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 14 no. 3 (Fall 1993).University of Toronto; Nuclear engineering – Study and teaching – HistoryPeriodicals2018-1400
Nuclear engineering international[London] : [Heywood-Temple Industrial Publications Ltd.] ; : London : Global Trade Mediavolumes : illustrations ; 30-28 cm. Publication history: Vol. 13 (i.e. v.14), no. 150 (Nov. 1968)-November and December 1968 mistakenly called v.14. Vol. 14 begins on Jan. 1969. Current frequency: monthly. Continues: Nuclear engineering (London, England). Title from cover. Published: Sutton, Surrey, UK : Reed Business Pub., ,Business Press International.0029-5507 Nuclear engineering – PeriodicalsSPCNHI has: vol. 17, no. 198 (Nov. 1972), vol. 19, no. 214 (Mar. 1974); vol 21, no. 239 (Feb 1976), vol. 30, no. 376, 378, 380-381,(Nov. 1985, Jan., Mar.-Apr. 1986), vol. 32, no. 390-401 (1987), vol. 33, no. 406 (May1988), vol. 35, no. 430 (May 1990), vol 39, no. 474-477 (Jan-Apr 1994), vol. 42, no. 511 ( Feb 1997), vol 46, no. 564 (Jul 2001). Indexes: vol. 30 (1985).Periodicals2022-1010
Nuclear Power Demonstration Plant, N.P.D. : official sod-turning for Canada's first nuclear-electric generation station, September 19, 1956 : program1 sheet ; 24 x 18 cmPublisher not identified.NPD reactor – History; Nuclear power plants – Ontario – HistoryPamphlet files2022-1052
Nuclear technology internationalLondon : Sterling Publications Ltd, 1987-volumes : illustrations ; 30 cmFrequency: annual. 0950-446X Nuclear industry – Periodicals; Nuclear reactors – Periodicals; Nuclear power plants – PeriodicalsWNRE Library discard. SPCNHI has: 1987, 1988.Bookshelves TK9001 N8 2022-1186 (1987); 2022-1187 (1988)
NucleonicsNew York : McGraw-Hill, 1947-196725 v. in 36. : ill.Publication history: v. 1-25, no. 6; (1947-Jun. 1967). Formed by the union of Atomic power, Atomic engineering and Nucleonics (Mar.-Aug. 1946). Superseded by Nucleonics week.0096-6207 Nuclear energy—PeriodicalsSPCNHI has: v. 7, no. 6 (Dec 1950).Pamphlet files2020-1135
Obituaries : Alan Wyatt[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2006]page 44 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 27 no. 1 (Mar. 2006).Wyatt, Alan, 1928-2005; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and emplooyees – Obituaries; Canatom -- Officials and emplooyees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : Alec Hadfield[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2011]page 53 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 32 no. 1 (Mar. 2011).Hadfield, Alexander Charles Fulford, 1947?-2011; Atomic Energy of Canada – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : Ara Mooradian[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 1996]page 44 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 17, no. 4 (Fall 1996).Mooradian, A. J., 1922-1996; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : Arthur Marko[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2001]page 42 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 22, no. 2 (Jun. 2001).Marko, A.M. (Arthur M.), 1925-2001; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : Bertram Brockhouse[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2003]page 52 : portrait ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 24, no. 4 (Dec. 2003).Brockhouse, Bertram Neville, 1918-2003; Nobel Prize winners – Canada – Biography; Nuclear physicists – Canada – BiographyPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : Bob Keating[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 1996]page 44 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 17, no. 4 (Fall 1996).Keating, Robert K., died 1996; Atomic Energy of Canada Limeted – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : Charles (Yung Fen) Chang[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2006]page 43 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 27 no. 1 (Mar. 2006).Chang, Charles Yung Fen, 1933-2006; Ontario Hydro – Officials and employees –ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : Charles Edward Ells[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2000]page 42 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 20, no. 4 (Jan. 2000).Ells, Charles Edward, 1923?-1999; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : Charles Grinyer[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2001]page 42 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 22, no. 2 (Jun. 2001).Grinyer, Charles, 1903-2001; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : Chauncey Starr[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2007]page 48 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 28 no. 2 (Jun. 2007).Starr, Chauncey, 1912?-2007; Electric Power Research Institute – Faculty – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : Colin A. Mawson[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2011]page 49 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 32 no. 2 (Jun. 2011).Mawson, Colin A. (Colin Ashley), 1908-2011; Atomic Energy of Canada – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : Colin Graeme Lennox[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2004]page 47 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 25, no. 3 (Sep. 2004).Lennox, Colin Graeme, died 2004; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : Delmar Tegart[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2004]page 53 : portrait ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 25, no. 2 (May 2004).Tegart, Delmar Robinson, 1912-2004; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : Donald G. Hurst[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 1999]page 54 : portrait ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 20, no. 3 (Oct. 1999).Hurst, D. G. (Donald Geoffrey), 1911-1999; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : Douglas G. Andrews[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2001]page 44 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 22, no. 3 (Oct. 2001).Andrews, Douglas G., 1918?-2001; University of Toronto -- Faculty – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : Dr. Agnes Bishop[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2014]page 37 : portrait ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 35 no.2 (Jun. 2014).Bishop, Agnes J., died 2014; Canada. Atomic Energy Control Board – Officials and employees – Obituaries; Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : Dr. George Michael Volkoff[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2000]page 38 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 21, no. 1 (May 2000).Volkoff, George Michael, 1914-2000; National Research Council of Canada. Montreal Laboratory – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : Dr. Gordon Stewart[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 1996]page 44 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 17, no. 4 (Fall 1996).Stewart, Gordon, d. 1996; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : Dr. John Robson[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2000]page 49 : 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 21, no. 2 (Aug. 2000).Robson, John M. (John Michael), 1920-2000; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : Ernest Andrew Larson[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2000]page 42 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 20, no. 4 (Jan. 2000).Larson, Ernest Andrew; died 1999; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : Eugene Critoph[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2006]page 43 : portrait ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 27 no. 1 (Mar. 2006).Critoph, Eugene, 1929-2006; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and emplooyees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : Francis Malcolm Fraser[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2004]page 53 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 25, no. 2 (May 2004).Fraser, Francis Malcolm, 1935-2004; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : Frank McDonnell[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2009]page 61 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 30 no.1 (Mar. 2009).McDonnell, Francis R., died 2008; Atomic Energy of Canada – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : Geoffrey C. Hanna[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 1998]page 35 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 19, no. 2 (Apr./Jun.). 1998).Hanna, Geoffrey. C., 1911?-1998; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : George Cowper[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2001]Page 38 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 22, no. 1 (Feb. 2001).Cowper, George, 1921-2000; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : George Howey[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2001]page 41 : portrait ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 22, no. 2 (Jun. 2001).Howey, George, 1917?-2001; Ontario Hydro – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : Harold “Hank” Merlin[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2000]page 42 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 20, no. 4 (Jan. 2000).Merlin, Harold (Hank); Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and employees – Obituaries; Canada. Department of Energy, Mines and Resources – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : Iain Lee[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 1997]page 44 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 18, no. 3 (Fall 1997).Lee, Iain, died 1997; Canada. Atomic Energy Control Board – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : Jack W. Richman[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2004]page 50 : portrait ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 25, no. 1 (Mar. 2004).Richman, Jack W., 1942-2004; Canadian Nuclear Association – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : Jim Walker[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2004]page 50 : portrait ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 25, no. 1 (Mar. 2004).Walker, James, 1930?-2003; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : John (Jack) Edmund Smith[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2001]page 38 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 22, no. 1 (Feb. 2001).Smith John Edmund (Jack), 1933?-2001; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : John Ingolfsrud[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2004]page 47 : portrait ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 25, no. 3 (Sep. 2004).Ingolfsrud, John, 1927?-2004; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : John McNair Jardine[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2000]page 42 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 20, no. 4 (Jan. 2000).Jardine, John McNair, 1919?-1999; Canada. Atomic Energy Control Board – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : John S. Foster[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2001]page 41 : portrait ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 22, no. 2 (Jun. 2001).Foster, John S. (John Stanton), 1921-2001; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : John Sainsbury[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2013]page 41 : portrait ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 34 no. 2 (Jun. 2013).Sainsbury, John David, 1937?-2013; Atomic Energy of Canada – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : John Stewart[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 1997]page 44 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 18, no. 3 (Fall 1997).Stewart, John, 1908?-1997; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : Keith Harvey[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2004]page 53 : portrait ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 25, no. 2 (May 2004).Harvey, Keith, died 2004; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : Larry Shewchuk[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2001]page 44 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 22, no. 3 (Oct. 2001).Shewchuk, Larry, 1957-2001; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : Larry Woodhead[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2009]page 60 : portrait ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 30 no.1 (Mar. 2009).Woodhead, Lawrence Wilfred, 1928-2009; Ontario Hydro – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : Leon Leppard[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2007]page 48 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 28 no. 2 (Jun. 2007).Leppard, Leon Bruce, 1907-2006; Ontario. Department of Health –Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : Leslie Rupert Haywood[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2010]page 38 : illustration, portrait ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 31 no.1 Apr. 2010).Haywood, Leslie Rupert, 1919?-2010; Atomic Energy of Canada – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : Michael Garner Taylor[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2010]Page 38 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 31 no.1 Apr. 2010).-2 reactor – History;Taylor, Michael Garner, 1952?-2010; Atomic Energy of Canada – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : Michael R. Hoare[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 1998]page 35 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 19, no. 2 (Apr./Jun.). 1998).Hoare, Michael R., died 1998; Engineers – Canada – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : Nicholas Martin Ediger[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2006]page 43-44 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 27 no. 1 (Mar. 2006).Ediger, Nicholas Martin, died 2005; Eldorado Nuclear Limited-- Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : Peter J. S. Barry[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2011]page 53 : portrait ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 32 no. 1 (Mar. 2011).Barry, Peter J. S., 1929?-2010; Atomic Energy of Canada – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : Peter Laughton, first CNS webmaster[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 1999]page 58 : portrait ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 20, no. 2 (Jul. 1999).Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : Ray Silver[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2001]page 42 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 22, no. 2 (Jun. 2001).Silver, L. Ray (Lionel Ray), 1917-2001Periodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : Robert G. Hart[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 1998]page 35 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 19, no. 2 (Apr./Jun.). 1998).Hart, Robert G., died 1998; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : Robert Lee (“Bob”) Clarke[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2006]page 44 : portrait ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 27 no. 1 (Mar. 2006).Clarke, Robert Lee, 1922-2005; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and emplooyees – Obituaries; Carleton University – Faculty – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : Roger Steed[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2014]page 37 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 35 no.2 (Jun. 2014).Steed, Roger Graham, 1941-2014; Atomic Energy of Canada – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : Sigvard A. Eklund[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2000]page 38 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 21, no. 1 (May 2000).Eklund, Sigvard A., 1911-2000; International Atomic Energy Agency – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : Tung Toong[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2000]page 42 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 20, no. 4 (Jan. 2000).Toong, Tung, died 2000; Ontario Hydro – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : Walter H. Zinn[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2000]page 38 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 21, no. 1 (May 2000).Zinn, W. H. (Walter H.), 1906-2000; Manhattan Project—Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : William Campbell[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2003]page 52 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 24, no. 4 (Dec. 2003).Campbell, William Munro, 1915-2003; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : William Cross[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2011]page 49 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 32 no. 2 (Jun. 2011).Cross William, 1922-2011; Atomic Energy of Canada – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries : William Frederick (Bill) Baldwin[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2004]page 47 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 25, no. 3 (Sep. 2004).Baldwin, William Frederick, died 2004; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries: Dr. Robert E. Jervis[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2014]page 38 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 35 no.2 (Jun. 2014).Jervis, Robert E., 1927-2014; Atomic Energy of Canada – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituaries: James Terence (Terry) Rogers[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2014]page 40 : portrait ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 35 no. 4 (Dec. 2014).Rogers, James Terence, 1926-2014; Canadian General Electric Company – Officials and employees – Obituaries; Canada. Atomic Energy Control Board – Officials and employees – Obituaries;Periodicals2018-1400
Obituaries: Stanley Ronald (Stan) Hatcher[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2014]page 40 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 35 no. 4 (Dec. 2014).Hatcher, Stanley Ronald, 1932-2014; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituary : Alex Hoyle[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2008]page 37 : illustration ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 29 no. 4 (Dec. 2008).Hoyle, Alex, 1927-2008; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituary : Bernard “Bernie” Surette[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2012]page 50 : portrait ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 33 no. 3 (Sep. 2012).Surette, Bernard Alban, 1950?-2012; Atomic Energy of Canada – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituary : Charles Howard Millar[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2012]page 51 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 33 no. 1 (Mar. 2011).Millar, Charles H., 1920?-2011; Atomic Energy of Canada – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituary : D. Allen Bromley[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2005]page 42 : portrait ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 26, no. 1 (Mar. 2005).Btomley, D. Allen, 1927?-2005; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and emplooyees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituary : Daniel Rozon[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2009]page 44 : portrait ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 30 no.4 (Dec. 2009).Rozon, Daniel, 1945-2009; Atomic Energy of Canada – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituary : Don Lawson[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2013]page 48 ; portrait ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 34 no. 1 (Mar. 2013).Lawson, Donald Stuart, 1934?-2012; Atomic Energy of Canada – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituary : Don Nazzer[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2005]page 54 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 26, no. 3 (Sep. 2005).Nazer, Don Barker, 1918-2005; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and emplooyees – Obituaries; National Research Council of Canada. Montreal Laboratory – Officials and employees – Obituaries; ZEEP reactor – HistoryPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituary : Douglas James Gordon[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2000]page 44 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 21, no. 3 (Nov. 2000).Gordon, Douglas James, 1920-2000; Ontario Hydro – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituary : Dr, Harold Elford Johns[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 1998]page 40 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 19, no. 3 (Jul./Sep.). 1998).Johns, Harold Elford, 1915-1998; Cobalt -- Isotopes--Therapeutic use -– Canada –- HistoryPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituary : Dr. Angus Charles (Chic) Whittier[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 1997]page 57 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 18, no. 2 (Apr./Jun. 1997).Whittier, Angus Charles, died 1997; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituary : Dr. Kenneth F. Hare[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2002]page 44 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 23, no. 4 (Nov. 2002).Hare, F Kenneth (Frederick Kenneth), 1919-2002; Ontario Hydro – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituary : Frank Foukles[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 1996]page 37 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 17, no. 3 (Summer 1996).Foukles, Frank, 1924?-1996; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited -– Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituary : Frank Stern[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2004]page 45 : illustrations, portrait ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 25, no. 4 (Dec. 2004).Stern, Frank, 1923?-2004; Stern Laboratories – Officials and employees – Obituaries ; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and emplooyees – Obituaries; Canadian Westinghouse Company Limited – Officials and employees –ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituary : Geoffrey Ballard[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2008]page 40 : portrait ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 29 no. 3 (Sep. 2008).Ballard, Geoffrey, 1933?-2008; Ballard Power Systems – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituary : George Pon[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2011]page 42 : portraits ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 32 no. 3 (Sep. 2011).Pon, George, 1927?-2011; Atomic Energy of Canada – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituary : Hans Bethe[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2005]page 42 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 26, no. 1 (Mar. 2005).Bethe, Hans A. (Hans Albrecht), 1906-2005; Nuclear physicists – Obituaries; Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory – Officials and employees – Obituaries; Nobel Prize winners – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituary : Howard B. Newcombe[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2005]page 41 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 26, no. 1 (Mar. 2005).Newcombe, Howard B., 1914?-2005; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and emplooyees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituary : Jim Harvie[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2012]page 45 : portraits ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 33 no. 4 (Dec. 2012).Harvie, James, 1945?-2012; Atomic Energy of Canada – Officials and employees – Obituaries; Canada. Atomic Energy Control Board – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituary : John Lipsett[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2013]page 48 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 34 no. 1 (Mar. 2013).Lipsett, John J., 1935?-2013; Atomic Energy of Canada – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituary : John Runnals[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2012]Page 38 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 33 no. 4 (Dec. 2012).Runnalls, O. J. C. (Oliver John Clive), 1924?-2012; Atomic Energy of Canada – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituary : John Sommerville[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2009]page 45 : portrait ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 30 no.4 (Dec. 2009).Sommerville, John Douglas, 1943?-2009; Atomic Energy of Canada – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituary : Lloyd Secord[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2014]page 48 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 35 no. 3 (Sep. 2014).Secord, Lloyd Calvin, 1924-2014; Canadian Nuclear Association – Officals and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituary : Norm Graham[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2000]page 48 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 21, no. 3 (Nov. 2000).Graham, Norman, died 2000; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituary : Osborne, Richard Vincent[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2015]page 48 : portrait ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 36, no. 3 (Sep. 2015).Osborne, Richard Vincent, 1936?-2015; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and employees –ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituary : Paul Philip Koenderman[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2016]page 55 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 37, no. 1 (Mar. 2016).Koenderman, Paul Philip, died 2016; Babcock & Wilcox Company – Officials and employees –Obituaries; Aecon Group –Officials and employees – Obituaries; Canadian Nuclear Association – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituary : Peter Barnard[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2003]page 46; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 24, no. 1 (Feb. 2003).Barnard, Peter, 1938-2002; ITER (Project)Periodicals2018-1400
Obituary : Philip Arthur Ross-Ross[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2005]page 50 : portrait ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 26, no. 2 (Jun. 2005).Ross-Ross. Philip Arthur, 1927-2005; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and emplooyees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituary : Prof. Riccardo Bonalumi[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2017]page 39 : portrait ; 28Article in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 38 no.3 (Sep. 2017).Bonalumi, Riccardo A., 1935-2017; Ontario Hydro – Officials and employees – Obituaries; University of Toronto – Faculty – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituary : Ragnar Galt Dworschak[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2012]page 46 : portrait ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 33 no. 4 (Dec. 2012).Dworschak, Ragnar Galt, 1964-2012; Atomic Energy of Canada – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituary : Ross Campbell[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2007]page 54 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 28 no. 3 (Sep. 2007).Campbell, Ross, 1919?-2007; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and emplooyees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituary : Terence John Carter[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2005]page 41 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 26, no. 1 (Mar. 2005).Ccarter, Terence John, 1934?-2004; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and emplooyees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituary : W. R. (Roy) Thomas[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 1997]page 36 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 18, no. 1 (Winter 1996).Thomas, W. R. (W. Roy), died 1996; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituary : William I. Midvidy[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 1999]page 54 : portrait ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 20, no. 1 (Jan/Mar.) 1999).Ontario Hydro – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituary : William Marriott Brown[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2012]page 59 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 33 no. 2 (Jun. 2012).Brown, William Marriott, 1921-2012; Atomic Energy of Canada – Officials and employees – Obituaries; Canadian General Electric Company – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituary : William McKenzie Gilchrist[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2003]page 51 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 24, no. 2 (May 2003).Gilchrist, William McKenzie, 1909-2003; Canada. Atomic Energy Control Board – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Obituary : William Nils (Bill) Selander[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 1998]page 33 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 19, no. 4 (Oct./Dec.) 1998).Selander, William Nils, 1934-1998; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Ovituary : Samuel Graham (Sam) Horton[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2013]page 41 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 34 no. 3 (Sep. 2013).Horton, Samuel Graham, 1932-2013; Ontario Hydro -- Offiicials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Periodic table project = Projet tableau périodique[Waterloo, Ont.] : University of Waterloo, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry [2011?]1 wall chart : coloured ; 45 x 56 cm folded to 22 x 28 cmDesigns to illustrate elements on perioidic table. Text in English and French.Chemical elements--Charts, diagrams, etc.; Chenistry -- Study and teaching; Instructional and educational works; chartsPamphlet files2024-1024
Radon : an interim guide for Manitoba homeowners[Winnipeg] : Government of Manitoba, 198939 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm0771108559 Radon -- Health aspects; Indoor air pollution -- Health aspects – ManitobaPamphlet files2021-1330
Rajasthan Atomic Power ProjectPlace, publisher not identified [196-]1 sheet ; 28 cmRajasthan Atomic Power Project; Nuclear power plants – IndiaPamphlet files2023-1155
Reactor in Canada's first nuclear power station goes into operation[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2002]Page 8-9 illustrations ; 28 cm NPD : the beginning of CANDUArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 23, no. 2 (May 2002). “Press release of April 11, 1962.”NPD reactor – History; Nuclear power plants – Ontario – HistoryPeriodicals2018-1400
ReactorsLondon ; New York : Pergamon Press, 1956-19612 volumes : illustrations ; 24 cm. Publication history:: vol. 1-vol. 2.Progress in Nuclear Energy, Series 2: Reactors0555-4063Nuclear reactors; Nuclear engineeringAECL Library discard. Library stamps. Bookshelves TK9202 R43 2018-1289 (v.1); 2023-1105 (v.2)
Réeacteurs CANDU en exploitation, en cours de construction[Place not identified : Publisher not identified] 1985 1 sheet ; 28 cmIn French.CANDU reactors; Nuclear reactors – CanadaPamphlet files2020-1133
Severe accident test facility commissioned and undergoing tests at CRL[Chalk River, Ont. : Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories] 20032 pages : illustrationsReAction : employee news, vol. 1, no. 3, page 1-2 (14 Feb 2003)Article in newsletter for AECL employees.Severe accidents; Loss of coolant; Fuel channels; CANDU type reactors; Test facilitiesPamphlet files2022-1009
[Terms and definitions : acronyms and abbreviations][Place, publisher not identified, 2007]98 pages on 25 leaves ; 22 x 28 cmNuclear engineering – Abbreviations – Dictionaries; Nuclear engineering – Acronyms – Dictionaries; Nuclear industry – Abbreviations – Dictionaries; Nuclear industry – Acronyms – DictionariesPamphlet files2021-1514
A very special 50th anniversary[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 1997]page 30 : illustrations ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 18, no. 3 (Fall 1997).NRX reactor -- Anniversaries, etc.; NRX reactor -- HistoryPeriodicals2018-1400
W.B. Lewis dies[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 1987]page 4-5 ; 28 cmAriticle in CNS Bulletin, vol. 8, no. 1 (Jan./Feb. 1987).Lewis, W. Bennett (Wilfrid Bennett), 1908-1987; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and employees –Obituaries; Nuclear physicists – Canada – BiographyPeriodicals2018-1460
Webster's new collegiate dictionarySpringfield, Mass. : G. & C. Merriam [1949]xxii, 1209 pages : illustrstions ; 26 cmEnglish language – Dictionaries; Cockcroft, John Douglas, 1897-1967Congratuary note to donor S. Fletcher (née Simpson) by John Crockcroft on front endpaper. Lacks title page. Binding worn. Front endpaper needs repair. Book room display casePE1628 .W4 M4 1949 2022-1245
William (Bill) John Penn : August 18, 1933-December 10, 2017[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2018]page 43 : portrait ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 39 no.1 (Mar. 2018).Penn, William John, 1933-2017; Ontario Hydro – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
World nuclear industry handbook[Sutton, Surrey, Eng.] : [Business Press International],[c1986]-volumes : illustrations ; 28 cm. Publication history: 1987-Current frequency: Annual. Title from cover. Issued as supplement to Nuclear engineering international,Nuclear engineering – Directories; Nuclear industry – DirectoriesWNRE Library discard. SPCNHI has: 1987, 1988, 1992, 1994.Bookshelves TK9012 W6 2022-1182 (1987); 2022-1183 (1988); 2022-1184 (1992); 2022-1185 (1994).
Abramowitz, Milton, 1915-1958; Stegun, Irene A.Handbook of mathematical functions with formulas, graphs, and mathematical tables / edited by Milton Abramowitz and Irene A. StegunWashington, D.C. : U.S. Government Printing Office, 1968xiv, 1046 pages : illustrations ; 27 cmUnited States. National Bureau of Standards. Applied mathematics series, 55Bibliographical footnotesFunctions; Mathematics – Tables“Originally issued June 1964.”Bookshelves QA55 H3 1968 2023-1008
AECB/AECL/COG Information Exchange Meeting (1989 : Whiteshell Nuclear Research Establishment, Pinawa, Man.); Canada. Atomic Energy Control Board; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited; CANDU Operators GroupAECB/AECL/COG Information Exchange Meeting : WNRE, 1989 September 6 & 7[Pinawa, Man?] : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited [1989?]1 volume (unpaged) : illustrations ; 28 cmNuclear industry – Canada – Congresses; Nuclear engineering – Canada – Congresses; Whiteshell Nuclear Research Establishment – Congresses;Cover title. Plastic ring binding. Oversize books TK9006 A4 1989 2021-1613
Afifi, A. A. (Abdelmonem A.), 1939- ; Azen, S. P.Statistical analysis : a computer oriented approach / A. A. Afifi, S. P. Azen2d editionNew York : Academic Press, c1979xx, 442 pages : illustrations ; 24 cmIncludes index. Bibliography: page 429-435. 0120444607 Multivariate analysis -- Data processing; Analysis of variance -- Data processingAECL Library discard. Stamps, pocket.Bookshelves QA278 A34 1979 2023-1045
Aiken, A. M.; Associatin of the Scientific, Engineering and Technological Community of CanadaThe Canadian nuclear program : present status / by A.M. Aiken[Chalk River, Ont? : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited? 1976?][4] pages : illustrations ; 28 cmPresented at a meeting sponsored by the Associatin of the Scientific, Engineering and Technological Community of Canada (SCITEC) at the House of Commons, 1976 Nov. 16.CANDU type reactors; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited; Nuclear power – CanadaIn Power projections binder, 1976. Punched for 3-ring binder.Periodicals2023-1141
Akademii︠a︡ nauk SSSR. I︠A︡kutskiĭ filial, Yakutsk; Shafer, I︠U︡. G.Variat︠s︡ii intensivnosti kosmicheskikh lucheiMoskva : Izdatel'stvo Akademii Nauk CCCP. 1955-volumes : illustrations, maps ; 26 cmAkademii︠a︡ nauk SSSR. I︠A︡kutskiĭ filial, Yakutsk. Trudy. Serii︠a︡ fizicheskai︠a︡In Russian. Errata sheet tipped in.Cosmic rays SPCNHI has: volume 4 (1960).Bookshelves QB791.2 A4 2023-1012
Akademii︠a︡ nauk SSSR. Sektor seti spet︠s︡ialʹnykh bibliotek; Petukhova, M. S.; Nikishov, A. I.; Akademii︠a︡ nauk SSSR. Fizicheskiĭ institut. BibliotekaKosmicheskie luchi : bibliograficheskii ukazatel' 1956-1960Moskva : Izdatel'stvo Akademii Nauk CCCP. 1961 193 pages ; 27 cmIn Russian. Indexes in Cryllic and Roman alphabets.Cosmic rays – BibliographyBookshelves QB791.2 A45 1961 2023-1011
Alexander, Peter, 1922-Atomic radiation and life / Peter AlexanderHarmondsworth, Middlesex : Penguin Books, 1957239 pages : illutrations ; 19 cmPelican books, A399Includes bibliography.Radioactivity -- Physiological effect; RadiobiologyPaperback. Spine worn, repaired.Bookshelves QH652 A6 2023-1016
Allan, Colin J.; Stephens, Michael E. (Michael Edwin), 1948-2021Nuclear technology in the service of the environment / CJ Allan, ME StephensLondon : Sterling Publications, 1993page 69, 71-73. : illustration ; 30 cmIn: World environmental technology '93.Radioactive waste disposal in the ground; Waste management – Mathematical models; Impela; Air sampling apparatus--Technological innovationsBookshelves TA170 W6 1993 2022-1031
Allan, Colin J.; Stephens, Michael E. (Michael Edwin), 1948-2021Situation du programme de gestion des déchets de combustible nucléaire du Canada à la veille de l'évaluation environnementale du concept de stockage permanent / préparé par Colin J. Allan et Michael E. Stephens[Toronto? :Canadian Nuclear Association, 1994?]Leaf [23]-37 ; 28 cmPaper in Canadian Nuclear Association. Conference (34th : 1994 :Montréal, Que.). Programme des Enseignants : comptes rendus : le 6 juin 1994, 14h00-17h00. In French.Radioactive waste disposal in the ground – Canada; Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedBookshelves TK9006 C3 1994a 2022-1231
Allan, Colin J.; Stephens, Michael E. (Michael Edwin), 1948-2021; Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference (8th : 1992 : Taipei, China)Status of the Canadian nuclear fuel waste management program / Colin J. Allan and Michael E. StephensPinawa, Man. : AECL Research, Whiteshell Laboratories [1992?]18 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm“8th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference, Lung-Tan, Taiwan, 1992 April 12-16.” Draft of article in Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, v. 65, p. 8.A.1-8.A.12 (1 Jan. 1992):Radioactive waste disposal in the ground – Canada; Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedPamphlet files2021-1478
Alsthom-Atlantique (Firm) Alsthom-Atlantique in nuclear installations[Paris] : Alsthom-Atlantique [198-?]43 pages : colour illustrations ; 30 cmEngineering firms—France; Nuclear power plants—Equipment and suppliesPamphlet files2021-1290
Aluminum Company of America Welding and brazing Alcoa aluminumPittsburgh, Pa. : Aluminum Company of America, 1945121 pages : illustrations (some colour) ; 21 cmWelding; Brazing; Aluminum; Aluminum alloys.Donor's name written on title page. Bookshelves TS227 A38 1945 2023-1071
American Nuclear Society American Nuclear Society:La Grange Park, Ill. : American Nuclear Society [2000?]1 portfolio ; 28 cmContains membership application form, list of meetings, 1999-2000, description of publications.`American Nuclear Society – MembershipPamphlet files2022-1160
American Nuclear Society Controlled nuclear chain reaction : the first 50 yearsLa Grange Park, Ill., USA : American Nuclear Society,[1992]xii, 193 pages : illustrations (some colour) ; 24 cm.Includes bibliographical references and index. 0894485571Nuclear fission — History; Nuclear energy – Research – History; Nuclear reactors – Research – History; Nuclear power – History; Nuclear safety – HistoryAutographed by donor. Bookshelves QC773 .A2 C66 1992 2022-1248
American Nuclear SocietyNuclear fuel recycling : background information, position statement 45[La Grange Park, Ill., etc.] American Nuclear Society [2015]32 pages : illustrations ; 28 cmIncludes references.Reactor fuel reprocessing -- United States; Spent reactor fuels -- United StatesPamphlet files2022-1269
American Nuclear Society Nuclear news[La Grange Park, Ill., etc.] : American Nuclear Societyvolumes : illustrations ; 29 cm.Publication history: v. 1- July 1959- . Current frequency: monthly (except Apr., when issued semimonthly), 2002- . Absorbed: Buyers guide (Hinsdale, Ill.) 1973; ANS news Jan. 1996. Continued in part by: ANS news (1999).0029-5574Nuclear energy--Societies, etc.; Nuclear engineering--Societies, etc.; Nuclear industry—Societies, etc.; Nuclear energy—Perioidicals; Nuclear engineering—Perioidicals; Nuclear industry—PeriodicalsSPCNHI has:,vol. 49, no. 3-5, 9,11-13 (Mar.-Mid Apr., Aug., Oct.-Dec. 2006), vol. 50, no. 1, 3 (Jan., Mar. 2007), vol. 56, no. 8-13 (Jul.-Dec. 2013), vol. 62, no. 7 (Jun. 2019)Periodicals2021-1183
American Nuclear Society Conference on Atomic and Nuclear Methods in Fossil Fuel Energy Research (1980 : Mayagüez, P.R.); Filby, Royston H.; Carpenter, B. Stephen; Ragaini, Richard C.; American Nuclear SocietyAtomic and nuclear methods in fossil energy research : proceedings of the American Nuclear Society Conference on Atomic and Nuclear Methods in Fossil Fuel Energy Research, held December 1-4, 1980, in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico / edited by Royston H. Filby ; associate editors, B. Stephen Carpenter and Richard C. RagainiNew York : Plenum Press, c1982xii, 506 p. : ill. ; 26 cmIncludes bibliographies and index. 0306408996Fossil fuels—Analysis--Congresses; Radiochemical analysis—CongressesSaskatchewan Research Council Library discard. Library stamp on title page, pocket inside back cover.BookshelvesTP321 A53 1980 2021-1149
American Nuclear Society. Idaho Section; American Nuclear Society. Mathematics and Computation DivisionAdvances in reactor computations : March 28-30, 1983, Salt Lake City, Utah, a topical meeting / co-sponsored by the Idaho Section [and] Mathematics and Computation Division of the American Nuclear SocietyLaGrange Park, IL : American Nuclear Society, 19832 v. (xv, 1048 p.) : ill. ; 28 cmIncludes bibliographical references and index. 0894481118 (pbk. : set) Nuclear reactors--Data processing—Congresses Paper covers.Bookshelves QC786.4 A38 1983 2019-1480 (v.1); 2019-1481 (v.2)
American Nuclear Society. Mathematics and Computation Division. Topical Meeting (2003 : Gatlinburg, Tenn.)Nuclear Mathematical and Computational Sciences : a century in review, a century anew, M&C 2003, April 6-10, 2003, Gatlinburg, Tennessee / organized and sponsored by the American Nuclear Society, Mathematics & Computation Division, Radiation Protection & Shielding Division, Reactor Physics Division; Proceedings of M&C 2003La Grange Park, Ill. : American Nuclear Society, 20031 volume (unpaged) ; 23 cm + 1 CD-ROM : colour. ; 12 cmTitle from cover. Title from disc label: Proceedings of M&C 2003. CD-ROM in pocket. 0894486748 (CD-ROM)Nuclear engineering — Mathematics -- Congresses; Nuclear physics — Mathematics — Congresses; Nuclear reactors -- Mathematical methods – CongressesSpiral ring binding. Abstracts in volume. Bookshelves TK9006 A45 2003 2022-1306
American Nuclear Society. Meeting (1976 : Toronto, Ont.); Farmakes, Ruth1976 annual meeting : June 13-18, 1976, Toronto, Canada / editor, Ruth FarmakesHinsdale, Ill. : American Nuclear society, 1976637 p. : ill. ; 28 cmTransactions of the American nuclear society, 23Nuclear physics—Congresses; Nuclear reactors—Congresses; Nuclear engineering—CongressesDonor's name on cover. Spine creased, faded.Oversize books TK9006 A5 1976 2019-1540
American Nuclear Society. Meeting (1991: San Francisco, Calif.); Macke, Irene O.1991 Winter Meeting : San Francisco, California, November 10-14, 1991 / American Nuclear SocietyLa Grange Park, Ill. : American Nuclear Society, 1991v, 753, xxv pages : illustrations ; 28 cmTransactions of the American nuclear society, volume 64Editor: Irene O. Macke.Nuclear physics—Congresses; Nuclear reactors—Congresses; Nuclear engineering—CongressesBookshelves TK9006 A5 1991 2022-1309
American Nuclear Society. Meeting (1997 : Albuquerque, N.M.); Macke, Irene O.1997 Winter Meeting : Albuquerque, New Mexico, November 16-20, 1997 / American Nuclear SocietyLa Grange Park, Ill. : American Nuclear Society, 1997v, 559, xxiii pages : illustrations ; 28Transactions of the American nuclear society, volume 77Editor: Irene O. Macke.Nuclear reactors — Congresses; Nuclear engineering — Congresses;Bookshelves TK9006 A5 1997 2022-1310
American Nuclear Society. Reactor Physics Division; ANS International Topical Meeting on Advances in Reactor Physics and Mathematics and Computation into the Next Millennium (2000 : Pittsburgh, Pa.)Abstracts of the PHYSOR 2000 : ANS International Topical Meeting on Advances in Reactor Physics and Mathematics and Computation into the Next Millennium, May 7-12, 2000, Westin William Penn Hotel, Pittsburgh, PA, USALa Grange Park, IL : American Nuclear Society, c20001 v. (various pagings) ; 28 cmTitle from cover.Nuclear reactors—Congresses; Nuclear physics—Mathematics—Congresses; Nuclear power plants--Congresses Plastic ring binding.Bookshelves TK9006 A5 2000 2020-1140
American Nuclear Society. Task Force on Public Investment in Nuclear Research and Development The U.S. Nuclear R&D imperative : a report of the American Nuclear Society Task Force on Public Investment in Nuclear Research and Development[La Grange Park, Ill?] : ANS, 202141 pages : illustrations : 28 cmIncludes references.Nuclear energy – Research – United States; Nuclear power – Research – United StatesPamphlet files2022-1264
American Nuclear Society. Winter Meeting (1982 : Washington, D.C.); American Nuclear SocietyHistorical perspectives : dawn of the nuclear age : remarks from a symposium of the 1982 Winter Meeting of the American Nuclear SocietyLa Grange Park, Ill., USA : American Nuclear Society, 1989ix, 46 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.0894485555 : $20.00 Nuclear physics—History—Congresses; Nuclear engineering—History--CongressesBookshelves QC773 .H57 1989 2018-1005
American Nuclear Society. Winter meeting (1990 : Washington, D.C.); Garcia, AdolfTransactions of the American Nuclear Society : 1990 winter meeting : Washington, DC, November 11-15, 1990 / Adolf Garcia ... [and others]La Grange Park, Ill. : American Nuclear Society, 1990v, 722, xxiv pages : illustrations ; 28 cmTransactions of the American Nuclear Society, vol. 62Cover title.Nuclear engineering – Congresses; Nuclear reactors—Congresses; Nuclear fuels – Congresses; Nuclear power pants – Congresses; Nuclear safety – Technology; Radiopharmaceuticals – Congresses; Thermal hydraulics – CongressesBookshelves TK9006 A5 1990 2022-1325
American Nuclear Society; Nuclear NewsCommercial nuclear power stations around the world : operable, under construction or ordered, September 1993La Grange Park, Ill. : Nuclear News, 19937 maps ; on 1 sheet 59 x 135 cm, folded to 29 x 23 cmScales not given. Does not cover United States. Plant names with information keyed to maps by number. "Copyright by American Nuclear Society"--Bottom caption.Nuclear power plants – Maps; Nuclear facilities – MapsPamphlet files2019-1504
American Power Conference; Illinois Institute of Technology Proceedings of the American Power ConferenceChicago : Illinois Institute of Technology volumes : illustrations ; 24 cm. Publication history: 1952- . Ceased with 2000.Frequency: annual. Continues: Midwest Power Conference. Proceedings of the Midwest Power Conference. Continued by: American Power Conference. Conference proceedings. 0097-2126 Mechanical engineering—Congresses; Electric power—CongressesSPCNHI has: vol. 29 (1967). AECL Library discard. Library stamps, pocket, labels.Bookshelves TJ5 A55 2022-1081
American Society of Mechanical Engineers; Meyer, C. A. (Charles Aloysius), 1909- ; ASME Research Committee on Properties of Steam; International Conference on the Properties of Steam (6th : 1963 :New York)Thermodynamic and transport properties of steam : comprising tables and charts for steam and water : calculated using The 1967 IFC formulation for industrial use, in conformity with the 1963 International skeleton tables as adopted by the Sixth International Conference on the Properties of Steam, prepared by C. A. Meyer [and others] for ASME Research Committee on Properties of Steam / prepared by C. A. Meyer ... [et al.] for ASME Research Committee on Properties of Steam; ASME steam tablesNew York : American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1967x, 328 pages : illustrations ; 31 cmBeginning with 3d ed. (c1977) published under title: ASME steam tables. Cover title: ASME steam tables, 1967. "Mollier chart: enthalpy-entropy diagram from 1967 ASME steam tables" (folded leaf) inserted in pocket.Steam--Tables AECL Applied Reactor Physics Branch library discard. G. Phillips signature on front endpaper.Oversize books TJ270 A75 1967 2022-1090
American Society of Mechanical Engineers; United States. Department of EnergyICEM '07 : The 11th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management : September 2-6, 2007, Bruges (Brugge), Belgium[Fairfield, N. J.] : ASME International, 2007.1 computer disk ; 12 cm“Organised and sponsored by The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the Technological Institute of the Royal Flemish Society of Engineers, the Belgian Nuclear Society, in cooperation with U.S. Department of Energy, International Atomic Energy Agency, Belgian Nuclear Forum. FORATOM.”0791838188Radioactive wastes -- Management – Congresses; Radioactive waste management; Radioactive waste processingCD/DVDs2019-7016
Anderson, Carl D.The positive electron / Carl D. Andersonp. 1-5 : ill.Facsimile of article in Physical Review 43:491-494 (1933). In Foundations of nuclear physics / compiled by Robert T. Beyer. -- New York : Dover Publications, c1949PositronsBookshelves QC173 .B485 2018-1074
Anderson, J Ansel, 1903- ; Thistle, M.W.On writing scientific papers / by J. Ansel Anderson and M.W. Thistle[Ottawa] : National Research Council of Canada,[1947]28 pages ; 25 cmN.R.C., no. 1691Reprinted from Bulletin of the Canadian Journal of Research, December 31, 1947.Technical writing; Report writing“Chas H. Millar” written on cover. Pamphlet files2022-1092
Anderson, W. Kermit (William Kermit), 1909- Reactor structural materials : engineering properties as affected by nuclear reactor service / by W.K. Anderson [and others] ; sponsored by Committee E-10 on Radioisotopes and Radiation EffectsPhiladelphia : American Society for Testing and Materials, 196293 pages : illustrations ; 24 cmASTM special technical publication, no. 314Includes bibliography.Nuclear reactors – Materials AECL branch library discard.Bookshelves TK9202 A542 2024-1009
Andognini, Carl; Electricity InternationalManaging nuclear reactors[Wallington, Surrey, U.K. : Icom Communications][3] pages : illistrations, portrait ; 28 cm“Reprint of interview with Carl Andognini, from Electricity international, 1997 October.”Andognini, Carl; Ontario Hydro NuclearSome text highlighted. Pamphlet files2021-1539
Andrade, E. N. da C. (Edward Neville da Costa), 1887-1971Rutherford and the nature of the atom / by E. N. Da C. AndradeGarden City, New York, Anchor Books, 1964xix, 218 pages : illustrations, portraitss ; 19 cmScience study series, S35Rutherford, Ernest,-- 1871-1937; Physicists – New Zealand – Biography; Nuclear Physics – History; Physicists -- Canada – BiographyDurham College Library discard. Library stamps. Spine worn. Binding repaired. Bookshelves QC16 .R8 A5 2021-1357
Andrade, Edward Neville da Costa, 1887-1971The structure of the atom / by E. N. Da C. Andrade 3d ed.London : G. Bell and Sons, 1927xviii, 750 p., 8 leaves of plates : ill. (1 fold.) ; 24 cmAtoms“W. B. Lewis, Caius College, Cambridge” on front flyleaf.Bookshelves QC173 .A5 1927 2018-1259
Andrews, Craig D.How Cominco served the Manhattan Project[Chalk River, Ont.] : AECL Library, 20025 leaves: ill. ; 28 cmPhotocopy of article in Cominco magazine, 1970, no. 5, p. 14-17.Heavy water plants; Atomic bomb; Cominco Ltd.; Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company of Canada Ltd.; Manhattan Project (U.S.) Pamphlet files2019-1514
Angiolillo, Clemente; Dranga, RuxandraNobel prize winer returns home to tell a fascinationg 'big science' story / by Clemente Angiolillo and Dranga Ruxandra[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2015]page 5-8 : illustrations ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 36, no. 4 (Dec. 2015).McDonald, Arthur Bruce, 1943- ; Nobel Prize winners – Canada; Sudbury Neutrino ObservatoryPeriodicals2018-1400
Appleton, Edward Victor, Sir, 1892-1965Thermionic vacuum tubes and their applications / by E. V. Appleton 4th editionLondon : Methuen, 1942vii, 117 pages : illustrations : 18 cmMethuen's monographs on physical subjects Includes references and index.Vacuum-tubes Montreal Laboratory discard. Spine worn.Bookshelves TK6565 .V3 A68 1942 2024-1018
Arbib, Michael A. Brains, machines, and mathematics / Michael A. ArbibNew York ; Toronto : McGraw-Hill, c1964xiv, 152 p. : ill. ; 22 cmCybernetics; Machine theoryAECL Library discard. Spine label remnant. Pocket inside front cover. Stamps on front endpapers. BookshelvesQ310 A7 2019-1360
Argonne National LaboratoryJanus decontamination, dismantlement; Janus reactor D & D project[Argonne, Ill.] : Argonne Video Group, Information and Publishing Division, 19981 videocassette (16 min., 55 sec.) : sd., col.VHS. “97-054-EMBA-001 DUB.”Janus reactor; Reactor decommissioning; Reactor dismantling; Radioactive waste management Title on videocassette: Janus reactor D & D project.Videos2019-7036
Argonne National Laboratory A training course on facility decommissioning : organized by Argonne National Laboratory[Argonne, Ill?] : U.S. Department of Energy [200-?]1 folded sheet (5 pages) : illustrations ; 22 cmNuclear facilities – Decommissioning; Radioactive waste sites – Cleanup; TrainingPamphlet files2021-1405
Argonne National Laboratory. Reactor Physics Constants Center (U.S.)Reactor physics constants / prepared by [Reactor Physics Constants Center],Argonne National Laboratory, operated by the University of Chicgo under contract with the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission2nd ed.[Washington] U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Division of Technical Information ; for sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1963xvii, 850 p. : ill. ; 30 cmANL-5800“July 1963”. Includes bibliographies.Nuclear reactors--TablesBack cover stained. AECL Library stamps, front and back endpapers. “Jarvis” written on front endpaper.Bookshelves QC787 .N8 U5 1963 2019-1159
Arnold, LornaWindscale 1957 : anatomy of a nuclear accident / Lorna Arnold 3d ed.Basingstoke : Palgrave MacMillan, 2007xxv, 236 p. : ill. ; 22 cmPrevious ed.: 1995. Includes bibliographical references (p. 225-230) and index. 0230573177; 9780230573178 Windscale Nuclear Laboratories; Nuclear reactor accidents -- England – Cumbria; Nuclear power plants -- Accidents -- England – Cumbria Paperback.Bookshelves TK9064 .W56 A76 2007 2019-1063
Arsenault, J. E. (James E.), 1941- ; Canadian Nuclear Society bulletinNuclear origins : a personal journey into Canada's early nuclear history / James E. ArsenaultStittsville, Ont . : [publisher not identified],20181 vol. (various pagings).. ; illustrations ; 28 cm“A compilation of articles published by the author in the Canadian Nuclear Society (CNS) Bulletin, beginnin in 2005 and ending in 2018.” -- Introduction.Nuclear energy – Canada – History; National Researh Council of Canada. Montreal Laboratory – History; Heavy water – Canada -- History; Uranium industry – Canada – History; Reactors – Canada – History Paper cover. Spiral ring binding.Bookshelves TK9026 A7 2018 2022-1072
Ashurst, Gillian; Campbell, John; Rose, Mick; Spacegirl ProductionsRutherford : the life and work of Ernest Rutherford / [Gillian Ashurst, John Campbell, Mick Rose] Spacegirl Productions[Auckland, N.Z.] : Spacegirl Productions, 20111 DVD (1 hr., 03 min.) : sound, color, with black and white sequences ; 12 cmDetails: colour recording system: PAL; encoded for all regions. Aspect ratio: 16:9. Directed and edted by Gillian Ashurst; produced by Gillian Ashurst and John Campbell. Performer(s): narrated by Mick Rose.Rutherford, Ernest, 1871-1937; Physicists – New Zealand – Biography; Nuclear Physics – HistorySPCNHI has 2 copies. CD/DVDs2019-7019 (c.1); 2019-7020 (c.2)
ASM Handbook Committee; Lyman, TaylorMetals handbook : 1948 edition / edited by Taylor Lyman ; prepared under the direction of the Metals Handbook Committee 1948 ed.Cleveland : American Society for Metals, 19481332 p. : ill. ; 28 cmIncludes bibliographical references and index.Metals--Handbooks, manuals, etc.Spine repaired with white tape. Cover edges worn. Tears inside covers. ASM label inside front cover. Inserted: “Suggestions for using the Metals Handbook.” (4 p., bottom edges worn and torn).Oversize books TA459 M43 1948 2019-1102
Assembly of Mathematical and Physical Sciences (U.S.). Ad Hoc Panel on the Future of Nuclear ScienceFuture of nuclear science / Ad Hoc Panel on the Future of Nuclear Science, Committee on Nuclear Science, Assembly of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, National Research CouncilWashington : National Academy of Sciences, 1977viii, 111 pages : 2 illustrations ; 23 cmNuclear engineering -- United States; Nuclear physics -- Research -- United States Paper cover. Stain on foredge pages.Bookshelves TK9023 .N3 A87 1977 2020-1159
Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario List of members / Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario; Directory of professional engineers of OntarioToronto, Ontario : Association of Professional Engineers of the Province of Ontario, 196- -v. ; 22 cm. Annual[?]Cover title: Directory of professional engineers of Ontario. 1194-1995 Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario – Directories; Engineers -- Ontario – Directories SPCNHI has: 1963.Bookshelves TA12 A8 2019-1409
Association of the National Defence College of Canada List of members / Association of the National Defence College of Canada = Liste des menbres / L'Association du College de la Défense Nationale; Directory of members; Répertoire d'adresses des membres[Kingston, Ontario : The Association?] 1985156 p. ; 22 cmCover title: Directory of members = Répertoire d'adresses des membres. “April 1985 = Avril 1985.”Association of the National Defence College of Canada—Directories; National Defence College (Canada)—Societies, etc.--Directoires; Military education—Canada—Societies, etc.--DirectoriesPaper cover. Bookshelves U440 N3 1985 2019-1416
Aston, Francis William, 1877-Mass spectra and isotopes / by F.W. Aston 2nd ed.London : E. Arnold, 1948xii, 276 p., 12 plates on 8 leaves : ill. ; 22 cmReprinted 1948. The first edition, issued as a revision of the author's "Isotopes," 1924, was published in 1933.Isotopes; Spectrum analysisSpine faded. AECL Library discard. Stamps on endpapers, Pocket inside front cover. “Obsolete. Discard.” written inside front cover.Bookshelves QD466.5 A8 1948 2020-1098
Atomic Energy of Canada Nuclear energy for the oil sands : an opportunity for Alberta[Chalk River, Ont. : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, 1982][6] pages : illustrations ; 28 cmOil sands extraction plants -- Alberta; SGHWR reactor; CANDU type reactorsPamphlet files2023-1148
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited A.E.C.L. publications on industrial accelerators; AECL publications on industrial accelerators[Ottawa?] : AECL [1987?]1 volume (various pagings) : illustrations ; 29 cm“AECL accelerator systems” on cover. Collection of 13 papers, 5 issued in AECL report series.Accelerators—Industrial applicationsStapled, punched for 3-ring binder.Pamphlet files2021-1314
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited ACR-1000 : advanced CANDU reactor : a new level of performance from proven CANDU technology[Mississauga, Ont?] : AECL [2008?][4] p. : col. ill. ; 28 cmCANDU type reactors; Heavy water; Nuclear fuels; Nuclear power; Nuclear power plants; Pressure tubes; WaterPamphlet files2020-1022
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited ACR-1000 technical summary / AECL[Mississauga, Ont.] : AECL, 20071 compact disc (1 pdf file, 52 p. : col. ill., col.) ; 12 cmCANDU type reactors; Heavy water; Nuclear fuels; Nuclear power; Nuclear power plants; Pressure tubes; WaterCD/DVDs2019-7029
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited ACR-1000 technical summary / AECL[Mississauga, Ont. : AECL, 2007]40 p. : ill., some col. ; 28 cmCover title.CANDU type reactors; Heavy water; Nuclear fuels; Nuclear power; Nuclear power plants; Pressure tubes; WaterPamphlet files2019-1048
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited ACR-1000 technical summary : an evolution of CANDU / AECL[Mississauga, Ont. : AECL, 2005]40 p. : ill., some col. ; 28 cmCover title.CANDU type reactors; Heavy water; Nuclear fuels; Nuclear power; Nuclear power plants; Pressure tubes; WaterPamphlet files2021-1280
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited ACR-1000 technical summary : an evolution of CANDU / AECL[Mississauga, Ont. : AECL, 2005]1 CD-ROM; 12 cmCANDU type reactors; Heavy water; Nuclear fuels; Nuclear power; Nuclear power plants; Pressure tubes; Water SPCNHI has also a paper version in Pamphlet files 2021-1280.CD/DVDs2024-7001
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited AECL advanced CANDU reactor; ACR-1000 video[Mississauga, Ont?] : AECL, 20081 digital video disc (5 min., 43 sec.) : 12 cmTitle from title frame. Title on disc: ACR-1000 video. “Continuous play. English version.” Public information video.CANDU type reactors; Heavy water; Nuclear fuels; Nuclear power; Nuclear power plants; Pressure tubes; WaterCD/DVDs2019-7031
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited AECL currents : the international newsmagazine for AECL employeesMissisauga, Ont. : AECL Communications, 2006-v. ; 32 cmPublication history: no. 1 (2006 Dec-). Frequency: bi-monthly. Numbering starts over with Mar. 2008 issue.Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Periodicals; Nuclear industry -- Canada – PeriodicalsSPCNHI has: no. 1, 3-6 (Dec. 2006, May-Dec. 2007). New no. 1-3 (Mar., Jul., Oct. 2008)Periodicals2020-1131
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited AECL live load valve stem packingMontreal : CANDU Operations Montreal, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited [199-?]1 folded sheet (4 pages) : illustrations ; 28 cmValves; Leaks; ControlPamphlet files2021-1307
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited AECL looks to improve public understanding of nuclear energy[Edmonton : United Western Communications, 2002?]15 p. : col. Ill. ; 27 cmCover title: AECL : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Supplement to Report newsmagazine.Atomic Energy of Canada Limited; Nuclear energy—Canada; Nuclear power; MDS Nordion; Shalaby, BasmaPamphlet files2019-1021
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited AECL net[Missisauga, Ont? : Public Affairs, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, 199-?]volumes; 28 cm"Publieé aussi en français."Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Periodicals; Nuclear industry -- Canada – PeriodicalsSPCNHI has: 1997 Aug 13, Sep 2, Dec 16; 1998 Jun 10, Jul 7, Aug 18; 1999 Feb 2, Oct 5, 19.Periodicals2020-1130
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited AECL nuclear review : Canada's nuclear science and technology journal[Chalk River, Ontario] : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited [2012-2015?]4 volumes : illustrations ; 28 cmBegan with: Volume 1, number 1 (June 2012); ceased with: v. 4, no. 1 (June 2015)? Issued also online. Frequency: semiannual. Title from cover.1929-8056 Nuclear energy -- Canada – Periodicals; Nuclear chemistry – Periodicals; Nuclear engineering – PeriodicalsSPCNHI has: v. 1, no 1 (Jun. 2012), v. 2, no. 1-v. 4, no. 1 (Jun. 2013-Jun. 2015).Periodicals2021-1590
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited AECL overviewOttawa : Corporate Public Affairs, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, 1986-v. : portrait ; 28 cm.Began with vol. 1, no. 1 (May 1986).Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedSPCNHI has: vol. 1, no. 1 (May 1986). In Power projections binder, 1986. Punched for 3-ring binder.Periodicals2023-1141
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited AECL reviewOttawa : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, 1964-1977v. 1-12, no. 5; Apr. 1964-Dec. 1977Suspended Oct/Nov. 1964-Dec. 1966. Superseded by: Ascent. -- Mississauga, Ont.,: Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. -- ISSN 0707-5588. Selective coverage: Excerpta medica; Energy information abstracts, ISSN 0147-6521; Environment abstracts, ISSN 0093-3287.0001-1029 Atomic Energy of Canada Limited—Periodicals; ; Nuclear industry—Canada—Periodicals SPCNHI has : v. 1-12 (1964 Apr-1977 Dec). In loose-leaf binders.Periodicals2018-1403
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited AECL right from start-up : Canadian involvement in the development of nuclear energy from 1898 to 1992[Mississauga, Ont? : AECL Technologies, 1992?][10] pages : illustrations ; 28 cmAtomic Energy of Canada Limited – History – Chronology; Nuclear energy – Canada – History – ChronologyPamphlet files2022-1268
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited AECL staff hotels / Atomic Energy of Canada Limited = L'Énergie Atomique du Canada Limitée[Chalk River, Ont?] : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited [1982?]12 pages : illustrations, 2 maps ; 20 cmAtomic Energy of Canada Limited--Officials and employees—Housing--Deep River (Ont.);Pamphlet files2021-1462
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited AECL up frontOttawa : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Public Affairs [198-]v. : col. ill. ; 28 cmAtomic Energy of Canada Limited—Periodicals; Nuclear industry—Canada—Periodicals; Nuclear industry—Canada—Popular worksSPCNHI has : CORP 89-11-05E, 89-11-06E, 89-11-07E, 89-11-08E, and other unnumbered, undated issues.Pamphlet files2019-1420
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited AECL's research reactor capabilitiesOttawa : AECL, 19941 sheet ; 28 cm“1994 November.”Atomic Energy Of Canada Limited; Research and test reactorsPamphlet files2021-1381
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited AECL's research reactor capabilitiesMississauga, Ont.. : AECL, 19961 sheet ; 28 cm“1996 October.”Atomic Energy Of Canada Limited; Research and test reactorsPamphlet files2021-1072
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited AECL's strategic corporate direction[Ottawa?] : AECL Corporate Relations, 19959 p. ; 22 cm“For the information of employees of AECL, April 1995.”Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedPamphlet files2021-1095
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited AECL's Underground Research Laboratory and Whiteshell LaboratoriesPinawa, Man. : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, 20026 p. : ill. ; 28 cmWhieshell Laboratories; Underground Research Laboratory; Nuclear energy -- Research – Laboratories – Manitoba; Radioactive waste disposal in the ground—ManitobaPamphlet files2021-1037
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Annual financial report / Atomic Energy of Canada Limited[Ottawa] : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Began with 2007; ceased with 2015.Annual. Title from cover. Description based on first issue. Report year ends Mar. 31. Issued also online. Other editions available: Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Rapport financier annuel. Continues: Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Annual report - Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Ottawa. -- Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. 1917-9812 Atomic Energy of Canada Limited—Periodicals; Nuclear engineering—Canada—Periodicals; Nuclear energy—Research—Canada--Periodicals SPCNHI has: photocopy of 2014. (80 pages on 42 leaves : ill. ; 22 x 28 cm.)Periodicals2019-1014
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Annual report / Atomic Energy of Canada Limited; AECL annual report; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited annual reportOttawa : Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., 1953-v. ill. 28 cm. 1952/53-2006.Other title: AECL annual report. Other title: Atomic Energy of Canada Limited annual report; Added title page title: Rapport annuel, 2002/2003-2003/2004. Issued also with AECL report series numbers. Report year ends Mar. 31. Issued also online. Text in English only, 1952/53-2001/2002, 2005-2006; text in English and French on inverted pages, 2002/2003-2003/2004. Other editions available: Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Rapport annuel, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Annual report (Online), Annual report. -- [Ottawa] : AECL,[1996-2007]. Continued by: Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Annual financial report. -- [Ottawa] : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited.0067-0383 Atomic Energy of Canada Limited—Periodicals; Nuclear engineering—Canada—Periodicals; Nuclear energy—Research--Canada--PeriodicalsSPCNHI has: 1953/54-1974/75, 1976/77-1978/79-1981/82-1986/87 (inserted: Highlights for employees = Résumé des faits saillants pour les employés)-1991/92-1994/1995, 1999/2000, 2001/2002-2002-2003, 2005. Some covers slightly worn.Periodicals2019-1013
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Applying nuclear science and technology to the benefit of Canada[Chalk River, Ont. : Atomic Energy of Canada [2013?][27] pages : illustrations ; 22 cmAtomic Energy of Canada LimitedPamphlet files2022-1262
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited AscentMississauga, Ont., Atomic Energy of Canada Limitedv. ill. 28 cm. v. 1- spring 1979-Quarterly. "The journal of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited". Selective coverage: Energy research abstracts Aug. 1980- ISSN 0160-3604. Issued also in French under title: Aspects. ISSN 0707-5596. Supersedes: Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. AECL review. Ottawa, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. ISSN 0001-1029.0707-5588 Nuclear industry—Canada—Periodicals; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited—PeriodicalsSPCNHI has: Vol. 1, no. 1 (Spring 1979), v. 1, no. 3-4 (Fall/Winter 1979/80-Spring 1980)-v. 4, no. 1-2 (Spring-Summer 1983), v. 4, no. 4 (Spring 1984)-v. 6 (1986)-10, no. 1-2 (Fall 1991-Winter 1992). Indexed by Ascent index.xlsx.Periodicals2018-1404
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Atomic energy in Canada[Ottawa? : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, 1967]5 leaves: ill. ; 28 cm“October 11, 1967.”Nuclear power – Canada; CANDU type reactors; Nuclear industry—Canada; Nuclear power plants—CanadaPamphlet files2020-1067
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Atomic Energy of Canada Limited[Ottawa? : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, 1967]4 leaves ; 28 cm“27-10-67.” Description of AECL establishments and activities. May be a preliminary edition of AECL-2792.Atomic Energy of Canada Limited; Nuclear industry – CanadaPamphlet files2020-1065
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Atomic Energy of Canada Limited 50th anniversary[Ottawa?] : AECL ]2006?]1 chart : illustrations ; 30 x 81 cm, folded to 30 x 21 cmAccomplishments of AECL, 1952 to 2006.Atomic Energy of Canada Limited—HistoryPamphlet files2021-1354
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Bruce Nuclear Power Centre[Canada : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited? 197-]1 sheet : illustrations, map ; 18 x 39 cm, folded to 18 x 13 cmBruce Nuclear Power Station (Ont.); Bruce Heavy Water Plant (Ont.) Pamphlet files2023-1153
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Canada enters the nuclear age : a technical history of Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedMontreal : Published for Atomic Energy Canada Limited by McGill-Queen's University Press, 1997xiv, 434 p. : ill. ; 24 x 27 cm.Includes bibliographical references and index. Written by sixteen of Canada's pioneering nuclear scientists, Canada Enters the Nuclear Age focuses on Canada's nuclear program at AECL's laboratories at Chalk River, Ontario, and Whiteshell, Manitoba, between the years 1943 and 1985. Topics include the organization and operations of AECL's laboratories, nuclear safety and radiation protection, radioisotopes, basic research, development of the CANDU reactor, and management of radioactive wastes.0773516018 Atomic Energy of Canada Limited--History; Nuclear energy—Research--Canada--HistorySPCNHI has 2 copies: 1st,(2018-1040), inserted: page from Contact about this book being published; 2nd,(2018-1285), Donald G. Hurst obituary from CNS Bulletin, vol. 20 no. 3, p. 54, letter from Gilbert A. Bartholomew to Archie Robertson, 2000-09-11,“AECL historians deliberate,” news item about Technical History Committee 22ndmeeting, with photo of members. Digital copy available.Bookshelves HD9698.C24A76 1997 2018-1040; 2018-1285
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Canada's nuclear achievements = Le Canada et ses réalisations nucléaires[Mississauga, Ont?] : AECL [1995?]1 sheet : ill. ; 21 x 41, folded to 21 x 21 cmChronological chart of reactors and cumulative electrical generation.CANDU type reactors—ChronologyPamphlet files2021-1067
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Canada's nuclear edge / Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedOttawa, Ontario : Corporate Public Affairs Dept., Atomic Energy of Canada [1986]8 pages : color illustrations ; 23 cmCover title.Nuclear industry – Canada; Nuclear energy – CanadaPamphlet files2019-1412
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited CANDU : the evolution[Mississauga, Ont?] : AECL, 19971 sheet : col. Ill. ; 22 x 42, folded to 22 x 22 cm“March 1997.”CANDU type reactors—ChronologyPamphlet files2021-1064
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited CANDU 3 : the right product for the times[Mississauga, Ont : AECL CANDU, 1990?]11 p. : col. ill. ; 28 cmCANDU 3 reactor; CANDU type reactors; Reactor design; Nuclear reactors -- Safety measuresPamphlet files2021-1057
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited CANDU 6 : sharing the success[Mississauga, Ont. : AECL, 1996]16 p. : col. Ill. ; 28 cm“1995 October. Supersedes CANDU : the success continues.”CANDU 6 reactor; CANDU type reactorsPamphlet files2021-1194
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited CANDU 6 : sharing the success[Mississauga, Ont. : AECL, 1996]16 p. : col. Ill. ; 28 cm“1996 August. Supersedes CANDU 6 : the sucess continues.”CANDU 6 reactor; CANDU type reactorsPamphlet files2021-1059
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited CANDU 6 : the success continues[Mississauga, Ont : AECL CANDU, 1993?]16 p. : col. ill. : 28 cmCANDU 6 reactor—Design and construction; CANDU type reactorsPamphlet files2021-1058
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited CANDU 6 construction sequence[Mississauga, Ont?] : AECL, 19961 sheet : col. Ill. ; 28 x 43, folded to 28 x 22 cm“1996 October.”CANDU 6 reactor—Design and construction; CANDU type reactorsPamphlet files2021-1066
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited CANDU 6 He Dian Chang[China?] : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited [199-]1 chart : illustations ; 28 x 43, folded to 28 x 22 cmIn Chinese, with labelled diagrams of reactor building and specifications.CANDU 6 reactor; Nuclear reactors—China; CANDU type reactorsPamphlet files2021-1256
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited CANDU 6 technical outline / AECL Revision 1Mississauga, Ont. : AECL, 19961 v. (various pagings ) : ill. ; 28 cm CO/MISC-0131“November 1996.”CANDU type reactors; Nuclear power plants Spiral plastic binding Bookshelves TK9203 .H4 A72 1996 2019-1479
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited CANDU 6 technical outline / AECLMississauga, Ont. : AECL, 19951 v. (various pagings ) : ill. ; 28 cm“Draft.”CANDU type reactors; Nuclear power plants Spiral plastic binding Bookshelves TK9203 .H4 A72 1995 2021-1180
Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedCANDU 600 Nuclear Generating Station, Cernavoda, Romania[Missisauga, Ont?] : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, 1984?]33 leaves : illustrations, maps ; 28 cmCANDU 6 reactor; Nuclear reactors—Romania; Nuclear power plants—Romania; CANDU type reactors Plastic ring binding.Pamphlet files2021-1259
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited CANDU 600 station designOttawa : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, 197699 pages : illustrations ; 29 cm"May 1976. PP-28.”CANDU 600 reactor—Design and construction; CANDU type reactors; Nuclear power plants -- CanadaBookshelves TK9203 .H4 A73 1976 2021-1436
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited CANDU 600.[Rev. ed.][Mississauga, Ontario : Public Relations Department, Power Projects, AECL, 1976]18 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm PP-26“Revised May 1976.” Also issued in French under same title.Nuclear power plants – Canada; Nuclear industry – Canada; Heavy water reactors; CANDU type reactorsWNRE Library discard. Library label stamp, bar code label on title page; book pocket remnant inside front cover.Pamphlet files2019-1497
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited CANDU 9 nuclear generating station[Mississauga, Ont?] : AECL [1996?]1 chart : col. Ill. ; 27 x 42, folded to 27 x 22 cmCANDU 9 reactor; CANDU type reactorsPamphlet files2021-1065
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited CANDU 9 : advanced construction techniques[Mississauga, Ont : AECL, 1996]1 sheet : col. Ill. ; 28 x 43, folded to 28 x 22 cm“1996 May.”CANDU 9 reactor—Design and construction; CANDU type reactorsPamphlet files2021-1062
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited CANDU 9 : evolution by design[Revised edition][Mississauga, Ont?] : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, 199810 pages : colour illustrations ; 28 cm“Revised September 1998.”CANDU 9 reactor; CANDU type reactorsPamphlet files2021-1427
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited CANDU 9 : evolution by design[Mississauga, Ont? : AECL, 1996]8 p. : col. Ill. ; 28 cm“1996 February.”CANDU 9 reactor; CANDU type reactorsPamphlet files2021-1060
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited CANDU 9 : successful interim licensing review[Mississauga, Ont? : AECL, 1996]1 sheet : col. Ill. ; 28 cm“1996 August.”CANDU 9 reactor—Licenses; CANDU type reactorsPamphlet files2021-1063
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited CANDU 9 : the next generation control centre design[Mississauga, Ont? : AECL, 1996]1 sheet : col. Ill. ; 28 cm“1996 April.”CANDU 9 reactor; CANDU type reactors; Reactor controlPamphlet files2021-1061
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited CANDU 9 centrale nucléaire[Mississauga, Ont?] : AECL [1996?]1 chart : col. Ill. ; 28 x 43, folded to 28 x 21 cmEn français.CANDU 9 reactor; CANDU type reactorsPamphlet files2021-1254
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited CANDU and technical services[Missisauga, Ont. : AECL Sheridan Park, 1998]20 pages : illustrations ; 31 cm“September 1998.”Atomic Energy of Canada Limited—Customer services; CANDU type reactorsPamphlet files2021-1281
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Candu nuclear power program[Ottawa] : [Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, 198245 pages : illustrations : 28 cmCANDU TYpe reactorsPamphlet files2021-1418
Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedCernavoda units 1 and 2 : Cernavoda, RomaniaMississauga, Ont. : AECL, Business Development Office, 20021 sheet : illustration, map ; 28 cm"March 2002. Marketing services catalogue #2-29."Cernavoda-1 reactor; Cernavoda-2 reactor; Nuclear reactors — Romania; Nuclear power plants — RomaniaPamphlet files2024-1031
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Chalk River Laboratories presents the site master plan = Les laboratoires de Chalk River vous présentent leur plan directeur immobilier[Chalk River, Ont?] : Atomic Energy of Canada = Energie atomiqaue du Canada limitée [1999?]1 sheet : map. ; 22 x 28 cm, folded to 22 x 10 cmIn English and French.Chalk River Laboratories—Buildings--Planning; Chalk River Laboratories—MapsPamphlet files2021-1205
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Chalk River reactor school / Atomic Energy of Canada Limited[Ottawa : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, 195-?]24 p. : ill. ; 18 cmApplication forms inserted.CANDU type reactors; Training; Educational facilities Pamphlet. Cover loose. Needs repair.Pamphlet files2018-1495
Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedCodes, standards & handbooks : a collection of useful documents for occupational health and safety, environmental management, handling complaints, project management, quality assurance, auditing; Codes, standards and handbook[Ottawa? : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited? 2005]1 compact disc (23 file folders) ; 12 cmIncludes AECL policy handbook, ASME, CSA, IAEA,,ISO, OHSAS standards, and Project management files. “J.D.A-Rev.1, Feb. 16, 2005.”Industrial hygiene; Environmental managememt; Project management; Quality assurance; AuditingCD/DVDs2021-7008
Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedCommemorating the fiftieth anniversary of ZEEP : September 5, 1995 / AECL[Chalk River, Ont. : Atomic Energy of Canada] 19951 v. (unpaged) ; 28 cmCollection of letters of congratulation and recognition received by AECL.ZEEP reactor—History; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited; Nuclear reactors—CanadaOversize books HD9698 .C24 A763 1995 2021-1021
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Concept review : review of AECL's nuclear fuel waste disposal conceptPinawa, Man? : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, 1995-No. 1 (Summer 95)-Radioactive waste disposal in the ground; Underground disposal; Atomic Energy Of Canada Limited—Periodicals SPCNHI has: no. 1 (Summer 1995).Pamphlet files2021-1042
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Contact : Chalk River Laboratories = Laboratoires de Chalk RiverChalk River, Ont. : Site & Community Affairs = Affaires communautaires et de l'établissement d'EACL, 2006-Vol. 1, issue = no. 1 (fall = automne 2006)- v. : ill. ; 22 cm.Quarterly. In French and English on inverted pages.Atomic Energy of Canada Limited--Periodicals; Nuclear industry—Canada--PeriodicalsSPCHNI has: v. 1, no. 1-2 (fall- winter = autonme-hiver 2006), v. 2, no. 4 (winter = hiver 2008), v. 3, no. 1, 4 (spring = (printemps 2008, spring = printemps 2009), v, 4,no. 3 (winter = hiver 2010), v. 5, no. 2-3 (fall-winter = automne-hiver 2010), v. 6, no. 2-3 (spring-fall = printemps-automne 2012), v. 7, no. 2 (winter = hiver 2014), v. 8, no. 1-3 (summer-winter = été-hiver 2014).Periodicals2019-1345
Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedContact : for AECL employees = publication à l'intention des employés d'EACL, 1995-Sheridan Park [Mississauga, Ont.] : AECLVol. 1, no. 1 (Jul. = juil. 1995)- v. : ill. ; 43 cm.Bimonthly. In English and French on inverted pages.Atomic Energy of Canada Limited--Periodicals; Nuclear industry—Canada--PeriodicalsSPCNHI has: v. 1, no. 1-2 (Jul.-Sep. = juil.-sept. 1995); v. 2, no. 4 (Aug = août 1996); v. 3, no. 5,(Oct =oct. 1997); v. 4, no. 1 (Feb = fév. 1998); v. 5, no. 1, 3 (Mar. = mars, Aug = août 1999).Periodicals2019-1346
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited CRL community news = Nouvelles des LCRChalk River, Ont. : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Community and Employee Communications Branch, 2001?- ]v. : ill. ; 36 cmFrequency: quarterly. In English and French on reverse pages.Chalk River Laboratories — PeriodicalsSPCNHI has: Edition 5, 6,8 = Numéro 5, 6,8 (Spring, Winter, Fall/Winter = Hiver, Printemps, Automne/Hiver 2001, 2002)Pamphlet files2021-1206
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited DatelineOttawa: AECL Corporate Public Affairs. volumes. : illustrations ; 28 cm“A newsletter published for AECL employees in Ottawa.:Atomic Energy of Canada Limited—Periodicals; Nuclear industry—Canada—Periodicals SPCNH has: Feb. 1990.Pamphlet files2021-1221
Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedDictionnaire technique, anglais-français (physique nucléaire, chimie, biologie, métallurgie, électricité, électronique, informatique)Ottawa : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited = L'Énergie atomique du Canada, limitée, 1971155 p. ; 28 cm IC Cat. no.: CC3-4/1971English language—Dictionaries—French; French language—Dictionaries—English; Science—Dictionaries--French AECL General Chemistry Branch discard. Stamps on front flyleaf.Oversize books T10 D55 1971 2018-1562
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited The Douglas Point nuclear power station / Atomic Energy of Canada Limited[Chalk River, Ont.] : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited [1966]1 sheet : ill., map ; 40 x 18 cm, folded to 14 x 18 cmAECL-2400Douglas Point Nuclear Power Station (Ont.); Nuclear power plants – Ontario Copy also in AECL reports file.Pamphlet files2020-1057
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited EC6 : enhanced CANDU 6 : technical summaryMississauga, Ont. : CANDU [2010?]40 pages : colour illustrations ; 28 cmCover title.Enhanced CANDU 6 reactor; CANDU type reactorsPamphlet files2021-1565
Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedEmbalse Nuclear Generating Station, ArgentinaMississauga, Ont. : AECL, Business Development Office, 20021 sheet : illustration, map ; 28 cm"March 2002. Marketing services catalogue #2-28."Embalse Nuclear Generating Station; Nuclear power plants -- Argentina; Nuclear reactors -- ArgentinaPamphlet files2024-1032
Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedEmployment opportunities in industrial operations at Canada's Atomic Energy Project, Chalk River, Ontario; Industrial opportunities at Canada's Atomic Energy Project[Chalk River, Ont? : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited] 19521vol. (unpaged) : ill. ; 28 cmCover title: Industrial opportunities at Canada's Atomic Energy Project. “December 1952.”Atomic Energy of Canada Limited—Employees; Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories-Employees; Scientists—Recruiting—Canada; Engineers—Recruiting—Canada; Industrial technicians—Recruiting--CanadaPamphlet files2021-1156
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Energy for the next millennium[Ottawa] : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, 199762 pages : illustrations ; 30 cm Nuclear reactorsPamphlet files2021-1276
Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedExcellence, relevance, value : AECL research : Chalk River Laboratory, Whiteshell Laboratory[Ottawa : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, 1987]16 p. : col. Ill. ; 28 cmAtomic Energy of Canada Limited; Nuclear engineering—Canada; Nuclear energy—Research--CanadaPamphlet files2019-1030
Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedExcellence, technology, partnerships : energy for the next millenniumMississauga, Ont. : AECL, 199815 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm“August 1998.”Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedPamphlet files2021-1088
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Food irradiation : the scientific factsPinawa, Man. : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Research Company [199-?]1 sheet : col. Ill. ; 22 x 35, folded to 22 x 9 cmRadiation preservation of food; Radurizatio; Irradiated foodsPamphlet files2021-1094
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Genealogy of CANDU reactors; Genealogy of CANDU research reactors3 sheets : illustrations ; 17 x 22 cm, 22 x 28 cmPhotocopies of AECL publications, 1985, 1990, 1998.CANDU type reactors –Chronology; Nuclear reactors – Canada – ChronologyPamphlet files2022-1011
Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedGentilly 2 : Québec, CanadaMississauga, Ont. : AECL, Business Development Office, 20021 sheet : illustration, map ; 28 cm"March 2002. Marketing services catalogue #2-30."Gentilly-2 reactor; Nuclear power plants — Québec (Province) -- BécancourPamphlet files2024-1029
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited The Gentilly Nuclear Power Station / Atomic Energy of Canada Limited[Chalk River, Ont] : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited [1967]294 p. : ill. ; 19 cm AECL-2638Gentilly Nuclear Power Station; Nuclear power plants—Quebec (Province) Copy also in AECL reports file. Pamphlet files2020-1058
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited La gestion des déchets de combustible nucléaire du CanadaOttawa : Énergie atomique du Canada,[1989?]44 pages : colour illustrations, colour maps ; 28 cmWWM-89-05-01 Issued also in English under title: Managing Canada's nuclear fuel wastes.Nuclear power plants -- Waste disposal – Canada; Nuclear power plants -- Environmental aspects – Canada; Radioactive waste disposal – Canada Punched for 3-ring binder. Insert: Mise à jour des renseignements de la brochure.Pamphlet files2021-1519
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Heavy water : a layman's guide / prepared by Atomic Energy of Canada Limited[Mississauga, Ont?] : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, 19691 sheet : map, illustrations ; 44 x 28 cm, folded to 22 x 28 cmPP-8Heavy water; Heavy water plants—Canada; Heavy water reactors – Canada; CANDU type reactors Edges yellowed.Pamphlet files2021-1025
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited History lessons ... : what can we learn from past events : for use in safety and team meetings[Chalk River, Ont?] : AECL [2007?]-volumes : illustrations ; 28 cm.Frequency: annual. “Presented by your OPEX and human performance teams.” “AECL unrestricted.” Cover title.Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Accidents – Case studies; Nuclear industry – Accidents – Case studies; Industrial accidents – Case studies; Industrial safety – Case studies SPCNHI has: 2009.Pamphlet files2022-1327
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Impela; AECL acceleratorsOttawa : Adams film-video [1993?]1 videocassette (6 min.) : sound, colour ; 19 cm in 21 cm containerNTSC. Title on cassette and container: AECL accelerators : IMPELA. Describes operation and applications of Impela accelerator.Particle accelerators—CanadaVideos2021-7003
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Industrial opportunities at Canada's Atomic Energy ProjectChalk River, Ont. : Atomic Energy of Canada, 19541 vol. (unpaged) : illustrations, maps ; 28 cm“January 1954.”Atomic Energy of Canada Limited—Employees; Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories-Employees; Scientists—Recruiting—Canada; Engineers—Recruiting—Canada; Industrial technicians—Recruiting--CanadaPamphlet files2022-1073
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited The irradiation research facility (IRF) : a dual purpose research reactor for CanadaChalk River, Ont. : AECL Chalk River Laboratories, 19961 sheet ; 28 cm“1996 February.”Irradiation reactors; Materials testing reactors; Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedPamphlet files2021-1074
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited The irradiation research facility (IRF) : a new research reactor for CanadaMississauga, Ont.. : AECL Sheridan Park, 1997[4] pages : illustrations ; 28 cm“1997 August.”Irradiation reactors; Materials testing reactors; Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedPamphlet files2021-1535
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited An irreplaceable Canadian achievement : Canada's trusted technology[Ottawa?] : AECL ]2008?][6] pages : illustrations ;28 cmAtomic Energy of Canada Limited; CANDU type reactorsPamphlet files2021-1353
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited MACSTOR : advanced spent fuel storage from AECLMississauga, Ont.. : AECL Marketing and Sales, 19961 sheet : illustrations ; 28 x 42 cm, folded to 28x 22cm“1996 February.”Spent fuel storage; Dry storage; Radioactive waste managementPamphlet files2021-1036
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited MACSTOR : the latest in spent fuel dry storage technologyOttawa : AECL [1996]6 pages : colour illustrations ; 28 cmSpent fuel storage; Dry storage; Radioactive waste managementPamphlet files2021-1534
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Managing Canada's nuclear fuel wastes[Ottawa] : Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd.,[1989]44 p. : col. ill., col. maps ; 28 cmWWM-89-05-01Cover title. Published also in French under the title: La gestion des dêchets de combustible nucléaire du Canada Includes bibliographical references and index.Nuclear power plants -- Waste disposal – Canada; Nuclear power plants -- Environmental aspects – Canada; Radioactive waste disposal – CanadaPamphlet files2021-1027
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Managing used fuel from CANDU power reactorsMississauga, Ont.. : AECL Head Office, Marketing and Sales, 20001 sheet : illustrations ; 28 x43 cm folded to 28 x 22cmSpent fuel storage--Canada; Radioactive waste management—CanadaPamphlet files2021-1044
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited MAPLE research reactor : top performance by design[Mississauga, Ont?] : AECL, 1996]5 p,: col. Ill. ; 28 cm“1996 May.”MAPLE reactor; Research and test reactorsPamphlet files2021-1069
Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedThe MAPLE research reactor ; proven technology, global experience[Mississauga, Ont?] : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited [2000?]12 pages : colour illustrations ; 28 cmMAPLE reactor; Research reactors—Canada; CANDU type reactorsPamphlet files2021-1426
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited N.P.D. : nuclear power demonstration : Canada's first nuclear-power plant[Chalk River, Ont? : Atomic Energy of Canada? 195-?}1 sheet : ill. ; 28 x 43, folded to 28 x 22 cmNPD reactor; Nuclear power plants – OntarioPamphlet files2021-1099
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Neutrons : the particles that reveal all![Chalk River, Ont. : Chalk River Laboratories, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, 198-]5 leaves ; 28 cmNeutrons—ScatteringPamphlet files2021-1179
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Nexus : AECL newsMissisauga, Ont. : AECL Marketing Communications, 1999-volumes : illustrations ; 24 cmBegan with v. 2, issue 4 (Dec. 1999). Frequency: quarterly. Continues: Nexus : the AECL newsletter.Atomic Energy of Canada Limited—Periodicals; Nuclear industry—Canada--PeriodicalsSPCNHI has v. 2, issue 4 (Dec. 1999), v. 3, issue 2-v. 4, issue 1 (Jun. 2000-Mar. 2001)Periodicals2021-1239
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Nexus : the AECL newsletterMissisauga, Ont. : AECL, 1998?-volumes : illustrations ; 24 cmFrequency: quarterly. Continued by: Nexus : AECL news.Atomic Energy of Canada Limited—Perioidicals; Nuclear industry—Canada--PeriodicalsSPCNHI has: v. 2, issue 2-3 (Jun.-Sep. 1999).Periodicals2021-1238
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Nuclear energy : some responsible answersChalk River, Ont. : Public Relations Office, Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories [199-?]1 sheet (folded) ; 22 x 31 cmQuestions and answers.Nuclear waste management – Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories – Popular works; Radioactive waste dispossal – Canada – Popular worksPamphlet files2023-1021
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Nuclear energy briefing notes; Facts on nuclear energyOttawa : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited = L'Énergie atomique du Canada limitée [1981?]1 volume (loose-leaf) : illustrations ; 30 cmSpine title: Facts on nuclear energy.Atomic Energy Of Canada Limited – Public relations; Nuclear energy – Popular works; Nuclear power – Popular works; Nuclear reactors – Popular works WNRE Library discard. In binder.Oversize books TK9146 A75 2022-1246
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Nuclear establishments in Canada = Établissements nucléaires au Canada[Place not identified : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited = Énergie atomique du Canada limitée, 1975?]1 map on 1 sheet : ill. ; 28 x 22 cm“3705-G.” In English and French.Nuclear energy -- Canada – Maps; Nuclear industry—Canada—Maps; Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedPamphlet files2020-1103
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Nuclear power : CANDU reactor safety[Ottawa? : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, 1980][11] pages : col. Ill. ; 23 cm“18 March 1980.”Radioactivity -- Safety measures; Nuclear reactors -- Safety measures; CANDU type reactors; Risk assessmentPamphlet files2021-1100
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Nuclear power : CANDU reactor safety[Ottawa? : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, 1980][11] pages : col. Ill. ; 23 cm“July 1980.”Radioactivity -- Safety measures; Nuclear reactors -- Safety measures; CANDU type reactors; Risk assessmentPamphlet files2019-1506
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited The Nuclear Power Demonstration station : Canada's first nuclear power station[Chalk River, Ont?] : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited ; Ontario Hydro [1970?]1 sheet : ill., map ; 40 x 18 cm, folded to 14 x 18 cmNPD reactor; Nuclear power plants – OntarioPamphlet files2020-1056
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Nuclear power in Canada[Ottawa? : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, 1967]8 p. ; 28 cmNuclear power – Canada; CANDU type reactors; Nuclear industry—Canada; Nuclear power plants—CanadaPamphlet files2020-1066
Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedAn outline of the activities of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited : and some the ABC's of nuclear powerChalk River, Ontario : Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., 196052 pages : illustrations, maps ; 28 cm"January 1960."Atomic Energy of Canada Limited; Nuclear energy – Canada; Nuclear reactors – CanadaSPCNHI has 2 copies. Pamphlet files2019-1392; 2019-1413
Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedPoint Lepreau : New Brunswick, CanadaMississauga, Ont. : AECL, Business & Development Office, 20051 sheet : illustration, map ; 28 cm"September 2005."Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Facility; Nuclear power plants -- New Brunswick -- Lepreau, PointPamphlet files2024-1030
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited President's service awards dinner = Dîner du président pour les prix pour étates de service[Ottawa?] : AECL, 200534, 34 pages ; 28 cmLists employees receiving service award at ddiner held in Toronto, June 16, 2005. In English and French on inverted pages.Atomic Energy of Canada Limited—Officials and employees—AwardsPamphlet files2021-1352
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Published papers of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited[Chalk River, Ontario : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, 1959-1970?]v. : ill. ; 27 cmVol. 13-24? (1959-1970?). Annual. Title from table of contents. Includes author index. Continues: Published papers of Chalk River Project of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Vol. 13 (1959) with spine title: Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Chalk River Project published papers.Nuclear energy--Research; Nuclear engineering; Nuclear reactors; Nuclear power plants; RadiobiologySPCNHI has v. 13-24 (1959-1970). Vol. 13 and some following with slip enclosed: “With the compliments of David A. Keys, Scientific Advisor to the President, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Chalk River.” Vol. 20 and some following with slip enclosed: “With the compliments of J.L. Gray, President, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited.”Periodicals2018-1376 (v. 13); 2018-1377 (v. 14); 2018-1378 (v. 15); 2018-1379 (v. 16); 2018-1380 (v. 17); 2018-1381 (v. 18); 2018-1382 (v. 19); 2018-1383 (v. 20); 2018-1384 (v. 21); 2018-1385 (v. 22); 2018-1386 (v. 23); 2018-1387 (v. 24)
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Published papers of Chalk River Project of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited[Chalk River, Ontario : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited?]7 v. : ill. ; 27 cmVol. 6-12 (1952-1958). Annual. Title from table of contents. Includes author index. Continues: Published papers of Atomic Energy Project of the National Research Council of Canada. Continued by: Published papers of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited.Nuclear energy--Research; Nuclear engineering; Nuclear reactors; Nuclear power plants; Radiobiology SPCNHI has v. 6-12 (1952-1958).Periodicals2018-1369 (v. 6); 2018-1370 (v. 7); 2018-1371 (v. 8); 2018-1372 (v. 9); 2018-1373 (v. 10); 2018-1374 (v. 11); 2018-1375 (v. 12)
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Qinshan phase III : People's Republic of ChinaMississauga, Ont. : AECL, Business Development Office, 20021 sheet : illustration, map ; 28 cm"March 2002. Marketing services catalogue #2-26."Qinshan-1 reactor; Qinshan-2 reactor; Nuclear reactors — China; Nuclear power plants -- ChinaPamphlet files2024-1033
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Qinshan phase III project : construction of two CANDU nuckear power reactorsAECL ; TQNPC, 19991 chart : illustations ; 28 x 72, folded to 28 x 22 cmIn Chinese and English. Panoramic photograph of reactor site and calandria, with specifications.Qinshan-1 reactor; Qinshan-2 reactor; Nuclear reactors—China; CANDU type reactorsPamphlet files2021-1255
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Radmon 3 : radiation monitor for industryChalk River, Ont. : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited [198-][3] pages : illustrations ; 28 cmRadiation -- Measurement -- InstrumentsPamphlet files2024-1036
Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedRapport annuel / Atomic Energy of Canada Limited; Energie atomique du Canada, limitéeOttawa, Ontario, 1953-v. ill. 28 cm AECL-3609F Other editions available: Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Annual report. 1969/70 issue also issued as AECL report 3609F.0381-2642 Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Periodicals; Nuclear energy -- Canada – PeriodicalsSPCNHI has: 1955/56, 1969/70.Periodicals2019-1407
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited RD-14M thermalhydraulics test facilityPinawa, MB. : AECL Corporate Relations, Whiteshell Laboratories [1988?]1 sheet : ill. ; 28 cmCANDU type reactors; Fluid flow; Heat transfer; Test facilitiesPamphlet files2021-1233
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Reaction : employee news[Chalk River, Ont. : AECL Internal Communications, 2003- ]volumes ; 28 cmFrequency: bi-weekly. Began 2003 Jan. Letter a in “Reaction” represented by AECL “A” symbol.SPCNHI has: vol. 1, no. 2, 4 (2003 Jan. 17, Mar. 28).Pamphlet files2023-1069
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Safety awareness calendar 2007 = Calendrrier ce sensibilisation à la sécurité 2007[Ottawa?] : AECL [2006?][24] pages : illustrations ; 22 x 28 cmSafety poster drawings by children and grandchildren of AECL employees. Includes names of children and parents or grandparents.Atomic Energy of Canada Limited--Officials and employees; Safety; Children's art—CalendarsPamphlet files2021-1351
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Sommaire technique ACR-1000 / EACL[Mississauga, Ont.] : EACL, 20081 compact disc (1 pdf file, 52 p. : col. ill.) ; 12 cmIn French.CANDU type reactors; Heavy water; Nuclear fuels; Nuclear power; Nuclear power plants; Pressure tubes; WaterCD/DVDs2019-7030
Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedTechnical orientation, Chalk River : book 1, October 2006[Chalk River, Ont?] : AECL, 2006?1 volume (various pagings) : illustrations ; 29 cm“Agenda for technical orientatin to AECL's business, 2-day session, October 24 & 25, 2006 ...” Title from cover. Text from slide presentation.CANDU type reactors -- Outlines, syllabi, etc.; Nuclear waste management – Ontario – Chalk River; Decommissioning -- Ontario – Chalk RiverPaperback. Plastic ring binding. Bookshelves TK9203 .H4 A8 2006 2023-1119
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Terms of reference for the Nuclear Fuel Waste Management and Disposal Concept Environmental Assessment Panel[Ottawa? : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, 199-]6 leaves ; 28 cmNuclear Fuel Waste Disposal Concept Environmental Assessment Panel (Canada); Atomic Energy of Canada Limited; Radioactive waste disposal -- Environmental aspects – Canada; Radioactive waste disposal in the ground -- CanadaPamphlet files2021-1473
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited This is AECL CANDU[Mississauga, Ont : AECL CANDU, c1991][10] p. : col. Ill. : 28 cmAtomic Energy of Canada Limited; CANDU type reactors; Nuclear industry—CanadaPamphlet files2019-1502
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited This is AECL Research[Ottawa : AECL Research, 1992]18 unnumbered pages : colour illustrations ; 28 cmAtomic Energy of Canada Limited. Research Company; Nuclear energy—Research—Laboratories—CanadaPamphlet files2021-1228
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited This is AECL technologies[Mississauga, Ont : AECL CANDU Operations, 199-?]15 p. : col. Ill. ; 28 cmResearch, Industrial; Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedPamphlet files2021-1236
Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedThe top ten : lifetime world power reactor performance to March 31, 1992[Missisauga, Ont?] : AECL CANDU, 19921 sheet : col. Ill. ; 28 cm“Source: Nuclear engineering international.”Power reactors; Nuclear power plantsPamphlet files2021-1284
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Unique aspects of the technical characteristics of CANDU 33, xiii leaves ; 28 cmPhotocopy of [Missisauga, Ont?] : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, CANDU Operations? 1989. “Attachment 1. 1989 June 06.”CANDU 3 reactor; CANDU type reactors; Reactor designPamphlet files2021-1313
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited The university graduate and Atomic Energy of Canada Limited / [Atomic Energy of Canada Limited][Ottawa : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, 196-?]29 p. : ill., maps ; 18 cmAtomic Energy of Canada Limited—Employees; Scientists—Recruiting—Canada; Engineers—Recruiting—Canada; Nuclear energy—Research--CanadaPamphlet files2018-1494
Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedThe university graduate and Atomic Energy of Canada Limited / [edited and issued by Employment Office, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Chalk River, Ontario][Ottawa : Queen's Printer, 1966]56 p. : ill., map. ; 28 cmAECL-2473 Cat. no. CC2-2473. Cover title.Atomic Energy of Canada Limited—Employees; Scientists—Recruiting—Canada; Engineers—Recruiting—Canada; Nuclear energy—Research--CanadaPamphlet files2020-1007
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Used fuel storage canister facilityPinawa, MB. : AECL Corporate Relations, Whiteshell Laboratories [199-]1 sheet : ill. ; 28 cmSpent reactor fuels -- Storage; Spent fuel storage—Manitoba--Whiteshell LaboratoriesPamphlet files2021-1234
Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedVisit of His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh to the Chalk River Project, July 30, 1954Chalk River, Ont. : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, 1954[8] p. : ill. ; 19 cm“Photographs by Donald Stewart, Norbert Maves, Norman Vincent.”Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories; Philip, Prince, consort of Elizabeth II, Queen of Great Britain, 1921-2021 -- Travel – Ontario—Chalk River -- Pictorial worksPamphlet files2021-1098
Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedWaste Technology Business Unit, AECL : environmental & waste technologiesPinawa, Man. : AECL Waste Technology Unit, 20021 sheet : illustrations ; 22 x28 cm folded to 28 x 10cm“May 2002.”Whiteshell Laboratories; Underground Research Laboratory;Pamphlet files2021-1041
Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedWolsong units 1, 2,3, 4 : Republic of KoreaMississauga, Ont. : AECL, Business Development Office, 20021 sheet : illustration, map ; 28 cm"March 2002. Marketing services catalogue #2-27."Wolsong Nuclear Power Plant; Nuclear power plants – Korea, South; Nuclear reactors—Korea, SouthPamphlet files2024-1034
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited ZED-2 research reactorChalk River, Ont. : AECL Research, Chalk River Laboratories, 19961 sheet ; 28 cm“1994 November.”ZED-2 reactor; Atomic Energy Of Canada Limited; Tank type reactorsPamphlet files2021-1224
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited ZED-2 research reactorChalk River, Ont. : AECL Chalk River Laboratories, 19961 sheet ; 28 cm“1996 October.”ZED-2 reactor; Atomic Energy Of Canada Limited; Tank type reactorsPamphlet files2021-1073
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. CANDU 6 Program TeamCANDU 6 technical summary / prepared by CANDU 6 Program Team, Reactor Development Business Unit; CANDU six technical summary58 leaves : colour ilustration. ; 28 cmPhotocopy of Mississauga, Ontario : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, 2005. “May 2005.”CANDU type reactors; Nuclear power plantsLeaves held by metal clip. Includes illustration,“CANDU Evolution” in English and French, and covers in French.Pamphlet files2020-1044
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. CANDU 6 Program TeamCANDU 6 technical summary / prepared by CANDU 6 Program Team, Reactor Development Business Unit; CANDU six technical summary[Mississauga, Ontario : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, 1997]57 p. : col. ill. ; 28 cm“June 2005.”CANDU type reactors; Nuclear power plants Paper cover.Pamphlet files2019-1044
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. CANDU Operations CANDU 3 technical outline Revision 8[Missisauga, Ont.] : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, CANDU Operations, 1989.67, 11 p. : ill. ; 28 cm“1989 May.”CANDU type reactors; Nuclear reactors -- Safety measures; Nuclear reactors -- Design and construction; Pressurized water reactorsPlastic ring binding. Bookshelves TK9203 .H4 A68 1989 2019-1119
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. CANDU Operations CANDU 300 : technical outline[Revision 7]Missisauga, Ont. : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, CANDU Operations, 1986.1 v. (various pagings) : illustrations (some color) ; 28 cm"Document PPS-74-01010-003."CANDU type reactors; Nuclear reactors -- Safety measures; Nuclear reactors -- Design and construction; Pressurized water reactorsPlastic ring binding. Bookshelves TK9203 .H4 A7 1986 2019-1117
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. CANDU Operations CANDU 300 : technical summary[Rev. 1]Missisauga, Ont. : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, CANDU Operations [1987]1 v. (various pagings) : illustrations (some color) ; 28 cm“September 1987.”CANDU type reactors; Nuclear reactors -- Safety measures; Nuclear reactors -- Design and construction; Pressurized water reactorsPlastic ring binding. Bookshelves TK9203 .H4 A72 1987 2019-1118
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. CANDU Operations CANDU update[Missisauga, Ont.] : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, CANDU Operations 199-?v. ; 28 cmFrequency: irregular.Atomic Energy Of Canada Limited—Periodicals; Nuclear industry—Canada—PeriodicalsSPCNHI has : 1990 Jan 8, 11, 22, 30.Pamphlet files2019-1419
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. CANDU Operations The Douglas Point story[Mississauga, Ont.] : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. CANDU Operations, 198411 pages : illustrations, portraits ; 28 cmPower projections. Special edition, June 1984Douglas Point Nuclear Power Station (Ont.) -- History; Nuclear power plants – Ontario – HistoryWNRE Library discard. Bar code label, library stamp.Pamphlet files2022-1070
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. CANDU Operations G-1 decommissioning[Missisauga, Ont?] : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, CANDU Operations, 198512 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm“Power Projections special ediiton, November, 1985.” Includes group photograph of decommissioning staff.Gentilly Nuclear Power Station; Nuclear power plants—Quebec (Province); DecommissioningPamphlet files2021-1355
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. CANDU Operations Report on CANDU business : a publication of AECL CANDUMississauga, Ont. : Public & Government Affairs, AECL CANDU [199-]8 pages : illustrations, portrait, map ; 28 cmAtomic Energy of Canada Limited. CANDU OperationsPamphlet files2021-1547
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. CANDU Operatons CANDU Operations pocket directoryMississauga, Ont. : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, CANDU Operatons [1988]17 pages ; 17 cm“June 1988.” Includes list of CANDU power reactors with power, dates; and Canadian nuclear milestones.Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. CANDU Operatons –Telephone directories; CANDU type reactors – History – Chronology; Nuclear engineering – Canada – HistoryPamphlet files2023-1143
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. CANDU OperatonsNew directions, guiding principles / CANDU Operations[Mississauga, Ont.] : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, CANDU Operatons [1985?][16] pages ; 23 cmInserted: memorandum by Dan de Verteuil, anonymous poem, notice to employees by A.R. Bennett.Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. CANDU Operatons – ManagementPamphlet files2023-1145
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Commercial Products The AECL radioisotope applications handbookOttawa : Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., Commercial Products [196-?]52 pages : illustrations ; 21 cmTechnical bulletin (Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Commercial Products), RAP-1Cover title.Radioisotopes—Handbooks, manuals, etc.Cover slightly worn. Pamphlet files2021-1091
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Commercial Products Division Man and radiation : a technology for life[Place of publication not identified] : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, 19811 DVD (20 minutes) : sound, colour ; 12 cmCredits: Produced by Vue Touristique Filmstudio, Budapest, for AECL Commercial Products.Nuclear medicine; Radioisotopes -- Industrial applications Downloaded from Internet to DVD-R.Videos2024-7004
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Commercial Products Division SLOWPOKE[Ottawa : L'Énergie Atomique du Canada, Limitée, Produits commerciaux = Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Commercial Products, 1975?]1 folded sheet (4 p.) : col. Ill. ; 28 cmEn français = In French.SLOWPOKE type reactorsSLOWPOKE control console2021-1268
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Commercial Products DivisionSlowpoke : the safe, low power nuclear reactor[Ottawa : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Commercial Products, 1974?]1 folded sheet (4 p.) : col. Ill. ; 28 cmSLOWPOKE type reactorsSLOWPOKE control console2021-1269
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Commercial Products Division SLOWPOKE-2 nuclear reactor : AECL product number K-900Ottawa : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Commercial Products, 1980iii, 33 leaves : illustrations ; 28 cm“1980 April.”SLOWPOKE type reactors Plastic ring binding.SLOWPOKE control console2021-1272
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Commercial Products Division SLOWPOKE-2 nuclear reactor : specifications[Ottawa] : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Commercial Products, 197616 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm“June 1976 / IND 64.”SLOWPOKE type reactorsSLOWPOKE control console2021-1270
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Commercial Products DivisionTherapy for the 70's / Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Commercial Products[Ottawa : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Commercial Products, 1969?][18] p. : col. ill. ; 22 x 28 cm“MED. 44 11/69”Cobalt--Isotopes--Therapeutic usePamphlet files2019-1418
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Commercial Products Division Typical SLOWPOKE-2 installation / J.Y. DesrochersOttawa : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Commercial Products, 19761 technical drawing : blueprint ; 76 x 102 cm, folded to 19 x 26 cmDraftsman: J.Y. Desrochers. “Date 16 12 76.” Scales vary. Drawing no. A15500. Issue A.SLOWPOKE type reactorsSLOWPOKE control console.2021-1271
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Commercial Products Division Uranium analysis system : AECL product number K9-030Ottawa : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Commercial Products, 1978Iii, 19 leaves : illustrations ; 28 cm + 1 technical drawing (blueprint) ; 76 x 101 cm, folded to 19 x 26 cm.“1978 February.”Uranium—Analysis— Equipment and supplies Plastic ring binding.SLOWPOKE control console2021-1273
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Corporate Communications Nuclear energy : take the power ride[Toronto? : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited ; Harvest Television International, 20--?]1 DVD (14 min., 45 sec) : sound, colour ; 12 cm“English DVD presentation.”Nuclear power –- Popular worksVideos2023-7005
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Corporate Public Affairs AECL public affairs handbook[Ottawa] :AECL Corporate Public Affairs, 1990100 p. ; 22 cm“AECL Public Affairs prepared this handbook for management and members of the Speakers Bureau”-- p. 3.Atomic Energy of Canada Limited—Public relations; Nuclear industry—Public relations—Canada Plastic ring binding.Bookshelves HD9698 .C24 A76 1990 2019-1110
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Energy Sector Research Nuclear sector focus[Ottawa] : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited., Energy Sector Research,[1984]- volumes : ilustrations ; 28 cm AECL-9726 Title from cover. Began with Jan. 1984 issue.0838-3871 Nuclear industry -- Canada -- Periodicals; Canada -- Economic conditions – Periodicals; Electric industries – Canada-- Periodicals; Energy industries -- Canada -- PeriodicalsSPCNHI has: Dec 1984, Oct 1985, Jun 1986, Sep 1987, Spr/Sum 1989, Spr/Sum 1990, 1991, 1993-2000/2001.Periodicals2022-1240
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Engineering Company CANDU : the facts[Mississauga, Ont? : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Engineering Company] 198235 p. : ill. ; 22 cm“For AECL use only”--Cover. “November 1982.”CANDU type reactors; Nuclear Reactors – Canada WNRE Library discard. Library pocket remnant. Stamps on title page.Pamphlet files2019-1494
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Engineering Company CANDU est vraiment remarquable[Mississauga, Ont?] : L’Énergie atomic du Canada limitée = Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, 19801 sheet : ill. ; 28 cmDescribes remarks on CANDU reactors by Edward Teller at a conference held 8 May 1980 at University of Toronto “... publié le 26 mai 1980 dans Projections ....”CANDU reactors; Teller, Edward, 1908-2003Pamphlet files2020-1108
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Engineering Company CANDU nuclear generating station : technical summaryMississauga, Ont. : Public Affairs Office, Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., Engineering Co., Sheridan Park Research Community,[199-?]54 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 22 x 23 cmNuclear power plants – Canada; CANDU ReactorPamphlet files2020-1143
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Engineering Company CANDU nuclear power systemMississauga, Ont. : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Engineering Company, 19811 volume (various pagings) : illustrations ; 29 cm TDSI-105“1981 January.”CANDU type reactors Plastic ring binding.Bookshelves TK9203.H4 A8 1981 2020-1155
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Engineering Company Preliminary evaluation of the safety features of Bruce N.G.S. 'A' relative to the Three Mile Island accident[Mississauga, Ont? : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Engineering Company, 1979?]13 leaves : illustrations ; 28 cmBruce Nuclear Power Station (Ont.) --Safety measures; Three Mile Island-2 reactor; Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant (Pa.)--Accidents WNRE Library discard. Library stamps. In binder.Pamphlet files2021-1575
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Engineering Company Prelininary evaluation of the safety features of Douglas Point G.S. relative to the Three Mile Island accidentMississauga, Ont. [Ont.] : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Engineering Company, 197913 leaves : illustrations ; 28 cm“1979 April 12.”Douglas Point Nuclear Power Station (Ont.) --Safety measures; Three Mile Island-2 reactor; Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant (Pa.)--Accidents WNRE Library discard. Library stamps. In binder.Pamphlet files2021-1574
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Environmental Protection Branch; Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada; Species at risk in Ontario list AECL Chalk River Laboratories species at risk field guide[Chalk River, Ont?] : AECL, 20121 v. (unpaged) : col. Ill. ; 11 x 16 cmStatus for each species in guide is from the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada, and the Species at risk in Ontario list.Endangered species--Canada; Endangered species—Ontario; Wildlife conservation--Canada--Handbooks, manuals, etc.; Wildlife conservation—Ontario; Field guidesSpiral ring binding. Pamphlet files2019-1523
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. List of publications (Cumulation); Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories. Information Services Branch; Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories. Scientific Document Distribution Office; Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories. Technical Information Branch List of publications / Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedChalk River, Ont. : Scientific Documents Distribution Office, 1959-[1995?]v. ; 28 cm. Apr. 1952/Aug. 1959- . Ceased with 1994/1995 issue? AECL-5000 [1952/1959]; AECL-5001 [1959/1966]; AECL-5002 [1966/1971]; AECL-5003 [1971/1976]; AECL-5004 [1976/1981]; AECL-5005 [1981/1986]; AECL-5007 [1988]Frequency: quinquennial (irregular). Cover title: Atomic energy publications [1959/1966]. Updated by supplements. Text in English only, 1952/1959-1976/1981; includes some text in French, 1981/1986-1994/1995? Cover title: Liste des publications. Issued 1959/1966-1976/1981 by Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories, Technical Information Branch; 1981/1986-1994/1995? by Information Services Branch. Has supplement: Atomic Energy of Canada Limited List of publications - Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. -- Chalk River, Ont. : Technical Information Branch, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories,[197--1995] ISSN 0571-8104. Continues: Publications from the Montreal Laboratory and the Chalk River Atomic Energy Project of the National Research Council of Canada. -- Chalk River, Ont.: Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, 1963.0571-8104 Atomic Energy of Canada Limited—Bibliography; Nuclear energy—Canada--BibliographySPCNHI has: 1952/1959-1976/1981, 1981/1986, 1988. Some citations marked with highlighting. SPCNHI also has digital files in pdf format for 1952/1959-1994/1995.AECL reports file2020-1146 (1952/1959); 2019-1053 (1959/1966); 2019-1054 (1966/1971); 2019-1055 (1971/1976); 2019-1056 (1976/1981); 2019-1227 (1981/1986); 2019-1228 (1988)
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management OfficeCleanup process update, May 2006[Ottawa?] : Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Office, 20068 leaves : illustrations ; 28 cm Information : Port Hope ProjectLow-level radioactive wastes—Remedial action—Ontario—Port Hope; Low-level radioactive wastes—Remedial action—Ontario—Port GranbyPamphlet files2021-1374
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Office The Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management OfficeOttawa : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited [199-?]1 sheet : coloured illustrations ; 22 x 35cm, folded to 22 x 9 cmAtomic Energy of Canada Limited. Low Level Radioactive Waste Management Office; Low-level radioactive wastes—Remedial actionPamphlet files2021-1047
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Office Port Hope area initiative[Ottawa?] : Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Office, 20021 digital videodisc (22 min.) : sound, color ; 12 cmPublic information video.Low-level radioactive wastes—Remedial action—Ontario—Port Hope; Motion picturesCD/DVDs2019-7026
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Office Port Hope area initiative : project description[Ottawa] : Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Office, 20011 compact disk (2 pdf files) ; 8 cm“November 2001.” Contents: Port Hope long-term low-level radioactive waste management project (51 p. : ill., maps). -- Port Granby long-term low-level radioactive waste management project (30 p. : ill., maps)Low-level radioactive wastes—Remedial action—Ontario—Port Hope; Low-level radioactive wastes—Remedial action—Ontario—Port GranbyCD/DVDs2019-7025
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Office Port Hope area initiative : project description[Ottawa] : Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Office, 20011 compact disk (2 pdf files) ; 12 cm“November 2001.” Contents: Port Hope long-term low-level radioactive waste management project (51 p. : ill., maps). -- Port Granby lont-term low-level radioactive waste management project (30 p. : ill., maps)Low-level radioactive wastes—Remedial action—Ontario—Port Hope; Low-level radioactive wastes—Remedial action—Ontario—Port GranbyCD/DVDs2019-7024
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Office The Port Hope long-term low-level radioactive waste management project[Port Hope, Ont.] : Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Office, 20061 compact disc (17 pdf files) : ill., maps ; 12 cm“Contents: EA study report (PH1). -- Supporting docs (PH2-PH16) & Addendum to the study report (PH17).” “May 2006.”Low-level radioactive wastes—Environmental aspects—Ontario—Port HopeCD/DVDs2020-7005
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Office The Port Hope long-term low-level radioactive waste management project : environmental assessment study report & supporting documentation[Port Hope, Ont.] : Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Office, 20051 compact disc (16 pdf files) : ill., maps ; 12 cm“March 2005 (draft).” Contents: study report (PH1) & supporting documents (PH2-PH16).Low-level radioactive wastes—Environmental aspects—Ontario—Port HopeCD/DVDs2019-7028
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Office; Stantec Consulting Ltd.; SENES Consultants Limited; Conestoga-Rovers & Associates; AMEC Earth & Environmental LimitedPort Hope area initiative work plans for environmental baseline studies : aquatic, atmospheric, geophysical, socio-economic, terrestrial[Port Hope, Ont. : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Office] 20031 compact disc (18 HTML documents) ; 12 cm“2003 April 9.” Includes studies for Port Granby. Reports submitted by Stantec Consulting Ltd., SENES Consultants Limited, Conestoga-Rovers & Associates, and AMEC Earth & Environmental Limited.Low-level radioactive wastes—Environmental aspects—Ontario—Port Hope; Low-level radioactive wastes—Environmental aspects —Ontario—Port GranbyCD/DVDs2019-7027
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Nuclear Fuel Waste Management Immobilized fuel test facility[Pinawa, Manitoba] : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited [1984][8] p. : col. Ill. ; 22 cmPublic information pamphlet describing the facility at Whiteshell Nuclear Research Establishment.Spent fuels; Materials testing; Radioactive waste facilitiesPamphlet files2019-1520
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Nuclear Fuel Waste Management Information available about nuclear fuel waste management[Pinawa, Manitoba : Whiteshell Nuclear Research Establishment, 1985]1 sheet : coloured illustrations ; 36 x 22 cm, folded to 9 x 22 cmIncludes references.Radioactive waste management—Canada; Spent fuels; Underground disposalPamphlet files2020-1047
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Nuclear Fuel Waste Management Nuclear fuel waste[Pinawa, Manitoba : Whiteshell Nuclear Research Establishment, 1981]1 sheet : ill. ; 36 x 22 cm, folded to 9 x 22 cmAlso published in French under title: Déchets de combustible nucléaire.Radioactive waste management—Canada; Spent fuelsPamphlet files2020-1048
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Nuclear Waste ManagementMeasuring earthquake activity / Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Nuclear Waste Management[Pinawa, Man. : Whiteshell Nuclear Research Establishment, 1983]1 sheet : ill., maps ; 35 x 22 cm, folded to 22 x 9 cm“February 1983.”Earthquakes; SeismographsPamphlet files2019-1505
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Nuclear Waste Management Will disposal be safe[Pinawa, Man. : Whiteshell Nuclear Research Establishment, 1983]1 folded sheet : col. Ill ; 18 x 22 cm, folded to 9 x 22 cm“B6 March 1983.”Radioactive waste management—Canada; Spent fuelsPamphlet files2020-1046
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Power ProjectsInformation kit / Power Projects, Atomic Energy of Camada Limited[Mississauga, Ont.] Power Projects, Atomic Energy of Camada Limited [1971?]13 pamphlets, sheets in portfolio : illustrations, map ; 30 cmAtomic Energy of Canada LimitedPamphlet files2023-1154
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Power ProjectsKnow your way around -- / Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Power Projects,[Mississauga, Ont.] : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Power Project [1972][6] pages : illustrations, plans ; 22 cm“September 15, 1972.” Cover title.Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Power Projects – Buildings -– Design and plansPamphlet files2023-1144
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Power Projects Power Projects employees' information manual[Mississauga, Ont.] : Atomic Energy of Canada, Power Projects [1972?]1 volume (various pagings) : map ; 22 cmAtomic Energy of Canada Limited. Power Projects – Employees -– Handbooks, manuals, etc.; Nuclear industry – Canada -– Employees -– Handbooks, manuals, etc.Pamphlet files2023-1140
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Power Projects; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Engineering Company; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. CANDU Operations Power projections[Mississauga, Ont.] : Power Projects, Engineering Company, CANDU Operations, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, 1971-198818 [volumes] : illustrations. ; 28-29 cm. Frequency: semi-monthly, 1971-1982; monthly, 1983-1987. Special Christmas issue Dec. 1988.Issued by Power Projects 1971 Jan.-1978 Sep., by Engineering Company 1978 Oct.-1981 May, by CANDU Operations 1981 Jun.-1988 Dec. Issues lack volume or issue number designations.Atomic Energy Of Canada Limited—Periodicals; Nuclear industry—Canada—PeriodicalsSPCNHI has: 1971 May 17-1987 May/Jun., Dec., 1988 Dec. issues, punched for 3-ring binder. In three binders.Periodicals2023-1141
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Public Affairs Transitions '96Sheridan Park [Mississauga, Ont. : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited] Public Affairs, 19962 pages ; 28 cm AECL information = EACL information“December 3, 1996.” Partial contents: ZEEP decommissining begins.ZEEP reactor –DecommissioningPamphlet files2021-1577
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Radiochemical Company SLOWPOKE 2[Kanata, Ont. : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Radiochemical Company, 197-?][6] p. : col. Ill. ; 28 cmSLOWPOKE type reactors Nordion International Inc. Business card on front cover.Pamphlet files2021-1185
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Research and Development Adivory Panel Vision 2020 and beyond : the need for nuclear research and development in Canada in the 21st century; Canada vision 2020 and beyond[Ottawa?] : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, 199910 pages : colour illustrations ; 28 cm“A report of the R&D Advisory Panel to the Board of Directors of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited.” Cover title: Canada vision 2020 and beyond ...Nuclear energy – Research – Canada; Nuclear power – Research – CanadaPamphlet files2022-1265
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Research and Development Advisory PanelSummary of panel activities, 1991-2011 / J.T. Rogers[Ottawa? : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited] 2012 10 pages; ; 28 cmAt head of title: “Research and Development Advisory Panel to Board of Directors, Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd.” “October, 2012.”Atomic Energy Of Canada Limited. Research and Development Adivsory Panel Plastic ring binding.Pamphlet files2022-1259
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Research Company Blowdown test facilityChalk River, Ont. : Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories [1989?]1 folded sheet (4 p.) : col. Ill. ;30 cmBlowdown; Test facilities; Loss of coolantPamphlet files2021-1246
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Research Company Career opportunities : world class R&D in cottage countryChalk River, Ont. ; Pinawa, Man. ; Ottawa : AECL Research [199-][9] pages : illustrations ; 28 cmAtomic Energy Of Canada Limited—Employees; Scientists—Recruiting—Canada; Engineers—Recruiting—Canada; Industrial technicians—Recruiting—CanadaPamphlet files2021-1377
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Research CompanyContinuous quality improvement : a report to employees, 1992[Ottawa?] :AECL Research, 19925 pages ; 28 cmAtomic Energy of Canada Limited. Research Company—Quality control; Total quality management; Continuous improvement process; Nuclear industry--Canada--Quality control Punched for 3-ring binder.Pamphlet files2021-1499
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Research Company Continuous quality improvement in AECL Research : a report to employees[Ottawa] :AECL Research [1991]1 folded sheet (5 pages) ; 28 cmAtomic Energy of Canada Limited. Research Company—Quality control; Total quality management; Continuous improvement process; Nuclear industry--Canada--Quality control Punhed for 3-ring binder.Pamphlet files2021-1498
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Research Company CQI guide : problem solving[Place of publication not identified : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited? 1991?41 pages : illustrations ; 28 cmCover title.Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Research Company—Quality control; Total quality management; Continuous improvement process; Nuclear industry--Canada--Quality control Punched for 3-ring binder.Pamphlet files2021-1388
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Research Company CQI guide : process improvementWashington, D.C. : Ernst & Young, 199151 pages : illustrations ; 28 cmCover title.Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Research Company—Quality control; Total quality management; Continuous improvement process; Nuclear industry--Canada--Quality controlPamphlet files2021-1387
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Research Company CQI guide : quality through involvement and leadershipOttawa : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, 1991267 p. : ill. ; 24 cmCover title.Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Research Company—Quality control; Total quality management; Continuous improvement process; Nuclear industry--Canada--Quality control Inserted: Quality vision (1 sheet). Contains handwritten notes.Pamphlet files2021-1386
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Research Company Eddy current probesChalk River, Ont. : AECL Research [198-][4] pages : illustrations ; 28 cmEddy current testingPamphlet files2024-1035
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Research CompanyInter-comm : AECL Research Company weekly newsletter = EACL Société de recherche, bulletin hebdomadaire[Ottawa? : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Research Company, 1986-[1994?]v. : ill. ; 28 cmPublication history: 1986 Jun. 27-1994? Frequency: weekly. Each issue includes site supplement, CRNL or WNRE. In English.Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Research Company—PeriodicalsSPCNHI has : 1986 Jun 27-Aug 22, Sep 5-Dec 19, including CRNL supplement. 1987 Oct 9, Oct 23, Dec 23, 1988 Dec 16, 1989 Jan 6, Jul 7, 14, 21, Sep 01, 1990 Jan 12, Mar 2, Nov 16; v. 7, no. 39 (Apr. 1993); v. 8, no. 6 (1993 Aug 13), 1994 May 6, Oct 28, Dec 2.Periodicals2020-1122 (1986); 2019-1320 (1987 Oct 9); 2019-1321 (1989 Sep 01)
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Research Company Labstracts : the AECL Research Company newsletter[Chalk River, Ont.] : AECL, 1986-[1989?]4 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 1986)-v. 4, no. 2 (May 1989).Monthly. Title from caption. Issue for August/September 1986 (v. 1, no. 3/4) incorrectly numbered v. 1, no. 2/3. Ceased with v. 4, no. 2 (May 1989). Other editions available: Labstrait : [Chalk River, Ont.] : ÉACL, 1986-[198-?] ISSN 0833-0735. Continues: Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories. Public Affairs Office. Chalk talk : Chalk River, Ont. : Public Affairs Office, the Laboratories,[1984-1986?] ISSN 0825-1541.0832-6495 Atomic Energy Of Canada Limited—Periodicals; Nuclear industry—Canada—PeriodicalsSPCNHI has: Vol. 1 (Jul 1986)-v. 2, no. 4, 6-12 (Apr., Jun.-Dec. 1987)-3, no. 11 (Nov 1988), v. 4, no. 1-2 (Jan, May 1989).Periodicals2018-1405
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Research Company LABSTRAIT : bulletin de l'ÉACL--Société de recherche[Chalk River, Ont.] : ÉACL, 1986-[198-?]v. : ill.,; 28 cm. Vol. 1, no 6 (nov. 1986)-Monthly. Caption title. Vol. 1, nos 1-5 not published. Other editions available: Labstracts :. [Chalk River, Ont.] : AECL, 1986-[1989?]0833-0735 Atomic Energy Of Canada Limited—Periodicals; Nuclear industry—Canada—PeriodicalsSPCNHI has: v. 2, no. 2-12 (fév-déc 1987), v. 3, no. 3-11 (mars-nov 1988).Periodicals2018-1437
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Research Company The MAPLE multipurpose research reactor[Pinawa, Man. : AECL Research, Whiteshell Laboratories, 1991]1 folded sheet (4 p.) : col. Ill. : 22 cmMAPLE reactor; Research and test reactorsPamphlet files2021-1244
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Research Company Neutron diffraction : a nondestructive technique for determining residual stresses[Chalk River, Ont. : Chalk River Laboratories, 1990?]1 sheet : col. Ill. ; 28 cm Technical noteNeutron diffreaction; Residual stressesPamphlet files2021-1177
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Research Company Nondestructive testing : research and developmentChalk River, Ont. : AECL Research Company [1988]1 sheet : col. Ill. ; 30 x 69, folded to 30 x 23 cmNondestructive testing – Research; Materials -- Testing -- Research –CanadaPamphlet files2021-1229
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Research Company Planifier pour l'avenir / EACL RecherchePinawa, Man. : EACL Recherche [1994?]1 videocassette (23 min.) : sd., col. ; 19 cm.VHS Hi-fi. Produced by AECL Research. In French.Nuclear waste management; Radioactive waste disposal -- Canada – Planning; Spent fuel; Underground disposal; WNRE; Underground Research Laboratory; Motion picturesIn plastic container, 21 cm.Videos2019-7055
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Research Company Planning for the future / AECL ResearchPinawa, Man. : AECL Research [1994?]1 videocassette (18 min.) : sd., col. ; 19 cmVHS.Nuclear waste management; Radioactive waste disposal -- Canada – Planning; Spent fuel; Underground disposal; WNRE; Underground Research Laboratory; Motion pictures“Copy” on label. Videos2019-7054
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Research Company Planning for the future = Planifier pour l'avenir / AECL ResearchPinawa, Man. : AECL Research [1994?]1 digital videodisc of 2 videos : sd., col. ; 12 cmIn English and French in separate files. Produced by AECL Research.Nuclear waste management; Radioactive waste disposal -- Canada – Planning; Spent fuel; Underground disposal; WNRE; Underground Research Laboratory; Motion picturesCD/DVDs2019-7050
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Research Company Research company transition update[Ottawa? : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Research Company, 1986]v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Publication history: 1986 Jan 10?-Mar 21.Issued twice a month.Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Research Company – Periodicals; Nuclear industry – Canada – PeriodicalsSPCHI has: 1986 Jan 10, 24, Feb 7, 21, Mar 7, 21. In plastic envelope.Pamphlet files2020-1125
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Research CompanySummer tours : Chalk River Laboratories, Chalk River, Ontario = Visites d'été : Laboratoires de Chalk River, Chalk River (Ontario)[Chalk River, Ont?] : AECL Research = EACL Recherche,[199-?]1 sheet : coloured illustrations, maps ; 47 x 22 cm, folded to 10 x 22 cm"AECL Research = EACL Recherche."Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories; Nuclear energy -- Research – Laboratories -- Ontario; Research Institutes – Ontario – Chalk river; Visitor guidesPamphlet files2020-1049
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Research Company Thermalhydraulics testing and analysis[Chalk River, Ont?] : AECL Research [198-?]1 folded sheet (4 p.) : col. Ill. ; 30 cmFluid flow; Heat transfer; Test facilitiesPamphlet files2021-1245
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Research Company The world of the atom : Chalk River Nuclear LaboratoriesChalk River, Ont. : Atomic Energy of Canada Research Company, 1987[4] leaves. : ill. ; 28 cmChalk River Nuclear Laboratories; Nuclear energy -- Research -- Canada – Laboratories; Nuclear industry – CanadaPamphlet files2020-1036
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Research Company ZEEP : Canada's first nuclear reactor[Chalk River, Ont] : AECL Research [c1992]1 sheet : ill. ; 28 cmZEEP reactor; Nuclear reactors—CanadaPamphlet files2019-1509
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Research Company; Macauley, S.; Lambert, R.; Bond, JamesAVC221 : introduction to RC-2000-633-0 : AECL's Research radiation protection requirements19941 videocassette (1 hr. 30 min.) : sd., col.“94.11.29. Copy 5.” Speakers: S. Macauley, Ray Lambert, James Bond.Radiation—Safety meassures; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited; Motion picturesVideos2019-7059
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Underground Research Laboratory Underground research laboratory[2nd ed.][Pinawa, Man. : AECL Research, Whiteshell Laboratories, Underground Research Laboratory, 1994]1 v. (various pagings ) : ill., maps ; 14 cmRadioactive waste disposal in the ground—Manitoba; Underground disposalInserted: memorandum from G.W. Kuzyk, Whiteshell Laboratoies.Pamphlet files2021-1019
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Underground Research Laboratory Underground research laboratory[3rd ed.][Pinawa, Man. : AECL Research, Whiteshell Laboratories, Underground Research Laboratory, 1996]1 v. (various pagings ) : ill., maps ; 14 cmRadioactive waste disposal in the ground—Manitoba; Underground disposalPamphlet files2020-1018
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited;Canada/Korea Engineering Meeting, December 12-17, 1983 : Akkuyu CANDU-1[Mississauga, Ont?. : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited? 1983?]1 sheet : illustrstions ; 31 x 57 cm, folded to 31 x 15 cm“Held at Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Sheridan Park Research Community, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.” List and photograpphs of participants and reactor site.Nuclear power – TurkeyPamphlet files2023-1150
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited; Canada. Department of Fisheries and Oceans.; SENES Consultants Limited.; Wardrop Engineering Inc.; ECOMatters Inc. Whiteshell Laboratories decommissioning project : comprehensive study report / AECL[Ottawa?,Ont.] : AECL, 20011 CD (4 PDF files) : ill., some col.) ; 12 cm"March 2001.” “November 2001." “Rev. 2.” Contents: Executive summary,-- vol. 1. Main report --vol. 2. Appendices.-- vol. 3. Addendum.Whiteshell Laboratories -- Environmental conditions; Nuclear facilities -- Decommissioning -- Manitoba – Pinawa; Radioactive waste sites -- Manitoba – PinawaSPCNHI has 2 copies. CD/DVDs2019-7014 (c.1); 2019-7015 (c.2)
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited; Canadian Nuclear Association; Canada. Department of Energy, Mines and ResourcesThe science of U-238 / [sponsored by Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Canadian Nuclear Association, Energy, Mines and Resources,...] [et al.][Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Association, 199-?]31 p. : col. Ill.; 28 cm2892460271 Uranium 238—Juvenile literature; Nuclear energy—Juvenile literature; Nuclear power—Canada--Juvenile literature; CANDU reactor; Nuclear reactors—Canada—Juvenile literaturePamphlet files2019-1071
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited; Canadian Nuclear Laboratories Voyageur / AECL Chalk River Laboratories ; AECL Whiteshell Laboratories; Canadian Nuclear LaboratoriesChalk River, Ont. : Site & Community Affairs Department, AECL's Chalk River Laboratories, 2010-2014 ; Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, 2015-volumes : illustrations ; 28 cmMonthly. Continues: The CRL Voyageur. Vol. 11- published by Canadian Nuclear Laboratories . Vol. 5, issues 11-12 (Nov-Dec 2010) misprinted with vol. 6. Vol. 13, issue 9 (Sep 2018) with misprinted date, Sep 2019.Chalk River Laboratories—Periodicals; Whiteshell Laboratories—Periodicals; Canadian Nuclear Laboratories—Periodicals; Nuclear energy—Research—Canada—Periodicals; Nuclear industry—Canada—PeriodicalsSPCNHI has: vol. 5, issue 9, 11-12 (Aug., Nov.-Dec. 2010); vol. 6, issue 1-3 (Jan.-Mar. 2011), vol. 8, issue 7, 10, 12 (Jul., Oct., Dec. 2013), vol. 9, issue 1, 3,5 (Jan., Mar. May 2014), vol. 11, issue 3 (Mar. 2015), vol. 12, issue 5, 7,8, 10 (May, Aug., Sep., Nov. 2017), vol. 13, issue 1-12 (Jan.-Dec. 2018), vol. 14, issue 1-3, 5,7- 9, 12 (Jan.-Mar., May, Jul.-Sep., Dec. 2019), vol. 15, issue1 (Jan. 2020). vol. 19, issue 2 (Feb. 2023)Periodicals2019-1600
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited; Canadian Nuclear Society; International Atomic Energy AgencyWaste management, decommissioning and environmental restoration for Canada's nuclear activities : Marriott Toronto Downtown Eaton Centre Hotel, Toronto, Ontario, September 11 to 14, 2011Chalk River, Ont. : Atomic Energy of Canada, 20111 compact disc ; 12 cmConference organized by the Canadian Nuclear Society in co-operation with the International Atomic Energy Agency, and co-sponsored by AECL and other societies and agencies.9.78193E+12 Radioactive waste management – Canada – Congresses; Nuclear facilities – Decommissioning – Canada -- Congresses; Environmental restoration – Canada -- CongressesCD/DVDs2021-7007
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited; Carleton Productions Fuel transfer : Rolphton-Chalk RiverOttawa : Carleton Productions, 19872 videocassettes (ca. I hour each) : sound, colour ; 21 cmProduced by Carleton Productions for AECL. Title from container. “Dec. 1987. Tapes 1-6; tapes 7-11.” VHS. Summary: shows procedures followed in transfer of last spent fuel from NPD reactor to NRX fuel bay when NPD shut down.NPD reactor; Spent fuel casks; Transport; Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories; Radioactive substances – Transportation; Motion pictures In plastic box.Videos2021-7000; 2021-7001
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited; Carleton Productions NPD fuel transfer stock footage : Dec. 1987[Ottawa : Carleton Productions] 1981 videocassette (ca. 1 hr. 30 min.) : sd., col.Produced by Carleton Productions for AECL. Title from container. “For preview only. Tapes 7-11.” VHS. Summary: shorter version of Fuel transfer Rolphton-Chalk River videocassettes.NPD reactor; Spent fuel casks; Transport; Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories; Radioactive substances – Transportation; Motion picturesVideos2021-7002
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited; Deep River Women's Club A souvenir of your visit to the Atomic Energy ProjectChalk River, Ont. : AECL Chalk River Laboratories, 1954[4] p. : ill. ; 22 cm“Sponsored by The Deep River Women's Club and Atomiic Energy of Camada Limited.”Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories—ToursPamphlet files2021-1097
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited; Greater Nanaimo Chamber of Commerce Nuclear power for Vancouver Island / Atomic Energy of Canada Limited[2d ed.][Ottawa] : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited [1972?]36 p. : ill. ; 28 cmCover title. Prepared for the Greater Nanaimo Chamber of Commerce.Nuclear power plants—Vancouver Island—Proposals Pamphlet. Library stamps on cover.Pamphlet files2018-1486
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited; Korea Electric Company Wolsung-1 Nuclear Power Plant : AECL-CANDU PHW 600 Mwe for the Korea Electric Company[Seoul? : Korean Electric Company?] 1980-1981 7 volumes : illustrations ; 28 cmChiefly photographs of reactor construction. “June, 1980”-”December, 1981.”Wolsung-1 Nuclear Power Plant; CANDU 6 reactor; Nuclear power plants – Korea, South; Nuclear reactors—Korea, SouthSPCNHI has: v. 1-5, 7. Donor's name on v. 2, 3,7.Pamphlet files2021-1260 (v.1); 2021-1261 (v.2); 2021-1262 (v.3); 2021-1263 (v.4); 2021-1264 (v.5); 2021-1265 (v.7)
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited; Lamothe, E. S.; Kuisma, N.Employee safety and health handbook / prepared by E.S. Lamothe ; approved by N. Kuisma[Chalk River, Ont?] : AECL, 199917 pages ; 15 cm“1999 June.”Atomic Energy of Canada Limited--Officials and employees--Health and hygiene--Handbooks, manuals, etc.; Industrial safety--Handbooks, manuals, etc.; Radiation—Safety measures--Handbooks, manuals, etc.Pamphlet files2021-1319
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited; Laurence, George C. (George Craig, 1905-1987). Canada's participation in atomic energy developmentCanada's atomic energy project : Chalk River, Ontario[Ottawa? : Atomic Energy of Canada],1953[62] p. : ill. ; 28 cm“January 1953.” Includes reprint of Canada's participation in atomic energy development / George C. Laurence, reprinted from Bulletin of the atomic scientists, v. 3, no. 11, p. 325-328 (1947 Nov.).Atomic Energy of Canada Limited; Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories; Nuclear energy -- Research – Laboratories – Ontario; Nuclear energy -- Research – Canada – History; Nuclear physics -- Research -- Canada – HistoryPamphlet files2021-1155
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited; McDougall, David S.The SLOWPOKE energy system[Ottawa] : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited [198-?]1 folded sheet (5 p.) : ill. ; 22 cm“For further information contact: David S. McDougall.”SLOWPOKE type reactors; District heatingPamphlet files2019-1515
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited; National Research Council of CanadaPublications from the Montreal Laboratory and the Chalk River Atomic Energy Project of the National Research Council of Canada : 1943-1952; NRC- series, 1952Chalk River, Ont. : Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., 1963v, 24 p. ; 28 cmAtomic energy publicationsOn cover: NRC- series, 1952.National Research Council of Canada – Bibliography; Nuclear energy – Bibliography“Crocker” written on cover. Digital copy available (NRC Atomic Energy Pubs (1943-1952)). Pamphlet files2020-1137
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited; Ontario Hydro; Canadian General Electric Company; Crawley FilmsNuclear power demonstration / from Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Ontario Hydro and Canadian General Electric; Evolution of NPD; NPD (Crawley)[Toronto? : Crawley Films, 1963?]1 digital video disc : sd., col. ; 10 cm“Presentation of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Ontario Hydro and Canadian General Electric. Produced by Crawley Films Canada.” The building and operation of NPD. Explains principle of nuclear fission by animated diagrams.NPD reactor—History; Nuclear power plants – Ontario—History; Nuclear fission; Motion picturesDVD copy of CBC documentary film. SPCNHI has 2 copies: 1st, title on disc: The evolution of N.P.D. With: Stealing the breeze” [windsurfing] -- White water men of the Coulonge [logging]; 2nd, title on disc: NPD (Crawley). With: Here and there presents Chalk River -- Eye witness -- Atomic energy.CD/DVDs2019-7040 (c.1); 2019-7041 (c.2)
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited; Pon, G. A. (George Arthur), 1927-2011; Snell, V. G. (Victor Gordon), 1947- ; Howieson, J. Q.Understanding nuclear power / AECL; Fundamentals of nuclear power; Chernobyl : a Canadian perspective[Mississauga, Ont.] : AECL,[1990]20 p. : ill. ; 28 cm“Material in this booklet is taken from AECL CANDU publications 'The Fundamentals of Nuclear Power' by Dr. G.A. Pon and 'Chernobyl: a Canadian Perspective' by Dr. V.G. Snell and J.Q. Howieson; and from 'Know Your Nuclear Reactors' by Nuclear Engineering International.” Cover title. Includes glossary.Nuclear energy; Nuclear reactors Paper cover.Pamphlet files2019-1045
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited; Van Adel, RobertInformation for employees : structuring for growth, 2003 March 26 / [Robert Van Adel][Ottawa] : AECL, 20032 sheets ; 28 cmAtomic Energy of Canada Limited –- ReorganizationPamphlet files2023-1068
Atomic Energy Research Establishment (Harwell, England)Harwell : the Atomic Energy Research Establishment : a brief guide 2nd ed.Didcot (Berks.) : Atomic Energy Research Establishment, 195832 p. : ill., map ; 23 cmPunched for loose-leaf binder.Atomic Energy Research Establishment (Harwell, England); Nuclear energy -- Great BritainPamphlet files2018-1559
Atomic Energy Research Establishment (Harwell, England)The Harwell Reactor SchoolHarwell, Berkshire : Atomic Energy Research Establishment, 195715 p. : ill. ; 20 cmAtomic Energy Research Establishment (Harwell, England) -- Reactor School; Nuclear reactors -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- Great Britain; Nuclear engineering -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- Great Britain; Harwell Reactor SchoolSPCNHI has 2 copies, 1st with typed note attached to title page; 2nd, cover slightly worn.Pamphlet files2018-1557; 2018-1558
Atomic Industrial Forum Nuclear facts and figuresWashington, D.C. : Atomic Industrial Forum, 1982[3] pages ; 28 cmInfo, vol. 2, no. 3 (Jul 1982)“FYI.”Nuclear energy – United States -- Periodicals; Nuclear power – United States – PeriodicalsPamphlet files2022-1247
Atomic Industrial Forum; American Nuclear Society; Forum on Commercial and International Developments in Atomic Energy (1955 : Washington, D.C.)Annual Forum on Commercial and International Developments in Atomic Energy : and first U.S. Trade Fair of the Atomic Industry1 volume (unpaged) ; 23 cm“September 27, 28, 29, 1955, Sheraton-Park Hotel, Washington, D. C.” Includes conference agenda and exhibitors' booths.Nuclear engineering – Congresses ; Nuclear reactors – Congresses; Nuclear engineering – ExhibitionsPamphlet files2022-1054
Atpmic Energy of Canada Limited. Commercial Products DivisionHalf life : A.E.C.L. Commersicla Products R.A. news; Half-life [Ottawa] : AECL Commercial Products volumes : illustrations ; 28 cmFrequency: monthly?Atpmic Energy of Canada Limited. Commercial Products Division -- Periodicals;SPCNHI has: vol. 10, no. 6 (1970 Sep.).Pamphlet files2024-1042
Attas, E. M.Ultraviolet digital imaging for nuclear safeguards / E.M. Attas,[et al.]Bellingham, Wash. : Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, 1996p. 287-298 : ill. ; 28 cmSPIE Proceedings, v. 2654, p. 287-298“Reprinted from Solid State Sensor Arrays and CCD Cameras, 31 Jan.--2 Feb. 1996, San Jose, California. Proceedings reprint.”Cherenkov radiation; Safeguards; CCD cameras; Digital camerasPamphlet files2021-1188
Attas, MichaelCanada's early research on nuclear energy from thorium / by Michael Attas[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2013]page 35-36 ; illustration ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 34 no. 2 (Jun. 2013).Thorium – Research – History; Nuclear fuels – Research – HistoryPeriodicals2018-1400
Attas, MichaelFrederick Soddy's invention of isotopes in 1911 / by Michael Attas[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2011]page 11-13 : illustrations, portraits ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 32 no. 3 (Sep. 2011).Isotopes—History; Radiochemistry—History; Soddy, Frederick, 1877-1956Periodicals2018-1400
Attas, MichaelNuclear physics turns 100 : thank you, Ernest Rutherford / Michael Attas[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2011]page 11-13 : illustrations, portrait ; 30 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 32 no. 1 (Mar. 2011).Rutherford, Ernest, 1871-1937; Physicists – Biography; Nuclear Physics – HistoryPeriodicals2018-1400
Attix, Frank H.Introduction to radiological physics and radiation dosimetry / Frank Herbert AttixNew York ; Toronto : Wiley, c1986xxi, 607 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm"A Wiley-Interscience publication." Includes index. Bibliography: page 506-524.0471011460 Medical physics; Radiation dosimetry CNSC Library discard.Bookshelves R895 A84 1986 2022-1302
Australian Atomic Energy Commission Atomic energy research / Australian Atomic Energy Commission[Lucas Heights, N.S.W? Australia : The Commission, 1960?][20] pages : illustrations ; 25 cmLucas Heights Research Laboratories (Australia); Nuclear energy—Research—Laboratories—Australia; HIFAR reactorAECL Library discard. Pocket, stamps inside.Pamphlet files2021-1286
Australian Atomic Energy Commission. Research Establishment A brief guide to the Australian Atomic Energy Commission Research Establishment[Sydney : The Commission],[196-?]11 pages : illustrations, map ; 24 cmAustralian Atomic Energy Commission. Research Establishment; Nuclear energy—Research—AustraliaAECL Library discard. Pocket, stamps inside.Pamphlet files2021-1287
Ayres, Frank, 1901-1994Schaum's outline of theory and problems of differential and integral calculus / by Frank Ayres 2nd editionNew York : Toronto : McGraw Hill, 1964345 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm Schaum's outline seriesCalculus -- Outlines, syllabi, etc.; Calculus - - Problems, exercises, etcDonor's name, address on title page.Bookshelves QA300 .A9 1964 2023-1038
Azzam Edward Biologie des rayonnements et risques de cancer / Edward Azzam[Toronto? :Canadian Nuclear Association, 1994?]leaf [38]-45 ; 28 cmPaper in Canadian Nuclear Association. Conference (34th : 1994 :Montréal, Que.). Programme des Enseignants : comptes rendus : le 6 juin 1994, 14h00-17h00. In French.Biological radiation effects; Cancer -- Risk factorsBookshelves TK9006 C3 1994a 2022-1231
Babcock & Wilcox Company Steam : its generation and use[37th edition]New York : The Babcock & Wilcox Company 1 volume (various pagings) : illustrations ; 29 cmSteam-boilers, Water-tubeAECL Library discard. Stamps, pocket, spine worn.Oversize booksTJ275 S84 1955 2022-1323
Badash, LawrenceRadioactivity in America : growth and decay of a science / Lawrence BadashBaltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, c1979xv, 327 p. : ill. ; 24 cmIncludes bibliographical references and index. 0801821878 Radioactivity—HistoryLibrary label on spine, pocket remnant inside front cover, bar code label, stamps on front flyleaf.Bookshelves QC794.98 .B33 2018-1470
Baggott, J. E.The meaning of quantum theory : a guide for students of chemistry and physics / Jim BaggottOxford ; Toronto : Oxford University Press, 1992xi, 230 p. : ill. ; 24 cmOxford science publicationsIncludes bibliographical references (p. [218]-222) and indexes. 019855575X (pbk); 0198555768 (hard)Quantum theory; Quantum chemistrySPCNHI has paperback edition.. BookshelvesQC174.12 B34 1992 2019-1206
Baker, Gregory L.; Gollub, J. P., 1944- Chaotic dynamics : an introduction / Gregory L. Baker and Jerry P. GollubCambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1991, c1990ix, 182 p. : ill. ; 25 cmIncludes bibliographical references (p. 176-179) and index. `0521382580; 052138897X (pbk.) Pendulum; Chaotic behavior in systems SPNCHI has paperback edition.BookshelvesQA862 .P4 B35 1991 2019-1281
Ball, Philip; Clegg, Brian; Hissey, Ivan30-second quantum theory : the 50 most thought-provoking quantum concepts, each explained in half a minute / editor, Brian Clegg ; contributors, Philip Ball [and 7 others] ; illustrator, Ivan Hisse; Thirty second quantum theoryToronto, Ont. : Prospero Books, 2014160 pages : color illustrations ; 24 cm 30-secondVariant title: Thirty second quantum theory : the fifty most thought-provoking quantum concepts, each explained in half a minute. Includes bibliographical references (pages 154-155) and index. 9.78155E+12 Quantum theory -- Popular worksBookshelves QC174.123 B35 2014 2023-1033
Ball, Robert S. (Robert Stawell), Sir, 1840-1913Elements of astronomy / by Sir Robert Stawell BallLondon ; New York and Bombay : Longmans, Green, 1903xiv, 469 p. : ill. ; 18 cmText-books of scienceAstronomy Spine slightly worn. Front cover slightly stained. On front flyleaf: “Judge Steavenson”.Bookshelves QB45 .B2 1903 2018-1215
Ballentyne, D. W. G. (Denis William George); Walker, Louis Edward QuintrellA dictionary of named effects and laws in chemistry, physics, and mathematics / D. W. G. Ballentyne and L. E. Q. Walker2d rev. and enl. ed.London : Chapman & Hall, 1961v, 234 p. : ill. ; 23 cmChemistry—Dictionaries; Physics—Dictionaries; Mathematics—Dictionaries; Physical laws—DictionariesAECL Library discard. Library label on spine; pocket inside front cover; stamps inside front cover, front flyleaf.Bookshelves Q123 .B3 1961a 2018-1304
Baltimore Gas and Electric Company Calvert Cliffs : nuclear power for mid-Maryland[Baltimore, Md. : Baltimore Gas and Electric Company, 1975?][8] p. : ill., map ; 22 cmCover title.Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant (Md.); Nuclear power plants – Maryland; Nuclear energy – MarylandPamphlet files2019-1018
Baltimore Gas and Electric Company Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant visitors center : where the past meets the future[Baltimore, Md. : Baltimore Gas and Electric Company, 1998?]1 sheet : col. Ill., map ; 23 cmCalvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant (Md.); Nuclear power plants – Maryland; Nuclear energy – Maryland; Visitor guidesPamphlet files2019-1019
Baranger, Michel; Vogt, Erich W., 1929-Advances in nuclear physicsNew York : Plenum Press, 1968-c200327 volumes ; 24 cm Publication history: Vol. 1-v. 27. Frequency: Irregular. Continued by: Advances in the physics of particles and nuclei. Edited by Michel Baranger, Erich Vogt.0065-2970 Nuclear physics—Periodicals SPCNHI has: v. 7.Bookshelves QC173 A2545 2020-1192
Barber, R. C.A Canadian Penning trap mass spectrometer / R.C. Barber ... [et al.][Canada, 199-?]60 p. : ill. ; 29 cmPublisher not identified.Mass spectrometers; Tandem accelerator superconducting cyclotron—Ontario—Chalk River Paper cover. Plastic ring binding.Oversize books QC454 .M3 B3 2021-1210
Barlow, H. M. (Harold Monteagle), 1899-Micro-waves and wave guides / by H. M. BarlowLondon : Constable, 1947x, 122 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.Bibliography: p. 119-120.Microwaves; Wave guidesFront cover slightly stained. Back cover slightly worn. Inside front cover inscribed: “P. Oliver, Physics Dept., Manchester University.”Bookshelves TK6553 .B28 1947 2018-1188
Barnsley, M. F. (Michael Fielding), 1946-Fractals everywhere / Michael BarnsleyBoston : Academic Press, c1988xii, 394 p.,[16] p. of plates : ill. (some col.) ; 25 cmIncludes index. Bibliography: p. 381-384.0120790629 FractalsBookshelves QA614.86 B37 1988 2019-1312
Barry, P. J.; Robertson, E.Use of radioactive tritiated water to study evaporation from a small natural lake / P.J. Barry and E. RobertsonToronto : Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society = Société canadienne de méteorologie et d'océanographie [1978]-1 page ; 23 cmAtmosphere-Ocean, vol. 21, page 59 (May 1983).Abstract in: 17th Annual Congress issue.Evaporation (Meteorology) -- Perch Lake, Ont.; Groundwater flow -- Ontario -- Perch Lake; Tritium oxidesPamphlet files2022-1328
Barsczewski, J. S.; Green, L. W.; Elliot, N. L.Gilbert Bartholomew : Dr. Gilbert Bartholomew, 1922-20131 sheet : portrait ; 28 cmPhotocopy of excerpt publshed in Vancouver Sun and/or The Province, 2013 Feb. 6-8.Bartholomew, Gilbert, 1922-2013; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and employees – Obituaries; National Research Council Canada – Officials and employees – ObituariesInterim file 22024-1003
Barsczewski, J. S.; Green, L. W.; Elliot, N. L.A versatile low-cost automation system for thermal ionization mass spectrometers / J.S. Barsczewski, L.W. Green and N.L. Elliotp. 62-65 : ill.In: ASMS 33rd Annual Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics : May 26-31, 1985, San Diego, California. Also issued as AECL-8862.Mass spectrometersBookshelves QC451 C744 1985 2020-1086
Barton, Edwin Henry, 1858-A text-book on sound / by Edwin H. BartonLondon : Macmillan, 1926, c1908xvi, 687 p. :ill. ; 21 cm"Examples": p. 657-680.SoundSpine worn. Binding broken between p. 464-465. “W. B. Lewis, Caius College, Cambridge, 1929” on front flyleaf. Inserted: receipt from bookstore for purchase of book.Bookshelves QC223 .B3 1926 2018-1264
Bate, Roger R.; Mueller, Donald D., 1933- ; White, Jerry E., 1937-Fundamentals of astrodynamics / Roger R. Bate, Donald D. Mueller, Jerry E. WhiteNew York : Dover Publications ; Toronto : General Publishing, 1971xii, 455 p. : ill. ; 22 cmIncludes bibliographies. 0486600610 Astrodynamics Paperback. Spine creased.Bookshelves TL1050 B33 1971 2019-1261
Bateman Manuscript Project; Bateman, Harry, 1882-1946; Erdélyi, Arthur; United States. Office of Naval ResearchHigher transcendental functions : based, in part, on notes left by Harry Bateman / and compiled by the staff of the Bateman Research ProjectNew York : McGraw-Hill, 1953-553 v. : ill. ; 24 cmBateman Manuscript Project director: Arthur Erdélyi. "Prepared at the California Institute of Technology with the Office of Naval Research”. Includes bibliographiesTranscendental functions SPCNHI has: v. 1-2. AECL Library discard. Stamps on endpapers.Bookshelves QA351 B2 2019-1385 (v.1); 2019-1386 (v.2)
Bateman Manuscript Project; Bateman, Harry, 1882-1946; Erdélyi, Arthur; United States. Office of Naval ResearchTables of integral transforms : based, in part, on notes left by Harry Bateman / and compiled by the staff of the Bateman Manuscript ProjectNew York : McGraw-Hill, 19542 v. ; 24 cmBateman Manuscript Project director: Arthur Erdélyi. "Prepared at the California Institute of Technology with the Office of Naval Research”."Intended as companions and sequel to [its] ... Higher transcendental functions.”Transcendental functions. Transformations (Mathematics)SPCNHI has: v. 1. Errata sheet taped to p. [viii]. Bookshelves QA351 B22 2019-1390
Baum, Edward M.; Travis, Suzanne D.Nuclides and isotopes : chart of the nuclides / Edward M. Baum ... [and others] ; graphic design, Suzanne D. Travis17th edition, Revised 2009.[Schenectady, NY] : Bechtel : Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory, c2010vi, 58 pages : ilustrations (some coloured) ; 30 cmFold-out periodic table inside back cover. Includes bibliographical references9780984365319 (paperback) Chemical elements; Matter – Classification; Chemical elements -- Charts, diagrams, etc.; Nuclides; IsotopesPamphlet files2023-1024
Baum, Edward M.; Knox, Harold D.; Miller, Thomas R. ;Knolls Atomic Power LaboratoryNuclides and isotopes : chart of the nuclides / revised 2002 by Edward M. Baum, Harold D. Knox and Thomas R. Miller16th edition[Schenectady, N. Y?] : Locheed Martin : Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory. C200248 pages : illustrations ; 31 cmFold-out periodic table inside back cover. Includes bibliographical references. Chemical elements; Matter—Classification; Chemical elements--Charts, diagrams, etc.; Nuclides; IsotopesPamphlet files2022-1273
Bear, JacobDynamics of fluids in porous media / Jacob BearNew York : Dover, 1988, c1972xvii, 764 p. : ill. ; 23 cmDover books on physics and chemistry "An unabridged, corrected republication of the work first published by the American Elsevier Publishing Company, Inc., New York, 1972, in its Environmental Science series"--T.p. verso. Includes index. Bibliography: p. 733-756.0486656756 Fluid dynamics; Groundwater flow Paperback. Spine cracked.BookshelvesTA357 B38 1988 2019-1155
Bear, JacobHydraulics of groundwater / Jacob BearNew York ; Toronto : McGraw-Hill International, c1979xiii, 567 p. : ill. ; 24 cmMcGraw-Hill series in water resources and environmental engineeringIncludes indexes. Bibliography: p. 541-555.0070041709Groundwater flow; Groundwater; Hydrodynamics“Gwen Milton, January, 1981” on front endpaper.Bookshelves GB1197.7 B4 2021-1004
Beaver (Periodical) Better living through science[Winnipeg : Canada's National History Society, 2002]p. 4 : ill. ; 28 cmIn: The Beaver, v. 82:3 (Jun/Jul 2002). Announcement of unveiling of NPD reactor historical plaque on Highway 17 near Rolphton, Ont., 1 June 2002.0005-7517 NPD reactor; Historical markers—Ontario—Rolphton SPCNHI has 2 copies.Pamphlet files2019-1127; 2019-1128
Beck, Adam, 1857-1925The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario : its origin, administration and achievements : a statement / by Sir Adam BeckToronto, 192419 pages, frontispiece,[5] pages of plates ; 25 cmOntario. Hydro-electric Power Commission; Ontario Hydro Fragile. Digital copy available.Pamphlet files2021-1481
Becker, Erwin Willy, 1920-Heavy water production / E. W. BeckerVienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 196259 p. : ill. ; 21 cmReview series, no. 21 (International Atomic Energy Agency)Text in English. Foreword in English, French, Russian and Spanish. Includes bibiographic references.Deuterium oxide; Heavy water plants Foxing on front cover.Pamphlet files2021-1213
Beckett, Robert E.A history of Deep River : July 1970[Deep River, Ontario : Deep River Community Association],1970vi, 58 p. : ill., maps, ports. ; 28 cmAt head of title: Silver jubilee: 1945-70, town of Deep River. “The following committee, chairman of which was Robert E. Beckett, was responsible for writing this history: Pat Griffiths, Jean H. Morison, Doreen E Parsons, H.W. Tracey, Barry Mitchell and Harold Kernaghan.”-- p. ii.Deep River (Ont.)--History; Nuclear industry--Ontario--Deep River—History; Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories—History; Company towns—Ontario—Deep River—History Paper cover. SPCNHI has 2 copies, one with slightly faded covers, small tear on back cover.Pamphlet files FC3099.D4 H57 1970 2018-1477; 2018-1478
Beckmann, PetrThe health hazards of NOT going nuclear / by Petr BeckmannBoulder, Colo. : Golem Press, 1976190 p. : ill. ; 23 cmIncludes bibliographical references and index. 0911762175 (pbk.) Nuclear power plants--Environmental aspects; Electric power-plants--Health aspects; Electric power-plants--Environmental aspects; Nuclear Energy; Environmental Health; Environmental Pollution; Radiation InjuriesLibrary label, front cover, pocket inside front cover, library stamps on front flyleaf. Errata slip attached inside back cover.Bookshelves RA569 .B43 2018-1513
Beckurts, K. H. (Karl Heinrich); Wirtz, Karl, 1910-Neutron physics / by K.H. Beckurts and K. WirtzBerlin ; New York : Springer, 1964x, 444 p. : ill. ; 26 cm."Completely revised edition of 'Elementare Neutronenphysik' by K. Wirtz and K.H. Beckurts, published in 1958 in German. Translated by: L. Dresner." Includes bibliographies.Neutrons Front cover slightly stained.Bookshelves QC721 .B3653 2018-1192
Beggs, Joseph StilesMechanism / Joseph Stiles BeggsNew York ; Toronto ; London : McGraw-Hill, 1955xiii, 418 p. : ill. ; 24 cmMcGraw-Hill series in mechanical engineering Bibliography: p. 405-411.Machinery, Kinematics ofEndpapers yellowed. “W. McAlpin” written on front endpaper. Bookshelves TJ175 B34 2019-1094
Beijing International Symposium on Physics at Tandem (1986); Jiang, ChenglieProceedings of Beijing International Symposium on Physics at Tandem, Beijing, China, May 26-30, 1986 / edited by Jiang Chenglie ... [et al.].Singapore : World Scientific, c1987xv, 610 p. : ill. ; 23 cm9971501295Nuclear reactions—Congresses; Heavy ion collisions—Congresses; Nuclear structure—Congresses; Particle accelerators—CongressesBookshelvesQC793.9 B45 1986 2021-1012
Bell, D. J. (David John), 1913-Mathematics of linear and nonlinear systems : for engineers and applied scientists / D.J. BellOxford [England] : Clarendon Press ; Toronto : Oxford University Press, 1993, c1990xiii, 304 p. : ill. ; 24 cm‪Oxford science publications Includes bibliographical references (p. [292]-294) and index‪ISBN 0198563329; 0198563639 (pbk) Science—Mathematics; Technology—Mathematics; Numerical calculations SPCNHI has: paperback edition.Bookshelves Q158.5 B45 1993 2019-1387
Bell, J. S.Speakable and unspeakable in quantum mechanics : collected papers on quantum philosophy / J.S. BellCambridge [Cambridgeshire] ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1987xii, 212 p. : ill. ; 24 cmIncludes bibliographies and index. 0521334950 Quantum theory Paperback.Bookshelves QC173.97 B45 1987 2019-1339
Bell, Robert Edward, 1918-1992; Pounder, E. R.William Heriot Watson, 1899-1987 / R. E. Bell ; E. R. Pounderp. [595]-598 ; port.In:Transactions of Royal Society of Canada, 6thser., v. 1 (1990)0035-9122Watson, W. H. (William Heriot), 1899-1987; Physcists—Canada—Biography; Nuclear energy—Research—CanadaPaperback. New condition. Bookshelves AS42 R66 ser.6 v.1 1990 2018-1282
Bell, Robert John Tainsh, 1877-Coordinate solid geometry : being chapters I-IX of "An elementary treatise on coordinate geometry of three dimensions" / by Robert J. T. BellLondon : Macmillan, 1941xiii, 175, xliii p. : ill. ; 22 cmGeometry, Analytic—Solid“R. G. Jarvis, Coll. Jesus, Oxon.” written on front flyleaf.Bookshelves QA553 B43 2019-1274
Belle, Jack, 1921- ; Berman, R. M.Thorium dioxide : properties and nuclear applications / edited by J. Belle and R.M. BermanWashington, D.C. : Naval Reactors Office, United States Department of Energy, 1984xiii, 573 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.Cover title: ThO2, thorium dioxide. "DOE/NE-0060." Includes bibliographies and index.Nuclear fuels; Thorium dioxideHandwritten notes to A.D. Lane from J.A.L. Robertson, and from A.D. Lane to J.A.L. Roberston attached to front flyleaf and inside front cover.Bookshelves TK9360 T48 1984 2018-1041
Belle, Jack, 1921- ; U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Division of Reactor DevelopmentUranium dioxide: properties and nuclear applications / edited by J. BelleWashington : Naval Reactors, Division of Reactor Development, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission [1961]xiii, 726 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.Uranium oxides; Nuclear fuelsAECL Library discard. Paper cover, binding repaired with transparent tape. Library pocket, stamps inside front cover, bar code label on front flyleaf.Bookshelves TK9360 B4 2018-1333
Belle-Isle, J. G. GéraldDictionnaire technique général, anglais-français / J.-G.-Gérald Belle-IsleQuébec : Belisle, 1965516 p. ; 23 cmIncludes bibliography.Technology—Dictionaries; English language—Dictionaries--FrenchAECL Public Relations Office discard. Library pocket, card, stamps on front endpapers.Bookshelves T9 B433 2019-1402
Bellman, Richard, 1920-1984Introduction to matrix analysis / Richard Bellman 2d ed.New York : McGraw-Hill, c1970xxiii, 403 p. ; 23 cmIncludes bibliographies.Matrices; Mathematical analysis“Jarvis, Deep River” written on front endpaper. Jacket clippings taped to front endpapers.Bookshelves QA263 B36 1970 2019-1310
Bendat, Julius S.; Piersol, Allan G.Measurement and analysis of random data / Julius S. Bendat, Allan G. PiersolNew York : Wiley, c1966xv, 390 p. : ill. ; 24 cmBibliography: p. 379-381.Time-series analysis; Stochastic processesSpine slightly worn. AECL Library discard. Pocket, stamps on front endpapers.Bookshelves QA401 B45 2019-1290
Benedict, MansonUranium-235 separation in the Manhattan Project / Manson Benedictp. 26-36In: American Nuclear Society. Winter Meeting (1982 : Washington, D.C.). Historical perspectives. -- La Grange Park, Ill., USA : American Nuclear Society, 19890894485555 : $20.00 Uranium 235; Separation processes; Manhattan Project (U.S.)--HistoryBookshelves QC773 .H57 1989 2018-1005
Benedict, Manson; Pigford, Thomas H.Nuclear chemical engineering / Manson Benedict, Thomas H. PigfordNew York ; Toronto : McGraw-Hill, 1957xiv, 594 pages : illustrations ; 24 cmMcGraw-Hill series in nuclear engineering Includes bibliographies.Nuclear engineering; Nuclear chemistryAECL branch library discard. Stamps, pocket, card.Bookshelves TK9350 B4 2024-1007
Benka, Stephen G.; Lubkin, Gloria B.Special issue : X rays 100 years laterWoodbury, NY : American Institute of Physics, 1995144 pages : illustrations ; 28 cmPhysics today, v. 48, no. 11 (Nov. 1995).Special issue of Physics today.X-rays; RadiologyPamphlet files2021-1207
Bennett, William R. (William Ralph), 1904- ; Davey, James R.Data transmission / William R. Bennett ; James R. DaveyNew York : McGraw-Hill, c1965xi, 356 p. :ill. ; 23 cm.Inter-university electronics series Includes bibliographies.Data transmission systemsInside front cover: “P. Oliver, 15 March 1972.”Bookshelves TK5102.5 .B4 2018-1191
Benrey, Ronald M.; Thomas Alva Edison FoundationNuclear experiments you can do—from Edison 1st ed.Southfield, Mich. : Thomas Alva Edison Foundation, c197632 p. : ill. ; 22 cmNuclear energy—Popular works; Science—Study and teaching; Science projectsWNRE Library discard. Library stamps on cover, title page.Pamphlet files2019-1492
Benson, Bernard S.Strictly birdsmanship, or, How to lay the egg that kills the golden goose / written by bernard S. Benson ; illustrated by Jack Roberts1st ed.Santa Monica, Calif., Benson-Lehner Corp., 19601 v. (unpaged) : chiefly ill. ; 20 x 26 cm.Management—Humor Cover gift wrapped. Discard from AECL Library. Library circulation card inserted: “To Archie Robertson with best wishes from Technical Information Branch. Signed by staff members.Bookshelves PN6231.M2 B4 2018-1043
Beny, Roloff; Wilson, Milton, 1923-2013To every thing there is a season : Roloff Beny in Canada : essays, poems and journals / edited by Milton Wilson ; photographed and designed by Roloff Beny[Don Mills, Ontario] : Longmans, 1969, c1967324 p. : 181 ill. (part col.) ; 36 cmCanadian literature; Canada--Pictorial works“Presented to J. Lorne Gray by the Science Council of Canada in recognition of service on the Council from 1966 to 1970,” on card attached inside front cover.Oversize books FC59 B37 1969 2019-1529
Bernal, J. D. (John Desmond), 1901-The extension of man : a history of physics before the quantum / J. D. BernalCambridge, Mass. : M.I.T. Press, 1972317 p. : ill. ; 23 cmOriginally given as lectures at Birkbeck College, University of London.0262020866 Physics—HistoryWNRE Library discard. Spine faded, slightly worn; pocket remnant, stamps on front endpapers.Bookshelves QC7 B46 1972 2019-1403
Bernstein, Jeremy, 1929-Hans Bethe, prophet of energy / Jeremy BernsteinNew York : Basic Books, c1980xii, 212 p. ; 22 cmBased on articles written for the New Yorker. Includes index. Bibliography: p. 203-204. 0465029035Bethe, Hans A. (Hans Albrecht), 1906-2005; Physicists--Biography. Nuclear energy--HistoryLibrary label on spine, pocket remnant inside front cover; library label, stamps on front flyleaf.Bookshelves QC16.B46 B47 2018-1469
Besançon, Robert M. (Robert Martin)The encyclopedia of physics / edited by Robert M. BesanconNew York : Reinhold, 1966xii, 832 p. : ill. ; 27 cmIncludes bibliographies.Physics – DictionariesAECL Nuclear Physics Branch copy discard. Library stamps, pocket on front endpaper.Bookshelves QC5 B44 2020-1179
Bethe, Hans A. (Hans Albrecht), 1906-2005The road from Los Alamos / Hans A. BetheNew York, NY : American Institute of Physics, c1991xvii, 286 p. : ill. ; 25 cmMasters of modern physics Includes index.0883187078 Nuclear weapons; Atomic bomb—History Signed by donor on front endpaper. Jacket clipping taped inside cover.BookshelvesU264 B455 1991 2019-1445
Bevelacqua, Joseph John, 1949- Health physics in the 21st century / Joseph John BevelacquaWeinheim,[Germany] : Wiley-VCH ; [Chichester : John Wiley distributor],c2008xxiii, 562 pages ; 25 cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. 9783527408221 (cased)Medical physics; Medical physics--Problems, exercises, etc.CNSC Library discard. BookshelvesR895 B485 2008 2022-1303
Bevington, Philip R., 1933-Data reduction and error analysis for the physical sciences / Philip R. BevingtonNew York : McGraw-Hill, c1969xv, 336 pages ; illustrations ; 22 cmBibliography: page 325-326.Multivariate analysis; Error analysis (Mathematics); Least squares; Data reductionAECL library discard. Stamps, pocket, bar code label.Bookshelves QA278 B48 2023-1049
Beyer, Robert T. (Robert Thomas), 1920-Foundations of nuclear physics : facsimiles of thirteen fundamental studies as they were originally reported in the scientific journals / with a bibliography compiled by Robert T. BeyerNew York : Dover Publications, c1949272 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.Bibliography (p. [149]-268).Nuclear physics A separate record has been made for each article.Bookshelves QC173 .B485 2018-1074
Bickel, LennardThe deadly element : the story of uranium / by Lennard BickelNew York : Stein and Day, 1979312 pages,[4] leaves of plates : illustrations ; 24 cmIncludes index. Bibliography: page 302-304.0812825896 UraniumAECL Library discard. Card pocket, library stamps.Bookshelves QD181 .U7 B52 2021-1609
Bigham, C. BruceThe slow neutron fission cross sections of the common fissile nuclides / C. B. Bigham ... [et al.]p. 37-54 : ill.In: Physics and mathematics, v. 3, 1959.0555-4055 Fission cross sections; Neutron cross sectionsBookshelves QC771 .P46 v. 3 1959 2018-1555
Billmeyer, Fred W.Textbook of polymer science / Fred W. Billmeyer, Jr.2d ed.New York : Wiley-Interscience, 1971xiv, 598 p. : ill. ; 23 cmIncludes bibliographies. 0471072966 PolymerizationBookshelves QD381 B52 1971 2019-1456
Bindon, JohnWylfa grabs the headlines / by John Bindon3 leaves : illustrations ; 28 cmPhotocopy of article in Nuclear engineering International, 1995, Nov., page 14-16.Wylfa reactor; Reactor charging machines; Grabs; Reactor accidents; Lawsuits; Reactor safetyPamphlet files2022-1166
Birkhoff, Garrett, 1911-1996A survey of modern algebra / by Garrett Birkhoff and Saunders MacLaneNew York : Macmillan, 1948, c1941xi, 450 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.Bibliography: p. 441-442.Algebra Donor's signature and date on front flyleaf.Bookshelves QA251 .B5 2018-1075
Bishop, Amasa S.; U.S. Atomic Energy Commission; International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy (2nd : 1958 : Geneva, Switzerland)Project Sherwood : the U.S. program in controlled fusion / by Amasa S. BishopReading, Mass. : Addison-Wesley, 1958x, 216 p. : ill. ; 24 cmAddison-Wesley books in nuclear science and metallurgyPrepared for the United States Atomic Energy Commission. "The Geneva presentation volumes presented by the U.S.A. at the Second International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, September 1958." Bibliography: p. 196-200.Controlled fusion--United StatesBookshelves QC789.S5 B5 2018-1556
Blair, J. M.; Veeder, J. I. (Jack Isaac), 1927-2015)The elastic deformation of a circular rod of finite length for an axially symmetric end face loading / J. M. Blair, J. I. VeederNew York : ASME, 19696 pages : illustrations ; 28 cmAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers (Series), 69-APM-28Contributed by the Applied Mechanics Division for presentation at the Applied Mechanics and Fluids Engineering Conference, Evanston, Ill., June 16-18, 1969, of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.Elastic rods and wires -- Mathematical modelsPamphlet files2022-1065
Blatt, John Markus; Weisskopf, Victor Frederick, 1908-2002Theoretical nuclear physics / John M. Blatt, Victor F. WeisskopfNew York : Wiley ; London : Champan & Hall, c1952864 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.Nuclear physicsDonor's signature on front flyleaf. Inserted: envelopes, handwritten calculationsBookshelves QC173 .B498 2018-1076
Blatz, HansonRadiation hygiene handbook : a practical reference covering the industrial, medical, and research uses of radiation and atomic energy ... / Hanson Blatz, editor-in-chief.1st editionNew York ; Toronto : McGraw-Hill, 19591 v. (various pagings) : illusrations ; 24 cm“... with special applications to the fields of health physics, industrial hygiene, and sanitary engineering.” Includes bibliographies and bibliographical references.Radiation -- Safety measures; Radiation -- Physiological effectAECL Library Reactors Branch NRU copy. Library stamps, pocket, card. Spine slightly worn.Bookshelves RA1231 .R2 R28 2023-1096
Bleuler, Ernst, 1916-2007; Goldsmith, George J.Experimental nucleonics / by Ernst Bleuler and George J. GoldsmithNew York : Rinehart, c1952393 p. : ill. ; 24 cmSegrè chart in pocket inside back cover.Nuclear physics--Laboratory manuals; Radiochemistry--Laboratory manuals Spine and cover slightly worn.Bookshelves QC784 .B5 2018-1340
Bloch, Arthur, 1948-Murphy's law and other reasons why things go wrong / by Arthur BlochLos Angeles : Price/Stern/Sloan, 19803 v. : ill. ; 18 cm.Vol. 2 has title: Murphy's law book two : more reasons why things go wrong!0843104287 (v. 1); 0843106743 (v. 2) American wit and humor; Murphy's law; Fate and fatalism Paperback. SPCNHI has: v. 1-2. Inserted: news clippings. 2018-1044: vol. 1; 2018-1287: vol. 2.Bookshelves PN6231.M82 B57 2018-1044; 2018-1287
Bloch, Eugène, 1878-The kinetic theory of gases / by Eugène Bloch ; translated by P.A. Smith 2nd ed. Rev.London : Methuen, 1930xiv, 178 p. : ill. ; 19 cmTranslation of: Théorie cinétique des gaz. Bibliography: p. 176-178.Kinetic theory of gases“W. B. Lewis, Caius College, Cambridge” on front flyleaf.Bookshelves QC175 .B62 1930 2018-1237
Blomeke, J. O.; Johnson, K. D. B.;The management of high-level radioactive waste : a survey of demonstration activities : a consultant reportParis : Nuclear Energy Agency, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Developmen, 198559 pages : illustrations ; 23 cmReport prepared by J.O. Blomeke and K.D.B. Johnson. "April 1985." Bibliography: page 26-34. Also published in French under title: Gestion des déchets de haute activité : bilan des travaux de démonstration : rapport de consultants.Radioactive waste disposal; Radioactive waste management; High-level radioactive wastesPamphlet files2021-1399
Blomeke, J. O.; Johnson, K. D. B.; OECD Nuclear Energy Agency. Radioactive Waste CommitteeGestion des déchets de haute activité : bilan des travaux de démonstration : rapport de consultantsParis : Agence pour l'énergie nucléaire, Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques, 198565 pages : illustrations. ; 23 cmReport prepared by J.O. Blomeke and K.D.B. Johnson. "Avril 1985." Bibliography: page 29-37. Also published in English under title: The management of high-level radioactive waste : a survey of demonstration activities : a consultant reportRadioactive waste disposal; Radioactive waste management; High-level radioactive wastesPamphlet files2021-1400
Blumberg, Stanley A.; Owens, GwinnEnergy and conflict : the life and times of Edward Teller / by Stanley A. Blumberg and Gwinn OwensNew York : Putnam, c1976xvii, 492 p.,[4] leaves of plates : ill. ; 23 cmIncludes bibliographical references and index. 039911551XTeller, Edward, 1908-2003; Nuclear physicists—United States—BiographyLibrary label on spine, pocket remnant inside front cover; bar code label, stamp on front flyleaf; jacket photos taped on front flyleaf verso.Bookshelves QC16.T37 B5 2018-1567
Boehm, George A. W.; National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Support of Research in the Mathematical SciencesThe Mathematical sciences : a collection of essays / edited by the National Research Council's Committee on Support of Research in the Mathematical Sciences (COSRIMS) with the collaboration of George A. W. BoehmCambridge, Mass. : M.I.T. Press, c1969x, 271 p. : ill. ; 24 cm"Published for the National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council." Includes bibliographies.Mathematics—Research New condition. Jacket clipping taped on front endpapers.Bookshelves QA11 M39 2019-1451
Bohm, David, 1917-1992Quantum theory / by David BohmNew York : Prentice-Hall, 1951ix, 646 p. : ill. ; 24 cmPrentice-Hall physics series Bibliography: p. 2-3.Quantum theorySpine faded. Donor signature on front endpaper with “Princeton, Mar '50.”Bookshelves QC174.1 B6 2020-1163
Bohn, Erik V.Introduction to electromagnetic fields and waves / Erik V. BohnReading, Mass. ; Don Mills, Ont. : Addison-Wesley, c1968ix, 470 p. : ill. ; 24 cmAddison-Wesley series in electrical engineering Includes bibliographies.Electromagnetic theoryBookshelves QC670 B68 2019-1473
Bohr, Aage; Mottelson, Ben R.Nuclear structure / Aage Bohr, Ben R. MottelsonNew York : W. A. Benjamin, 1969-v. : ill. ; 27 cm.Incomplete contents: v. 1. Single-particle motion.--v. 2. Nuclear deformations. Vol. 2- published by Advanced Book Program, W. A. Benjamin. Includes bibliographies.Nuclear structure SPCNHI has: v. 1. “Complimentary faculty review copy” stamped on front flyleaf.Oversize books QC771 .B63 2018-1077
Bohr, Niels, 1885-1962Physique atomique et connaissance humaine / Niels Bohr ; traduit par Edmond Bauer et Roland Omnes[Paris] : Gauthier-Villars 1972xi, 156 p. : ill. : 21 cmCollection discour de la méthode Traduit de: Atomfysik og menneskelig erkenselse. In French.Physics—Philosophy; Nuclear physics; Quantum theory; Knowledge, Theory ofPapback. “Offert par le gorvernement français, Ambassade de France, Ottawa, Service scientifique” stamped on first page.Bookshelves QC6 B64 2021-1173
Bois, G. PetitTables of indefinite integrals / by G. Petit Bois New York : Dover Publications ; [Toronto] : McClelland and Stewart, 1961xii, 151 p. ; 24 cm“A new unabridged English translation of ... Tafeln der unbestimmten Integrale.”IntegralsPaperback. Spine, cover worn.Oversize books QA310 B643 2019-1382
Bolt, Bruce A., 1930-Nuclear explosions and earthquakes : the parted veil / Bruce A. BoltSan Francisco : W. H. Freeman, c1976xxi, 309 p. : ill. ; 25 cmIncludes index. Bibliography: p. [291]-300.0716702762 Nuclear weapons—Testing; Nuclear explosions; Earthquakes; SeismologyWNRE Library discard. Library spine label, stamps, pocket on front endpapers.Bookshelves UG1282 .A8 B64 2019-1550
Boltz, David F. (David Ferdinand), 1918-1976; Howell, James A.Colorimetric determination of nonmetals / editors, David F. Boltz ; James A. Howell ; authors, David F. Boltz ... [et al.]2d ed.New York : Wiley, c1978xvii, 543 p. : ill. ; 24 cmChemical analysis, v. 8"A Wiley-Interscience publication." Includes index. Bibliography: p. 520-527.0471087505 Colorimetric analysisSaskatchewan Research Council Library discard. Library stamp on title page, pocket inside back cover.BookshelvesQD113 B6 1978 2021-1148
Bonderup, EjvindPenetration of charged particles through matter[Aarhus, Denmark] : Institute of Physics, University of Aarhus [1978]Iv, 232 p. : ill. : 21 cmPlastic ring binding.Electrons; Nuclear reactions; Particles (Nuclear physics); Collisions (Nuclear physics) Some pages bound out of order. “James S. Forster” written on title page. Bookshelves QC794.6 .C6 B6 1978 2020-1191
Bongagnon, Alain; Tremblay, Nicole; Cox, David; Edwards, GordonAttention danger : du plutonium entre au Canada1 videocassette (14 min.) : sound, colourJournalist: Alain Bongagnan; Producer: Nicole Tremblay. Participants: Davide Cox, Gordon Edwards. In French.Molybdenum oxides; Plutonium; NRU reactor Recorded from Radio Canada program.Videos2022-7018
Boreham, D. R. ; Mitchel, R. E. J.Biological defense mechanisms induced by low doses of ionizing radiation / D. R. Boreham and R. E. J. Mitchel[9] leaves : illustrations ; 28 cmPhocopy of article or conference paper. Includes references.Biological radiation effects; Low dose irradiationPamphlet files2022-1020
Born, Max, 1882-1970Atomic physics / by Max Born ; authorized translation from the German edition by John Dougall 4th ed.London, Glasgow : Blackie & Son, 1947, c1946xii, 370 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.Bibliography: p. 361-362.PhysicsSPCNHI has 2 copies: 1st, spine slightly worn, covers stained, donor's signature on front flyleaf; 2nd, cover scratched,“R. G. Jarvis, Jesus Coll. Oxon. June 1947” written on front flyleaf.Bookshelves QC173 B634 1947 2018-1006; 2019-1150
Born, Max, 1882-1970Atomic physics : from the original translation of John Dougall / revised by the author in collaboration with R.J. Blin-Stoyle 6th ed.London : Blackie, 1958xiv, 445 p., 11 plates : ill. ; 23 cm"The German edition ... which appeared in 1933 under the title Moderne Physik, had its origin in a course of lectures ... at the Technical College, Berlin-Charlottenburg." Bibliography: p. 431-433. Nuclear physics Donor's nameon front endpaper.Bookshelves QC173 B634 1958 2021-1168
Born, Max, 1882-1970Natural philosophy of cause and chance / by Max BornOxford : Clarendon Press ; London ; Toronto : Oxford University Press, 1949vii, 215 p. : ill. ; 23 cm“Being the Waynflete lectures, delivered in the College of St. Mary Magdalen, Oxford, in Hilary Term, 1948”--Title page.Physics—Philosophy“R. G. Jarvis, Jesus College, Oxon.” written on front endpaper.Bookshelves QC6 B663 2019-1205
Born, Max, 1882-1970; Huang, Kun, 1919-2005Dynamical theory of crystal lattices / by Max Born and Kun HuangOxford : Clarendon Press, 1954xii, 420 p. : ill. ; 25 cmThe international series of monographs on physics Bibliography: p. [411]-414. Bibliographical footnotes. Crystallography; Quantum theory Donor's name on front endpaper.BookshelvesQD931 B67 2021-1175
Bothwell, Robert, 1944-Nucléus : l'histoire de l'Énergie atomique du Canada, limitée / Robert Bothwell ; traduit de l'anglais par Didier Holtzwarth.Montréal : Agence d'Arc, c1988xvi, 558 p.,[32] p. de pl. : ill. ; 23 cm.Comprend un index. Traduction de: Nucleus. Bibliogr.: p. 541-545. Translation of: Bothwell, Robert, 1944- Nucleus : the history of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited -- Toronto : University of Toronto Press, c1988. In French.2890221326Énergie atomique du Canada, limitée—Histoire; Industrie nucléaire—Canada—Histoire; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited—History; Nuclear industry—Canada--HistorySPCNHI has 2 copies, both paperback, new condition.Bookshelves HD9698 C24 A76 1988a 2018-1158; 2018-1564
Bothwell, Robert, 1944-Nucleus : the history of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited / Robert BothwellToronto : University of Toronto Press, 1988xx, 524 p.,[32] p. of plates : ill.Includes index. Bibliography: p. [501]-509. 0802026702 Atomic Energy of Canada Limited--History; Nuclear industry—Canada--HistorySPCNHI has 2 copies: 1st, Original jacket, slight tear, back top. Pages 44-55 rumpled; Inserted: book review by David Mosey from CNS Bulletin, vol. 9, no. 4 (Jul./Aug. 1988). 2nd copy, original jacket. Autographed by author on title page,“To J.A.L. Robertson, June 1988”. Inserted: J.A.L. Robertson's notes referring to particular pages of book; copy of his letter to author, 22 Jun. 1988, with textual critique of book (11 sheets); letter from J.R.L.B. Veilleux, AECL Corporate Secretary and Vice-President, Corporate Relations, 27 Jun. 1988, thanking Robertson for copy of his letter to Robert Bothwell; review of book by Jim Robb, from Ottawa Citizen, 2 Jul. 1988 (photocopy); article from North Renfrew Times, 6 Dec 1989, p. 3,“Deep River: How it All Began,” by Joan Melvin (photocopy); “Nucleus ... special offer to former employees of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited,” (2 sheets).Bookshelves HD9698.C24A76 1988 2018-1000 (c.1); 2018-1283 (c.2)
Boulton, J.; Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedManagement of radioactive fuel wastes : the Canadian disposal program / J. Boulton, editorPinawa, Man. : Whiteshell Nuclear Research Establishment [1979?]118 pages : illustrations ; 21 cmOriginal ed. published Oct. 1978 as AECL-6314.Radioactive waste disposal – Canada; Nuclear power plants -- Waste disposal – Canada Paperback. Front cover repaired with tape.Bookshelves TD898 M35 1979 2021-1010
Bourgeois-Doyle, Richard I.; National Research Council Canada; National Research Council Canada. Monograph Publishing ProgramGeorge J. Klein : the great inventor / Richard I. Bourgeois-DoyleOttawa : NRC Press, 2004xii, 289 p. : ill. ; 24 cmNRC Press biography series, ISSN 1701-1833 ; no. 2"NRC Monograph Publishing Program"--T.p. verso. "NRC No. 46323"--T.p. verso. Includes bibliographical references and indexes. Issued by: National Research Council Canada. 660193221Klein, George J.; Klein, G. J. (George J.); National Research Council Canada; Inventors—Canada—Biography; Scientists—Canada—Biography; Industrial engineers—Canada—BiographyAuthor's business card taped inside front cover. Bookshelves T40 .K53 B68 2004 2019-1532
Bourne, Philip E.Unix for VMS users / Philip E. Bourne[Cambridge, MA] : Digital Press, c1990xvi, 368 pages : illustrations ; 24 cmDigital Press VAX users series Includes bibliographical references.1555580343 UNIX (Computer file); UNIX (Computer operating system)Handwritten notes attached inside front cover and on half-title page. Donor's name on half-title page. Bookshelves QA76 .76 .O63 B67 1990 2023-1043
Bowen, John Henry; Masters, Edward Frederick O.Nuclear reactor control and instrumentation / by J. H. Bowen and E. F. O. MastersNew York : Simmons-Boardman, 1959x, 78 pages : illustrations ; 22 cmIn: Introduction to nuclear engineering. Includes bibliography. Nuclear reactors; Nuclear engineering – InstrumentsBookshelves TK9008 I5 1959 2023-1082
Bowles, Mark D.Science in flux : NASA's nuclear program at Plum Brook Station, 1955-2005 / by Mark D. BowlesWashington, DC : NASA History Division, 2006xxix, 335 p. : ill., maps ; 25 cmNasa-SP-2006 ; v. 4317 NASA SP ; 4317NASA Glenn Research Center. Plum Brook Station—History; Nuclear energy--Research--United States—History; Nuclear rockets--Research--United States—History; Nuclear reactors—Ohio--Sandusky--HistoryJacket blurbs taped on endpapers. Bookshelves TK9230 B69 2006 2019-1064
Bowman, Frank, 1891- ; Gerard, F. A. (Fitzgerald Adolphus)Higher calculus / by Frank Bowman and F.A. GerardCambridge : University Press, 1967xv, 416 p. : ill. ; 24 cmWith answers to examples.Calculus Jacket clipping taped to front endpaper.Bookshelves QA303 B86 2019-1269
Boyd, FredThe Canadian approach to reactor safety : a review of the past and a view of the future / Fred Boyd[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 1993]page 8-11 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 14 no. 4 (Winter 1993/94).Reactor safety – Canada – HistoryPeriodicals2018-1400
Boyd, FredEnd of a major program : “licence to abandon” marks end of the heavy water program / by Fred Boyd[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2014]page 31 : illustration ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 35 no.1 (Mar. 2014).Bruce Heavy Water Plant (Ont.); Heavy water plants – Canada – HistoryPeriodicals2018-1400
Boyd, FredHistory of the CNS / by Fred[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2009]page 50-51 : portraits ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 30 no.1 (Mar. 2009).Canadian Nuclear Society – HistoryPeriodicals2018-1400
Boyd, FredNPD : a beginning / by Fred Boyd[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2002]page 6-8 : illustrations, portraits ; 28 cmNPD : the beginning of CANDUArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 23, no. 2 (May 2002). Reprinted from Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 13, no. 2 (Summer l992).NPD reactor – History; Nuclear power plants – Ontario – HistoryPeriodicals2018-1400
Boyd, FredNPD : a beginning / by Fred Boyd[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 1992]page 1-2 : illustrations, portrait, plan ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 13, no. 2 (Summer 1992).NPD reactor – History; Nuclear power plants – Ontario – HistoryPeriodicals2018-1400
Boyd, FredNPD, the first CANDU[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2012]page 10-14 : illustrations ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 33 no. 1 (Mar. 2011).NPD reactor -- History; Nuclear power plants -– Ontario — HistoryPeriodicals2018-1400
Boyd, FredNRU turns 50! : world's best research reactor still going strong after a half century / by Fred Boyd[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2007]page 7-8 : illustrations ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 28 no. 4 (Dec. 2007). Reprinted from AECL currents.NRU reactor – Anniversaries, etc.; NRU reactor – HistoryPeriodicals2018-1400
Boyd, FredThe NRU-isotope affair / by Fred Boyd[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2008]page 13-14 : illustration ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 29 no. 1 (Mar. 2008).NRU reactor – History -- Chronology; Reactor shutdown; Molybdenum -- Isotopes; Canadian Nuclear Safety CommissionPeriodicals2018-1400
Boyd, FredRe: Infamous anniversaries : learning from severe accidents[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2016]page 12 ; 28 cmLetter to editor. Article in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 37, no. 2 (Jun. 2016).NRX reactor – Accidents; Canada. Atomic Emergy Control Board; Fluke, RicPeriodicals2018-1400
Boyd, FredZED-2 : the first 40 years / by Fred Boyd[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2000]page 2-5 : illustrations ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 21, no. 1 (May 2000).ZED-2 reactor – History; Atomic Energy Of Canada Limited; Tank type reactorsPeriodicals2018-1400
Bradley, E. Ross; Sabol, George P.; ASTM Committee B-10 on Reactive and Refractory Metals and Alloys; International Symposium on Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry (11th : 1995 : Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany)Zirconium in the nuclear industry : eleventh international symposium / E. Ross Bradley and George P. Sabol, editorsWest Conshohocken, PA : ASTM, 1996xii, 908 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.STP, 1295; ASTM special technical publication, no. 1295"Eleventh International Symposium on Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry was held in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany on 11-14 Sept. 1995. The sponsor of the event was the ASTM Committee B-10 on Reactive and Refractory Metals and Alloys."--Foreword. "ASTM publication code number (PCN): 04-012950-04". Includes bibliographical references and indexes.0803124066 Nuclear fuel claddings—Congresses; Zirconium alloys—Congresses; Zircaloy-2 –CongressesInserted: letter to J.A.L. Robertson from Susan L. Gebremedhin, ASTM Mgr., Books & Journal Div., transmitting complimentary copy of book as author of first paper.Bookshelves TK9185 .Z57 1996 2018-1045
Brady, George S. (George Stuart), 1887- ; Clauser, Henry R.Materials handbook : an encyclopedia for purchasing agents, engineers, executives, and foremen / by George S. BradyNew York ; Toronto ; London : McGraw-Hil, 1929-v. : ill. ; 18-24 cm. Publication history: 1st ed.-Current frequency: irregular. Subtitle varies. Edited by: Henry R. Clauser,Materials—DictionariesSPCNHI has: 8th ed., 1956. Spine worn. AECL Library stamps on endpapers. Library card, pocket inside front cover. “W. McAlpin, Building 116” written on front endpaper.Bookshelves TA403 B75 1956 2019-1101
Bratt, Duane, 1967-Canada, the provinces, and the global nuclear revival : advocacy coalitions in action / Duane BrattMontreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, c2012xv, 398 p. ; 24 cmIncludes bibliographical references and index. Also available online to authorized users and institutions. 9780773540682 (bound) : $95.00; 9780773540699 (pbk.) : $34.95; 9780773587939 (electronic bk.) Nuclear industry—Canada; Nuclear industry—Political activity—Canada; Nuclear industry--Government policy—Canada SPCNHI has paperback version.Bookshelves HD9698.C22 B728 2012 2018-1473
Bratt, Duane, 1967-CANDU or candon't : competing values behind Canada's nuclear sales / by Duane Bratt16 leaves ; 28 cmPhotocopy of article in The Nonproliferation Review, vol. 5, no. 3 p. 1-16 (Spring/Summer 1998). [Monterey, Calif. : Program for Nonproliferation Studies, Monterey Institute for International Studies].1073-6700 CANDU type reactors; Sales; Nuclear industry--Political aspects—Canada; Canada--Foreign economic relations; Nuclear energy--Government policy—Canada; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Sheets stapled.Pamphlet files2019-1543
Bratt, Duane, 1967-The politics of CANDU exports / Duane BrattToronto : University of Toronto Press, c2006xv, 319 p. ; 24 cmInstitute of Public Administration of Canada series in public management and governance"IPAC IAPC". Includes bibliographical references (p. [291]-306) and index.0802090915 (bound) : $60.00 CANDU reactors; Nuclear industry--Political aspects—Canada; Canada--Foreign economic relations; Canada--Foreign relations- -1945-New condition. Bookshelves HD9698.C22 B73 2006 2018-1278
Bredahl, D. W.CANDU 3 : features of next generation CANDU / D.W. Bredahl ... [et al.][Mississauga, Ont : AECL CANDU, 1993?]9 leaves ; 28 cmPaper later published in Advances in heavy water reactors : proceedings of a technical committee meeting held in Toronto, Canada, 7-10 June 1993. -- Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 1994. -- (IAEA-TECDOC-738), p. 17-22.CANDU type reactors; Computer-aided design; Containment systems; Reactor control systems; Reactor safety Pages stapled.Pamphlet files2019-1130
Brillinger, Peter C., 1943- ; Cohen, Doron J., 1941-Introduction to data structures and non-numeric computation / Peter C. Brillinger, Doron J. CohenEnglewood Cliffs, N.J. ; Toronto : Prentice-Hall, 1972629 pages ; 24 cm Prentice-Hall series in Automatic computation“Featuring the WATFOR and WATFIV Compilers”--Title page. 0134798996 Computer programming; Electronic data processng; FORTRAN (Computer program language; Data structures (Computer science)Handwritten note on last page. Bookshelves QA76.6 .B74 2023-1060
Brillouin, Léon, 1889-Wave propagation in periodic structures : electric filters and crystal lattices / by Léon Brillouin 1st ed.New York ; London : McGraw-Hill, 1946xii, 247 p. : ill. ; 22 cmInternational series in pure and applied physics Electric waves; Electric filters“ J.C.D. Milton, Princeton, Nov. 1948” on front endpaper.BookshelvesQC661 B73 2020-1171
British Engineering Exhibition (1968 : Copenhagen); British Nuclear Export ExecutiveBritish nuclear power plant : a paper presented under the auspices of the British Nuclear Export Executive on the occasion of the British Engineering Exhibition, Copenhagen, on 12th June, 1968[London : British Nuclear Export Executive, 1968?]44 pages : illustrations ; 30 cmNuclear power plants -- Great Britain; Reactors, Power – Great BritainWNRE Librry discard. Library stamp, pocket.Pamphlet files2022-1120
Broglie, Louis de, 1892-1987; Flint, H. T. (Henry Thomas), 1890-1971An introduction to the study of wave mechanics / by Louis de Broglie ; translated from the French by H. T. FlintLondon : Methuen, 1930vi, 249 p. : ill. ; 23 cmTranslation of: Introduction à l'étude de la mécanique ondulatoire.Wave mechanics“W. B. Lewis, Caius College” on front flyleaf.Bookshelves QC174.2 .B67 2018-1269
Bromley, D. AllanNeutrons in science and technology / D. Allan BromleyAmsterdam : North-Holland, 1984p. 240-279 : ill. ; 27 cmNuclear instruments and methods in physics research, v. 225, p. 240-279 (1984)Reprint.Neutrons—ResearchPamphlet files2021-1187
Bronwell, Arthur B., 1909-Advanced mathematics in physics and engineering / Arthur BronwellNew York : McGraw-Hill, 1953475 p. : ill. ; 24 cmMathematics“B. J. Reel” stamped in book. Bookshelves QA37 B858 2019-1455
Brooks, G. L.Early evolution of CANDU PSA / by Gordon Brooks[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 1999]page 35-38 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 20, no. 2 (Jul. 1999).CANDU type reactors – History; Probabilistic estimation; Safety analysisPeriodicals2018-1400
Brooks, G. L.; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. AECL Retirees GroupCANDU origins and evolution. Part 2 of 5 : why CANDU / prepared by G.L. Brooks Rev. 1[Canada] : AECL Retirees Group, 20018 leaves ; 28 cm“Prepared as a contribution to a project sponsored by AECL, and carried out by the AECL Retirees Group in the period of the 1990s.” “2001 February.” “Revision history: Rev1, April 24, 2001”--p. 8.CANDU type reactors—History; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited—HistoryPamphlet files2019-1546
Brooks, G. L.; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. AECL Retirees GroupCANDU origins and evolution. Part 3 of 5 : figures of eight heat transport system arrangement / prepared by G.L. Brooks Rev. 2[Canada] : AECL Retirees Group, 20017 leaves ; 28 cm“Prepared as a contribution to a project sponsored by AECL, and carried out by the AECL Retirees Group in the period of the 1990s.” “2001 February.” “Revision history: Rev. 2, April 24, 2001”--p. 7.CANDU type reactors—History; Reactor fuelingPamphlet files2019-1547
Brooks, G. L.; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. AECL Retirees GroupCANDU origins and evolution. Part 4 of 5 : emergency core cooling systems / by G.L. Brooks Rev. 1[Canada] : AECL Retirees Group, 20016 leaves ; 28 cm“Prepared as a contribution to a project sponsored by AECL, and carried out by the AECL Retirees Group in the period of the 1990s.” “2001 February.” “Revision history: Rev. 1, April 25, 2001”--p. 6.CANDU type reactors—History; Reactor shutdownPamphlet files2019-1548
Brooks, G. L.; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. AECL Retirees GroupCANDU origins and evolution. Part 5 of 5 : the origins & evolution of the second shutdown system / by G.L. Brooks Rev. 1[Canada] : AECL Retirees Group, 20019 leaves ; 28 cm“Prepared as a contribution to a project sponsored by AECL, and carried out by the AECL Retirees Group in the period of the 1990s.” “2001 February.” “Revision history: Rev. 1, April 25, 2001”--p. 9.CANDU type reactors—History; ECCS; Reactor protection systemsPamphlet files2019-1549
Brooks, G. L.; Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference (8th : 1992 : Taipei, Taiwan)The approach to enhancing CANDU safety / G.L. Brooks ... [et al.]14 leaves ; 28 cmPhotocopy of paper for 8th PBNC [Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference ],Taipei, April 12-16, 1992, isssued by AECL-CANDU. Also published in Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, v. 65 (1992 Jan 1).CANDU type reactors – Safety measures Some text highlighted. Handwritten note on front cover.Pamphlet files2021-1563
Brooks, HarveyThe government of Science / by Harvey BrooksCambridge, Mass. : M.I.T. Press, c1968vi, 343 p. ; 21 cm.Science and state--United States Some text underlined.Bookshelves Q127.U6 B76 2018-1079
Brophy, James John, 1926-Basic electronics for scientists / James J. Brophy 2d editionNew York : McGraw-Hill, c1972xiv, 511 pages : illustrations ; 23 cmIncludes bibliographies. 0070081298 ElectronicsDonor's name, address on half-title page.Bookshelves TK7815 B74 1972 2023-1032
Brouns, Richard J.Absolute measurement of alpha emission and spontaneous fission / by Richard J. Brouns[Washington, D.C.] : Subcommittee on Radiochemistry, National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, 1968iv, 60 pages : illustrations ; 25 cmNAS-NS 3112; Nuclear science series (National Research Council (U.S.)) Radioactivity – Measurement; Alpha rays; Nuclear fissionSaskatchewan Research Council Library discard. Library stamp on title page, pocket last page.Pamphlet files2021-1139
Brown, Andrew, 1950 August 12-Keeper of the nuclear conscience : the life and work of Joseph Rotblat / Andrew BrownOxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2012xviii, 347 p.,[4] leaves of plates ; 22 cmIncludes bibliographical references (p. 321-328) and index. 9780199586585 (hbk. : alk. Paper)Rotblat, Joseph, 1908-2005; Nuclear physicists--Great Britain—Biography; Nuclear physicists—Poland--Biography; Pacifists--Great Britain—Biography; Nobel Prize winners--Great Britain—BiographyBookshelves QC774.R67 B768 2012 2018-1551
Brown, Andrew, 1950 August 12-The neutron and the bomb : a biography of Sir James Chadwick / Andrew BrownOxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1997xiv, 384 pages,[16] pages of plates : illustrations, portraits. ; 25 cmIncludes bibliographical references and index.0198539924 Chadwick, James, Sir, 1891-1974; Neutrons--Research--Great Britain—History; Atomic bomb—History; Nuclear physicists--Great Britain—BiographyLibrary discard. Includes pocket and barcode label. BookshelvesQC774 .C43 B76 1997 2022-1067
Brown, Anthony Cave; MacDonald, Charles Brown, 1922- ; United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Manhattan DistrictThe Secret history of the atomic bomb / edited by Anthony Cave Brown and Charles B. MacDonaldNew York : Dial Press, 1977xxi, 582 p.,[4] leaves of plates : ill. ; 21 cmChiefly excerpts from the formerly classified Manhattan Engineer District history. 0803781644 Atomic bomb--United States—HistoryWNRE Library discard. Mended. Library label on spine; card pocket remnant inside front cover, library stamp on front flyleaf. Clipping from original jacket taped to reverse of front flyleaf.Bookshelves QC773.3 .U5 S38 2018-1323
Brown, Morgan J.The Toronto radiation scare of 1961 / by M.J. Brown[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2016]page 14-17 : illustrations ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 37, no. 2 (Jun. 2016).Radium paint –Toxicology; Luminous paints -- Safety measures; Radiation accidents – Investigation – Ontario – Toronto; Prenco Progress and Engineering CorporationPeriodicals2018-1400
Brown, R. Hanbury (Robert Hanbury)The wisdom of science : its relevance to culture and religion / R. Hanbury BrownCambridge [Cambridgeshire] ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1986viii, 194 p. : ill. ; 26 cmIncludes index. Bibliography: p. [186]-189. 0521307260 Science—Philosophy; Science--Social aspects; Science--Moral and ethical aspectsWNRE Library discard. Library label on cover; library stamp, bar code label on front flyleaf.Bookshelves Q175 .B7946 1986 2018-1172
Bruce Power Peace Region Nuclear Power Plant Project : project update 2009[Peace River, Alta. : Bruce Power] 200917 p. : col. Ill. ; 28 cm“May 2009.”Nuclear power plants—AlbertaPamphlet files2019-1511
Bruckner, A. M.; Mathematical Association of AmericaDifferentiation of integrals / by A. M. BrucknerWashington, D.C. : Mathematical Association of America, 197151 pages ; 26 cmHerbert Ellsworth Slaught memorial paper, no. 12; American mathematical monthly, volume 78, number 9Issued as a supplement (Part II) to the "American mathematical monthly",volume 78, number 9.Integrals Paper cover.Pamphlet files2019-1293
Brues, Austin M. (Austin Moore), 1906- ; American Association for the Advancement of Science. Section on Zoological SciencesLow-level irradiation : a symposium organized by the Section on Zoological Sciences of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, cosponsored by the United States Atomic Energy Commission and the Division of Biological and Medical Research of the Argonne National Laboratory, and presented at the Indianapolis meeting, December 30, 1957 / edited by Austin M. BruesWashington : American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1959ix, 148 p. : ill., maps ; 24 cmPublication (American Association for the Advancement of Science), no. 59Includes bibliographies.Radiation; Radioactive falloutLibrary label on cover; card pocket, stamp inside front cover, stamp on front flyleaf.Bookshelves QH652 .A65 2018-1339
Bruneau, D.; Ridgway, W. R.An evaluation of the potential effects of seismicity on the used fuel disposal vault / by D. Bruneau and W.R. Ridgway[8] leaves : maps ; 28 cmPhotocopy of selected pages (page 1-2, 37-38, maps) of paper. “Draft copy: 1987 August 26”--Title page.Seismicity; Underground disposal; Underground facilities; EvaluationPamphlet files2022-1048
Bruneau, D.; Ridgway, W. R.Glaciation and the potential impact on the nuclear fuel waste disposal vault system / Bruneau and Ridgway[13] leaves : maps ; 28 cmPhotocopy of selected pages (page 1, 20-26, maps) of paper. “Bruneau and Ridgway” written on cover of original.Glaciers; Underground disposal; Underground facilities -- CanadaPamphlet files2022-1049
Buck, Rebecca A., 1946- ; Gilmore, Jean Allman, 1946- ; American Association of MuseumsMRM5 : museum registration methods / edited by Rebecca A. Buck and Jean Allman Gilmore 5th ed.Washington, DC : AAM Press, American Association of Museums, c2010xi, 516 p. : ill. ; 28 cmPrevious ed. published: The new museum registration methods. Washington, DC : American Association of Museums, c1998. Includes bibliographical references (p. 492-495) and index.9781933253152 (alk. Paper) Museum registration methods; Museums--Collection management Paperback. New condition. Purchased for SPCNHI as reference source.Oversize books AM139 .M78 2010 2018-1240
Bunn, C. W. (Charles William)Chemical crystallography : an introduction to optical and X-ray methods / by C.W. BunnOxford : Clarendon Press, 1949, c1945xii, 422 p. : ill.,(1 folded), 13 leaves of plates ; 25 cm."First published 1945. Reprinted ... 1948, 1949, from corrected sheets of the second impression." "References and name index": p. [390]-401.X-ray crystallography; StereochemistryBookshelves QD951 .B77 1946 2018-1007
Burcham, W. E.Nuclear physics : an introduction / W. E. Burcham 2d ed.London : Longman, 1973xix, 686 p. : ill. ; 24 cmLongman text"Errata": leaf inserted. Includes bibliographical references.0582441102 Nuclear physicsPaperback. WNRE Library discard. Library label on spine; library stamp, bar code label on front flyleaf; book pocket remnant inside front cover. Binding cracked. Back cover and p. 617 to end bent.Bookshelves QC777 .B78 1973 2018-1306
Bureau of Canadian Archivists. Planning Committee on Descriptive StandardsRules for archival description / prepared under the direction of the Planning Committee on Descriptive Standards, a committee of the Bureau of Canadian Archivists, representing l'Association des archivistes du Québec, the Association of Canadian Archivists by Bureau of Canadian Archivists. Planning Committee on Descriptive Standards; RADRevised versionOttawa : Bureau of Canadian Archivists, 1990-1 v. (loose-leaf) ; 30 cm“Revised version, July 2008.” Additional title: RAD.0969079737 Cataloging of archival materials; Descriptive cataloging – Rules In binder. Some pages show damage from dampness.Oversize books Z695.2 R84 1990 2020-1154
Burhop, E. H. S. (Eric Henry Stoneley) The Auger effect and other radiationless transitions / by E. H. S. BurhopCambridge [Eng.] : University Press, 1952xiv, 188 pages, 5 leaves of plates : illustrations ; 23 cmCambridge monographs on physicsAuger effect Donor's name on front endpaper.Bookshelves QC721 B92 2021-1299
Burnham, J. U.; New Brunswick Electric Power CommissionRadiation protection : Point Lepreau Generating Station / J. U. BurnhamRev. 3, 1992[Point Lepreau, N.B.] : New Brunswick Power Commission, 1992561 pages : illustrations, map ; 22 cmIncludes index. Cover title.Radiation--Safety measures; Radiation--Physiological effect; Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Facility; Radiation Injuries--prevention & control; Radiation protection; Radiation Monitoring; Radioactive Waste--Standards--New Brunswick; Nuclear Reactors--Standards--New Brunswick Paperback. Signed by donor inside front cover. Autographed by author: “To one of the few people who claims to read such stuff for pleasure.” Front cover slightly worn.Bookshelves TK9152 .B87 1992 2018-1554
Burrill, Kenneth A. (Anton), 1942-A modeler's delights : (mathematical modeling for junior engineers) / by Kenneth A. Burrill[Inverary, Ontario] : Kenneth A. Burrill,,2010-20163 volumes : illustrations (some colour) ; 28 cm + 3 CD-ROMs (12 cm) Volume 1 unnumbered.9780986774607, 9780986774614, 9780986774621Engineering – Mathematical modelsVol. 1 cover repaired. Vol. 3 cover worn. Author's proof notes inserted, vol. 1.Bookshelves TA342 B8 2023-1121 (v.1); 2023-1122 (v.2); 2023-1123 (v.3)
Butler, John Patrick, 1924-2017; den Hartog, James; Molson, Fred W.R.Process for the exchange of hydrogen isotopes using a catalyst packed bed assembly / Butler, John P., den Hartog, James, Molson, Fred W.R.[Chalk River, Ont.] : Library, Atomic Energy of Camada Limited, 1980?[43] sheets : illustrations ; 28 cmCanadian patent, no. 1072720Photocopy of patent issued 1980 Mar. 4.Heavy water — Patentss; Deuterium oxide —  Patents; Isotope separation —  Patents AECL Library stamps. In binder.Pamphlet files2023-1100
Buyers, William J. L., 1937-2021Neutron and other stories from Chalk River / by William J.L. BuyersOttawa, Ont. : Canadian Association of Physicists, c2000p. 145-151 : ill. ; 28 cmIn Physics in Canada = La physique au Canada, v. 56, no. 2 (March/April 2000). Includes bibliographic references.Brockhouse, Bertram Neville, 1918-2003; Cowley, Roger; Hilborn, John; Davisson, Boris; Bigham, Bruce; Nuclear physicists--Ontario--Chalk River—Biography; Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories—BiographyPamphlet files2021-1208
Bynum, W. F. (William F.), 1943-; Browne, E. J. (E. Janet), 1950-; Porter, Roy, 1946-2002Dictionary of the history of science / edited by W.F. Bynum, E.J. Browne, Roy PorterLondon : Macmillan Press, 1983494 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.Includes a bibliography and index. 0333349016 Science—History Paperback. AECL Library discard. Library stamps and pocket.Bookshelves Q125 .D45 1983 2018-1159
Calder, Ritchie, 1906-1982Man and the cosmos : the nature of science today / Ritchie CalderNew York : F. A. Praeger, 1968v, 219 p. ; 25 cmBritannica perspective Bibliographical footnotes. Includes index.Science—HistoryWNRE Library discard. Library label on cover; library stamp, pocket on front flyleaf, half-title page.Bookshelves Q125 .R57 1968 2018-1173
Caldicott, Helen; Herrington, Nancy; Stiskin, Menahum Nahum, 1945-Nuclear madness : what you can do / Helen Caldicott, with the assistance of Nancy Herrington & Nahum StiskinBrookline, Mass. : Autumn Press ; [New York] : distributed by Random House, c1978120 p. : map ; 22 cmBibliography: p. 111-120.0394736362 (Random House) Nuclear power-plants--Environmental aspects; Nuclear industry; Nuclear energy Paperback. DISCARD & “special publications 1978-1” stamped on front cover. Price label on back cover.Bookshelves TD195.A8 C34 1978 2018-1519
Caldicott, Helen; Herrington, Nancy; Stiskin, Menahum Nahum, 1945-Nuclear madness : what you can do! : with a new chapter on Three Mile Island / Helen Caldicott, with the assistance of Nancy Herrington & Nahum StiskinBantam ed.Toronto : Bantam Books, 1980116 p. : map ; 18 cm Bantam book Bibliography: p. 106-116.0013-6131 Nuclear power-plants--Environmental aspects; Nuclear industry; Nuclear energy; Nuclear warfare; Radioactive Waste--Adverse effects; Nuclear power--Security measures; Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant (Pa.)Papback.Front cover bent. Bookshelves TD195.A8 C34 1980 2018-1520
Callaham, Ludmilla IgnatievRussian-English technical and chemical dictionary / by Ludmilla Ignatiev CallahamNew York : J. Wiley & Sons ; London : Chapman & Hall, 1947xvii, 794 p. ; 21 cm."Reference works": p. Vii-viii.Chemistry—Dictionaries—Russian; Technology—Dictionaries—Russian; Russian language—Dictionaries--English Back cover bent. Donor's signature on front flyleaf.Bookshelves QD5 .C33 2018-1081
Callahan, F. J.Swagelok tube fitting and installation manual / by F.J. CallahanCleveland, Ohio : Crawford Fitting Co. [1974] c1963-1974iv, 276 p. : ill. ; 21 cmPipe fitting--Handbooks, manuals, etc.; Pipe fittings--Handbooks, manuals, etcBusiness card for Winnipeg Valve & Fitting Ltd. inserted, and same company name and address stamped on front endpaper.Bookshelves TH6711 C35 1985 2019-1108
Calvert, William John RawsonHeat / by W. J. R. CalvertLondon : E. Arnold [1922]viii, 336 p. : ill. ; 19 cmHeatCovers slightly stained. Bookplate inside front cover: “Haileybury College; School Number 290, Name Lewis mi”.Bookshelves QC255 .C25 2018-1230
Camenco Corporation; Uranerz Exploration and Mining Limited; Cogema Resources The McArthur River Project : executive summary : environmental impact statementSaskatoon, Sask. : Camenco Corporation, 199536 pages : illustrations, maps ; 28 cmUranium mines and mining -- Environmental aspects -- Saskatchewan -- McArthur River RegionPamphlet files2021-1379
Cameron, Mike; Edwards, Gordon; Craik, Neil G.; St. Thomas University (Frericton, N.B.)Proceedings of the debate on nuclear energy : St. Thomas University, 2008 Feb 23[Frericton, N.B. : St. Thomas University? 2008?]1 CD-ROM ; 12 cmNotes on debate between Gordon Edwards and Neil G. Craik, prepared by Mike Cameron.Nuclear power; DebatesCD/DVDs2023-7004
Cameron, Thomas W. M., 1894- ; Royal Society of CanadaEvolution : its science and doctrine : symposium presented to the Royal Society of Canada in 1959 = L'Evolution : la science et la doctrine : colloque présenté à la Société royale du Canada en 1959 / edited by Thomas W.M. Cameron[Toronto] : Published for the Society by University of Toronto Press, 1960xi, 242 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.Studia varia series ; 4English and French. Includes bibliographies.Evolution—CongressesBookshelves QH366 R69 2018-1082
Campbell, John1905, Rutherford, Canada and all that / by John CampbellOttawa : Canadian Association of Physicists, 2006page 21-27 : illustrations ; 28 cmArticle in Physics in Canada = La physique au Canada, vol. 61, no. 1 (Jan/Feb 2005)Rutherford, Ernest, 1871-1937; Physicists – New Zealand – Biography; Nuclear Physics – History; Physicists -- Canada – BiographyPamphlet files2022-1257
Campbell, Norman Robert, 1880-Modern electrical theory : supplementary chapters : chapter XVII : the structure of the atom / by Norman Robert CampbellCambridge : University Press, 1923ix, 161 p. : ill. ; 22 cmCambridge physical seriesAtoms“To W. B. Lewis from Chance Brothers & Co. Limited, February-July 1927.” on front flyleaf.Bookshelves QC518 .C2 2018-1260
Canada Government of Canada response to recommendations of the Nuclear Fuel Waste Management and Disposal Concept Environmental Assessment Panel[Ottawa] : Natural Resources Canada, 199816 pages ; 26 cmPress release.Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency -- Nuclear Fuel Waste Management and Disposal Concept Environmental Assessment Panel; Radioactive waste disposal -- Risk assessment – Canada; Radioactive waste disposal in the ground -- Environmental aspects – CanadaPamphlet files2021-1523
Canada Nuclear secteur in Canada : role of Canadian government = Le secteur nucléaire au Canada : rôle du gouvernement canadienOttawa : Government of Canada = Gouvernement du Canada, 199910, 10 pages : illustrations ; 22 cmText in English and French on inverted pages. 0662656008 Nuclear industry – Canada; Nuclear industry -- Government policyPamphlet files2021-1422
Canada[Place of publication not identified : Government of Canada]1 DVD : sound, colour ; 12 cm“30 short videos in 3 series.”Science--Study and teaching--Canada--Computer network resources; Science--Canada--Computer network resourcesVideos2023-7001
Canada : science and technology : science lesson plans = : science et technoloie : plans de leçon en sciences[Place of publication not identified : Government of Canada]1 CD-ROM : colour ; 12 cmIn English and French.Science--Study and teaching--Canada--Computer network resources; Science--Canada--Computer network resourcesCD/DVDs2023-7002
Canada Emergency Measures Organization An engineer looks at fallout shelterOttawa : Privy Council Office,[1961]ix, 145 pages : illustrations, maps ; 28 cmEMO manual, no. 1Cover title. Includes bibliographical references (page 43).Fallout shelters -- Design and construction; Nuclear bomb shelters – CanadaBookshelves TH1097 C3 2022-1097
Canada Emergency Measures Organization; Hewetson, Winifred; Hewetson, J. Russell11 steps to survival / Emergency Measures Organization; Eleven steps to survivalOttawa : Queen's Printer, 196140 pages : illustrations ; 21 cmBlueprint for survival, no. 4Cover title.Atomic bomb -- Safety measures; Civil defense – Canada; Radioactivity -- Safety measures; Nuclear bomb sheltersPamphlet files2021-1549
Canada News Wire Enviroinment minister announces decision on Whiteshell Laboratories Decommissioning Project[Canada] : Canada News Wire, 20021 sheet ; 28 cmPress release.Whiteshell Laboratories – Decommissioning; Nuclear facilities – Decommissioning – CanadaPamphlet files2021-1576
Canada. [Atomic Energy Control Act. Regulations]; Canada. Atomic Energy Control Board; Canada. Transport packaging of radioactive materials regulations Transport packaging of radioactive materials regulations = Réglements sur l'emballage des matières radioactives destinées au transport56 p. : ill. ; 28 cmPhotocopy of extract from Canada Gazette, part 2, Oct. 12, 1983,“SOR/83-740.” Includes errata sheet. [Ottawa : Queen's Printer = Imprimeur de la reine, 1983].Radioactive substances—Packaging—Law and legislation—Canada; Radioactive substances--Safety regulations---Canada; Radioactive substances – Transportation—Law and legislation—Canada;Pamphlet files2019-1439
Canada. Atomic Energy Control Board AECB publications catalogue = Catalogue des publications de la CCEA; Atomic Energy Control Board publications catalogue; A.E.C.B. publications catatalogue[Ottawa, Ont.] : Communications Division, Atomic Energy Control Board,v. ; 28 cm INFO-9999-2 Annual. Parallel title: Catalogue des publications de la CCEA. Description based on: 1999-03-19. Title from cover. Text in English and French. Continues: Canada. Atomic Energy Control Board. Publications catalogue.Canada. Atomic Energy Control Board—Catalogs—Periodicals; Nuclear energy—Canada--Bibliography--Catalogs; Nuclear industry—Canada--Bibliography--Catalogs SPCNHI has: 1999-03-19.Pamphlet files2019-1058
Canada. Atomic Energy Control Board Annual report / Atomic Energy Control BoardOttawa : Atomic Energy Control Board, 1946/47-1997/98.volumes ; 28 cmText in English and French; French text on inverted pages, 1946/47-1970/71; 1976/77-1997/98. French title appears on added t.p. 1946/47-1970/71; 1976/77-1997/98. Continued by: AECB annual report / Atomic Energy Control Board.0704-1578 Canada. Atomic Energy Control Board – Periodicals; Nuclear energy -- Canada – Periodicals; Radioactive substances---Canada--Periodicals SPCNHI has:1993/94.Pamphlet files2019-1114
Canada. Atomic Energy Control Board Contrôle : coup d'oeil sur la Commission de contrôle de l'énergie atomiqueOttawa : Commission de contrôle de l'énergie atomique v. : ill. ; 28 cmTitle from cover. Published also in English under title: Control : an introduction to the Atomic Energy Control Board.Canada. Atomic Energy Control Board – Periodicals; Nuclear energy -- Canada – Periodicals; Radioactive substances---Canada--Periodicals SPCNHI has: août 1983.Pamphlet files2020-1070
Canada. Atomic Energy Control Board Publications catalogue - Atomic Energy Control Board; Publications catalogue = Catalogue des publications; Catalogue des publications - Commission de contrôle de l'énergie atomiqueOttawa : Atomic Energy Control Board,[Office of Public Information] = Commission de contrôle de l'énergie atomique,[Bureau d'information publique, 1979]-v. ; 29 cmParallel title: Catalogue des publications. Description based on: 1980/81. Includes English and French publications. French equivalent: Canada. Commission de contrôle de l'énergie atomique Publications catalogue =. Ottawa : Atomic Energy Control Board,[Office of Public Information] = Commission de contrôle de l'énergie atomique,[Bureau d'information publique, 1979]-0711-9917 Canada. Atomic Energy Control Board—Bibliography—Catalogues; Nuclear energy—Canada--Bibliography--Catalogues SPCNHI has: 1993.Pamphlet files2019-1059
Canada. Atomic Energy Control Board; Canadian Nuclear Services Canada : living with radiationOttawa, Ont. : Atomic Energy Control Board : Commission de contrôle de l'énergie : Distributed by Canada Communication Group-Pub., c1995ix, 122 p. : ill. ; 24 cmCat. no. CC172-7/1995E“Prepared for the Atomic Energy Control Board by Canadian Nuclear Services .” Issued also in French under title: Canada, vivre avec le rayonnement.0660160366 Ionizing radiation--Safety measures; Radiation--Safety measures Paperback. Front cover bent.Bookshelves QC795.32 .S3 C36 1995 2019-1404
Canada. Department of Energy, Mines and ResourcesAn energy policy for Canada : phase 1, analysis : summary of analysisOttawa : Information Canada, 1973viii, 28 pages : illustrations ; 25 cmEnergy policy—Canada; Power resources—CanadaPamphlet files2021-1435
Canada. Department of National Defence Facts about Canada's nuclear-propelled submarines / National Defence = Défense nationaleOttawa : National Defence [1988]1 folded sheet (8 pages) ; 22 cmNuclear submarines – CanadaPamphlet files2019-1109
Canada. Department of Reconstruction and SupplyCanada's role in atomic bomb drama : bursting of atom opens new realms to science, says government statement[13] leaves ; 28 cmPhotocopy of press release,[Ottawa : Department of Reconstruction and Supply] 1945. "For release, Monday, August 13, 1945." Includes biographical notes.Nuclear energy -- Canada – History; Nuclear energy -- Canada – Biography; Nuclear physics; Atomic bomb—Press releasesPamphlet files2020-1000
Canada. Energy Development SectorCanada : main electric transmission systems and principal power generating stations = Canada, principaux réseaux de transport d'énergie électrique et principales centralesOttawa : Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Energy Development Sector = Ministère de L'Énergie, des Mines et des Ressources, 19751 map : colour ; 43 x 85 cm, folded to 23 x 15 cmIn English and French, back-to-back. "December 1975." Inset: [Northwest Territories and the Yukon]. Scale [ca. 1:6, 336, 000].; (W 135°--W 50°/N 65°--N 40°).Electric power transmission -- Canada – Maps; Electric power-plants -- Canada – MapsPamphlet files2021-1470
Canada. Energy Policy SectorAn energy strategy for Canada : policies for self-reliance / Energy, Mines, and Resources Canada, Energy Policy SectorOttawa : The Sector : available from Print. and Pub. Supply and Services Canada, c1976viii, 170 p. : ill. ; 25 cmIncludes bibliographical references. Energy policy—Canada; Power resources—CanadaRobertson's label on cover, name written on title page. Some pages with pencilled notes.Bookshelves HD9502 .C32 C37 1976 2021-1024
Canada. Energy Policy SectorAn energy strategy for Canada : policies for self-reliance : summary / Energy, Mines, and Resources Canada, Energy Policy SectorOttawa : Energy Policy Sector, 1976iii, 30 pages : illustrations ; 25 cmCat. no.: M27-14/1976-2.Energy policy—Canada; Power resources—Canada Back cover stained.Pamphlet files2023-1126
Canada. Energy, Mines and Resources CanadaThe National energy program, 1980Ottawa : Communicatons Branch, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, 1980115 pages : illustrations, maps ; 27 cmReport EP 80-40662111362 National Energy Program (Canada); Petroleum industry and trade – Canada; Energy policy – CanadaRobertson's name, label on cover. Cover stained. Inserted: Globe & Mail news clippings, 1981, handwitten graph, notes.Bookshelves HD9502 .C32 C372 1980 2021-1359
Canada. Energy, Mines and Resources CanadaUranium in Canada : 1991 assessment of supply and requirementsOttawa, Ont. : Energy, Mines and Resources Canada, 199140 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm Report EP 91-3; Cat. no. M23-11/5-1991E0662194780 Uranium industry – Canada; UraniumWNRE Library discard. Bar code label, library stamp.Pamphlet files2022-1152
Canada. Energy, Mines and Resources Canada; Canada. Natural Resources CanadaStatistical review of coal in Canada = Examen de la statistique du charbon au Canada[Ottawa] : Energy, Mines and Resources - ; Ottawa, Ont. : Natural Resources Canadavolumes : illustrations ; 28 cmPublication history: 1977- . Ceased with 1997 (published in 1999)? Continues: Coal in Canada : supply and demand.0707-2767 Coal—Canada--Statistics--Periodicals SPCNHI has: 1986. In English and French on inverted pages.Pamphlet files2021-1564
Canada. Environment and Climate Change Canada Canada's mid-century long-term low-greenhouse gas development strategy44 leaves : illustrations : 22 x 28cmPhotocopy of Internet resource, Gatineau, QC : Environment and Climate Change Canada, 2016. ISBN 9780660065779. Issued also in French under title: Stratégie canadienne de réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre visant le milieu du siècle et à long terme.Greenhouse gas mitigation – Canada; Greenhouse gas mitigation -- Government policy – CanadaPamphlet files2021-1312
Canada. Environmental Assessment Panel Reviewing the Nuclear Fuel Waste Management and Disposal Concept; Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency Members of the Scientific review group reviewing the Nuclear Fuel Waste Management and Disposal Concept7 leaves ; 28 cm EHD (Series)Photocopy of [Ottawa : Federal Assessment Review Office? 199-]Canada. Environmental Assessment Panel Reviewing the Nuclear Fuel Waste Management and Disposal Concept – Biography; Radioactive waste disposal in the ground -- Environmental aspects -- Canada; Radioactive waste disposal – CanadaPamphlet files2021-1479
Canada. Environmental Health Directorate Environmental radioactivity in Canada / Environmental Health Directorate[Ottawa] : Canada, Environmental Health Directorate, 1981-v. : ill., maps ; 28 cm. 1972-EHD (Series)Annual, 1980- . Frequency varies, 1972-1979. At head of title (varies): Radiological monitoring report; radiological monitoring annual report.0711-8864 Radioactive pollution—Canada; Radioactivity—Canada--Measurement SPCNHI has: 1983 (84-EHD-112).Pamphlet files2019-1005
Canada. Environmental Health DirectorateOccupational radiation exposures in Canada / Environmental Health Directorate, Health Protection BranchOttawa : Health and Welfare Canada,[1980?-1995]v. : ill. ; 28 cm. 1978- EHD (Series)Annual. Ceased with 1994 issue. Includes bibliographical references. Issued also online. Continued by: Report on occupational radiation exposures in Canada. Ottawa : Health Canada,[1996]- .0713-2298 Radiation workers—Diseases—Canada--Statistics--Periodicals; Radiation—Dosage--Statistics--PeriodicalsSPCNHI has: 1990, 1992. DISCARD (whited out) stamped on covers, title pages.Pamphlet files2019-1006; 2019-1007
Canada. External Affairs and International Trade Canada Canada and international safeguards : verifying nuclear non-proliferation[Ottawa] : External Affairs and International Trade Canada, 199060 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 22 cmVerification brochure, no. 5; Cat. no.: E54-6/5-1990EIncludes bibliographical references. 0662173775Nuclear nonproliferation; Nuclear arms control—Canada; Security, International; International Atomic Energy AgencyPaper cover. Pamphlet files2018-1580
Canada. Health Canada; Canada. Atomic Energy Control Board Assessment and management of cancer risks from radiological and chemical hazards[Ottawa] : Health Canada, c199858 pages ; 28 cm Cat. no. H39-428/1998E"98-EHD-216." Issued also in French under title: Évaluation et gestion des risuqes de cancer associés aux rayonnements ionisants et aux agents chimiques. “Prepared by a Joint Working Group assembled from the AECB's Advisory Committees, AECB Staff, Health Canada Staff, and Ontario Ministry of Environment and Energy Staff.”0662266242 Cancer -- Risk factors – Canada; Health risk assessment – Canada; Radioactive decontamination – Canada; Hazardous Substances -- adverse effectsInserted: letter from R.J. Atchison, AECB, to J.A.L. Robertson.Pamphlet files2021-1415
Canada. National Energy Board Canadian electric utilities : analysis of generation and trends[Ottawa ; Calgary] : National Energy Board, 1983-v. 1981-Continues: Canadian electrical utilities: analysis of generation and trends. Ceased publication in 1992. 0825-4206 Electric utilities—Canada; Electric power production—Canada—Statistics; Electric utilities—Canada--Statistics SPCNHI has: 1991. DISCARD (whited out) stamped on cover and title page.Pamphlet files2019-1004
Canada. National Energy Board Canadian electricity : trends and issues / National Energy BoardCalgary : National Energy Board, 2001x, 65 p. : ill., maps ; 28 cmEnergy market assessment; Cat. no.: NE23-94/2001E"May 2001". Issued also in French under title: Le secteur de l'électricité au Canada. Includes bibliographical references. Available also on the Internet.0662298659 Electric utilities—Canada; Electric utilities—Deregulation—Canada; Electric power—Canada; Electric power consumption--Canada“DISCARD” (whited out ) stamped on cover, title page.Pamphlet files2019-1003
Canada. National Energy BoardCanadian energy : supply and demand, 1985-2005 / National Energy BoardOttawa : The Board, 19862 v. : ill., maps ; 28 cmCat. no.: NE23-15/1986-EV.1. Report -- v.2. Summary. V.1 includes appendices. Errata sheet laid in. Issued also in French under title: L'énergie au Canada : offre et demande, 1985-2005.0662149416 (v.1); 0662150597 (v.2) Power resources—Canada; Energy consumption—Canada; Energy industries—Canada; Power resources--Supply and demand SPCNHI copy lacks errata sheet. V.1 with small hole on front cover. Inserted sheet: “Summary of expenditures in various work packages under COG Workng Party No. 4 as of 1995 December 23 ...” with calculations on back. V.2: news release about publication inserted.Oversize books HD9502.C34 C3 1986 2018-1448 (v.1); 2018-1449 (v.2)
Canada. National Energy BoardCanadian energy : supply and demand, 1993-2010 : trends and issues / National Energy BoardCalgary : National Energy Board, 1994vii, 69 p. : ill. ; 28 cmCat. no.: NE23-15/1994EIssued also in French under title: L'énergie au Canada, offre et demande, 1993-2010, tendances et questions. Includes bibliographical references.0662224221 Power resources—Canada; Energy consumption—Canada; Energy industries—Canada; Power resources--Supply and demand—Canada“DISCARD” stamped on cover, title page.Oversize books HD9502.C34 C3 1994 2019-1002
Canada. Natural Resources Canada; Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission; Canada. Department of Fisheries and Oceans Screening report : the Port Hope Long-Term Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Project[Ottawa?] : Government of Canada, 2006244 pages : illustrations, maps ; 28 cm“December 2006. Also available in French under title: Rapport d'examen préalable du projet de gestion à long terme des déchets radioactifs de faible activité de Port Hope.”Radioactive wastes -- Environmental aspects -- Ontario -- Port Hope Paper cover. Plastic ring binding.Bookshelves TD898 .13 .C22 P6 2006 2021-1358
Canada. Parliament. House of Commons. Select Committee on Alternative Energy and Oil Substitution Energy alternatives : report of the Special Committee on Alternative Energy and Oil Substitution to the Parliament of Canada[Ottawa] : House of Commons : available from Canadian Govt. Pub. Centre, Supply and Services Canada, c1981xiii, 263 p. : ill. ; 28 cm"Catalogue no. XC 2-321/2-O1E." Bibliography: p. 235-242.0660109123Energy policy—Canada; Energy development—Canada; Renewable energy sources—CanadaInserted: newspaper article,“Push hydrogen, not hydrocarbons,” by Robert Steklasa. Stamped on title page: Compliments of Gary M. Gurbin, M.P., Bruce-Grey.Oversize booksHD9502 .C32 C375 1981 2021-1278
Canada. Parliament. House of Commons. Standing Committee on Environment and Forestry; Brisco, BobHigh-level radioactive waste in Canada : the eleventh hour : report of the Standing Committee on Environment and Forestry on the Storage and Disposal of High-level Radioactive Waste[Ottawa] : Queen's Printer for Canada, 1988, c1987v, 45, 47, v pages : illustrations ; 27 cmChairman: Bob Brisco. "Second session of the Thirty-Third Parliament, 1986-87." Issued with French text inverted: Les déchets hautement radioactifs au Canada: la onzième heure a sonné.0662556488 Radioactive waste disposal – Canada; Spent fuels – Canada; Radioactive waste management—CanadaBookshelves TD898 .13 .C2 A2 1988 2021-1360
Canada. Siting Task Force on Low-level Radioactive Waste Management; Deep River (Ont.). Town Council; Wood, Dennis H.Deep River community agreement-in-principle / Siting Task Force, Low-level Radioactive Waste Management ; the Corporation of the Town of Deep River[Ottawa] : Siting Task Force Secretariat ; [Deep River, Ont.] : Town of Deep River, 199537 p. : maps ; 22 cm"July 14, 1995." Chair: Dennis H. Wood. On cover: The Deep River CAP.Radioactive waste disposal -- Ontario -- Deep River; Radioactive waste sites -- Location -- Ontario -- Deep RiverInserted: letter from A. Anne McLellan, Minister of Narural Resources Canada, to citizens of Deep River, 23 Dec. 1996.Pamphlet files2020-1141
Canada. Translation Bureau. Terminology Directorate; Canadian Committee for the Standardization of Nuclear Terminology Vocabulaire de la réglementation nucléaire = Vocabulary on nuclear regulations[Ottawa] : L'Energie Atomique du Canada, Limitée = Atomic Energy of Canada Limited [1979?]Ix, 37 p. ; 28 cm“... prepared within the framework of the national program for standarization of nuclear terminology ... set up by the Translation Bureau of the Secretary of State Department late in 1978 ...”-- Page v. Text in French and English. Includes bibliography and French-English index.Nuclear energy--Law and legislation—Canada—Terminology; Nuclear engineering—Dictionaries—French; Nuclear engineering—Dictionaries—English; Nuclear energy—Dictionaries—French; Nuclear Energy—Dictionaries—English Paperback.Pamphlet files2018-1170
Canadian Applied and Industrial Matematics Society; Société canadienne de mathématiques appliquées et industrielles Bulletin CAIMS/SCMAI = CAIMS/SCMAI newsletterWaterloo, Ont. : The Society [19--]-v. : ill. ; 22 cm“Published at least once a year.”Mathematics—Periodicals SPCNHI has: no. 68 (Fall 2013).Pamphlet files2019-1373
Canadian Association of Physicists Directory = RépertoireOttawa : Canadian Association of Physicists = Association canadienne des physiciens [19--]volumes ; 28 cm Physics in Canada Frequency: annual. Supplement to Physics in Canada. In English and French.Physicists -- Canada – Directories SPCNHI has: 1994.Pamphlet files2021-1480
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Journalistic policy = Politique journalistique / Canadian Broadcasting CorporationOttawa : Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 1982iv, 136, 140, iv p. ; 19 cm.Text in English and French with French text on inverted pages. Title on added t.p.: Politique journalistique. Inludes index. 0887949002 Journalism—Canada; Canadian Broadcasting Corporation; Journalistic ethics—Canada; Journalism—Objectivity Paperback. “CAMPBELL” written on title page.Bookshelves PN4914.E8 C2 1982 2018-1046
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation; Knight, Tom; Holly, L. De B.; Mackay, JimHere and there presents Chalk River / directed by Tom Knight ; narrated by L. de B. Holly ; animation by Jim Mackay ; ... [et al.][Toronto? : Canadian Broadcasting Corporation [195-?]1 digital video disc (ca. 29 min.) : sd., b&w ; 12 cm“A CBC production for Here & There."Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories; Nuclear energy -- Research – Laboratories – Ontario; Motion pictures DVD copy of CBC documentary film. With: Nuclear power demonstration -- Eye witness – Atomic energy.CD/DVDs2019-7041
Canadian Centre for Energy Information All about energy : all in one place = Tout sur l'énergie : à un seul endroit[Calgary?] : Canadian Centre for Energy Information [2006?]1 digital videodisc (sound, colour) ; 12 cmPublic information video. In English or French.Power resources; Energy industries; Motion pictures 2006 calendar in container.CD/DVDs2019-7032
Canadian Coalition for Nuclear ResponsibilityTime to stop and think : a brief to Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada ...[Montreal] : Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility, 197725 pages ; 36 cm“May 27, 1977.”Nuclear power -- Risk assessment – Canada; Nuclear power -- Government policy – Canada; Nuclear power – Public opinion –Canada; Risk perception; Petitions WNRE Library discard.Pamphlet files2021-1592
Canadian Committee for Standardizing Nuclear Terminology Vocabulaire bilingue de la réglementation nucléaire = A bilingual vocabulary on nuclear regulations / approuvé par le Comité canadien de normalisation de la terminologie nucléaire = approved by the Canadian Committee for Standardizing Nuclear TerminologyHull : Direction de la terminologie, Bureau des traductions = Terminology Directorate, Translation Bureau, 1981ix, 37 pages ; 28 cmCahiers de terminologie = Terminology series, 5Includes French-English and English-French indexes.Nuclear energy -- Law and legislation -- Canada – Terminology; Nuclear energy – Terminology Plastic ring binding.Pamphlet files2022-1003
Canadian Electricity Association; Canada. Natural Recources Canada; Canada. Water Resources Branch; Canada. Inland Waters Branch; Canada. Energy Development Sector; Canada. Energy Policy Sector; Canada. Energy Policy Sector. Electrical Branch; Canada. Energy Sector. Electrical Branch; Canada. Energy Sector. Electricity Branch Electric power in Canada.[Ottawa] : Dept. of Northern Affairs and National Resources, Water Resources Branch,[1964]-c2000volumes : illustrations, maps ; 28 cm. Issue for 1974 not published. Publication history: 1964-1998/99. Current frequency: annual.Absorbed: Énergie électrique au Canada 1969. Continued in part by Energie électrique au Canada (1980). Variant title: issues for 1969-1979 have French parallel title: Energie électrique au Canada. English title only, 1964-1968; 1980-1998/99. Volumes for 1976 issued as Report - Energy, Mines and Resources Canada; EI 77-5, ISSN 0704-2256. Text in English only, 1964-1968; text in English and French, 1969-1979; text in English only, 1980-1998/99. Issued: 1966-1968 by Inland Waters Branch; 1969-1973 by Energy Development Sector; 1975-1976 by Energy Policy Sector; 1977-1979 by Electrical Section; 1980-1990?,by Electrical Branch; 1990?-1998/99, Electricity Branch.0070-962X Electric power – Canada; Power resources – Canada; Energy consumption — Canada; Electric utilities — CanadaSPCNH has: 1985, 1994. Paper cover, slightly worn.Bookshelves HD9685 .C3 A3 2018-1586 (1985); 2022-1239 (1994)
Canadian Electricity Forum Inc Electricity in Canada : a century of servicePickering, Ontario : Canadian Electricity Forum, 1991110 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.Electricity today (Pickering, Ont.), vol. 3, no. 4Special issue of Electricity today, April, 1991.0843-7343 Electric power—Canada Discard from WNRE staff. Cover slightly worn.Pamphlet files2018-1161
Canadian Engineering Centennial Convention (1987 : Montréal, Québec); Canadian Nuclear SocietyProceedings of the nuclear power and fusion programs of the Canadian Nuclear Society / Canadian Engineering Centennial Conference, May 18-22, 1987, Palais des Congres, Montreal, QuebecToronto, Ont., Canada : Canadian Nuclear Society, 1987]viii, 248 pages : illustrations ; 28 cmIncludes bibliographical references.Nuclear industry – Canada – Congresses; Nuclear power plants – Canada – Congresses; Nuclear fusion – CongressesFront cover worn. Bookshelves TK9026 C34 1987 2022-1218
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency Communiqué : le gouvernement publie le rapport de Commission sur le stockage des déchets de combustible mnucléaire[Ottawa?] : Agence canadienne d'évaluation environnementale[1998]6 pages : illustration ; 28 cmPress release.Radioactive waste disposal in the ground -- Environmental aspects – Canada; Radioactive waste disposal -- Risk assessment – CanadaPamphlet files2021-1522
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency. Nuclear Fuel Waste Management and Disposal Concept Environmental Assessment Panel; Seaborn, BlairNuclear fuel waste management and disposal concept : report of the Nuclear Fuel Waste Management and Disposal Concept Environmental Assessment PanelHull, Quebec : The Panel, 1998174 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm Report of the Environmental Assessment PanelIssued also in French under title: Concept de gestion et de stockage des déchets de combustible nucléaire. On cover: Federal environmental assessment and review process. Chairman: Blair Seaborn. Includes bibliographical references (pages 103-105).0662264703 Radioactive waste disposal in the ground -- Environmental aspects – Canada; Radioactive waste disposal -- Risk assessment – CanadaBookshelves TD898 .13 .C2 C25 1998 2022-1060
Canadian Fusion Fuels Technology Project ITER : the next step in fusion energy : pursuing a Canadian opportunity[Mississauga, Ont. : Canadian Fusion Fuels Technology Project, 1995][6] pages : colour illustrations ; 28 cmCover title.ITER tokamak; Controlled fusion -- Research – CanadaPamphlet files2021-1567
Canadian General Electric Company Canadian General Electric builds first reactor for new AECL research centre[Peterborough, Ont?] : Candaian General Electric, 19631 sheet ; 29 cmAdvertisement. Also appeared in Financial post, 27 Apr. 1963, and in Canadian nuclear technology, Apr. 1963. “CAPD-1-63.”WR-1 reactor; Whieshell Nuclear Research Establishment; Canadian General Electric CompanyPamphlet files2022-1271
Canadian General Electric Company A tribute : KANUPP breakthrough[Toronto : Canadian General Electric Company] 1973 page 8-10 : illustrations ; 28 cmArticle in Progress, March 1973.KANUPP reactor; KANUPP Nuclear Generating Station; Nuclear power plants – Pakistan; CANDU type reactors – PakistanPamphlet files2022-1291
Canadian General Electric Company; Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontaro. Nuclear Power DemonstrationOperating instructions for 20 MW turbine generator set with condensing, feed heating, reject condenser and auxilliary apparatus / Canadian General Electric Co. Ltd. For Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario, Nuclear Power Demonstration; Turbine-generator operating instructionsManchester, England : Associated Electrical Industries Limited, Turbine Generator Division, 19601 volume (various pagings) : illustrations ; 28 cmCover title: Turbine-generator operating instructions. “A.E.I. Contract no. C.G.E. 10721. Prepared by General Engineering Department. October, 1960.”Steam-turbines--Handbooks, manuals, etc.; NPD reactor; Nuclear power plants – OntarioNPD stamps on title page, front endpaper, section first pages. NPD label on spine.NPD display desk2021-1267
Canadian Government Specifications Board Manual on industrial radiographyOttawa : Department of Defence Production, 1970225 pages : illustrations ; 28 cmCanada. Government Specifications Board., 48-GP-5“ April 1970.”Radiography, IndustrialBookshelves TA417.25 C3 1970 2021-1597
Canadian Institute for Neutron Scattering CINS : Canadian Institute for Neutron Scattering : planning to 2050 for materials research with neutron beams in Canada : summary = ICDN : Institut canadien de la diffusion des neutrons : plan vers 2050 pour la recherche sur les matériaux avec les faisceaux de neurons au Canada : résuméChalk River, Ont. : Institut canadien de la diffusion des neutrons, c20098, 8 pages; : illustrations : 22 x 22 cmIn English and French on inverted pages.Canadian Institute for Neutron Scattering; Neutrons—Scattering—Research---Canada; Neutron beams—Research-CanadaPamphlet files2021-1417
Canadian Institute for Neutron Scattering = Institute Canadian de la Diffusion des Neutrons Plan for Canadian neutron scattering in the nineties : executive summary[Hamilton, Ont?] : Canadian Institute for Neutron Scattering [1990?]2 leaves ; 28 cmNeutrons—ScatteringPamphlet files2021-1178
Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Annual congressToronto : Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society = Société canadienne de méteorologie et d'océanographie [1978]-volumes ; 24 cm0705-5919 Atmosphere – Congresses; Meteorology – Congresses; Oceanography – CongressesSPCNHI has: 17th Annual Congress, 3-5 May 1983, Banff, Alberta. Program and abstracts.Pamphlet files2022-1328
Canadian National Energy Alliance CNEA consortium formed to restructure and manage Canada's nuclear laboratories[Chalk River, Ont?] : CNEA, 2013?1 sheet ; 28 cmCanadian National Energy Alliance; Atomic Energy Of Canada Limited -- Reorganization; Canadian Nuclear LaboratoriesPamphlet files2022-1270
Canadian National Energy Alliance; Canada. Natural Resources Canada; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited CNEA Blue Team review : reading material[Chalk River, Ont.] : CNEA, 2013?1 volume (various pagings) : illustrations ; 28 cmCanadian National Energy Alliance; Atomic Energy Of Canada Limited -- Reorganization; Canadian Nuclear Laboratories Plastic ring binding.Bookshelves HD9698 .C24 A765 2013 2022-1260
Canadian Nuclear Association The Canadian nuclear factbook; Canadian nuclear fact book[Ottawa] : Canadian Nuclear Association [2015]78 pages : color illustrations ; 10 x 17 cm“Information in this book is based on data available as of November 2014.”Nuclear energy – Canada; Nuclear industry – CanadaPamphlet files2020-1019
Canadian Nuclear Association The Canadian nuclear factbook; Canadian nuclear fact book[Ottawa] : Canadian Nuclear Association, 201772 pages : color illustrations ; 10 x 13 cm“Information in this book is based on data available as of October 2016.”Nuclear energy – Canada; Nuclear industry – CanadaPaper cover. Spiral binding. Pamphlet files2019-1488
Canadian Nuclear Association Ce que signifie l'énergie nucléaire pour le CanadaToronto : L'Association nucléaire canadienne [1984?]1 sheet ; 28 cmIn French. Photocopy.Nuclear power – Canada; Nuclear energy –CanadaPamphlet files2020-1132
Canadian Nuclear AssociationCelebrating 50 years, 1960-2010 : seizing opportunities for growth : CNA 2010 factbook / Canadian Nuclear Association = 50 an déjà, 1960-2010 : saisir les possibilités pour assurer notre croissance : aide-mémoire 2010 de lANC / Association nucléaire canadienneanniversary edition = édition anniversaireOttawa : Canadian Nuclear Association = Association nucléaire canadienne, 200836, 36 p. : ill. ; 14 cmIn English and French on opposite pages.Nuclear industry—Canada--Handbooks; Nuclear power plants—Canada—Handbooks; Nuclear reactors—Canada—HandbooksPamphlet files2019-1213
Canadian Nuclear AssociationInnovating today for a brighter future : Canada's nuclear energy : reliable, affordable and clean electricity / Canadian Nuclear Association = Innover aujourd'hui pour un avenir meilleur : l'énergie nucléaire au Canada : pour électricité propre et fiable à prix abordable / Association nucléaire canadienneedition 1 = 1re éditionOttawa : Canadian Nuclear Association = Association nucléaire canadienne, 2008ii, 27, 27, ii p. : ill. ; 14 cmIn English and French on opposite pages.Nuclear industry—Canada--Handbooks; Nuclear power plants—Canada—Handbooks; Nuclear reactors—Canada—HandbooksPamphlet files2019-1212
Canadian Nuclear Association Nuclear Canada = Canada nucléaireToronto : Canadian Nuclear Association,[1963-1996?]v. : ill. ; 28-44 cm. Vol. 2, no. 8 (Oct. 10, 1963)- . Ceased with v. 35, no. 1 (Jan./Mar. 1996)?Monthly. Other title: Canada nucléaire Feb. 1983-Dec. 1987, Sept. 1989-Jan./Mar. 1996? Selective coverage: Energy research abstracts Dec. 1973- . Text in English and French, Oct. 10, 1963-Dec. 1987, Sept. 1989-Jan./Mar. 1996?,French text on inverted pages, Oct. 10, 1963-Jan. 1983; text in English only, Jan. 1988-Aug. 1989. Continues: CNA newsletter. -- Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Association.0029-5469 Nuclear industry—Canada—Periodicals; Canadian Nuclear Association—PeriodicalsSPCHNI has: v. 29, no. 2 (Feb 1990), v. 30, no. 6 (Sep/Oct 1991), v. 33, no. 2-v. 34, no. 2 (May/Jun 1994-Nov 1995), v. 35, no. 1 (Jan/Mar. 1996).Periodicals2018-1594
Canadian Nuclear Association Nuclear Canada yearbook[Toronto, Canadian Nuclear Association]v. ill. 28 cmSelective coverage: Energy research abstracts Apr. 1982- ISSN 0160-3604. 0383-8536 Nuclear industry—Canada—Periodicals; Nuclear industry—Canada--Directories SPCNHI has: 1983-2019.Periodicals2018-1390
Canadian Nuclear Association Nuclear facts : seeking to generate a better understandingToronto, Ont. : Canadian Nuclear Association, 1988-1 volume (loose-leaf) : colour illustrations ; 28 cm“Fact sheets that are part of a public information program.”Nuclear industry--Canada--Popular works; Radiation—Popular works; Nuclear power—Canada--Popular works; Nuclear reactors—Popular worksIn loose-leaf binder, arranged by years and numbers on back of sheets or titles.Oversize books HD9698 .C22 C37 2021-1195
Canadian Nuclear Association Nuclear power in Canada : questions and answers / CNA[2nd ed.][Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Association, 1981]iv, 68 p. : ill. ; 28 cmCover title. "... an updated version of a similar booklet first published ... in 1975"--p.ii.0919307175 (soft cover) Nuclear energy; Nuclear industry—Canada; Nuclear power plants—Canada; Nuclear fuels; Power resources—CanadaPamphlet files2020-1004
Canadian Nuclear Association Nuclear power in Canada : questions and answers / CNA[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Association, 1975]iv, 47 p. : ill. ; 28 cmCover title. "This publication was prepared by a Committee of CNA to further public understanding of nuclear energy"--p.ii.Nuclear energy; Nuclear industry—Canada; Nuclear power plants—Canada; Nuclear fuels; Power resources—CanadaSPCNHI has 2 copies: 1st, paper cover, back cover slightly stained.Pamphlet files2018-1475; 2021-1257
Canadian Nuclear Association Nuclear technology working for Canada = La technologie nucléaire au service du Canada; We need our heroes = Ils sont nos héros[Toronto? : Canadian Nuclear Association [2010?]1 DVD (9 minutes, 37 seconds) ; 12 cmTitle from disc. Case label: We need our heroes = Ils sont nos héros. Also on disc: "Canada's nuclear industry: celebrating 50 years, 1960-2010 = L'industrie nucléaire canadienne: 50 and déja, 1960-2010." In English and French.Nuclear industry -- Canada; Nuclear energy -- Canada -- HistoryCD/DVDs2024-7002
Canadian Nuclear Association. Conference... Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Association : proceedings ... ; CNA proceedingsChalk River, Ont. : printed by Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, 1972; Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Association, 1989-volumes : illustrations ; 28 cmTitle varies slightly. Some issues have cover title CNA prodeedings. Publisher varies: 12th conference proceedings printed by Atomic Energy of Canada Limited; later proceedings issued by Canadian Nuclear Association. 0317-168X; 0706-1293 Nuclear energy–Canada–-Congresses; Nuclear industry—Canada—Congresses; Nuclear engineering—Canada--CongressesSPCNHI has: 12th (1972); 25th (1985)-29th (1989)-32nd (1992); 34th (1994)-36th (1996), 1997.Bookshelves TK9006 C3 2021-1317 (1972); ; 2022-1172 (1985); 2022-1173 (1986); 2022-1174 (1987); 2022-1175 (1988); 2019-1525 (1989 v.1); 2022-1171 (1989 v.2); 2022-1176 (1990); 2022-1177 (1991); 2022-1124 (1992); 2022-1178 (1994); 2022-1179 (1995); 2022-1137 (1996); 2022-1197 (1997)
Canadian Nuclear Association. Conference (34th : 1994 :Montréal, Que.) Canadian Nuclear Association; Rozon, DanielProgramme des Enseignants : comptes rendus : le 6 juin 1994, 14h00-17h00, Salon St-Maurice; Teachers program[Toronto? :Canadian Nuclear Association, 1994?]vi, 54 leaves : illustrations ; 28 cm“Comité ogranisateur: Daniel Rozon” [et al.] -- title page. Cover title: Programme des enseignants = Teachers program. In French. Radioactive waste management; Biological radiation effects; Cancer -- Risk factors; Nuclear medicine; Teachers' guidesBookshelves TK9006 C3 1994a 2022-1231
Canadian Nuclear Association. Conference (35th : 1995 : Saskatoon, Sask.)Canadian Nuclear Association. Conference, 35th Annual Conference, 1995 : June 4-7, 1995, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada : abstracts[Toronto, Ont? : Canadian Nuclear Association, 1992?]1 volume (unpaged) ; 28 cmNuclear engineering -- Canada – Congresses; Nuclear industry -- Canada – Congresses; AbstractsPamphlet files2022-1125
Canadian Nuclear Association. Conference 30th : 1990 : Toronto, Ont. ); Canadian Nuclear Society. Conference (11th : 1990 : Toronto, Ont.)Conference summaries : 30th annual conference, Canadian Nuclear Association ; 11th annual conference, Canadian Nuclear Society, Totonto, Ontario, June 3-6, 1990 = Sommaires du congrès : 30e conférence annuel, Association nucléaire canadienne ; 11e conférence annuel, Société nucléaire canadienne, Toronto, Ontario, du 3 au 6 juin 1990Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Association, 19901 v. (various pagings ) : ill. ; 28 cmNuclear energy–Canada–-Congresses; Nuclear industry—Canada—Congresses; Nuclear engineering—Canada—Congresses; Abstracts Cover titles. Paper covers. “A.D. Lane” on front cover.Oversize books TK9006 C3 1990 2019-1422
Canadian Nuclear Association. International Conference (15th : 1975 : Ottawa, Ont.)Canadian Nuclear Association fifteenth annual International Conference : Ottawa, Canada, June 15-18, 1975Toronto, Ont. : CNA,[1975?]6 v. : ill. ; 28 cm Report no.: 75-CNA-100 to 75-CNA-700 Cover title. v. 1. President's address. CNA committee reports -- v. 2. Development in Canada and abroad -- v. 3. The use of nuclear power reactors for applications other than electricity generation -- v. 4 Economic development and nuclear policy -- v. 5. Environmental and safety aspects of nuclear energy -- v. 6. Nuclear energy and the manufacturing industries.Nuclear energy—Canada—Congresses; Nuclear industry—Canada--Congresses SPCNHI has: v. 3. Label on front cover.Pamphlet files2018-1490
Canadian Nuclear Association. Public Affairs Committee Uranium and nuclear issues : proceedings of a seminarToronto : Canadian Nuclear Association,[1983]156 pages : illustrations ; 28 cmCover title. Seminar held 2-3 Nov. 1982 in Toronto, Ont.0919307280 Nuclear fuels -- Canada – Congresses; Uranium industry -- Canada – Congresses; Nuclear energy -- Government policy -- Canada – Congresses Plastic ring binding.Bookshelves TK9026 U73 1983 2022-1221
Canadian Nuclear Association. Safety and Environment Committee The management of radioactive wastes in Canada : proceedings of a symposiumToronto : Canadian Nuclear Association [1979]199 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm“Sponsored by the CNA Safety and Environment Committee. Held April 10-11, 1979, Constellation Hotel, Toronto, Ontario"--Cover.Radioactive waste disposal – Canada – CongressesBookshelves TD898 .13 .C2 M3 1979 2022-1102
Canadian Nuclear Association. Social and Moral Issues Committee; Canadian Nuclear Association. Social Issues Committee; CNA Social and Moral Issues Sub-committee Ethics & energy-- newsletter[Toronto] : Canadian Nuclear Association. Social and Moral Issues Committee; Canadian Nuclear Association. Social Issues Committee; CNA Social and Moral Issues Sub-committee [1981?-1985]4 v. : 28 cm. Vol. 1, no. 1-v. 4, no. 6 (winter 1984/85)Issues prior to Apr. 1981 lack date. Issues for Feb. 1982- published by the Association's Sub-committee under its later name: Social and Moral Issues Committee, and again -winter 1984/85 under the Committee's most recent name: Social Issues Committee. Continued by: Ethics and energy (Toronto, Ont.) -- Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Association,[1985-1987].0715-3554 Nuclear energy--Moral and ethical aspects—PeriodicalsSPCNHI has: v. 2, no. 4 (Jul 1982), v. 3, no. 3,(Jun 1983), v. 4, no. 2 (Dec 1983/Jan 1984). v. 4, no. 5 (Sep 1984), v. 4, no. 6 (Win 1984/85).Periodicals2018-1582
Canadian Nuclear Association. Student Conference; Canadian Nuclear Society; CNA Education and Manpower Committee; CNA/CNS Committee of Education, Human Resources and Communications; CNA/CNS Committee of Education, Human Resources and CommunicationsProceedings ... : ... Student Conference ... = Compte-rendus ... : ... Colloque ... Étudiant ...[Toronto, Ont.] : Canadian Nuclear Association,[1976-2000?]volumes : illustrations ; 28 cmAnnual. Ceased with 2000 issue? Title varies slightly; some issues called Student annual conference = Colloque étudiant annuel. Some issues have on piece: Student Conference on Nuclear Science and Engineering (198-), Student Nuclear Conference (198-), CNA/CNS Student Conference (199-). Co-sponsored by the Canadian Nuclear Society whose name appears occasionally on the publication, also by the CNA Education and Manpower Committee and the CNA/CNS Committee of Education, Human Resources and Communications. 0713-6323Nuclear engineering – Congresses; Nuclear physics – Congresses; Nuclear reactors – CongressesSPCNHI has: 1980, 1981, 1984, 1987, 1995, 1996, 1998. Issues after 2000 issued as CD-ROMs.Bookshelves TK9006 C33 2022-1112 (1980); 2022-1104 (1981); 2022-1113 (1984); 2022-1114 (1987); 2022-1115 (1995); 2022-1116 1996); 2022-1109 (1998)
Canadian Nuclear Association/Canadian Nuclear Society Human Resources Development Committee Report of the Canadian Nuclear Association/Canadian Nuclear Society / Industrial Adjustment Services. Human Resources Development CommitteeToronto, Ont. : Canadian Nuclear Association, 19931 volume (various pagings) ; 28 cmVerso of document is French version.Nuclear industry -- Canada – Employees; Nuclear industry – Employees Plastic ring binding.Bookshelves HD8039 .A62 C2 1993 2022-1222
Canadian Nuclear Association; Burge, A. R.Nuclear energy : Canada's resources and industry / CNA ; [prepared by A. R. Burge et al.][Toronto] : Canadian Nuclear Association, 1974]iv, 73 p. : ill. (some col.) col. map, col. port. ; 22 x 31 cm.Cover title.Nuclear industry—CanadaLibrary card pocket inside front cover, stamps on front flyleaf.Bookshelves HD9698.C22 C35 2018-1589
Canadian Nuclear Association; Canadian Nuclear Association. Social Issues CommitteeEthics and energy (Toronto, Ont.) / Canadian Nuclear Association = Association nucléaire canadienneToronto : Canadian Nuclear Association,[1985-1987]; Social Issues Committee, Canadian Nuclear Association7 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Vol. 5, no. 1 (spring 1985)- Ceased with summer/fall 1987 issue.Quarterly. Title from cover. Continues: Ethics & energy-- newsletter. -- Toronto : Social and Moral Issues Sub-committee of the Canadian Nuclear Association,[1980-1984].0715-3554 Nuclear energy--Moral and ethical aspects—PeriodicalsSPCNHI has: Vol. 5, no. 1-4 (spring 1985-winter 1985/86), v. 6, no. 2 (summer 1986), no. 3-4 (fall 1986-winter 1986/87), v. 7, no. 1-2/3 (spring-summer/fall 1987).Periodicals2018-1583
Canadian Nuclear Association; Canadian Nuclear SocietyTransportation of radioactive materials : symposium sponsored by the Canadian Nuclear Association and the Canadian Nuclear Society, October 29-30, 1987, Constellation Hotel, Toronto, CanadaToronto : Canadian Nuclear Association, 1987?1 volume (unpaged) ; 28 cmRadioactive substances –TransportationHandwritten notes on one page. Inserted: handwritten notes, added printed items, including delegate list.Pamphlet files2022-1110
Canadian Nuclear Association; Maclean's (Toronto) Nuclear fission : halfway to the first century[Toronto, Canada : Maclean Pub. Co.] 1989[12] p. : col. Ill ; 28 cm“An advertising supplement to the June 12, 1989 issue of Maclean's magazine.”Nuclear energy--Canada; Nuclear industry—Canada; Nuclear power plants—Quebec; Radioactive waste managament—Canada; Non-proliferation policy—Canada; Cameco Cover title.Pamphlet files2019-1032
Canadian Nuclear Association; Maclean's (Toronto) Ready for the challenge of the '90s[Toronto, Canada : Maclean Pub. Co.] 199012 p. : col. Ill. ; 28 cm“An advertising supplement to the June 11, 1990 issue of Maclean's magazine.”Nuclear power –Canada; Nuclear energy—Environmental aspects--Canada; Ontario Hydro; Nuclear industry—Canada Cover title. Slightly worn.Pamphlet files2019-1031
Canadian Nuclear Laboratories2017 Chalk River Laboratories open house : activities, events and schedulesChalk, Ont. : Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, 20171 sheet : maps ; 28 x 44, folded to 28 x 22 cmChalk River Laboratories—Exhibitions; Nuclear energy -- Research – Laboratories – Ontario—ExhibitionsPamphlet files2021-1356
Canadian Nuclear Laboratories CNL nuclear review : Canada's nuclear science and technology journal[Ottawa] : Canadian Science Publishing, 2015-volumes : illustrations ; 28 cm.Began with: volume 4, no. 2 (Dec. 2015). Issued also online. Frequency: semiannual.Nuclear energy -- Canada – Periodicals; Nuclear chemistry – Periodicals; Nuclear engineering – PeriodicalsSPCNHI has: v. 4, no. 2-v. 7, no. 1 (Dec. 2015-Jun. 2018).Periodicals2021-1591
Canadian Nuclear Laboratories Contact kids : a publication of Canadian Nuclear Laboratories = Enfants contact[Chalk River ON : CNL Corporate Communications, 2019- ]v. : ill ; 22 cmContinued by Kids contact = Enfants contact.Canadian Nuclear Laboratories—Periodicals; Nuclear industry—Canada—Periodicals;SPCNHI has: Summer 2019. Pamphlet files2023-1022
Canadian Nuclear Laboratories Kids contact = Enfants contact[Chalk River ON : CNL Corporate Communications, 2020- ]v. : ill ; 22 cmIn English and French on reverse pages. Continues Contact kids.Canadian Nuclear Laboratories—Periodicals; Nuclear industry—Canada—Periodicals;SPCNHI has : Spring = printemps 2020; Winter = hiver, Summer = été 2023, Fall = automne 2023Pamphlet files2023-1040
Canadian Nuclear Laboratories = Laboratoires nucléaires canadiens Contact : a publication of Canadian Nuclear Laboratories = Contact : une publication des LNC[Chalk River, ON : CNL Corporate Communications, 2016-]v. : ill ; 23 cmIn English and French on inverted pages.Canadian Nuclear Laboratories—Periodicals; Nuclear industry—Canada—PeriodicalsSPCHI has: Jun. = juin 2016; Apr. = avril 2017; Aug = août, Dec = déc. 2018; Mar. = mars, Summer = été 2019; Fall = automne 2022; Spring = printemps 2023.Periodicals2019-1346
Canadian Nuclear Laboratories; Arcadis Design & Consultancy Environmental impact statement summary : nuclear power demonstration closure project[Chalk River, Ont?] : Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, 201727 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm“September 2017. Canadian environmental assessment registry # 80121.” Based on the environmntal impact statement prepared by Arcadis Design & Consultancy.NPD reactor; Decommissioning; Environmental impacts; Nuclear Power Demonstration Waste FacilityPamphlet files2021-1305
Canadian Nuclear Revitalization PartnersCanadian Nuclear Revitalization Partners : realizing the potential, revitalizing the future[Clarkson, Ont. : Hatch, 2013?]1 folder, 3 pages : illustrations ; 28 cmAtomic Energy of Canada Limited – ReorganizationPamphlet files2022-1263
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Assessing the long term safety of radioactive waste management41 pages on 12 ; 22 x 28 cmRegulatory guide (Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission), G-320Photocopy of Regulatory guide G-320. -- Ottawa : Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, c2006. "December 2006." Issued also in French under title: Évaluation de la sûreté à long terme de la gestion des déchets radioactifs.Radioactive waste disposal -- Safety regulations – Canada; Radioactive waste disposal -- Government policy – Canada Marginal notes and some text highlighted.Pamphlet files2022-1034
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission CNSC educational resources = Ressources pedagogiques de la CCSN Teacher's edition = Version pour les enseignants[Ottawa] : Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission [2013]1 CD-ROM (2 PDF, 2 video files) ; 12 cmIncludes English and French text files and English (2 min. 3 sec.) and French (2 min. 23 sec.) videos.Nuclear science; Nuclear technology -- Canada; Instructional and educational worksCD/DVDs2024-7003
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Decommissioning planning for licensed activities26 pages on 32 leavesRegulatory guide (Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission), G-219Photocopy of Regulatory guide G-219. -- Ottawa : Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, c2000. "June 2000." Issued also in French under title: Les plans de déclassement des activités autorisées.Nuclear facilities – Decommissioning; Nuclear power plants -- Decommissioning. Nuclear power plants -- Safety measures; Nuclear power plants -- Government policyMarginal notes and some text highlighted. Pamphlet files2022-1035
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission; Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management Canadian national report for the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management : third reportOttawa : Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, 20081 CD (1 PDF file (xiv, 202 p. 🙂 col. ill., col. maps)CO/MISC-0131 Title from title screen.9781100108995; 1100108998Nuclear facilities -- Waste disposal – Canada; Nuclear power plants -- Waste disposal – Canada; Spent reactor fuels -- Storage – CanadaSecond report, 2005, issued as INFO-0755E, in Box 54.CD/DVDs2019-7010
Canadian Nuclear Society Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin = Bulletin de la Société nucléaire canadienneToronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne,[1988]-v. : ill. ; 28 cm.Frequency varies. Title from cover. Text in English only. Continues: CNS bulletin. Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne,[1988-].0714-7074 Nuclear industry—Canada—Periodicals; Nuclear energy—Canada—Periodicals; Nuclear engineering—Canada—Periodicals; Canadian Nuclear Society—PeriodicalsSPCNHI has: v. 8, i.e. 9, no. 5 (Sep/Oct 1988), v. 10-20,(Jan/Feb 1989-2000), v. 21, no. 1-3 (2000), v. 22-39 (2001-2018).Periodicals2018-1400
Canadian Nuclear Society Maintaining excellence : planning a new multi-purpose research reactor for Canada / Canadian Nuclear SocietyToronto : Canadian Nuclear Society, c201038 pages : illustrations ; 22 x 22 cmCover title: Planning a new multi-purpose research reactor for Canada.Research reactors – Planning – CanadaPamphlet files2022-1094
Canadian Nuclear Society Membership directory / Canadian Nuclear Society = Registre des membres / Société nucléaire canadienneToronto : Canadian Nuclear Society,[198- or 199-]v. ; 20-28 cmAnnual. Description based on: 1991. Text in English and French. Continues: Canadian Nuclear Society Membership list. [Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society, 1986-198- or 199-] = Société nucléaire canadienne Membership directory. Toronto : Société nucléaire canadienne,[198- ou 199–].1196-9768 Canadian Nuclear Society—Directories; Nuclear engineering—Canada--DirectoriesSPCNHI has: 98/12/31, 2006 Feb., 2007 Jan., 2009 Jan., 2010 Jan.Periodicals2018-1388
Canadian Nuclear Society[Newsclippings]Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society 9 leaves ; 28 cmCollected photocopies of newspaper articles.Nuclear power—Canada; Nuclear industry—Canada SPCNHI has: 18 Oct 1988.Pamphlet files2018-1591
Canadian Nuclear Society Nuclear journal of Canada = Journal nucléaire du CanadaToronto : Canadian Nuclear Society,[1987]1 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1987)- . Ceased publication with vol. 1, no. 4 (1987).Quarterly. Includes some text in French. 0833-1758 Nuclear industry—Canada—Periodicals; Nuclear energy—Canada—Periodicals; Nuclear engineering—Canada—Periodicals; Nuclear facilities—Canada—Periodicals; Nuclear industry--Canada--Safety measures—PeriodicalsSPCNHI has: v.1,(Mar.-Dec. 1987).Periodicals2019-1010
Canadian Nuclear Society Planning for a new multi-purpose research reactor for CanadaToronto, Ontario : Canadian Nuclear Society, c201038 p. : ill. ; 22 x 22 cmCover title.Research reactors – Planning – CanadaPamphlet files2020-1144
Canadian Nuclear Society Summary : planning a new multi-purpose research reactor for Canada = Sommaire : planification d'un nouveau réacteur de recherche polyvalent pour le CanadaToronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, c2010[12, 12] pages : illustrations ; 22 x22 cmCover titles. In English and French on inverted pages. Summary of Maintaining excellence : planning a new multi-purpose research reactor for Canada.Research reactors – Planning – CanadaPamphlet files2021-1472
Canadian Nuclear SocietyWaste management, decommissioning and environmental restoration for Canada's nuclear activities : current practices and future needs = Gestion des déchets, déclassement et restauration environnementale pour les activités nucléaires au Canada : pratiques actuelles et besoins futurs / Canadian Nuclear Society[Toronto, Ontario : Canadian Nuclear Society, 2005?]1 computer optical disc ; 12 cmTitle from disc label. Proceedings of a conference held at Crowne Plaza Hotel, Ottawa, Ontario, 2005 May 8-11.091978481X Radioactive waste management – Canada – Congresses; Nuclear facilities – Decommissioning – Canada -- Congresses; Environmental restoration – Canada -- CongressesNote attached to container: “Fahey, 2005, Conf CD #1, 2009 Jan 12”CD/DVDs2019-7009
Canadian Nuclear Society. Conference Proceedings ... Annual Conference = Comptes rendus ... congrès annuelToronto : Canadian Nuclear Society,[1981]-volumes : illustrations ; 28 cm. Publication history: 2nd (1981)-Continues: Canadian Nuclear Society. Conference = Comptes rendus, congrès annuel0227-1907 Nuclear engineering – Congresses; Nuclear industry – Canada -- CongressesSPCNHI has: 2nd (1981)-7th (1986), 9th (1988), 10th (1989 v.2-3))-13th (1992), 15th (1994)-19th (1998). Some issues CNA or WNRE Library discards.Bookshelves TK9006 C32 2022-1138 (1981); 2022-1126 (1982); 2022-1140 (1983); 2022-1139 (1984); 2022-1141 (1985); 2022-1128 (1988); 2022-1145 (1989 v.2); 2022-1146 (1989 v.3); 2022-1147 (1990); 2022-1148 (1991); 2022-1180 (1992 v.1); 2022-1181 (1992 v.2); 2022-1144 (1994 v.1); 2022-1143 (1994 v.2); 2022-1129 (1995 v.1); 2022-1130 (1995 v.2); 2022-1131 (1996 v.1); 2022-1132 (1996 v.2); 2022-1133 (1997 v.1); 2022-1134 (1997 v.2); 2022-1135 (1998 v.1); 2022-1136 (1998 v.2)
Canadian Nuclear Society. Conference (2005 : Ottawa)Waste management, decommissioning and environmental restoration for Canada's nuclear activities : current practices and future needs : program and abstractsToronto : Canadian Nuclear Society, 2005iv, 65 pages : plan ; 28 cmConference organized, sponsored by Canadian Nuclear Society, held 2005 May 8-11, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Ottawa. Cover title.Radioactive waste management – Canada – Congresses; Nuclear facilities – Decommissioning – Canada -- Congresses; Environmental restoration – Canada -- Congresses Highlighting and comments on program.Bookshelves TD898 .13 .C2 W3 2005 2021-1507
Canadian Nuclear Society. Conference (2005 : Ottawa)Waste management, decommissioning and environmental restoration for Canada's nuclear activities : current practices and future needs = Gestion des déchets, déclassement et restauration environnementale pour les activités nucléaires au Canada : pratiques actuelles et besoins futursToronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne [2005?]2 compact discs ; 12 cmConference held 2005 May 8-11, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Ottawa. Contents: disc 1, papers, program, logos, etc; disc 2, Power Point presentations.091978481X Radioactive waste management – Canada – Congresses; Nuclear facilities – Decommissioning – Canada -- Congresses; Environmental restoration – Canada -- CongressesCD/DVDs2021-7005; 2021-7006
Canadian Nuclear Society. Conference (21st : 2000 : Toronto, Ontario)21st annual CNS conference : a better nuclear tomorrow : proceedings, Toronto, Ontario, June 11-14, 2000 = Comptes rendus : 21e Conférence annuelle de la SNC : un meilleur avenir nucléaire :,Toronto, Ontario, 11-14 juin, 2000[Toronto] : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, c20001 computer optical disc ; 12 cmTitle from disc label. Includes some text in French. System requirements: Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000 or Mac 7.1.2 or later; Acrobat Reader 4.05.0919784666 Canadian Nuclear Society—Congresses; Nuclear industry—Canada—Congresses; Nuclear engineering—Canada—CongressesCD/DVDs2019-7006
Canadian Nuclear Society. Conference (23rd : 2002 : Toronto, Ont.); CNS/CNA Student Conference (27th : 2002 : Toronto, Ont.)40 years of nuclear energy in Canada : 23rd CNS annual conference, 27th annual CNS/CNA student conference, Toronto, June 2-5, 2002 : [proceedings] = 40 années d'énergie nucléaire au Canda :23ième conférence annuelle SNC, 27ième conférence annuelle étudiante SNC/ANC : [comptes rendu][Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society, 2002]1 computer optical disc ; 12 cmTitle from disc label. Includes some text in French. System requirements: Windows 95, 98, Me, NT 4.0, 2000 or Mac 8.6 or later; Acrobat Reader 5.05.0919784690 Canadian Nuclear Society—Congresses; Nuclear industry—Canada—Congresses; Nuclear engineering—Canada—CongressesCD/DVDs2019-7007
Canadian Nuclear Society. Conference (25th : 2004 : Toronto, Ont.)25th annual CNS conference : 2004, June 6-9, Toronto : Nuclear energy: meeting the challenges = 25ième conférence annuelle SNC : juin 6-9, Toronto : L' énergie nucléaire: à la hauteur des défisToronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société Nucléaire Canadienne, 20041 CD-ROM ; 12 cmTitle from case label. 0919784798 Canadian Nuclear Society—Congresses; Nuclear industry—Canada—Congresses; Nuclear engineering—Canada—CongressesCD/DVDs2022-7003
Canadian Nuclear Society. Conference (26th : 2005 : Toronto, Ont.); CNS/CNA Student Conference (29th : 2005 : Toronto, Ontario)26th annual CNS conference & 29th CNS/CNA student conference : the new nuclear generation : Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2005 June 12-15 = 26ième conférence annuelle de la SNC & 29ième conférence étudiante de la SNC et de l'ANC : le nouveau nucléaire et la génération de relève : Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 12-15 juin 2005Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société Nucléaire Canadienne, 20051 CD-ROM ; 12 cmTitle from case label. System requirements: Adobe reader full version 6 or 7, installed on disc.0919784828 Canadian Nuclear Society—Congresses; Nuclear industry—Canada—Congresses; Nuclear engineering—Canada—CongressesCD/DVDs2022-7002
Canadian Nuclear Society. Conference (27th : 2006 : Toronto, Ont.); CNS/CNA Student Conference (30th : 2006 : Toronto, Ont.)Nuclear energy, a world of service to humanity : 27th annual conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society & 30th Canadian Nuclear Society/Canadian Nuclear Association student conference : 11-14 June 2006, Toronto Marriott Eaton Centre, Toronto, ON, Canada = L' énergie nucléaire, un monde de services à l'humanité : 27ième conférence annuelle de la Société Nucléaire Canadienne et 30ième Conférence étudiante de la Société Nucléaire Canadienne et l'Association Nucléaire CanadienneToronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société Nucléaire Canadienne, 20061 CD-ROM ; 12 cmTitle from case label. 0919784860 Canadian Nuclear Society—Congresses; Nuclear industry—Canada—Congresses; Nuclear engineering—Canada—CongressesCD/DVDs2022-7004
Canadian Nuclear Society. Conference (28th : 2007 : Saint John, N.B.); CNS/CNA Student Conference (31st : 2007 : Saint John, N.B.)Embracing the future : Canada's nuclear renewal and growth : 28th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 31st CNS/CNA student conference = Saisissons l'avenir : renouvellement et croissance du nucléaire au Canada : 28ième conférence annuelle de la Société Nucléaire Canadienne et 31ième conférence étudiante SNC/ANC[Toronto?] : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 20071 CD-ROM ; 12 cmTitle from case label. “3-6 juin 2007, Saint John, N.B., Canada = 2007 June 3-6, Saint John, N.B., Canada.”--disc.0919784887 Canadian Nuclear Society—Congresses; Nuclear industry—Canada—Congresses; Nuclear engineering—Canada—CongressesCD/DVDs2022-7005
Canadian Nuclear Society. Conference (29th : 2008 : Toronto, Ont.); CNS/CNA Student Conference (32nd : 2008 : Toronto, Ont.)Sustainable development through nuclear technology : 29th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 32nd CNS/CNA Student Conference, June 1-4, 2008, Toronto Marriott Downtown Eaton Centre = Développement durable à l'aide de la technologie nucléaire : 29th Conférence anuellle de la Société nucléaire canadienne et 32ième Conférence étuiante SNC/ANC, 1-4 juin 2008[Toronto?] : Canadian Nuclrear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 20081 CD-ROM ; 12 cm0919784909 Canadian Nuclear Society—Congresses; Nuclear industry—Canada—Congresses; Nuclear engineering—Canada—CongressesCD/DVDs2022-7007
Canadian Nuclear Society. Conference (30th : 2009 : Calgary, Alta.); CNS/CNA Student Conference (33rd : 2009 : Calgary, Alta.)New nuclear frontiers : conference proceedings 2009, 30th annual Canadian Nuclear Society conference and 33rd CNS/CNA Student Conference, Calgary, May 31 – June 3, 2009 = 30ième Conférence annuelle de la Société Nucléaire, et 33iéme Conférence étudiante de la SNC et de l'ANC : nouvelles fontières du nucléaire : comptes rendu 2009[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Association, 2009?]1 computer optical disc ; 12 cmTitle from container label. 091978495X Canadian Nuclear Society—Congresses; Nuclear industry—Canada—Congresses; Nuclear engineering—Canada—CongressesCD/DVDs2019-7008
Canadian Nuclear Society. Conference (33rd : 2012 :Saskatoon, Sask.); CNS/CNA Student Conference (36th : 2012: Saskatoon, Sask.)Building on our past – building for the future : 2012 June 10-13 : 33rd Annual Canadian Nuclear Society Conference and 36th CNS/CNA Student Conference, TCU Place, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan = 33ième Conférence de la Société nucléaire canadienne et 36ième Conférence étudiante de la SNC et de l'ANC[Toronto?] : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 20121 CD-ROM ; 12 cm9.78193E+12 Canadian Nuclear Society—Congresses; Nuclear industry—Canada—Congresses; Nuclear engineering—Canada—CongressesCD/DVDs2022-7006
Canadian Nuclear Society. Conference (35th : 2015 : Saint John, N.B.); CNS/CNA Student Conference (39th : 2015 : Saint John, N.B.); Ontario Power Generation; Canadian Nuclear Partners35th Annual CNS Conference : 39th CNS/CNA Student Conference : nuclear innovation through collaboration : Saint John, NB May 31-June 3, 2015[Toronto?] : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 20151 CD-ROM ; 12 cmTitle from disc. “Preparation of these proceedings co-sponsosred by Ontario Power Generation, Canadian Nuclear Partners.”9.78193E+12 Canadian Nuclear Society—Congresses; Nuclear industry—Canada—Congresses; Nuclear engineering—Canada—CongressesCD/DVDs2022-7008
Canadian Nuclear Society; Canadian Nuclear AssociationCanadian nuclear achievement awards : 2009 call for nominations = Programme de prix canadiens pour contributions nucléaires exceptionnelles : 2009 appel aux nominations / Canadian Nuclear Society, Canadian Nuclear Association = Société nucléaire canadienne, Association nucléaire canadienne[Toronto?] : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2009[12] pages ; 28 cm“janvier 2009 = 2009 January.” Includes lists of award recipients.Nuclear energy -- Awards – Canada; Nuclear science – Awards – Canada; Nuclear engineering – Awards – CanadaPamphlet files2022-1051
Canadian Nuclear Society; Canadian Nuclear Association CNS bulletin / Canadian Nuclear Society = Bulletin SNC / Société nucléaire canadienne; Bulletin - Canadian Nuclear SocietyToronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne,[1980-1988]v. ; 28 cm. Vol. 1, no. 1 (May 1980)-vol. 8, no. 5 (Sep./Oct. 1987), vol. 9, no. 4 (July/Aug. 1988)Monthly (irregular). "The technical society of the Canadian Nuclear Association". Text in English and French. Continued by: Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin. Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne,[1988]-0714-7074 Nuclear industry—Canada—Periodicals; Nuclear energy—Canada—Periodicals; Nuclear engineering—Canada—Periodicals; Canadian Nuclear Society—PeriodicalsSPCNHI has: v. 1, no. 1 (May 1980)-v. 2, no. 3 (Jun/Jul 1981), v. 3, no. 1-5 (Feb-Aug/Oct 1982), v. 4-7 (1983-1986), v. 8, no. 1-5 (Jan/Feb-Sep/Oct 1987, v. 9, no. 4 (Jul/Aug 1988).Periodicals2018-1460
Canadian Nuclear Workers' Council Canadian nuclear worker[Toronto] : Canadian Nuclear Workers' Council [199-]v. ; 28 cmFrequency: 6 times a year.Canadian Nuclear Workers' Council — Periodicals; Nuclear industry -- Employees – Canada—Periodicals; Trade-unions -- Canada – Periodicals; Trade associations – Canada – PeriodicalsSPCNHI has: Jan, May 2000.Pamphlet files2019-1120; 2019-1121
Canadian Nuclear Workers' Council Nuclear workers council[Toronto? : Canadian Nuclear Workers' Council, 1993?][7] p. : ill. ; 28 cmCanadian Nuclear Workers' Council; Nuclear industry -- Employees – Canada; Trade-unions -- Canada; Trade associations – CanadaPamphlet files2019-1122
Canadian Nuclear Workers' Council Questions and answers about nuclear energy in Canada[Toronto] : Canadian Nuclear Workers' Council [1993?]8 pages ; 28 cmNuclear energy – Canada; Trade unions – CanadaPamphlet files2022-1018
Canadian Standards Association Decommissioning of facilities containing nuclear substancesvii, 54 pages ; 28 cmPhoocopy of CSA standard, N294-09. -- [1st edition]. -- Mississauga, Ont. : Canadian Standards Association, 2009. “July 2009.”9781554912094; 1554912091 Nuclear facilities – Decommissioning – Standards – CanadaPamphlet files2021-1508
Canadian Standards Association Management of low- and intermediate-level radioactive wastex, 44 pages ; 28 cmPhoocopy of CSA standard, N292.3-08. -- [1st edition]. -- Mississauga, Ont. : Canadian Standards Association, 2008."March 2008."9781554366910; 1554366917 Radioactive waste disposal -- Standards – Canada; Radioactive wastes -- Standards -- CanadaPamphlet files2021-1509
Canadian Standards Association Member orientation package : workbookToronto : Canadian Standards Association [2003]1 vol. (loose-leaf) ; 30 cm + 2 CD ROMs ; 8, 12 cmPartial contents: Canadian Standards Association member handbook. -- By-laws, June 2004. -- Committee membership. -- CSA glossary of initials and terms. -- CSA-SDP-1-03 : CSA policy governing standardization. -- CSA-SDP-2.1-99, CSA-SDP-2.2-98: CSA directives and guidelines governing standardization, part 1 & 2. -- CD ROMs in pocket.Canadian Standards Association – Membership In 3-ring binder.Oversize books QC100 .C2 C3 2003 2022-1004
Canadian Standards Association; Standards Council of Canada Canadian metric practice guide / prepared by Canadian Standards Association ; approved by Standards Council of Canada[4th edition]Rexdale, Ont. : Canadian Standasrds Association, 197967 pages ; 28 cmNational Standard of Canada.; CSA Standard, Z234.1-76Previously published as: Metric practice guide. "CAN3-Z234.1-79."0317-5669Metric system -- Conversion tables; Metric system – CanadaPamphlet files2023-1023
Canadian Standards Association; Standards Council of Canada Canadian metric practice guide / prepared by Standards Council of Canada ; approved by Standards Council of Canada[3rd ed.]Rexdale, Ont. : Canadian Standards Association, 197648 pages : illustrations ; 30 cmNational Standard of Canada, CAN3-234 1-76; CSA Standard, Z234.1-76"This third edition expands and updates the previous edition [published in 1973]"--Preface.Metric system – Canada; Measurement -- Système International d'UnitésSPCNHI copy has insert: CRNL supplement, CRNL-1667, rev. 1.Pamphlet files2019-1384
Canadian Standards Association; Standards Council of Canada The international system of units (SI) / prepared by Canadian Standards Association ; approved by Standards Council of CanadaRexdale, Ont. : Canadian Standards Association, 197329 pages ; 30 cmNational Standard of Canada, CAN-3-001-01-73; CSA Z234.2Metric system; Measurement -- Système International d'UnitésPamphlet files2019-1383
Canatom Canatom : nuclear consultants worldwideMontreal : Canatom [1993?][18] pages : illustrations ; 18cmEngineering firms—Canada; Consulting engineers—Canada; Nuclear industry—CanadaPamphlet files2021-1380
CANDU Control and Safety Training Course (1995 : Mississauga, Ont.); Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedCANDU Control and Safety Training Course : October 30-November 3, 1995[Missisauga, Ont?] : AECL, 19951 volume (loose-leaf, various pagings) : illustrations ; 30 cmCANDU type reactors – Safety measures; Reactor control; Training In binder.Bookshelves TK9152 C3 1995 2022-1281
CANDU Maintenance Conference (1st : 1987 : Toronto, Ont.); Canadian Nuclear Society; Canadian Nuclear Association; American Nuclear SocietyProceedings : CANDU Maintenance Conference, November 22-24, 1987, Toronto, Canada / Canadian Nuclear Society ; co-sponsored by Canadian Nuclear Association ; American Nuclear Society[Toronto, Ont., Canada] : Canadian Nuclear Society, 1987?- 1 v. (various pagings) : ill. ; 28 cmIncludes bibliographies and index. 0919784151 Nuclear power plants -- Maintenance and repair – Congresses; Heavy water reactors -- Maintenance and repair – CongressesBookshelves TK9203 .H4 C3 1987 2022-1205
CANDU Owners Group Annual report / CANDU Owners Group[Toronto] : CANDU Owners Group, c1986-volumes : colour illustrations ; 28 cm. Publication history: 1986-Current frequency: Annual.CANDU Owners Group – PerioidicalsSPCNHI has: 1985, 1987-1991, 2013/2014.Periodicals2023-1138
CANDU Owners Group Multichannel burst tests resolve safety concern1 sheet : illustrations ; 28 cmPhotocopy of article in COGnizant, issue 6, Sep 1997Pressure tubes; Calandrias; TestingPamphlet files2023-1117
CANDU Reactor Safety Course (1997 : Mississauga, Ont.); Krishnan, V. S.; Canadian Nuclear Society. Nuclear Science & Engineering Division; Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedCANDU reactor safety course : May 12-14 1997, Mississauga, Ontario : course lectures / compiled by V.S. Krishnan[Mississauga, Ont. : Canadian Nuclear Society, 1997]1 volume (various pagings) : illustrations ; 30 cm“Organized by Canadian Nuclear Society. Nuclear Science & Engineering Division.” “Support of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited gratfully acknowledged.”CANDU type reactors -- Safety measures – Congresses In ring binder.Oversize books TK9152 C3 1997 2020-1156
CANTEACH Project; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited; Canadian Nuclear Society; Meneley, Daniel Allison, 1935-2018 ; Garland, Bill; Lightfoot, MalcolmCANTEACH / project director, Dan Menemey ; academic director, Bill Garland ; project administration, Malcolm Lightfoot ... [et al.][Canada] : CANTEACH Project [2003]1 compact disc : col. Ill. ; 12 cm“CANTEACH is a knowledge repository that provides high quality technical documentation relating to the CANDU nuclear energy system.” Includes several links to Internet websites.CANDU type reactors; Training; Educational facilities“CNS copy” lettered on disc. CD/DVDs2019-7051
Cantello, Gerald WynneThe roles played by the Canadian General Electric Company's Atomic Power Department in Canada's nuclear power program : work, organization and success in APD, 1955--1995168 pages : illustrations ; 29 cmThesis (M.A.)--Trent University,“May 2003.” Photocopied from Canadian Nuclear Society webside .Canadian General Electric Company. Atomic Power Department; Canadian General Electric Company; Nuclear industry -- Canada – History In binder.Oversize books HD9698 .C24 C3 2003 2022-1241
Carlisle, David Brez, 1926- ; Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada; Canada. Environment CanadaThe future of accelerator mass spectrometry in Canada : report on a workshop held at the Canada Centre for Inland Waters, Burlington, Ontario, Canada, 15-16 April, 1991 / edited by David Brez Carlisle; AMS requirements in CanadaOttawa : Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, 1991iii, 180 p. : ill. ; 22 cmCo-published by: Environment Canada. Summary in French and English. Includes bibliographical references. Cover title: AMS requirements in Canada.0772769508; 9780772769503 Accelerator mass spectrometry – Congresses Paper cover.Bookshelves QC454 .A25 F88 1991 2020-1184
Carnegie, R. K.The Quebec Conference : a milestone in history / by R.K. Carnegie[10] p. : ill. ; 26 cmIn: Canadian geographical journal, vol. 27, no. 3, p. 96-[105],(Sep. 1943). Contemporary description with photos of leaders present. Significant in that UK Tube Alloys Project was a topic discussed in secret.Quebec Conference (1st : 1943 : Québec, Québec)Cover stained, edges worn.Pamphlet files2019-1524
Carrier, George F.; Krook, Max; Pearson, Carl E.Functions of a complex variable : theory and technique / George F. Carrier, Max Krook, Carl E. PearsonNew York ; Toronto : McGraw-Hill,[c1966]ix, 438 p. : ill. ; 24 cmBibliographical footnotes.Functions of complex variables Name written on half-title page.Bookshelves QA331 C315 2019-1292
Carslaw, H. S. (Horatio Scott), 1870-1954Introduction to the theory of Fourier's series and integrals / by H.S. Carslaw3d ed., rev. and enl. London ; Toronto : Macmillan, 1930xiii, 368 p. : ill. ; 23 cmErrata slip inserted between p. 308 and 309. "References" at end of each chapter.Fourier series; Definite integralsSPCNHI copy lacks errata slip. NRC Montreal Laboratorty discard. Spine worn. Binding loose and repaired. Stamps on front endpaper. Bookshelves QA404 C32 1930 2019-1361
Carslaw, H. S. (Horatio Scott), 1870-1954; Jaeger, J. C. (John Conrad), 1907-Conduction of heat in solids / by H.S. Carslaw and J.C. Jaeger 2nd ed.Oxford [Oxfordshire] : Clarendon Press ; Toronto : Oxford University Press, 1986, c1959viii, 510 p. : ill. ; 24 cmIncludes a bibliography and indexes. 0198533683 (pbk.) Heat—Conduction; Laplace transformationBookstore price label, back cover.Bookshelves QC321 C28 1986 2019-1156
Carslaw, H. S. (Horatio Scott), 1870-1954; Jaeger, J. C. (John Conrad), 1907-Operational methods in applied mathematics / by H. S. Carslaw and J. C. JaegerNew York : Dover, 1965xvi, 359 p. : ill. ; 22 cmReprint of 2d ed, Oxford University Press, 1948.Calculus, Operational; Differential equations“Jarvis, Deep River” written on front endpaper.Bookshelves QA432 C34 1963 2019-1348
Cartmell, E. (Edward); Fowles, G. W. A. (Gerald Wilfred Albert) Valency and molecular structure / E. Cartmell and G.W.A. Fowles 2d. ed.London, Butterworths, 1963294 p. : ill. ;23 cmIncludes bibliography.Valence (Theoretical chemistry); MoleculesBookshelves QD469 C3 1963 2019-1463
Case, K. M.; Hoffmann F. de; Placzek, G.Introduction to the theory of neutron diffusion / K. M. Case, F. de Hoffmann, M. GoldsteinLos Alamos, N.M. : Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, 1953 [i. e. 1954]- v. : ill. ; 26 cmBibliographical footnotes.Neutrons; Diffusion SPCNHI has: v. 1. SPCNHI copy lacks cover; bound in file folder. Errata slip on file folder.Bookshelves QC721 C39 v.1 2019-1380
Casey, Robert S.Punched cards : their applications to science and industry / edited by Robert S. Casey ... [et al.]2d editionNew York : Reinhold, c1958x, 697 pages : illustrations ; 24 cmBibliography: p. 638-672.Punched card systemsAECL branch library discard. Library pocket, stamps on front flyleaf, inside back cover.Bookshelves Z695 .92 C3 1958 2021-1558
Castelfranchi, Gaetano; Stiles, W. S. (Walter Stanley), 1901- ; Walsh, John W. T. (John William Tudor)Recent advances in atomic physics / by Gaetano Castelfranchi ; approved translation by W. S. Stiles and J. W. T. WalshLondon : J. & A. Churchill, 19322 v. : ill. ; 21 cmContents: vol. 1. Atoms, molecules, and electrons.--vol, 2. Quantum theory. "In consultation with the author, it has been decided to reduce somewhat the bulk of the work by the omission of chapters IV, VI and XXI of the third Italian edition ... In addition, chapters III and VIII of vol.II of the English edition have been slightly abridged."--Translators' note. Bibliography at end of most of the chapters.Atoms; Molecules; Quantum theory“W. B. Lewis, Caius College” on front flyleaf.Bookshelves QC173 .C25 2018-1255
Caufield, CatherineMultiple exposures : chronicles of the radiation age / Catherine CaufieldToronto : Stoddart, 1989, c1988xii, 304 p.,[8] p. of plates : ill. ; 24 cmIncludes index. Bibliography: p. 281-[284]0773722750 : $24.95 Radiation--Physiological effectWNRE Library discard. Library label on spine, inside front & back covers; bar code, stamp on half-title page.Bookshelves RA1231 R2 C38 1989 2018-1312
Cavendish Nuclear Deactivation & decommissioning[Ottawa : Cavendish Nuclear, 20--?]13 pages : illustrations ; 28 cmReactor decommissioning; Decontamination; Reactor dismantlingPamphlet files2022-1287
Cenanovic, M.The application of electromagnetic techniques to fuel channel technology / M. Cenanovicp. 56-57 : ill.In: Ontario Hydro research review, no. 8 (Aug 1993). -- [Toronto : Research Division, Ontario Hydro],1993.1483-281X Fuel channels; Spacers; Joints; Electromagnetic testingPeriodicals2018-1464
Chadwick, James, 1891-1974The existence of a neutron / by J. Chadwickp. 5-21 : ill.Facsimile of article in Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, A 136:692-708 (1932). In Foundations of nuclear physics / compiled by Robert T. Beyer. -- New York : Dover Publications, c1949.NeutronsBookshelves QC173 .B485 2018-1074
Chalk River Laboratories The CRL voyageur[Chalk River, Ont.] : Chalk River Laboratories, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited [2006-?]4 volumes : illustrations ; 28 cmMonthly. Continued by: Voyageur / AECL Chalk River Laboratories.Chalk River Laboratories – Periodicals; Nuclear energy—Research—Canada—Periodicals; Nuclear industry—Canada—PeriodicalsSPCNHI has: v.1, issue 1-3 (Aug-Oct 2006), v. 2, issue 11-12 (Nov-Dec 2007), v. 3, isssue 1-5 (Jan-May 2008), v. 4, issue, 3,8, 11 (Mar, Aug, Nov 2009).Periodicals2020-1148
Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories Accident resistant packagings for dangerous goods[Chalk River, Ont. : Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories, 197-]1 videocassette (5 min., 15 sec.) : sound, colour ; 12 cm in 20 cm containerVHS. Title from videocassette label. Narrator: G. J. Phillips. Demonstration of drop, compression, and fire tests of protective containers for radioactive materials and other dangerous goods at Chalk River test facility.Hazardous substances – Packaging – Testing; Radioactive substances – Packaging – Testing; Motion picturesVideos2020-7003
Chalk River Nuclear LaboratoriesCANFLEX fuel bundle / AECL Research Company, Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories[Chalk River, Ont? : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Research Company, 1988]1 folded sheet (2 p.) : col. Ill. ; 30 cmFuel element clusters; CANDU type reactorsPamphlet files2021-1283
Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories Chalk River employee information bulletin[Chalk River, Ont. : Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories, 198-?]v. ; 28 cmFrequency irregular or unknown.Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories -- Periodicals; Nuclear energy -- Research -- Canada – Laboratories; Nuclear industry – Canada -- PeriodicalsSPCNHI has: 1986 Jun 3, 11.Pamphlet files2020-1124
Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories The Chalk River tandem accelerator[Ottawa] : Atomic Energy of Canada, 19737 pages : illustrations ; 28 cmCover title. "October 1973."Nuclear physics – Research—Canada; Partlcle accelerators—CanadaPamphlet files2019-1496
Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories CRNL : a flexible resource[Chalk River, Ont. : Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories, 1983]16 pages : illustrations (color) ; 28 cm“September 1983.” Issued also in French with title: LNCR : une ressource flexible.Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories; Nuclear energy -- Research -- Canada – Laboratories; Nuclear industry – Canada Cover slightly worn Pamphlet files2020-1026
Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories CRNL Public Affairs employee information bulletin[Chalk River, Ont? : Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories, 198- -]v. ; 28 cmFrequency irregular or unknown.Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories—Periodicals; Nuclear energy—Research—Canada--Periodicals SPCNHI has: 1986 Mar 25.Pamphlet files2020-1123
Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories LNCR : une ressource flexible[Chalk River, Ont. : Laboratoires nucléaires du Chalk River = Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories, 1983]17 pages : illustrations (color) ; 28 cm“septembre 1983.” In French. Issued also in English with title: CRNL : a flexible resource.Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories; Nuclear energy -- Research -- Canada – Laboratories; Nuclear industry – CanadaPamphlet files2020-1072
Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories NRU research reactor : irradiation facilities and services[Chalk River, Ont?] : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Research Company, Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories [199-?]6 leaves : col. ill.; 28 cmColour photograph of inside reactor hall on cover.NRU reactor; Irradiation -- Research – Canada Plastic ring binding.Pamphlet files2020-1147
Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories TASCC / AECL Research. Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories[Chalk River, Ont. : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Research Company, Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories, 1987][14] p. : col. Ill. ; 28 cmTandem accelerator superconducting cyclotron—Ontario; Particle accelerators—Ontario; Superconductiong cyclotrons--OntarioPamphlet files2019-1230
Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories TASCC newsletter; Tandem accelerator superconducting cyclotron newsletterChalk River, Ont. : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited10 v. Vol. 1, no. 1 (April 1987)-v. 10, no. 11/12 (Nov/Dec 1996).Monthly. 0045-866X Tandem accelerator superconducting cyclotron—Periodicals; Particle accelerators—Periodicals; Superconductiong cyclotronsSPCHNI has: v. 1-5, no. 1-2, 4-12 (Apr.-Dec. 1987, Feb., Apr.-Dec. 1991)-v. 10, no. 6,(Jun. 1996). Notice from Larrie Thomson, TASCC Division, inserted in first binder.Periodicals2018-1543
Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories Tritium laboratoryChalk River, Ont. : AECL Research Company, Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories [199-?]1 folded sheet (2 pages) : illustrations ; 30 cmTritium—Research; Chalk River Nuclear LaboratoriesPamphlet files2021-1378
Chalk River Nuclear LaboratoriesUnveiling of historic plaque commemorating the startup in 1945 of the ZEEP reactor, Canada's first nuclear reactor[Chalk River, Ont. : Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories, 1966?]1 sheet : ill., map ; 28 x 22 cm, folded to 14 x 22 cm“... to be held at the Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, 3 pm Saturday, June 18, 1966.”ZEEP reactor--History; Nuclear reactors—Canada; Historical markers—Ontario—Chalk RiverPamphlet files2020-1055
Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories Visit Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories = Visitez les Laboratoires nucléaire de Chalk River[Chalk River, Ont. : Public Affairs Office, Chalk River Laboratories = Bureau des affaires publiques, Laboratoires nucléaires de Chalk River, 1986]8, 8 p. : ill., map ; 11 x 22 cmIn English and French on inverted pages.Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories; Nuclear energy -- Research – Laboratories -- Ontario; Research Institutes – Ontario – Chalk river; Visitor guidesPamphlet files2020-1077
Chalk River Nuclear LaboratoriesVisit the Public Information Centre : Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited[Chalk River, Ont?] : Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories [between 1967 and 1977?]1 folded sheet (4 p.) : ill., map ; 22 cmChalk River Nuclear Laboratories; Nuclear energy -- Research – Laboratories -- Ontario; Research Institutes – Ontario – Chalk river; Visitor guides In plastic sleeve.Pamphlet files2019-1060
Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories. Public Affairs Office Chalk talk : the Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories newsletterChalk River, Ont. : Public Affairs Office, the Laboratories,[1984-1986]3 vol. : ill. ; 28 cm. Vol. 6, no. 1 (Jan. 1984)-vol. 8, no. 5 (1986)Ceased with v. 8, no. 5 in 1986. Continues: CRNL chalk talk. -- Chalk River, Ont. : Public Affairs Office, Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories,[1980-1983] ISSN 0825-6357. Continued by: Labstracts -- [Chalk River, Ont.] : AECL, 1986-[1989]. ISSN 0832-6495.0825-1541 Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories—Periodicals; Nuclear energy—Research--Canada--PeriodicalsSPCNHI has: Vol. 6, no. 1 (Jan. 1984)-v. 8, no. 1- 5 (Jan.-May 1986).Periodicals2018-1407
Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories. Public Affairs Office CRNL chalk talkChalk River, Ont. : Public Affairs Office, Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories,[1979-1983]5 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Vol.1, no. 1 (Jan. 1979)-vol.5, no. 12 (Dec. 1983)Monthly (frequency varies). Annual index published separately. Publisher varies slightly. Some issues published by Public Affaires Branch. Continued by: Chalk talk. -- Chalk River, Ont. : Public Affairs Office, Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories,[1984-1989]. ISSN 0825-6357.0825-6357 Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories—Periodicals; Nuclear energy—Research--Canada--PeriodicalsSPCNHI has: vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1979)-v. 5, no. 12 (Dec. 1983).. In binders. Duplicate copies of some issues in another binder.Periodicals2018-1408
Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited ZEEP reactor : Canada's first nuclear reactor[Chalk River, Ont?] : Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited [1986?]1 sheet : ill. ; 28 x 22 cm, folded to 14 x 22 cmZEEP reactor; Nuclear reactors—CanadaPamphlet files2019-1484
Chalmers, Thomas WightmanHistoric researches : chapters in the history of physical and chemical discovery / by T. W. ChalmersLondon : Morgan Bros., 1949288 p. : ill. ; 25 cm"Orginally appeared as a series of thirty-eight articles in ʻThe Engineer ̓between 1944 and 1948." "Biographical notes": p. 259-274.Physics—History; Chemistry—HistoryNRC Chalk River Library discard. Spine repaired with cloth tape. Library pocket, stamps on front flyleaf. Bottom half of front flyleaf missing.Bookshelves QC7 .C47 2018-1561
Champion, F. C. (Frank Clive); Davy, N. (Norman)Properties of matter / by F. C. Champion and N. DavyLondon, Glasgow : Blackie & Son, 1947, c1936xiv, 296 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm.The Student's physicsReprinted 1947. “Answers and Hints for Solution,” pages 283-287.Matter—PropertiesStains on front cover. Donor's signature, front flyleaf.Bookshelves QC171 .C45 1947 2018-1008
Chan, KevinThe end of physics?2 leaves : portrait ; 28 x 22 cmPhocopy of article in The Ottawa Citizen, page C6 (14 Apr 2002).Physics – Philosophy; Quantum mechanics; String models; Grand unified theories (Nuclear physics); MultiversePamphlet files2022-1261
Charbonneau, S.; Lange, M.; Institut national des sciences et techniques nucléaires (France)Aspects technologiques de la sûreté des PWR / S. Charbonneau, M. Lange40 leaves : illusrations ; 30 cmPhotocopy of Institut national des sciences et techniques nucléaires publication [1977?]. “Framatome” on cover.PWR type reactors; Reactor safety“M. Lange” written on cover of original. Pamphlet files2022-1046
Chatlani, MichaelCanada's first nuclear plant operator training simulator and the guys that made it happen / by Michael Chatlani[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2018]page 4-5 : illustrations ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 39 no.3 (Sep. 2018).Nuclear power plants; Simulators; Training; L-3 MAPPS (Firm) – HistoryPeriodicals2018-1400
Chayes, Abram, 1922- ; Lewis, W. Bennett (Wilfrid Bennett), 1908-1987International arrangements for nuclear fuel reprocessing / edited by Abram Chayes, W. Bennett LewisCambridge, Mass. : Ballinger, c1977xx, 251 p. : ill. ; 24 cmIncludes bibliographies and index.Reactor fuel reprocessing--International cooperation; Nuclear industry--Security measuresSheet inside front cover, describing presentation to W.B. Lewis.Bookshelves TK9360 I58 2018-1233
Cheadle, BrianCANDU fuel channel pressure tube review : guest editorial / B. Cheadlep. iv-vii : portraitIn: Ontario Hydro research review, no. 8 (Aug. 1993). -- [Toronto : Research Division, Ontario Hydro],1993.1483-281X CANDU type reactors; Pressure tubesPeriodicals2018-1464
Chemistry and Materials Performance Conference (1986 : Toronto, Ont.); Barber, D. (David), 1927- ; American Nuclear Society; Canadian Nuclear SocietyProceedings of the Water Chemistry and Materials Performance Conference : October 21, 1986, King Edward Hotel, Toronto, CanadaToronto : Canadian Nuclear Society, 1986viii, 73 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm"Co-sponsored by: American Nuclear Society". Cover title: Water Chemistry and Materials Performance Conference proceedings.0919784127Nuclear power plants -- Materials – Congresses; Nuclear reactors -- Materials – Congresses; Water chemistry – CongressesInserted: 2 papers. Plastic ring binding. Bookshelves TK9185 .A1 W38 1986 2022-1219
Chernoff, Herman; Moses, Lincoln E.Elementary decision theory / Herman Chernoff and Lincoln E. MosesNew York : Wiley, 1967, c1959xv, 319 p. ; 24 cmWiley publications in statisticsIncludes bibliography. Mathematical statistics; Statistical decision AECL Library discard. Stamps on front flyleaves. “Jarvis” written on front flyleaf.BookshelvesQA276 C47 1967 2019-1358
Childs, Herbert, 1904-An American genius : the life of Ernest Orlando Lawrence / by Hertert ChildsNew York : Dutton, 1968576 p. : ill., ports. ; 24 cmBibliography: p. 540-548.Lawrence, Ernest Orlando, 1901-1958; Nuclear physicists—United States—BiographyLibrary discard. Includes pocket and label. Bookshelves QC16 .L36 C5 2020-1170
Childs, W. H. J. (William Harold Joseph)Physical constants : selected for students / W. H. J. Childs 4th ed. Rev.London : Methuen, 1946viii, 77 p. : ill. ; 17 cmMethuen's monographs on physical subjectsPhysical constants—Tables“R. G. Jarvis, Jesus Coll., Oxon.” written on front endpaper.Bookshelves QC61 C5 1946 2019-1209
Chinnock, Frank W., 1926-Nagasaki : the forgotten bomb / Frank W. ChinnockNew York : World Pub. Co., c1969xiv, 304 p. 22 cmBibliography: p. 302-304.Nagasaki (Japan)--Bombardment, 1945; Nagasaki (Japan)--History--Bombardment, 1945Spine worn. Library label on spine, pocket inside front cover, bar code label, stamps on front flyleaf.Bookshelves D767.25.N3 C5 2018-1341
Chown, MarcusThe magic furnace : the search for the origins of atoms / Marcus ChownLonton : Vintage, 2000, c1999232 pages ; 20 cmIncludes bibliographical references (p. [225]-226) and index. Originally published: London: Jonathan Cape, 1999.0099578018Atomic theory – History -- Popular works; Cosmology – History -- Popular works; Matter — Constitution -- Popular works; Transmutation (Chemistry) -- Popular works; Stars – Evolution -- Popular worksLibrary discard. Includes pocket and barcode label. Paperback reinforced by clear plastic and sewn binding. Bookshelves QC171.2 C5 1999 2023-1000
Churchill, Ruel V. (Ruel Vance), 1899-1987Fourier series and boundary value problems / by Ruel V. Churchill 1st ed.New York ; London : McGraw-Hill, 1941ix, 206 p. : ill. ; 24 cm"References" at end of most of the chapters.Fourier series; Functions, Orthogonal; Boundary value problemsNRC Montreal Laboratory, AECL Library discard. Spine with label remnant. Library stamps inside front cover, on front flyleaf.Bookshelves QA404 C6 2019-1330
Churchill, Ruel V. (Ruel Vance), 1899-1987Operational mathematics / Ruel V. Churchill 2nd ed.New York : McGraw-Hill, 1958337 p. : ill. ; 24 cmFirst ed. published in 1944 under title: Modern operational mathematics in engineering.Integral transforms; Differential equations; Calculus, OperationalBookshelves QA432 C45 1958 2019-1267
Clare College (University of Cambridge) Clare College Cambridge : list of names & addressesCambridge Engand : The College, 1968 [?]198 p. ; 21 cm.Clare College (University of Cambridge)–Directories Paperback. Mended.Pamphlet files2018-1047
Clare, FrederickThey blew our weather / Frederick Clare 1st ed.Smithtown, N.Y. : Exposition Press, c1982xii, 196 p.,[14] p. of plates : ill. (some col.) ; 24 cm0682498246 : $20.00Weather--Popular works; Nuclear explosions--Environmental aspects--Popular works; Nuclear explosions--Moral and ethical aspects--Popular works; United States--Climate--Popular worksOriginal jacket excerpt clipped and taped to front flyleaf. Bookshelves QC981.2 C56 1982 2019-1061
Clark, John B. (John Brown), 1861- ; Aitken, Alexander C.; Connor, R. D.Physical and mathematical tables / prepared by the late John B. Clark ; mathematical tables revised by Alexander C. Aitken ; physical tables revised by R.D. ConnorRev. ed. [25th]Edinburgh : Oliver and Boyd, 1968iv, 91 p. ; 19 cmMathematics—Tables; Physics—TablesWater damaged. Pamphlet files2019-1452
Clark, John B. (John Brown), 1861-; Wells, Ivan S.; Tennant, Ralph MartinNew physical and mathematical tables / prepared by the late J. B. Clark ; mathematical tables revised by Ivan S. Wells ; physical tables revised by R. M. Tennent Revised 1969[Edinburgh] Oliver & Boyd, 1970, c196996 pages ; 19 cmPreviously published under title: Physical and mathamatical tables. “First published 1904” -- Title page. 0050021648 (paperback) Mathematics -- Tables; Physics – TablesPamphlet files2023-1046
Clark, Ronald WilliamThe birth of the bomb : the untold story of Britain's part in the weapon that changed the world / Ronald W. Clark ; preface by Sir George ThomsonLondon : Phoenix House, 1961xiv, 209 pages : portraits ; 23 cmAtomic bomb – History; Nuclear physics – History; World War, 1939-1945 -- Great BritainBookshelves QC773 .A1 C55 2021-1555
Clark, Ronald WilliamThe greatest power on earth : the international race for nuclear supremacy / Ronald W. Clark 1st U.S. ed.New York : Harper & Row,[1981] c1980ix, 342 p.,[16] p. of plates ; 24 cmIncludes index. Bibliography: p. [299]-305. 0060148462 Nuclear energy—HistoryWNRE Library discard. Front, back covers faded. Library label on cover; card pocket remnant inside front cover, library stamp on front flyleaf. Author's photo and clipping from original jacket pasted on reverse of front flyleaf.Bookshelves QC791.96 .C55 1981 2018-1284
Clark, Wilson; Howell, DavidEnergy for survival : the alternative to extinction / Wilson Clark ; with research by David Howell ; with illustrations by James K. Page, Jr.Anchor Books editionGarden City, N.Y. : Anchor Books, 1975, c1974xvi, 652 p. : ill. ; 21 cmIncludes bibliographical references. 0385035640 (pbk.) Power resourcesWNRE Library discard. Spine label remnant, pocket remnant, library stamps on half-title page. Binding broken and spine worn, repaired.Bookshelves TJ153 C53 1975 2019-1399
Clarkson, MichaelChippawa plant helped make Hiroshima atomic bomb / by Michael Clarkson[St. Catharines, Ont.] : St. Catharines Standard, 19801 sheet ; 43 x 21 cm, folded to 22 x 21 cmNewspaper clipping from St. Catharines Standard, 2 Aug. 1980. p. 13.Atomic bomb (U.S.)--History; Manhattan Project--History; Fetterby, Guy; Norton Abrasives; BoronPaper yellowed. Accompanied by photocopy of article. Pamphlet files2020-1051
Classen, Hans GeorgeGeological disposal of nuclear waste / by Hans George Classen[Chalk River, Ont?] : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, 1976?[4] pages : illustrations ; 28 cm“Reprinted from the Spring 1976 issue of Geos.”Radioactive waste disposal in the ground; Underground disposal – Research – CanadaIn Power projections binder, 1977. Punched for 3-ring binder.Periodicals2023-1141
Clay, Reginald Stanley, 1868-1954Treatise on practical light / by Reginald S. ClayLondon : Macmillan, 1911xv, 519 p. : ill. ; 20 cmLight; OpticsSpine slightly worn. On front flyleaf: “W.B. Lewis, Caius College, Cambridge”.Bookshelves QC357 .C62 2018-1268
Clearwater, JohnU.S. nuclear weapons in Canada / John ClearwaterToronto : Dundurn Press, c1999298 p.,[16] p. of plates : ill., maps ; 23 cmIncludes bibliographical references and index. 1550023292 : $27.99 Nuclear weapons—Canada—History; Nuclear weapons--United States—History; Canada--Military relations--United States; United States--Military relations—Canada Paperback. Price label remnant on back cover.Bookshelves U264 .5 C3 C535 1999 2019-1062
Clegg, John W.; Foley, Dennis D.; U.S. Atomic Energy Commission; International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy (2nd : 1958 : Geneva, Switzerland)Uranium ore processing / edited by John W. Clegg and Dennis D. FoleyReading, Mass. : Addison-Wesley, 1958xi, 436 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cmAddison-Wesley books in nuclear science and metallurgyPrepared under contract with the United States Atomic Energy Commission. "The Geneva presentation volumes presented by the U.S.A. at the Second International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, September 1958"--book jacket. Includes bibliographies.Uranium – Metallurgy AECL branch library discard.Bookshelves TN490 .U7 C55 2024-1008
Cleveland, J. M. (Jesse M.); U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Division of Technical InformationThe chemistry of plutonium / J. M. ClevelandLa Grange Park, IL : American Nuclear Society, c1979xxvi, 653 pages : graphs ; 24 cmNuclear science and technology series“Prepared under the auspices of the Division of Technical Information, United States Atomic Energy Commission”-- Title page. Reprint of the 1970 edition published by Gordon and Breach, New York; with new preface and foreword. Includes bibliographical references and indexes.0894480138 Plutonium Signed by donor.Bookshelves QD181.P9 C56 1979 2021-1560
Close, F. E.Half life : the divided life of Bruno Pontecorvo, physicist or spy / Frank CloseNew York, NY : Basic Books [2015]xix, 378 pages : illustrations ; 25 cmIncludes bibliographical references (pages 363-366) and index. 9780465069989 (hardcover : alk. paper)Pontecorvo, B. (Bruno), 1913-1993; Nuclear physicists--Soviet Union—Biography; Nuclear physicists—Italy—Biography; Spies--Soviet Union—Biography; Spies—Italy—BiographyDonor's return address label inside front cover. Bookshelves QC774.P66 C56 2015 2018-1510
CNA Seminar for Industry Spokesmen (1976 : Toronto, Ont.); Canadian Nuclear AssociationProceedings of the Seminar for Industry Spokemen : held at Hotel Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, November 8, 9,10, 1976Calgary, Alta. : Petroleum Resources Communication Foundation [1988]289 pages : illustrations ; 28 cmCover title: Proceedings : CNA Seminar for Industry Spokesmen, Toronto Nov. 1976.Nuclear industry -- Canada – Congresses; Nuclear power – Canada – CongressesBookshelves HD9698.C2 S4 1976 2022-1230
CNS International Steam Generator Gonference (5th : 2006 : Toronto, Ont.); Canadian Nuclear SocietyProceedings of the 5th CNS International Steam Generator Conference : November 26-29, 2006, Toronto Marriott Eaton Centre, Toronto, Ontario = 5ième Conférence Internationale de da SNC sir la Généteurs de VapeurToronto, Ont. : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société Nucléaire Canadienne, 20061 CD-ROM ; 12 cm0919784879 Steam generators – CongressesCD/DVDs2022-7016
Cochran, J. F.; Haering, R. R. (Rudolph Roland); Canadian Association of Physicists; Simon Fraser UniversityElectrons in metals / edited by J.F. Cochran and R.R. HaeringNew York : Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1968386 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.Solid state physics : the Simon Fraser University lectures, v. 1Sponsored by the Canadian Association of Physicists. Lectures delivered at Alta Lake, B.C., Aug. 21-Sept. 1, 1967.Solids; ElectronsBookshelves QC176.2 .S55 2018-1083
Cockcroft, John Douglas, 1897-1967Rutherford : life and work after the year 1919, with personal reminiscences of the Cambridge period8 leaves ; 28 cmPhotocopy of article in Deep River review, July 1946, page 8-15.Rutherford, Ernest, 1871-1937; Physicists – Biography; Nuclear Physics – HistoryPamphlet files2021-1450
Cockcroft, John Douglas, 1897-1967; Walton, Ernest, 1903-1995Experiments with high velocity positive ions. II, The disintegration of elements by high velocity protons / by J. D. Cockcroft and E. T. S. Waltonp. 23-38 : ill.Facsimile of article in Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, A 137:229-242 (1932). In Foundations of nuclear physics / compiled by Robert T. Beyer. -- New York : Dover Publications, c1949.ProtonsBookshelves QC173 .B485 2018-1074
Coffinberry, Arthur Shatter, 1902- ; Miner, W. N.; World Metallurgical Congress (2nd : 1957 : Chicago)The metal plutonium / edited by A. S. Coffinberry and W. N. Miner ; contributors: R. Abramson ... [et al.]Chicago : University of Chicago Press ; Toronto : University of Toronto Press, c1961xi, 446 p. :ill. ; 24 cm"These chapters were originally presented as papers at the 1957 World Metallurgical Congress in Chicago under the auspices of the American Society for Metals and the United States Atomic Energy Commision. Much of the material has been updated."--Dust jacket.Plutonium—CongressesBookshelves TN799.P74 M38 2018-1560
Cohen, Bernard Leonard, 1924-Before it's too late : a scientist's case for nuclear energy / Bernard L. CohenNew York : Plenum Press, c1983xvi, 290 p. : ill. ; 22 cmIncludes bibliographical references and index. 0306414252 Nuclear energyAECL Library discard. Library label on spine; library pocket inside front cover, stamp, label on front flyleaf, inside back cover.. Binding cracked between p. 108-109.Bookshelves TK9145 .C576 1983 2018-1320
Cohen, Bernard Leonard, 1924-The nuclear energy option : an alternative for the 90s / Bernard L. CohenNew York : Plenum Press, 1992, c1990x, 338 p. : ill. ; 22 cm"Some chapters are based in part on the author's Before it's too late"--T.p. verso. Includes bibliographical references (p. 317-331) and index.0306435675Nuclear industry--Government policy--United States; Nuclear power plants--Government policy--United States; Nuclear weapons--Government policy--United StatesLibrary label on spine, inside front cover, front flyleaf.Bookshelves HD9698.U52 C592 1990 2018-1568
Cohen, E. Richard, 1922- ; Crowe, Kenneth M.; DuMond, Jesse W.M.The fundamental constants of physics / by E. Richard Cohen, Kenneth M. Crowe, Jesse W.M. DuMondNew York : Interscience, 1957xii, 287 p. Ill. ; 24 cmInterscience monographs in physics and astronomy, v. 1Includes bibliographies.Physical constants—Tables; Physics—Tables Donor's name on front endpaper.Bookshelves QC61 C6 2018-1163
Colby, C. B. (Carroll B.)The atom at work : how nuclear power can benefit man / by C. B. ColbyNew York : Coward-McCann, 196848 pages : illustrations ; 28 cmNuclear energy – Popular works Pinawa Public Library discard. Donor note inside front cover.Bookshelves TK9145 C58 1968 2023-1004
Coleman, A. John (Albert John) 1918-Algebra / A.J. Coleman ... [et al.]Toronto : Gage Educational Pub., 1973xi, 514 p. : ill. ; 24 cmElements of modern mathematics Includes index.AlgebraBookshelves QA152.2 C6 2019-1388
Coleman, C. E.; OECD Nuclear Energy Agency. Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations; CANDU Owners GroupLeak-before-break in water reactor piping and vessels / edited by C.E. Coleman; International journal of pressure vessels and pipingLondon ; New York : Elsevier Applied Science ; New York, NY, USA : Sole distributor in the USA and Canada, Elsevier Science Pub. Co., c1990xxii, 442 pages : illustratrions ; 25 cm"This volume contains papers presented at the OECD-NEA Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations, CANDU Owners Group, Specialists Meeting, Leak-Before-Break in Water Reactor Piping and Vessels, held on 24-27 October 1989 in Toronto, Canada." "Reprinted from the International journal of pressure vessels and piping, vol. 43, nos. 1-3." Includes bibliographical references and index.1851665412Boiling water reactors – Piping – Testing – Congresses; Nuclear pressure vessels – Testing – Congresses; Pressure vessels – Cracking – Congresses; Piping – Cracking – CongressesBookshelves TK9202 L34 1991 2022-1318
Coleman, George H. (George Hopkins), 1891-The radiochemistry of plutonium / George H. ColemanSpringfield, Va. : Subcommittee on Radiochemistry of the Committee on Nuclear Science. National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, 1965vi, 184 pages ; illustrations ; 25 cmNAS-NS 3058; Nuclear science series (National Research Council (U.S.)) PlutoniumSaskatchewan Research Council Library discard. Library stamp on title page, pocket.Bookshelves QD603 .P9 C6 1965 2021-1140
Collie, HarryPandora's box : nuclear power and Vancouver Island[Victoria? B.C. : publisher not identified., 1972?]55 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm"Project members were: Harry Collie ... [et al.]"--Page 2. Includes references.Nuclear power plants -- Environmental aspects -- British Columbia – Nanaimo WNRE Library discard. Library stamp.Pamphlet files2021-1603
Comby, BrunoEnvironmentalists for nuclear energy / Bruno CombyParis : TNR Editions, 2001373 p. : ill. ; 21 cm“First edition: Un ecologiste pour le nucleaire, published by Compagnie du livre, 1994 ; French pocket edition: Le nucleaire, avenir de l'ecologie, published by F.X. de Guibert, 1996 ; New French edition: Le nucleaire, avenir de l'ecologie, published by TNR Editions, 2000.”--Title page verso.2914190026 Nuclear energy -- Environmental aspects; Nuclear energy -- Safety measuresAECL Library discard. Library label on spine; library stamp inside front cover, on front flyleaf. Autographed by author,“For a clean planet and a better world.”Bookshelves HD9698 .A2 C66 2001 2018-1318
Comby, BrunoEnvironmentalists for nuclear energy / Bruno Comby ; preface by Patrick Moore and James Lovelock Canadian ed.[Paris?] TNR Editions, 2006351 p. : ill. ; 21 cm“English translation by Berol and Shirley Robinson”--cover. Bibliography: p. [335]-338. 2914190255 Nuclear energy -- Environmental aspects; Nuclear energy -- Safety measuresPaperback. Autographed by author. Inserted: “Suzuki unwelcome in our homes” / Lorrie Goldstein, clipping from The Daily Observer (Pembroke, Ont.) 25 Jun 2009; EFN Canada membership registration form, copy of email from Rod Anderson to Michael Stephens, 16 Jun 2009, Environmentalists for Nuclear Energy (Canada) Inc. Financial statements, 2008, handwritten notes.Bookshelves HD9698 .A2 C66 2006 2018-1502
Commission des Communautés européennes. Bureau de terminologieRadioactive waste / [Commission des communautés européennes],Bureau de terminologie[Provisional ed.]1 volumeSelected photocopied pages of original publication. -- Luxembourg : Bureau de Terminoglgie, 1980. Doc., 3219/80. Cover title. English, French, Italian, German and Dutch glossary. Includes indexes for each of the languages. Bibliography: p. 467.Radioactive wastes—Management—TerminologyPamphlet files2019-1079
Commission of the European Communities Joint Research Centre JRC at your serviceBrussels : European Commission, Joint Research Centre [1994?]1 poster : double sided ; 60 x 84 cm, folded to 30 x 22 cmDescriptions, illustrations, of eight instutes on back.Commission of the European Communities. -- Joint Research Centre; European Commission. -- Joint Research CentrePamphlet files2021-1219
Commission of the European Communities; OECD Nuclear Energy Agency. Co-ordinating Group on Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste. Geological disposal of radioactive waste : an overview of the current status of understanding and development : an expert's reportParis : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 1984116 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm“Sponsored by the Commission of the European Communities and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency, Co-ordinating Group on Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste”--Title page.9264125876Underground disposal; Alpha-bearing wastes; Radionuclide migration; Engineering geology; Radioactive waste disposal in the groundAutographed by M.E. Stephens Bookshelves TD898.2 G4 1984 2021-1389
Compton, Arthur Holly, 1892-1962; Allison, Samuel King, 1900-1965X-rays in theory and experiment / by Arthur H. Compton and Samuel K. Allison 2nd ed.New York : Van Nostrand, 1940, c1935xiv, 828 p. : ill. ; 24 cm."Second edition of X-rays and electrons, by Arthur H. Compton.” Includes references.X-rays Front and back covers stained. Donor's signature on front flyleaf. Inserted: photograph of Montreal Laboratory staff members.Bookshelves QC481 .C65 1940 2018-1084
Comrie, L. J. (Leslie John), 1893-1950Chambers's shorter six-figure mathematical tables / by L.J. ComrieEdinburgh : W. & R. Chambers, 1950xxvi, 387 p. : 26 cmMathematics—TablesFlyleaf inscribed "R.G. Jarvis Coll. Jes. Oxon.". Bookshelves QA55 C7217 2019-1389
Conant, James Bryant, 1893-1978; Tishler, MaxThe chemistry of organic compounds : a year's course in organic chemistry / by James Bryant Conant ; revised with the assistance of Max Tishler Rev. ed.New York : Macmillan, 1942, c1939x, 658 p. : ill. ; 22 cmChemistry, OrganicBookshelves QD251 C67 1942 2020-1167
Condon, Edward Uhler, 1902-1974; Shortley, George, 1910-The theory of atomic spectra / by E. U. Condon and G. H. ShortleyCambridge [Eng.] : University Press, 1951xiv, 441 p. : ill. ; 27 cm.First published 1935. Reprinted with corrections, 1951.Spectrum analysis; Quantum theory Donor's signature on front flyleaf. Inserted: handwritten calulations.Oversize books QC454 .C64 1951 2018-1085
Conference on Analytical Chemistry in Energy Technology (21st : 1977 : Gatlinburg, Tenn.); Lyon, W. S. (William S.); Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Analytical Chemistry DivisionAnalytical chemistry in nuclear fuel reprocessing : based on papers presented at the proceedings of the 21st Conference on Analytical Chemistry in Energy Technology, held October 4-6, 1977 in Gatlinburg, Tennessee / sponsored by the Analytical Chemistry Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee ; edited by W. S. LyonPrinceton, N.J. : Science Press, c1978viii, 376 p. : ill. ; 24 cmCataloging based on CIP information. Includes bibliographical references.0895000067Reactor fuel reprocessing—Congresses; Chemistry, Analytic—CongressesSPCNHI copy lacks title page. Donor's name written on front cover. Bookshelves TK9360 C58 1977 2020-1093
Conference on Computational Methods in Nuclear Engineering (1975 : Charleston, S.C.); American Nuclear Society. Mathematics and Computation Division.; American Nuclear Society. Savannah River Section.; United States. Energy Research and Development AdministrationProceedings of the Conference on Computational Methods in Nuclear Engineering, April 15-17, 1975, Charleston, South CarolinaSpringfield, VA : Available from National Technical Information Service, 19752 volumes : illustrations CONF-750413Cover title. "Presented by ANS Mathematics and Computation Division, Savannah River ANS Section, and the Savannah River Operation, Office of the ERDA."Nuclear engineering -- Computer programs – CongressesPaper covers. Donor's name on covers, Spines slightly worn.Oversize books TK9006 C75 1975 2019-1537 (v.1); 2019-1538 (v.2)
Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics (12th : 1964 : Montreal, Canada); American Society for Testing and Materials. Committee on Mass Spectrometry; King, A. B.Twelfth Annual Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics : June 7-12, 1964, Montreal, Canada / arranged by the officers of ASTM Committee E-14[Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified],1964xii, 661 p. : ill. ; 22 cmEdited by A.B. King. Includes bibliographical references.Mass spectrometry – CongressesBookshelves QC451 C744 1964 2020-1102
Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics (18th : 1970 : San Francisco, Calif.); Honig, R. E.; American Society for Mass Spectrometry; ASTM Committee E-14Eighteenth annual Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics : June 14-19, 1970, San Francisco, California / arranged by the American Society for Mass Spectrometry in cooperation with ASTM Committee E-14[Place of publication not identified]] : Eastman Kodak Co.,[1971?]36. 460 p. : ill. ; 23 cmR.E. Honig, program chairman.Mass spectrometry – Congresses SPCNHI copy with top right corner torn off. “I.H. Crocker 1970 personal copy” written on front cover.Bookshelves QC451 C744 1970 2020-1085
Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics (33rd : 1985 : San Diego, Calif.); Finnigan, Bob; American Society for Mass SpectrometryASMS 33rd Annual Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics : May 26-31, 1985, San Diego, California[Place of publication not identified : American Society for Mass Spectrometry? 1985?]xxxvii, 1103 p. : ill. ; 24 cmBob Finnigan, editor. Title from cover.Mass spectrometry – CongressesTwo papers by AECL authors bookmarked. Signed by donor inside front cover, Sept. 30, 1985.Bookshelves QC451 C744 1985 2020-1086
Conference on Problems of Operating Research and Power Reactors (1963 : Ottawa, Ont.); American Nuclear Society. Reactor Operations Division.; American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Nuclear Engineering Division; Ferrier, Malcolm D.Problems of operating research and power reactors : Reactor Operations Division Meeting, October 21-23, 1963, Ottawa, OntarioHinsdale, Ill. : American Nuclear Society, 1963xi, 52 pages : illustrations ; 28 cmTransactions of the American Nuclear Society, vol. 6, Supplementeditor, Malcolm D. Ferrier. "Co-sponsored by the Nuclear Engineering Division of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers."Research reactors – Congresses; Nuclear reactors – Congresses; Nuclear power plants -- Congresses“J.H. Collins” on cover. Marginal notes on some pages. Pamphlet files2022-1056
Conference on Reactor Operating Experience (1965 : Jackson Lake Lodge Wyo.); American Nuclear Society. Reactor Operations Division; American Nuclear Society. Eastern Idaho Section; Farmakes, RuthConference on Reactor Operating Experience : July 28-29, 1965, Jackson Lake Lodge, WyomingHinsdale, Ill. : American Nuclear Society, 1965xii, 56 pages : illustrations ; 28 cmTransactions of the American Nuclear Society, vol. 8, SupplementRuth Farmakes, staff liaison editor. “Cosponsored by the Eastern Idaho Section of the American Nuclear Society.”Nuclear power plants – Congresses; Nuclear reactors – Congresses“J.H. Collins” on title page. Marginal notes on some pages. Pamphlet files2022-1057
Conference on Reactor Operating Experience (1967 : Atlantic City, N.J.); American Nuclear Society. Reactor Operations Division; American Nuclear Society. Delaware Valley Section; Farmakes, RuthConference on Reactor Operating Experience : July 23-26, 1967, Atlantic City, New JerseyHinsdale, Ill. : American Nuclear Society, 1967x, 38 pages : illustrations ; 28 cmTransactions of the American Nuclear Society, v. 10, SupplementRuth Farmakes, Transactions editor. "Sponsored by the Reactor Operations Division in cooperation with the Delaware Valley Section of the American Nuclear Society."Nuclear reactors – Congresses; Nuclear power plants – Congresses“J.H. Collins” on title page. Marginal notes on some pages. Pamphlet files2022-1055
Considine, Douglas M.Energy technology handbook / prepared by 142 specialists ; Douglas M. Considine, editor-in-chiefNew York : McGraw-Hill, c19771884 p. in various pagings : ill. ; 24 cmIncludes bibliographical references and index. 0070124302Power (Mechanics)--Handbooks, manuals, etc.; Power resources--Handbooks, manuals, etc.“Terry Andres” on front endpaper. Bookshelves TJ163.9 E54 2019-1536
Contemporary Physics Education Project. Nuclear chart Committee; Matis, HowardNuclear science : a guide to the nuclear science chart, or, You don't have to be a nuclear physicist to understand nuclear science[3rd edition][Berkeley, Calif. : Contemporary Physics Education Project, c2003]1 volume (various pagings) : illustrations ; 28 cmEditor: Howard Matis. "Third edition, Nov. 2003." Cover title. Includes chart.Nuclear physics; Instructional and educational works Plastic ring binding.Bookshelves QC783.8 N8 2003 2024-1020
Cook, Leslie G., 1914-1998The birthpangs of CANDU : the Chalk River story : pioneer nuclear technology achievement and commercial trouble / by Leslie G Cook[1983]197 leaves, in binder ; 29 cmTypescript. Title on cover: “Birthpangs of CANDU: the Chalk River Story, Draft, by Leslie G. Cook, June 1st, 1983.”Atomic Energy of Canada Limited—History; ; Nuclear industry—Canada—History; Chemists—Canada—BiographySPCNHI donation label on cover states typescript was donated by Mary Greiner (née Church), daughter of Tom Church, Leslie Cook's “personal engineer administrative office,” mentioned on leaf 64 in text. Contains corrections to typographical errors. Inserted in plastic envelopes: “The Big Leak of 1983 and Its Significance : an Epilogue,” [by Leslie G. Cook] (6 leaves); “Every Man a King,” letter by Leslie G. Cook to American student, photocopy (7 leaves) of article in AECL Review, May 1976; “Personal Reminiscenes / Leslie Cook,” photocopy (7 leaves : ill.) from Proceedings : Special Symposium : 50 Years of Nuclear Fission in Review : Ottawa, Ontario, June 5, 1989 (copied from ); “Dr. Leslie G. Cook : Overview,” information on typescript, its author and how SPCNHI acquired it, by J. Ungrin, 23 Jul. 2017(2 leaves). Digital copy available.Interim file 272018-1330
Cook, Leslie G., 1914-1998Every man a king / L.G. CookOttawa : AECL Public Relations Office, 1976[8] pages ; 28 cmArticle inserted in AECL review, vol. 11, no. 5 (May 1976). Reprinted from the periodical Pétrole progrès.Energy resourcesPeriodicals2018-1403
Copson, E. T. (Edward Thomas), 1901-Asymptotic expansions / by E.T. CopsonCambridge,[Eng.] : University Press, 1965120 p. : ill. ; 23 cm Cambridge tracts in mathematics and mathematical physics ; no. 55Bibliography: p. 118-119. Asymptotic expansions; Integrals Jacket clipping taped on endpaper.Bookshelves QA312 C58 2019-1359
Copulos, Milton R.Confrontation at Seabrook / Milton R. Copulos[Washington] : Heritage Foundation, c197856 pages : illustrations ; 23 cmCritical issues (Washington, D.C.) Includes bibliographical references. Nuclear industry--New Hampshire—Seabrook; Nuclear industry--Public relations; Demonstrations--New Hampshire—Seabrook; Seabrook (N.H.)--HistoryWNRE Library discard. Library stamp. Pamphlet files2021-1324
Corliss, William R.Direct conversion of energy [by William R. Corliss][Oak Ridge, Tenn.] : U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Division of Technical Information [1964]34 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm Understanding the atomCover title. Bibliography: p. 33.Direct energy conversionPamphlet files2021-1340
Corliss, William R.Neutron activation analysis[Oak Ridge, Tenn.] : U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Division of Technical Information [1964]28 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm Understanding the atomCover title. Bibliography: pages 27-28. Nuclear activation analysisPamphlet files2021-1551
Corliss, William R.Power reactors in small packages [by William R. Corliss][Oak Ridge, Tenn.] : U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Division of Technical Information [1964]26 pages : illus., 22 cmUnderstanding the atom"Suggested references" : page 26. “June 1964."Small modular reactors—Popular worksWNRE Library discard. Library stamps, pocket, card.Pamphlet files2021-1337
Corrigan, D.R.P.P. file 1953 : clean-up after NRX accident / D. Corrigan[2009]2 DVDs (963 tif files) : ill. ; 10.5 cmTitle from disks. “R.P.P. photographic file. Reconstruction of pile project, 1953 January 28 to 1954 April 17, documenting the clean up and restoration of NRX bldg. 100 after the accident of 1952 December 12. Digitized by D. Corrigan from 2008 June to 2009 February.” Includes 963 black & white photographs.NRX reactor--Photographs; Reactor accidents—Ontario—Chalk River—PhotographsCD/DVDs2019-7001 (disc 1); 2019-7002 (disc 2)
Coryell, Charles D. (Charles Du Bois), 1912- ; Sugarman, Nathan, 1917-Radiochemical studies : the fission products / edited by Charles D. Coryell and Nathan Sugarman ; with special editorial assistance from R.A. Brightsen ... [et al.]New York ; Toronto : McGraw-Hill, 19513 v. (xxx, 2086 p.) : ill. ; 24 cmNational nuclear energy series. Manhattan Project technical section. Division 4: Plutonium Project record, v. 9; National nuclear energy series. Division 4, Plutonium Project record, v. 9Vol. 3: First edition. Includes bibliographies.RadiochemistryV. 1, AECL Library discard; v. 2-3, NRC Atomic Energy Project Library discards. Library stamps on endpapers, all vols. V. 2-3 spines slightly worn.Bookshelves QD601 C65 2020-1115 (v.1); 2020-1116 (v.2); 2020-1117 (v.3)
Cottrell, Alan, 1919-2012How safe is nuclear energy? / Sir Alan CottrellLondon ; Exeter, N.H. : Heinemann, 1981123 p. ; 22 cmIncludes bibliographical references and index. 0435541757 (pbk.) Nuclear energyAECL Library discard. Library pocket inside front cover, stamps on title page.Bookshelves TK9146 C64 1981 2020-1136
Coulson, C. A. (Charles Alfred), 1910-1974Electricity / by Charles A. Coulson 2nd ed.Edinburgh ; London : Oliver and Boyd ; New York, Interscience Publishers, 1951xii, 254 p. : ill. ; 19 cmUniversity mathematical textsElectricity“R. G. Jarvis, Jes. Coll. Oxon.” written on front endpaper. Jacket clipping taped inside front cover.Bookshelves QC518 C67 1951 2019-1368
Coulson, C. A. (Charles Alfred), 1910-1974Waves : a mathematical account of the common types of wave motion / by C.A. Coulson 4th ed.Edinburgh ; London : Oliver and Boyd, 1947xii, 159 p. : ill. ; 19 cm.University mathematical textsWave-motion, Theory of“R. G. Jarvis, Coll. Jes. Oxon.” written on front endpaper.Bookshelves QA927 C65 1947 2019-1337
Coulson, C. A. (Charles Alfred), 1910-1974Waves : a mathematical account of the common types of wave motion / by C.A. Coulson 6th ed.Edinburgh : Oliver and Boyd, 1952xii, 159 p. : ill. ; 19 cm.University mathematical textsWave-motion, Theory ofLabel remnant, front cover. Donor's signature on fly leaf.Bookshelves QA 927 C85 1952 2018-1009
Coulson, C. A. (Charles Alfred), 1910-1974Waves : a mathematical account of the common types of wave motion / by C.A. CoulsonEdinburgh ; London : Oliver and Boyd, 1943vii-xii, 156 p. : ill. ; 19 cmWave-motion, Theory of“Hugh Carmichael, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge” written on front endpaper.Bookshelves QA927 C65 1943 2019-1244
Council of Science and Technology Advisors (Canada) Science Advice for Government Effectiveness (SAGE) : a report of the Council of Science and Technology Advisors = Avis scientifiques pour l'efficacité gouvernementale : rapport du Conseil d'experts en sciences et en technologie[Ottawa] : The Council = Le Conseil, 199911, 13 ages ; 28 cmCat. no. C2-445/1999 Cover title. "May 5, 1999". In English and French on inverted pages.0662643542Science and state—Canada; Technology and state—Canada; Political science--Canada--Decision making; Administrative agencies--Canada--Decision making; Political planning—Canada; Canada--Politics and government--1993- Handwritten marginal notes. Pamphlet files2021-1412
Council on Environmental Quality (U.S.) Carcinogens in the environmentWashington, D.C. : For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off.; [Council on Environmental Quality],1976[6],42 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm“Repinted from the sixth annual report of the Council on Environmental Quality. December 1975”—Title page. “S/N 041-011-00030-1.”Carcinogens -- Environmental aspects; Neoplasms; Environmental exposureWNRE Library book, library stamp.Pamphlet files2022-1316
Courant, Richard, 1888-1972; McShane, E. J. (Edward James), 1904-Differential and integral calculus / by R. Courant, translated by E. F. [!] McShaneLondon : Blackie, 1934-362 v. : ill. ; 23 cmTranslation of: Vorlesungen über differential- und integralrechnung. On title page of v. 2: Translated by J. E. McShane.CalculusSPCNHI has: v. 2, reprinted 1949. ”J.C.D. Milton, Princeton, Dec '49” on front endpaper.Bookshelves QA303 C843 1949 2020-1175
Crabbe, David; McBride, Richard, 1952-The World energy book : an A-Z, atlas, and statistical source book / consultant editors and principal contributors, David Crabbe and Richard McBrideNew York : Nichols Pub. Co., 1978259 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.0893970328 Energy policy—Dictionaries; Power resources—Dictionaries; Power resources—StatisticsWNRE Library discard. Library label on spine; stamp, bar code label on front flyleaf.Oversize books HD9502.A2 W669 1978 2018-1162
Craik, NeilMore history : history of the name Canatom / by Neil Craik[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2006]page 47-49 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 27 no. 1 (Mar. 2006).Canatom, Inc. -- History; Nuclear industry – Canada – HistoryPeriodicals2018-1400
Cramer, Jan J.; Sargent, F. PeterThe Cigar Lake analog study: an international R&D project / Jan J. Cramer and F. Peter Sargent[9] leaves : illustrations ; 28 cmPhotocopy of paper from INC93 : international nuclear congress; Toronto, 3-6 Oct 1993Ground water; High-level radioactive wastes; International cooperation; Natural analogue; Radioactive waste disposal; Saskatchewan; Uranium depositsPamphlet files2022-1039
Crank, JohnThe mathematics of diffusion / by J. Crank 2d ed.Oxford,[Eng] : Clarendon Press, 1986, c1975viii, 414 p. : ill. ; 24 cmIncludes indexes. Bibliography: p. [399]-406. 0198533446; 198534116 (pbk.) Diffusion SPCNHI has paperback edition.Bookshelves QD543 .C77 1986 2019-1305
Craven, Claude Jackson, 1908- Our atomic world; the story of atomic energy[Oak Ridge, Tenn.] : U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Division of Technical Information [1964] 37 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm. Understanding the atomCover title. Bibliography: pages 33-34.Nuclear energy--Popular worksPamphlet files2021-1554
Crawford, Frank StevensWaves : Berkeley physics course / Frank S. Crawford, Jr.New York ; Toronto : McGraw-Hill, 1968xviii, 600 p. : ill. ;24 cmBerkeley physics course, v. 3Bibliography: p. [591]-592..Waves; Oscillations Some pages show fluid damage.Bookshelves QC157 C7 1968 2020-1180
Crocker, Iain Hay, 1928-2020.; Mislan, J. P.Determination of H and D in nuclear reactor fuel channel components / I.H. Crocker and J.P. Mislanp. 623-624 : ill.In: ASMS 33rd Annual Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics : May 26-31, 1985, San Diego, California.Hydrogen; Deuterium; Fuel channels; Zirconium alloysBookshelves QC451 C744 1985 2020-1086
Crocker, Iain Hay, 1928-2020.; Werner, R. D.; Cherrin, W.A mass spectrometric determination of the electron capture to electron emission ratio of 170Tm and the reactor neutron cross-sections of 169Tm, 170Tm, and 171Tm / by I. H. Crocker, R. D. Werner, and W. Cherrinp. 955-962.In: Advances in mass spectrometry, v. 4 (1968).Thulium; Thulium – Isotopes; Neutron cross sectionsBookshelves QC454 A195 v.4 2020-1112
Cross, MichaelNuclear power on Britain's back burner / Michael Cross4 leaves : illustrations; 22 x 28 cmPhotocopy of article in New scientist, 1993 Nov. 6, page 35-39.Nuclear power plants -- Great Britain; Reactors, Power – Great BritainPamphlet files2022-1164
Crow, Edwin L.; Davis, Frances A.; Maxfield, Margaret W., 1926- ; Naval Ordnance Test Station (Inyokern, Calif.). Research Department Statistics manual : with examples taken from ordnance development / by Edwin L. Crow, Frances A. Davis, Margaret W. MaxfieldNew York : Dover Publications ; Don Mills, Ont. : General Publishing, 1960xvii, 288 p. ; 21 cmNAVORD report, 3369"NOTS 948."048660599XStatistics; Science--Statistics--Problems, exercises, etc.; Technology--Statistics--Problems, exercises, etc.Paperback. Bookstore price label on back cover. Bookshelves QA276.12 C7 1960 2019-1374
Cuffe, Stanley T.; Gerstle, Richard W.Emissions from coal-fired power plants : a comprehensive summary / Stanley T. Cuffe and Richard W. GerstleDurham, N.C. : U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, Consumer Protection and Environmental Health Service, National Air Pollution Control Administration, 1969v, 26 p. : ill. ; 23 cmEnvironmental health series : Air pollution; Public Health Service publication, no. 999-AP-35Bibliography: p. 25-26.Air—Pollution; Coal-fired power plants--Environmental aspects Library pocket inside cover. Library stamps on title page.Pamphlet files2019-1111
Culler, Floy L.; National Academy of EngineeringW. Bennett Lewis, 1908-1987 / by Floyd L. CullerVol 5, p. [170]-172 : port. ; 24 cmIn: Memorial tributes / National Academy of Engineering of the United States of America. --Washington, D.C. : National Academy Press, 1992.1075-8844Lewis, W. Bennett (Wilfrid Bennett), 1908-1987; Physicists—Canada—Biography; Nuclear energy—Research--CanadaBookshelves QC774 .L49 C8 1992 2018-1250
Curie, Irène Joliot-,1897-1956; Joliot-Curie, FrédéricPhysique nucléaire : un nouveau type de radioactivité / Irène Curie et F. Joliotp. 39-42Facsimile of article in Comptes Rendus de l'Academie de Science, 198:254-408 (1934). In Foundations of nuclear physics / compiled by Robert T. Beyer. -- New York : Dover Publications, c1949.PositronsBookshelves QC173 .B485 2018-1074
Currie, T. C.; Rogers, J. T.; Atkinson, J. C.A study of the technical and economic feasibility of using a SLOWPOKE-3 nuclear reactor for building heating and cooling at Carleton University : executive summary / T.C. Currie, J.T. Rogers, J.C. Atkinson[Ottawa?] : Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, Carleton University, 1985[?]31 leaves : ill. ; 28 cm“Submitted to Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. November 1985.”SLOWPOKE type reactors; District heating; Carleton University Plastic ring binding.Pamphlet files2019-1526
Cusset, FrançisVocabulaire technique : électricité,mécanique, industries extractives et annexes, métallurgie, sciences : anglais-français, français-anglais / Françis Cusset7. éd.Paris : Berger-Levrault, 1965, c1942434 p. : 19 cmTechnology—Dictionaries; English language—Dictionaries—French; Technology—Dictionaries—French; French language—Dictionaries--English AECL Library discard. Library label on spine; stamps on front flyleaf.Bookshelves T10 C82 1965 2019-1400
Cussler, E. L.Diffusion, mass transfer in fluid systems / E.L. CusslerCambridge [Cambridgeshire] ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1994, c1984xii, 525 p. : ill. ; 24 cmIncludes bibliographies and indexes. 052123171X; 0521298466 (pbk.)Diffusion; Mass transfer; FluidsSPCNHI has paperback edition. Price label on back cover. Bookshelves TP156 .D47 C878 1994 2019-1260
Cuttler, JerryGoing nuclear is a viable option for the oilsands / Jerry Cuttler[3] leaves ; 28 cmPhotocopy of electronic mail to Canadian Nuclear Discussion List, 19 Nov 2003, criticising article in Calgary Herald,“No nukes is good news,” by Shawn-Patrick Stensil and David H. Martin, 16 Nov 2003.Athabasca oil sands; Nuclear power; CANDU type reactors; Sierra Club; Stensil, Shawn-Patrick; Martin, David H.; Calgary Herald (Newspaper)Pamphlet files2020-1002
Cuttler, Jerry M.Commentary on using LNT for radiation protection and risk assessment / Jerry M. Cuttler6 pages on 3 ; illustrations ; 22 x 28 cmPhotocopy of article in Dose-Response, vol. 8, no. 3 (1 Dec. 2010).Radiation protection; Risk assessment; Threshold dose; Low dose irradiationPamphlet files2022-1012
Cuttler, Jerry M.Health benefits of low-dose radiation : the science and medical applications / by Jerry Cuttler[4] pages : illustration ; 28 cmReport of a symposium held at the 2000 ANS/ENS winter meeting in Washington, D.C.Biological radiation effects; Low dose irradiationPamphlet files2022-1014
Cuttler, Jerry M.; Pollycove, MyronNuclear energy and health : and the benefits of low-dose radiation hormesis / Jerry Cuttler, Myron Pollycove6 pages on 3 ; illustrations ; 22 x 28 cmPhotocopy of paper from the “25th Conference of the Nuclear Societies in Israel.” “Abstract number 164-10.”Nuclear energy; Nuclear power; Radiation doses; Low dose irradiationPamphlet files2022-1013
Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S.Pharos : year book of 1940Halifax, Canada : Dalhousie University, 1940128 p. : ill., ports.Lloyd George Elliott, Bridgetown, Nova Scotia, listed under Master of Science, with portrait, p. 28.Dalhousie University—Students—YearbooksBookshelves LH3.H28 P5 1940 2018-1086
Daniels, Farrington, 1889-1972; Mathews, J. Howard (Joseph Howard), 1881-1970; Williams, John Warren, 1898-Experimental physical chemistry / by Farrington Daniels and J. Howard Mathews and John Warren Williams 2d ed.New York ; London : McGraw-Hill, 1934xix, 499 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.International chemical series Tables on lining-paper.Chemistry, Physical and theoretical--Laboratory manualsDonor's signature on front flyleaf. Bookshelves QD457 .D25 1934 2018-1087
Darlington Nuclear Generating Station (Ont.); Hornett, GuyDarlington Nuclear Generating Station unit 2 : first criticality[Clarington, Ont? : Darlington NGS-A, 1990]69 p. : illustrations, portraits ; 28 cm“Souvenir album.” Cover title. Editor, Guy Hornett. Chiefly staff photographs. Includes index of staff.Darlington Nuclear Generating Station (Ont.)--Officials and employees--Portraits; Ontario Hydro; Nuclear power plants -- Ontario – DarlingtonPamphlet files2021-1216
Darnley, A. G.; Swettenham, S. S.; Potvin, R. Y.; Geological Survey of CanadaRadioactivity map of Canada = Carte de la radioactivité au Canada / A.G. Darnley ... [et al.] ; compilation assistance, S.S. Swettenham ; geological cartography by R.Y. Potvin, Geological Survey of CanadaOttawa : The Survey, 19861 map : col. ; 106 x 116 cm, folded to 20 x 27 cmMap (Geological Survey of Canada) ; 1600AScale 1:5, 000, 000 ; Lambert conformal conic proj., standard parallels 49⁰N and 77⁰N, modified polyconic proj., north of latitude 80⁰.Radioactive substances—Canada—Maps; Radioactivity—MapsPamphlet files2019-1436
Davies, Owen L.Statistical methods in research and production : with special reference to the chemical industry / edited by Owen L. DaviesLondon : Published for Imperial Chemical Industries by Oliver and Boyd, 1947xi, 292 p. : ill. ; 26 cmIncludes bibliographies.Mathematical statistics; Industrial statistics Spine taped to covers. NRC Chalk River Library stamp on front endpaper. Signs of dampness on inside covers. Endpapers yellowed.Bookshelves QA276 D34 2019-1183
Davies, Stanley M.Is making heavy water painful? / Stanley M. Davies First edition[Bolton, ON : manufactured by] c2023286 pages ; 24 cmCover title: Is making heavy water painful? : a story of the Port Hawkesbury Heavy Water Plant 1969-1975 9.79838E+12 Port Hawkesbury Heavy Water Plant – History; Port Hawkesbury Heavy Water Plant – Anecdotes; Heavy Water Plants – Canada – Nova ScotiaBookshelves TP245 .H9 D3 2023 2024-1014
Davis, Harold T. (Harold Thayer), 1892-1974; U.S. Atomic Energy CommissionIntroduction to nonlinear differential and integral equations / by Harold T. Davis[Washington] : United States Atomic Energy Commission, 1960xv, 566 pages illustrations ; 24 cm.Bibliography: p. 545-558. Calculus Paper cover. Spine faded.Bookshelves QA303 D268 2019-1254
Davis, Nuel Pharr, 1915-Lawrence and Oppenheimer / by Nuel Pharr DavisNew York : Simon and Schuster, c1968384 p. : ill. ; 24 cmBibliography: p. 365-371.Lawrence, Ernest Orlando, 1901-1958; Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 1904-1967; Physicists—United States—Biography; Atomic bomb--United States—History“Best wishes, Christmas 1968, Ard & Gil” written on front flyleaf. Right corner of flyleaf (aparently with signature) cut off. Inserted: handwritten sheet of notes about book.Bookshelves QC16.L36 D38 2018-1325
Davis, Ron; Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories. TASCC DivisionTASCC; TASCC : Canada's heavy-ion reserarch facility[Deep River, Ont. : Ron Davis, 2023]1 USB drive (MP4 video file, 127 MB, 10 min., 24 sec.)Title from USB drive label. Copy of: “TASCC : Canada's heavy-ion reserarch facility,” videocassette produced by TASCC Division, 1996. -- (10 min. 21 sec.) black & white, colour)Tandem accelerator superconducting cyclotron — Ontario; Particle accelerators — Ontario; Superconductiong cyclotrons — Ontario In audiocassette case.Videos2023-7009
Davison, B.; Sykes, J. B.Neutron transport theory / by B. Davison ; with the collaboration of J. B. SykesOxford : Clarendon Press, 1957450 p. : ill. ; 25 cmInternational series of monographs on physics (Oxford, England)Neutron transport theory“Jarvis, Deep River” written on front endpaper.Bookshelves QC721 D334 2019-1355
Dean, Gordon E., 1905-1958Report on the atom : what you should know about atomic energy / Gordon DeanLondon : Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1954288 p.,[16] leaves of plates ; 22 cmNuclear energySpine covered with book tape. Library stamps, pocket on endpapers.BookshelvesTK9145 D4 2020-1153
D'Easum, Lille; Canadian Scientific Pollution and Environmental Control Society; Voice of WomenNuclear power : danger, radiation / by Lille D'EasumRev. copy, Mar., 1976Vancouver : Voice of Women : Canadian Scientific Pollution & Environmental Control Society, 1976. -- S.P.E.C., 2007 West 4th Ave., Vancouver, B.C. V6J 1N3iii, 50 p. : ill. ; 28 cmBibliography: p. 47-50.Nuclear energy; Nuclear industry—CanadaPaper cover. Library label on front cover. Pocket remnant inside front cover. Library stamps, bar code label on title page. Inserted: Update / Lille d'Easum. -- Dec. 1976.Pamphlet files2018-1584
Deep River (Ont.)Deep River, Ontario : the atomic energy town[Deep River, Ont. : Corporation of the town of Deep River, 1963?]`[8] p. : ill., maps ; 22 cmTown promotional publication.Deep River (Ont.) Pamphlet files2019-1521
Deep River Science Academy Real science : educational credits in the summerDeep River, Ont. : Deep River Science Academy [198-?]1 folded sheet (6 p.) : col. Ill. ; 21cmDeep River Science Academy; Science—Study and teaching (Secondary) Pamphlet files2021-1258
Defence Industries Limited Nitro Journal[Nitro, Quebec : Salaberry Works of Defence Industries Limited] 1941-19455 volumes : illustrations ; 40 x 29 cmPublication history: vol. 1-5, no, 7 (8 Aug. 1941-15 Sep. 1945). Frequency: monthly. In French and English.Defence Industries Limited – PeriodicalsSPCNHI has: vol. 5, no. 6 (Aug./Sep. 1945).Interim file 2902022-1082
Defence Industries Limited; National Research Council of Canada. Atomic Energy Project D.I.L. photos / [Defence Industries Limited][2005]1 CD-ROM (582 jpeg files) : ill. ; 11.5 cmIncludes 568 black & white photographs depicting construction of the NRC Atomic Energy Project by Defence Industries Limited, about 1945, which later became AECL's Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories. Also includes a few photographs of buildings in Deep River.National Research Council of Canada. Atomic Energy Project--Photographs; Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories--Photographs; Deep River—PhotographsCD/DVDs2019-7000
den Hartog Family Jim (Jacobus) den Hartog1 sheet ; 28 cmCopy of article in North Renfrew Times (Deep River, Ont.).den Hartog, Jim (Jacobus), 1938-2022Interim file 22024-1003
Des Joachims Power Development. Construction Division Des Joachims news : a Construction Division publication produced on the job for the men of the job / Construction Division [Des Joachims Power Development?]final edition[Ont.? : Des Joachims Power Development?] 195016 unnumbered pages : illustrations, portraits ; 23 cm“28 June, 1950.”Des Joachims Power Development; Dams—Ontario--Design and construction; Hydroelectric power plants—OntarioDonor's return address label inside cover. Pamphlet files2019-1225
Desoer, Charles A.; Kuh, Ernest S.Basic circuit theory / Charles A. Desoer and Ernest S. KuhNew York ; Toronto : McGraw-Hill, c1969xix, 876 p. : ill. ; 23 cmElectric networks; Electric circuits Front endpaper torn out.Bookshelves TK454.2 D4 2019-1470
Dettman, John W. (John Warren)Applied complex variables / John W. DettmanNew York : Dover Publications ; Toronto : General Publishing Co., 1984, c1965ix, 481 p. : ill. ; 22 cmReprint. Originally published: New York : Macmillan, 1965. Includes index. Bibliography: p. 469-471.048664670X (pbk.) Functions of complex variables Spine creased.Bookshelves QA331 D55 1984 2019-1266
Deuterium Corporation Deuterium Corporation : prospectus[New York]: Deuterium Corporation, 196426 pages ; 24 cm“Preliminary prospectus dated April 29, 1964.”Deuterium; Stocks; Corporations, CanadianPamphlet files2022-1053
Devaney, Robert L., 1948- ; Keen, Linda; Alligood, Kathleen T.Chaos and fractals : the mathematics behind the computer graphics / Robert L. Devaney and Linda Keen, editors ; [authors] Kathleen T. Alligood ... [et al.]Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society, c1989ix, 148 p.,[16] p. of plates : ill. (some col.) ; 26 cmProceedings of symposia in applied mathematics, v. 39; Proceedings of symposia in applied mathematics. AMS short course lecture notesIncludes bibliographical references and index. 0821801376 Computer graphics—Mathematics; Fractals Jacket clipping taped inside front cover.Bookshelves T385 C454 1989 2019-1376
Dewar, Elaine; Kutnahorsky, WolfNuclear resurrection : must Ontario fire up more reactors to power its future? / by Elaine Dewar ; with photography by Wolf Kutnahorskyp. 68-78, 80, 82, 84 : ill.In: Canadian geographic, v. 125, no. 3 (May/Jun 2005)Nuclear power plants—Ontario; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited; Ontario Hydro; CANDU type reactors; Kupnis, Allan; Bruce sitePamphlet files2018-1493
Dewdney, A. K.The Turing omnibus : 61 excursions in computer science / A.K. DewdneyRockville, MD : Computer Science Press, c1989xiv, 415 p. : ill. ; 25 cmIncludes bibliographical references. 0716781549Electronic data processing; ComputersSpine creased. Jacket clippings taped on front endpapers. Bookshelves QA76 D45 1989 2019-1280
Dhaliwal, HerbSchaum's outline of theory and problems of advanced mathematics for engineers and scientists / by Murray R. Spiegel[Ottawa] : Natural Resources Canada = Ressources natureles Canada, 20035 sheets ; 28 cm“Canadian Nuclear Association Annual Winter Seminar Reception, Ottawa, Ontario, March 18, 2003.”Nuclear industry -- Canada -- Government policy; Canadian Nuclear AssocisationPamphlet files2023-1066
Diehl, Johannes Friedrich, 1929-Safety of irradiated foods / J.F. DiehlNew York : M. Dekker, c1990x, 345 p. : ill. ; 24 cmFood science and technology, 36Includes bibliographical references. 0824781376 (alk. Paper) Irradiated foods--Health aspects; Food Irradiation--adverse effectsLibrary label on cover, inside front & back covers; bar code label, stamp on front flyleaf.Bookshelves RA1258 .D54 1990 2018-1342
Dirac, P. A. M. (Paul Adrien Maurice), 1902-1984The principles of quantum mechanics / by P. A. M. Dirac 3d ed.Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1947xii, 311 p. ; 24 cm.The International series of monographs on physicsMatrix mechanics; Quantum theory Covers stained; flyleaves yellowed; front flyleaf signed by donor.Bookshelves QC174.3 .D5 1947 2018-1011
Dirac, P. A. M. (Paul Adrien Maurice), 1902-1984The principles of quantum mechanics / by P. A. M. Dirac 4th ed.Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1958xii, 312 p. ; 24 cmInternational series of monographs on physics (Oxford, England)Matrix mechanics; Quantum theory“B. M. Powell” on front endpaper. Bookshelves QC174.3 D5 1958 2021-1167
Dobinson, Charles Henry; Reading (England). University. Institute of EducationThe uses and effects of nuclear energy / contributions by J. Rotblat ... [et al.] ; edited by C. H. DobinsonLondon : Harrap, 1964125 p. 20 cm"Originally presented as lectures ... at Reading University under the auspices of its Institute of Education." Bibliography: p. [115]-117.Nuclear energy; Radioactivity; Science projects; Instructional and educational works WNRE Library discard.Bookshelves TK9155 D6 2019-1490
Dodge, Harold French, 1893-Sampling inspection tables : single and double sampling / Harold F. Dodge and Harry G. Romig2d ed., rev. and expandedNew York : Wiley, c1959224 p. : ill. ; 24 cmA Wiley publication in applied statisticsSamplingAECL Library discard. Library pocket remnant, stamps, on front endpapers. “R. G. Jarvis” written on front endpaper.Bookshelves TS155 D6 1959 2019-1314
Doern, G. Bruce; Morrison, Robert W.; Carleton University. School of Public Administration; Norman Paterson School of International Affairs; Science Council of CanadaCanadian nuclear policies : proceedings of a conference on Canadian nuclear policy / sponsored by the School of Public Administration and the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University, and the Science Council of Canada, 8-10 November, 1978 ; edited by G. Bruce Doern and Robert W. MorrisonMontreal : Institute for Research on Public Policy, 1980xvi, 326 p. : ill. ; 23 cmPrefatory material in English and French. Bibliography: p. [321]-322.0920380255 (pbk.) Nuclear energy--Government policy—Canada—Congresses; Nuclear nonproliferation—Congresses Robertson's label on cover. Some pages with pencilled notes.Bookshelves HD9698 .C22 C26 2021-1023
Dolbey, M. P.Developments in nondestructive evaluation of fuel channels / M.P. Dolbey, D.W. Donnelly, S. Kramer, M. Leger, H.D. Mair, J.H. Sedo[Toronto : Research Division, Ontario Hydro],1993p. 58-70 : ill.In: Ontario Hydro research review, no. 8 (Aug 1993).1483-281X CANDU type reactors; Fuel channels; Nondestructive analysisPeriodicals2018-1464
Donnelly, James; Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedInternal communications a priority for AECL[Ottawa : Corporate Public Affairs, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, 1986- ][4] pages : portrait ; 28 cmAECL overview, vol. 1, no. 1 (May 1986)interview with AECL President James Donnelly.Atomic Energy of Canada Limited; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited—Periodicals In plastic sleeve.Pamphlet files2018-1498
Dorf, Richard C.The energy factbook / Richard C. DorfNew York : McGraw-Hill, c1981vii, 227 p. : ill. ; 24 cmAn Energy learning systems book Includes bibliographical references and index.0070176299 (pbk.) Power resources Spine slightly worn. Library label on front cover. Stamp on half-title page. Pocket with card inside back cover.Bookshelves TJ163.2 .D66 2018-1343
Dormuth, K. W.Mathematical modeling of a radioactive waste disposal system / K.W. DormuthBoston : Kluwer Publishers, 1992Pages [227]-247 illustrations ; 24 cmJournal of systems integration, vol. 2, page 227-247 (1992)Reprint of article in the journal. Includes references.Radioactive waste disposal in the ground – Canada; Spent fuels; Nuclear waste management –- Mathematical models -- Canada; Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedPamphlet files2021-1517
Dormuth, K. W.; Gillespie, P. A.; Whitaker, S. H.Disposal of nuclear fuel waste / K. W. Dormuth, P. A. Gillespie and S. H. WhitakerCambridge : Royal Society of Chemistry, 1995Pages 115-130 : illustrations ; 25 cmIssues in environmental science and technology, no. 3.“Reprinted from Waste treatment and disposal, eds. R. Hester and R. Harrison.”Spent fuels; Reprocessing; Radioactive waste disposal in the ground – Canada; Nuclear waste management –- Canada; Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedPamphlet files2021-1518
Dormuth, K. W.; Nuttall, K.The Canadian nuclear fuel waste management program : special issue / guest editor, K.W. Dormuth [and K. Nuttall]Chur, Switzerland : Harwood, 1987pages 93-282 : illustrations ; 23 cmRadioactive waste management and the nuclear fuel cycle, v. 8, no. 2/3Special issue of Radioactive waste management and the nuclear fuel cycle, including six articles on the program.0739-5876; 3718604140 Radioactive waste management—Canada; Radioactive waste disposal—Canada; Radioactive waste disposal in the ground—Canada; Underground disposalBookshelvesTD812 R12 v.8, no. 2/32021-1028
Dowdeswell, Elizabeth; Nuclear Waste Management Organization (Canada)Choosing a way forward : the future management of Canada's used nuclear fuel : draft study report[Toronto] : Nuclear Waste Management Organization [2005]300 pages : illustrations ; 28 cmCover title. " ... third major report that we have published over the course of our study."--Foreword. President: Elizabeth Dowdeswell. “May 2005.”Radioactive waste disposal -- Canada – Management; Radioactive waste disposal – Management Marginal notes. Inserted: Correspondence between E. Dowdeswell and J.A.L. Robertson. Plastic ring binding.Bookshelves TD898 .13 .C2 D6 2005 2021-1484
Dowdeswell, Elizabeth; Nuclear Waste Management Organization (Canada)Choosing a way forward : the future management of Canada's used nuclear fuel : final study[Toronto] : Nuclear Waste Management Organization [2005]451 pages : colour illustrations, colour maps ; 28 cm" ... fourth major report that we have published over the course of our study."--Foreword. President: Elizabeth Dowdeswell. “November 2005.”Radioactive waste disposal -- Canada – Management; Radioactive waste disposal – Management; Nuclear industry -- Waste disposal – Canada; Nuclear power plants -- Waste disposal – Canada; Nuclear power plants -- Environmental aspects -- CanadaMarginal notes. Inserted: handwritten notes, NWMO notice.Bookshelves TD898 .13 .C2 D6 2005a 2021-1485
Draganić,Ivan G.; Draganić,Zorica D.; Adloff, J. P. (Jean Pierre)Radiation and radioactivity on earth and beyond / Ivan G. Draganić,Zorica D. Draganić,Jean-Pierre Adloff2nd ed.Boca Raton : CRC Press, c1993349 p. : ill. ; 25 cmIncludes bibliographical references and index. 0849386756 (acid-free paper)Ionizing radiation; Radioactivity; Earth sciences; AstrophysicsLibrary label on spine, inside front & back covers; bar code label, stamps on front flyleaf.Bookshelves QC795 .D73 1993 2018-1459
Drake, T. E.Proposal for a national facility : the TRIGAM spectrometer : gamma-ray spectroscopy through the next decade / T.E. Drake ... [et al.][Canada, 1992]147 p. : ill. ; 28 cmPublisher not identified.Spectrometers; Gamma-ray spectroscopy; Tandem accelerator superconducting cyclotron—Ontario—Chalk River Paper cover.Oversize books QC793.5 .G32 D7 1992 2021-1212
Dryden, I. G. C. (Ian Gordon Cumming), 1910- ; Institute of Fuel (Great Britain); Great Britain. Department of EnergyThe efficient use of energy / I. G. C. Dryden, general editorGuildford, Eng. : IPC Science and Technology Press in collaboration with the Institute of Fuel acting on behalf of the UK Department of Energy, c1975.xiii, 602 p. : ill. ; 25 cmIncludes bibliographical references and index. 0902852337 Fuel; Power resources; Heating; Furnaces;Steam-boilersWNRE Library discard. Library label on spine; library stamp, bar code label on front flyleaf; book pocket on reverse.Bookshelves TP318 .E35 2018-1299
Duchêne, A. S.; Lakey, J. R. A.; Repacholi, Michael H.; International Radiation Protection Association. International Non-Ionising Radiation CommitteeIRPA guidelines on protection against non-ionizing radiation : the collected publications of the IRPA Non-ionizing Radiation Committee / edited by A.S. Duchêne, J.R.A. Lakey, M.H. RepacholiNew York : Pergamon Press, c1991xiv, 111 p. : ill. ; 26 cmIncludes bibliographical references and index. 0080360971 (hardcover) Nonionizing radiation--Safety measuresWNRE Library book. Library label on cover; library stamp, pocket on endpapers.BookshelvesRA569.3 I77 1990 2021-1009
Duckworth, H. E. (Henry Edmison), 1915-; Barber, R. C. (Robert Charles), 1936-; Venkatasubramanian, V. S., 1930-Mass spectroscopy / H.E. Duckworth, R.C. Barber, V.S. Venkatasubramanian2nd ed.Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1986xiv, 337 p. : ill. ; 24 cmCambridge monographs on physics Includes index. Bibliography: p. [284]-322.0521232945 Mass spectrometry Donor's name inside front cover.Bookshelves QC454 .M3 D83 1986 2020-1100
Duderstadt, James J., 1942- ; Hamilton, Louis J., 1941-Nuclear reactor analysis / James J. Duderstadt, Louis J. HamiltonNew York : Wiley, 1976xvii, 650 pages : ill. ; 26 cmIncludes bibliographical references and index. 0471223638; 978471223634 Nuclear reactors -- Design and construction; Nuclear engineering; Nuclear fission Donor's name on half-title page.Bookshelves TK9202 D77 2023-1055
Duffey, R. B. (Romney B.)Notes on ANS Panel on Non-Proliferation : Washington, DC, 2000 November[4] leaves ; 28 cmIncludes distribution list and references.Nuclear nonproliferation – CongressesPamphlet files2022-1019
Duffey, R. B. (Romney B.); Saull, John Walton, 1935- Know the risk : learning from errors and accidents : safety and risk in today's technology / Romney Beecher Duffey, John Walton SaullAmsterdam ; Boston : Butterworth-Heinemann, c2003xiv, 227 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 24 cmIncludes bibliographical references (p. 201-210) and index. 0750675969 (alk. paper) Industrial safety Autographed by first author. Canadian Nuclear Society label on front endpaper.Bookshelves T55 D815 2003 2024-1041
Dummer, G. W. A. (Geoffrey William Arnold); Winton, R. C.An elementary guide to reliability / by G.W.A. Dummer and R.C. WintonOxford ; Toronto : Pergamon Press, 196859 p. : ill. ; 22 cmBibliography: p. 59.Reliability (Engineering) Donor's signature inside front cover. Pamphlet files2021-1222
DuPont, Robert L., 1936- ; Media Institute (Washington, D.C.)Nuclear phobia--phobic thinking about nuclear power : a discussion with Robert L. DuPont / by the Media Instituteiii, 29 pages ; 23 cmPhotocopy of: Washington, D.C. (1627 K St., N.W., Suite 201, Washington, D.C. 20006) : The Institute, 1980Phobias; Nuclear energy--Psychological aspects; Nuclear energy--Public opinion; Public opinion--United StatesPamphlet files2019-1398
Duport, PhilippeComments on Dr. Rosalie Bertell's presentation before the Senate Standing Committee on Energy, Environment and Natural Resources September 21, 200013 leaves : illustrations ; 28cmCopy of document downloaded from Internet.Biological radiation effects; Low dose irradiation; Threshold dose; Bertell, Rosalie; Canada. Senate. Standing Committee on Energy, Environment and Natural ResourcesPamphlet files2022-1021
Durell, Clement V. (Clement Vavasor), 1882-Modern geometry : the straight line and circle / by Clement V. DurellLondon : Macmillan, 1949, c1920x, 145 p. : ill. ; 19 cmGeometry, Modern—PlaneSpine, cover slightly worn. Inside front cover: “Peter Oliver, October, 1956.”Bookshelves QA474 .D8 2018-1199
Durell, Clement V. (Clement Vavasor), 1882-Projective geometry / by Clement V. DurellLondon : Macmillan ; New York : St. Martin's Press, 1955, c1926x, 222 p. : ill. ; 19 cmGeometry, ProjectiveInside front cover: “P. Oliver, The Nuclear Power Group, September 1960.”Bookshelves QA471 .D8 1955 2018-1202
Durston, JohnThe UK nuclear industry : winning the battle for world competitiveness / by John Durston[London : Institute of Energy ] 1994page 11-13 : illustrations, portrait ; 30 cmArticle in Energy world, no. 223 or 224 (Dec. 1994). Based on a speech given at Nuclear Forum '94: nuclear energy in a competitive world, London, July 1994.Nuclear industry – Government policy – Great Britain;Energy world issue cover has "Number 224," Contents page has "Number 223."Pamphlet files2022-1167
Dwight, Herbert Bristol, 1885-Tables of integrals and other mathematical data / Herbert Bristol Dwight 3d ed.New York : Macmillan, 1960, c1957288 p. : illus. ; 22 cm. A Series of mathematical texts for colleges Includes bibliographical references and index.Integrals; SeriesFront flyleaf signed: J. Veeder, Manchester, Aug. 61. Mended.Bookshelves QA310 .D8 1957 2018-1012
Dwyer, John J., Jr.The production man's guide to fastening devices / by John J. Dwyer, Jr.[New York] : McGraw-Hill, c1958page 97-117 : illustrations ; 29 cm Special report no. 464.Reprinted from American Machinist, 1958 Sep. 8.Fasteners AECL Library stamp.Pamphlet files2023-1070
Eastman Kodak Company of New York. X-ray Division Radiography in modern industryRochester, N.Y., Eastman Kodak Company, c1947122 p. : ill. ; 29 cm"X-ray diffraction references": p. 53,"Protection references": p. 107. Bibliography: p. 113-115. Radiography; X-rays--Industrial applicationsBookshelves TA406.5 E28 2021-1279
Eastman, Austin Vitruvius, 1902-1982Fundamentals of vacuum tubes / by Austin V. Eastman 1st ed.New York ; London : McGraw-Hill, 1937xv, 438 p. : ill. ; 24 cmBibliographical foot-notes.Vacuum-tubes“W. B. Lewis, Caius College, Cambridge” on front flyleaf.Bookshelves QC544.V3 E2 2018-1229
Eastwood, T. AlexanderRadiochemical methods applied to the determination of cross sections of reactor interest / T. A. Eastwood ... [et al.]p. 55-73 : ill.In: Physics and mathematics, v. 3, 1959.0555-4055 Neutron cross sectionsBookshelves QC771 .P46 v. 3 1959 2018-1555
Eccles, William Henry, 1875-Wireless telegraphy and telephony : a handbook of formulæ, data and information / by W.H. Eccles2d ed., rev. and enl.London : Benn Brothers, 1918xxiv, 514 p. : ill. ; 22 cmThe 'Electrician' seriesRadioCovers loose. Folded table “Instructions for use of abac” detached, inserted before p. vii. “W.B. Lewis” on front flyleaf.Bookshelves TK5746 .E2 1918 2018-1273
ECOMatters ECOMattersPinawa, Man. : ECOMatters, 200-?volumes : illustrations ; 28 cmFrequency irregular or unknown.Environment—Periodicals; Ecology—Periodicals SPCNHI has : Winter 2006.Pamphlet files2021-1303
EcoMetrix EMMA servicesMississauga, Ont. : EcoMetrix [200-?]1 folded sheet (5 pages) : illustrations ; 22 cmEnvironmental impact consultants; Environmental monitoring—Data processingPamphlet files2021-1409
EcoMetrix Environmental effects monitoring (EEM)Mississauga, Ont. : EcoMetrix [199-?]1 sheet : illustrations ; 22 x 28Environmental monitoring; Environmental impact consultantsPamphlet files2021-1406
EcoMetrix IMPACT servicesMississauga, Ont. : EcoMetrix [200-?]1 folded sheet (5 pages) : illustrations ; 22 cmEnvironmental impact consultants; Environmental monitoringPamphlet files2021-1408
EcoMetrix Services to the nuclear sectorMississauga, Ont. : EcoMetrix, 2009?1 folded sheet (4 pages) : illustrations ;18 cmEnvironmental impact analysis; Environmental risk assessment; Biological monitoring; Environmental impact consultantsPamphlet files2021-1407
Economist Special report : nuclear energy : the dream that failed / The Economist[London : The Economist] 2012 18 pages colour illustrations ; 27 cmSeries of articles in The Economist, 2012 Mar. 10.Nuclear energy – Economic aspects; Nuclear reactors – Safety measures; Radioactive waste managementPamphlet files2023-1139
Eddington, Arthur Stanley, Sir, 1882-1944New pathways in science / by Sir Arthur EddingtonCambridge [Eng.] : The University Press, 1935x, 333 p., 4 leaves of plates ; 19 cm.Messenger lectures, 1934"This volume contains the Messenger lectures which I delivered at Cornell University in April and May 1934. Chapters II and VIII have been added."--Pref.Science; Science—Philosophy; Physics—Philosophy“W. B. Lewis, 1929, Caius College, Cambridge” on front flyleaf.Bookshelves Q171 .E35 2018-1251
Eddington, Arthur Stanley, Sir, 1882-1944New pathways in science / by Sir Arthur EddingtonCambridge [Eng.] : The University Press, 1944x, 333 p., 4 leaves of plates ; 19 cm.Messenger lectures, 1934First published 1935. "This volume contains the Messenger lectures which I delivered at Cornell University in April and May 1934. Chapters II and VIII have been added."--Pref.Science; Science—Philosophy; Physics—Philosophy Endpapers yellowed.Bookshelves Q171 .E35 1944 2018-1048
Edelson, Edward, 1932-The journalist's guide to nuclear energy / by Edward Edelson 2nd editionWashington, D.C. : U.S. Council for Energy Awareness, c198859 pages : illustrations ; 23 cmIncludes errata.Nuclear energy; Nuclear power plants—United StatesWNRE Library book. Library bar code label, library stamp.Pamphlet files2021-1325
Eganville Leader Captive balloons in use in Chalk River area[Eganville, Ont.] 20221 sheet: illustrations ; 56 x 35 cmArticle in Eganville Leader, 2022 Nov. 16, page A9. Reprinted from 1947 Nov. 14.Balloons -- Perch Lake, Ont.; AircraftFolded, in envelope.Pamphlet files2022-1331
Eggleston, Wilfrid, 1901-Scientists at war / by Wilfrid EgglestonOxford ; Toronto : Oxford University Press, 1950x, 291 pages, 24 pages of plates : illustrations, portraits ; 23 cmNational Research Council Canada -- History; World War, 1939-1945 – Science; World War, 1939-1945 – TechnologyNRC Chalk River Library discard. Mended. Bookshelves D810 .S2 E4 1950 2023-1135
Eggleston, Wilfrid, 1901- ; Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedCanada's nuclear story / Wilfrid Eggleston ; with a foreword by C.J. MackenzieToronto : Clarke, Irwin, 1965368 p.,[6] p. of plates : ill. ; 24 cm.Includes "A timetable of nuclear events" p. 357-358. Includes bibliographical references and index.Nuclear energy—Research—Canada; Nuclear industry—Canada; Research—Canada; World War, 1939-1945—Science; World War, 1939-1945—Canada; Nuclear reactors; Nuclear engineeringSPCNHI has 2 copies: 1st, inserted: photocopy of pages 242-243, with handwritten note attached.Bookshelves HD9698.C22 E34 2018-1049; 2018-1089
Eichholz, Geoffrey G.Industrial tracer applications in Canada / by Geoffrey G. EichholzNew York McGraw-Hill, 1960Pages 116, 118-120, 122 : illustrations ; 29 cmNucleonics, v. 18, no. 10 (Oct. 1960)Article in Nucleonics. Nuclear Canada issue. Includes references.Tracer techniquesBottom corner torn off cover, pages 1-8.Pamphlet files2021-1429
El Baradei, MohamedThe age of deception : nuclear diplomacy in treacherous times / Mohamed ElBaradei 1st editionNew York : Metropolitan Books/Henry Holt and Co., 2011340 pages ; 25 cmIncludes bibliographical references and index. 9780805093506 (hbk.) Nuclear arms control; Nuclear arms control – Verification; Nuclear nonproliferation; International Atomic Energy Agency Donor's name written on front endpaper.BookshelvesJZ5665 E43 2011 2023-1112
Eldorado Gold Mines Ltd The romance of Canadian radium / [Eldorado Gold Mines Limited[199-?][22] p. : ill. ; 28 cmPhotocopy of: Toronto, Canada : Eldorado Gold Mines Ltd. [1937?] -- [22] p. : ill. ; 28 cm.Eldorado Gold Mines Ltd.--History; Radium industry—Canada; Radium Photocopied sheets stapled at corner. Digital copy available.Pamphlet files2018-1581
Eldorado Nuclear Limited[Lakewatch][Ottawa?] : Eldorado Nuclear Limited [1977?]4 leaves : illustrations; 29 cmAdvertisements issued in response to public criticism of residue management at Port Granby.Port Granby Project; Uranium industry -- Environmental aspects -- Ontario -- Port Granby; AdvertisementsWNRE Library discard. Library stamp, pocket.Pamphlet files2022-1153
Eldorado Nuclear Limited Metallurgical productsPort Hope, Ont. : Metallurgical Products Department, Edorado Nuclear Limited [198-?][14] pages : illustrations, map ; 21 x 21 cmEldorado Nuclear Limited; Depleted uranium; Uranium alloys; Nuclear fuelsPamphlet files2022-1169
Eldorado Nuclear Limited Refining and converting uranium into nuclear fuel[Ottawa] : Eldorado Nuclear Limited,[1982?][11] p. :illustrations ; 28 cmEldorado Nuclear Limited; Uranium ores – Refining – Canada; Nuclear fuels – Canada WNRE Library discard. Bar code label.Pamphlet files2022-1168
Eldorado Nuclear Limited Uranium and electricity 4th edOttawa : Eldorado Nuclear Limited, 198252 pages : illustrations ; 23 cmCover title.Uranium; Electricity; Nuclear energy—Canada; Fuel cyclePamphlet files2021-1083
Electrical review; Nuclear engineeringiInternational Know your reactorsLondon : IPC Electrical Electronic Press, 19731 folded sheet (57 x 29 cm) : illustrations“Published jointly by Electrical review and Nuclear engineering international. Descriptions and diagrams of eight types of power reactors.Nuclear reactors; Power reactorsPamphlet files2023-1062
Elmore, William Cronk; Sands, Mathew LinzeeElectronics : experimental techniques / by William C. Elmore and Matthew Sands 1st ed.New York : McGraw-Hill, 1949xviii, 417 p. : ill. ; 24 cmNational nuclear energy series. Manhattan Project technical section. Division V, v. 1Electronic apparatus and appliances; Vacuum-tube circuits“J.C.D. Milton, Princeton, Nov '49” on front endpaper.Bookshelves QC786 E4 2020-1178
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films; Libby, Willard F.Atomic energy : an introduction : an instructional film / produced by Encyclopaedia Britannica Films Inc. ; in collaboration with Willard F. LibbyUnited States : Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, c19461 digital video disc (11 min., 1 sec.) : sd., b&w ; 12 cmUniversity of Chicago physical science series“NFTSA # 7906 1940”Nuclear energy; Motion pictures DVD copy of 16 mm motion picture. With: Nuclear power demonstration – Here and there presents Chalk River – Eye witness.CD/DVDs2019-7041
Énergie atomique du Canada, limitéeAspects (Mississauga) Ottawa : Énergie atomique du Canada, 1979-1992v. 1- printemps 1979- Ceased with vol. 10, no 2 (hiver 1992)Trimestriel Description d'apres Vol. 7 no 4 (1988). Publié aussi en anglais sous le titre: Ascent.0707-5596Énergie atomique du Canada, limitée; Énergie nucléaire -- PériodiquesSPCNHI has: v. 1, no 1 (printemps 1979), no. 3-4 (automne/hiver 1979/80-printemps 1980), v. 3, no. 2-3 (1982), v. 4, no. 1, 4 (printemps 1983, printemps 1984), v. 6, no. 1 (1985).Periodicals2020-1069
Énergie atomique du Canada, limitéeCANDU 600.[Éd. rev.][Mississauga, Ont.] : Énergie atomique du Canada, limitée = Atomic Energy of Canada Limited [1976]18 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm PP-26“Revision mai 1976.” En français. Aussi publié en anglais sous le même titre.Réacteurs à eau lourde – Évaluation; Réacteurs nucléaires – Canada; Réacteurs CANDU;Pamphlet files2020-1076
Énergie atomique du Canada, limitée. Gestion des Déchet de Combustible nucléaireDéchets de combustible nucléaire[Pinawa, Manitoba : Établissement de Recherches nucléaires de Whiteshell, 1983]1 sheet : ill. ; 36 x 22 cm, folded to 9 x 22 cmAlso published in English under title: Nuclear fuel waste.Radioactive waste management—Canada; Spent fuelsPamphlet files2020-1083
Energy Institute (Great Britain); Institute of Fuel (Great Britain) Energy worldLondon : Institute of Fuel, 1973- ; : London : Energy Institutevolumes : illustrations ; 30 cm. Publication history: began with no. 1 (July 1973). Current frequency: monthly. 0307-7942 Fuel — Periodicals; Power resources – PeriodicalsSPCNHI has: no. 223 or 224 (Dec. 1994). Cover has "Number 224," Contents page has "Number 223."Pamphlet files2022-1167
Energy Probe; Watters, MichaelCANDU : an analysis of the Canadian nuclear program : part 1 technical handbook[Revised]Toronto : Energy Probe,[1976]81 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm“Written by Michael Watters and prepared under the direction of Barry Spinner, Karen Alcock and Bill Peden.” Includes bibliographical references.Radiation -- Safety measures; Nuclear power plants -- Safety measures – Canada“9 December 1976, To Archie Robertson with thanks and admiration, Barry”--written on title page.Bookshelves TK9152 E5 1976 2021-1437
Energy Research Group; Forbes, Ian A.The nuclear debate : a call to reason / Ian A. Forbes ... [et al.]2nd ed.Framingham, Mass. : Energy Research Group, 197615 p. : ill. ; 28 cmCover title.Nuclear power plants -- Environmental aspects -- United States; Nuclear power plants -- United States Cover faded. Library stamp on cover & inside.Pamphlet files2018-1585
Energy Solutions FoundationAlphas, beta, gammas, oh my! : energy and nuclear energy games, activities and presentations[Salt Lake City, Utah] : Energy Solutions Foundation, c20091 compact disc ; 12 cm“Intended as teaching aids for use in junior high and high school classrooms.”Energy—Study and teaching; Power resources—Study and teaching; Nuclear energy—Study and teaching; Nuclear power—Study and teachingCD/DVDs2020-7000
Enge, Harald A.Introduction to nuclear physics / Harald A. EngeReading, Mass ; Don Mills, Ont. : Addison-Wesley, 1966x, 582 pages : illustrations ; 24 cmAddison-Wesley series in physics, 1870Nuclear physicsDonor's name, address on front endpaper.Bookshelves QC173 E53 2023-1057
English, C. A.; Jenkins, M. L.Characterisation of displacement cascade damage produced in Cu₃Au by fast-particle irradiation / C. A. English and M. L. Jenkins[Harwell, Oxfordshire : United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority] 1980Iii, 27 p. : ill. ; 29 cmAERE-R 9695“Approved for publication.” Includes bibliography.Copper alloys; Gold alloys; Radiation effects“I. M. Howe” written on front cover. Pamphlet files2019-1074
Englund, H. M.; Beery, W. T.; Air Pollution Control Association. JournalControl technology : gases and odors / edited by H. M. Englund and W. T. Beery;Pittsburgh : Air Pollution Control Association, 1973v, 82 p. : ill. ; 26 cmAPCA reprint series; Air Pollution Control Association. APCA reprint series Articles selected from the Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association. Includes bibliographical references and indexes.Flue gases—Purification; Odor controlPaper cover. Date stamp on cover: “MAY 06 1975”. Bookshelves TD885 .E53 2018-1413
Englund, H. M.; Beery, W. T.; Air Pollution Control Association. JournalControl technology : particulates / edited by H. M. Englund and W. T. Beery;Pittsburgh : Air Pollution Control Association, 1973iv, 75 p. : ill. ; 26 cmAPCA reprint series; Air Pollution Control Association. APCA reprint series"A collection of ... papers from the Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association." Includes bibliographical references and indexes.Air—Purification; Dust control Paper cover. Date stamp on cover: “MAY 06 1975”.Bookshelves TD884.5 .E53 2018-1412.
Englund, H. M.; Beery, W. T.; Air Pollution Control Association. JournalEnvironmental noise control / edited by H. M. Englund and W. T. BeeryPittsburgh : Air Pollution Control Association, 1974v, 57 p. : ill. ; 26 cmAPCA reprint series; Air Pollution Control Association. APCA reprint series"Papers from the Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association." Includes bibliographical references and indexes.Noise control Paper cover. Date stamp on cover: “MAY 06 1975”.Bookshelves TD892 .E58 2018-1414
Erdélyi, ArthurAsymptotic expansions / A. Erdélyi[New York] : Dover Publications, 1956vi, 108 p. : ill. ; 21 cm"An unabridged and unaltered republication of Technical report 3, prepared under contract Nonr-220(11) for the Office of Naval Research reference No. NR 043-121." Includes bibliographies.Asymptotic expansions Paper cover.Bookshelves QA431 E7 2019-1329
Erickson, Edward W., 1936- ; Waverman, Leonard, 1941-The Energy question : an international failure of policy / edited by Edward W. Erickson and Leonard WavermanToronto : University of Toronto Press, c19742 v. ; 24 cm.Includes bibliographies. v. 1. The world -- v. 2. North America. 0802062385 (v. 1 : pbk.); 02062407 (v. 2 : pbk.) Petroleum industry and trade; Power resources; Energy policy Paperbacks. 2018-1050: vol 1; 2018-1291: vol. 2.Bookshelves HD9540.6.E75 2018-1050; 2018-1291
Ernst & Young; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited The economic effects of the Canadian nuclear industry / sponsored by Atomic Energy of Canada Limited[Canada] : Ernst & Young, 1993 [c1992]xi, 102 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm"October 1993." Cover title: The economic effects of the Canadian nuclear industry : a report from Ernst & Young.Nuclear industry -- Economic aspects – CanadaOversize books HD9698 .C22 E7 1993 2021-1277
Etherington, HaroldNuclear engineering handbook / Harold Etherington, editor1st ed.New York : McGraw-Hill, 19581 v. (various pagings) : ill. ; 24 cm McGraw-Hill handbooks Includes bibliographies.Nuclear engineering--Handbooks, manuals, etc.WNRE Library discard. Library label on cover; library stamps, pocket on front flyleaf. Binding broken, p. 14-52. Needs repair.Bookshelves TK9151 E8 2019-1535
European Conference on Nuclear Physics (1972 : Aix-en-Provence, France); Porneuf, M.; Société française de physique; European Physical SocietyConférence européenne de physique nucléaire = European Conference on Nuclear Physics : Aix-en-Provence, 26 juin-1er juillet 1972 / patronée par la Sociéte française de physique et la Société européenne de physiqueParis : Sociéte française de physique, 19722 v. : ill. ; 30 cmJournal de physique. Colloque, C5 (1972)English and French. "Journal de physique, tome 33, Colloque C-5, supplément au no 8-9, août-septembre 1972." "Publiés avec le concours de Madeleine Porneuf." Includes bibliographical references and index. Contents: [1] Comptes rendus des séances plénières -- [2] Comptes rendus des communications.Nuclear physics – Congresses Donor's name on covers.Oversize books QC770 E8 1972 2021-1014 (v.1); 2021-1015 (v.2)
Evans, Robley Dunglison, 1907-The atomic nucleus / Robley D. EvansNew York ; Toronto : McGraw-Hill, 1955xv, 972 p. : ill. ; 24 cmInternational series in pure and applied physics Bibliography: p. 905-937.Nuclear physics AECL Library discard. Library label on spine; pocket inside front cover; stamp on front flyleaf.Bookshelves QC776 .E8 2018-1313
Eve, A. S. (Arthur Stewart), 1862-1948; Keys, D. A. (David Arnold), 1890-Applied geophysics in the search for minerals / by the late A.S. Eve and D.A. Keys 4th ed.Cambridge [Eng.] : University Press, 1954382 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.Bibliography: p. 364-375.Prospecting; GeophysicsOriginal jacket, top, bottom worn and torn. Front flyleaf inscribed by second author: “To Dr. W. B. Lewis, with kindest regards from David A. Keys”.Bookshelves TN269 .E83 1954 2018-1211
Ewan, George, 1927-2020Bernice Weldon Sargent, 1906-1993 / George Ewanp. [275-279 : port.In:Transactions of Royal Society of Canada, 6thser., v. 6 (1995)0035-9122Sargent, Bernice Weldon, 1906-1993; Physicists—Canada—Biography; Nuclear energy—Research—CanadaPaper cover. New condition. Bookshelves AS42 R66 ser.6 v.6 1995 2018-1281
Eyring, Henry, 1901-1981Statistical mechanics and dynamics / Henry Eyring ... [et al.]New York : Wiley, 1964xiii, 508 p. : ill. ; 24 cmBibliographical footnotes.Statistical mechanicsAECL Library discard. Library pocket inside front cover, stamps on front endpapers. “Res. Chem., T.A. Eastwood” on front endpaper.Bookshelves QC175 E9 2019-1365
Fabian, TheclaChalk River at the crossroads / by Thecla Fabianpages 22-25 : colour illustrations ; 28 cmPhocopy of article in Nuclear engineering international, Dec. 2014. [London : [Heywood-Temple Industrial Publications Ltd?] 2014Chalk River Laboratories; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited; NRU reactor; Nuclear energy—Government policy—CanadaPamphlet files2021-1304
Faires, Virgil Moring, 1897-Theory and practice of heat engines / Virgil Moring FairesNew York : Macmillan, 1955, c1948xii, 388 pages : illustrations (part coloured) ; 25 cmIncludes bibliographies.Heat-engines; Thermodynamics Cover slightly worn.Bookshelves TJ255 F3 2023-1076
Faires, Virgil Moring, 1897-Thermodynamics / Virgil Moring Faires 4th ed.New York : Macmillan, c1962xxiii, 680 p. : ill. ; 25 cmBibliography: p. 627-634.Thermodynamics Spine partly faded.Bookshelves TJ265 F3 1962 2019-1478
Falletta, NicholasThe Paradoxicon / Nicholas FallettaNew York : Wiley, 1990xx, 230 p. : ill. ; 23 cmOriginally published: Garden City, N.Y. : Doubleday, 1983. Includes bibliographical references (p. [203]-222) and index.0471529508 (pbk. : alk. paper) :ParadoxBookshelves BC199.P2 F34 1990 2019-1306
Faraday, Michael, 1791-1867Experimental researches in electricity / by Michael FaradayLondon : Dent ; New York : Dutton [1931]xxii, 336 p. : ill. ; 18 cmEveryman's library. Science [no. 576]"The present select edition ... consists of series III.-VIII. and XVI., XVII of the original issue in three volumes (1839-55)"--p. xix. Introduction by John Tyndall. Bibliogtaphy: p. xix.Electricity--Early works to 1850 Leather binding. Spine slightly worn. Binding broken between p. 160 & 161.Bookshelves QC503 F21 2020-1134
Farago, Peter Joseph, 1932-Science and the media / Peter FaragoLondon ; Toronto : Oxford University Press, 197695 p. ; 23 cmIncludes bibliographical references and index. 0198583249 Communication in scienceWNRE Library discard. Library label on cover; card pocket inside front cover, library stamp on front flyleaf.Bookshelves Q223 F37 2019-1401
Farley, F. J. M. (Francis James Macdonald)Elements of pulse circuits / F. J. M. FarleyLondon : Methuen ; New York : Wiley, 1955143 p. :ill. ; 17 cm Methuen's monograph on physical subjects Includes bibliography and index.Pulse techniques (Electronics); Vacuum-tube circuitsInside front cover inscribed: “Peter Oliver, Physics Department, Manchester University.” Quotations from Shakespeare and the Bible written on back flyleaf in English, Greek and Latin.Bookshelves TK7835 .F3 2018-1200
Faulkner, T. Ewan (Thomas Ewan)Projective geometry / by T. Ewan Faulkner 2d ed.Edinburgh : Oliver and Boyd ; New York : Interscience Publishers, 1952viii, 128 p. : ill. ; 19 cmUniversity mathematical textsGeometry, ProjectiveOn front flyleaf: “Peter Oliver, The Nuclear Power Group.”Bookshelves QA471 .F3 1952 2018-1201
Fawcett, RuthNuclear pursuits : the scientific biography of Wilfrid Bennett Lewis / Ruth FawcettMontreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, c1994.xiii, 210 p.,[9] p. of plates : ill., ports. ; 24 cm.Includes bibliographical references and index. 0773511865 : $32.95Lewis, W. Bennett (Wilfrid Bennett), 1908-1987; Physicists—Canada—Biography; Nuclear energy—Research--CanadaSPCNHI has 2 copies: 1st, new. Inserted: photocopy of book review by Fred Boyd from Canadian Nuclear Society Bulletin; 2nd, signed by author on title page: “to Gordon, Ruth Fawcett”. Inside front cover: “Gordon Garrow, Deep River, Ont., Sept 1995”. Digital copy available of Bibliography of W.B. Lewis, p. 167-180 (Lewis Pub. List).Bookshelves QC774 .L49 F39 1994 2018-1176; 2018-1222
Feller, William, 1906-1970An introduction to probability theory and its applications / William Feller 3d ed.New York : Wiley, c1968v. : ill. ; 24 cm Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics Bibliographical footnotes.Probabilities SPCNH has v. 1.BookshelvesQA273 F3713 1968 2019-1357 (v.1)
Feller, William, 1906-1970An introduction to probability theory and its applications / William FellerNew York : Wiley,[1950]-19662 v. : ill. ; 24 cm. Vol. 2 has series: Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics. Bibliographical footnotes. "Some books on cognate subjects": v. 2, p. 615-616. Probabilities SPCNH has v. 2.Bookshelves QA273 F37 v.2 2019-1372 (v.2)
Fermi, Enrico, 1901-1954Elementary particles / by Enrico FermiNew Haven : Yale University Press ; London : G. Cumberledge ; Oxford University Press, 1951xii, 110 p. ; 23 cm.Yale University, Mrs. Hepsa Ely Silliman memorial lectures, 1950Bibliography: p. Vii-viii.Particles (Nuclear physics); Matter--ConstitutionOriginal jacket, worn & torn top & bottom. Donor's signature on front flyleaf.Bookshelves QC173 .F397 2018-1090
Fermi, Enrico, 1901-1954Possible production of elements of atomic number higher than 92 / by E. Fermip. 43-44Facsimile of article in Nature 133:898-899 (1934). In Foundations of nuclear physics / compiled by Robert T. Beyer. -- New York : Dover Publications, c1949.Transuranium elementsBookshelves QC173 .B485 2018-1074
Fermi, Enrico, 1901-1954Thermodynamics / by Enrico FermiNew York : Dover, 1956, c1937160 p. : ill. ; 21 cm“An unabridged and unalterred republication of the first edition.”ThermodynamicsBookshelves QC311 F47 1956 2021-1160
Fermi, Enrico, 1901-1954Versuch einer Theorie der β-Strahlen / von E. Fermip. 45-61 : ill.Facsimile of article in Zeitschrift für Physik 88:161-177 (1934). In Foundations of nuclear physics / compiled by Robert T. Beyer. -- New York : Dover Publications, c1949.Beta raysBookshelves QC173 .B485 2018-1074
Fermi, LauraAtoms for the world : United States participation in the Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy / by Laura FermiChicago : University of Chicago Press, 1961, c1957xii, 227 p.,[24] p. of plates : ill.Includes index.International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy. (1955 : Geneva, Switzerland); Nuclear energy—CongressesSpine, covers faded. Book pocket remnant inside front cover. Library stamps, bar code label on front flyleafBookshelves TK9006 .I5 1955 2018-1344
Fermi, LauraAtoms in the family : my life with Enrico Fermi / by Laura FermiChicago : University of Chicago Press ; Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 1955, c1954267 p. : ill. ; 24 cmFermi, Enrico, 1901-1954; Physicists—Italy--BiographyBookshelves QC774.F4 F4 2018-1552
Feynman, Richard P. (Richard Phillips), 1918-1988; Leighton, Robert B.; Sands, Matthew L. (Matthew Linzee)The Feynman lectures on physics / Richard P. Feynman, Robert B. Leighton, Matthew SandsReading, Mass., Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., 1964, c1963-19653 v. : ill. ; 29 cmVol. 1 has subtitle: Mainly mechanics, radiation, and heat;. 2 has subtitle: Mainly electromagnetism and matter; 3 has subtitle: Quantum mechanics.PhysicsVol. 1, 3 spines, covers worn.Oversize books QC23 F47 2019-1197 (v.1); 2019-1198 (v.2); 2019-1199 (v.3)
Figgins, P. E.The radiochemistry of polonium / P.E. FigginsWashington : Subcommittee on Radiochemistry, National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, 1961v, 68 pages ; 25 cmNAS-NS 3037; Nuclear science series (National Research Council (U.S.)) PoloniumSaskatchewan Research Council Library discard. Library stamp on title page, pocket.Pamphlet files2021-1129
Financial post Nuclear energy : in a thousand different ways the atom is serving you now[Toronto]page [45]-56 : illustrations, portraits ; 58 x 44 cmSection of Financial post vol. 57, no. 17 (27 Apr 1963)Nuclear energy -- Canada – Periodicals; Nuclear power – Canada – PeriodicalsFragile. Digital copy in site computer file: Digital Collection/Vol 3/Newspapers, Magazines and YouTube/Financial Post 27 Apr 1963.Pamphlet files2022-1256
Finch, Ron, 1958-Exporting danger : a history of the Canadian nuclear energy export programme / Ron FinchMontréal : Black Rose Books, 1986236 p. ; 23 cmIncludes bibliographies. 0920057721 (pbk.) : $14.95 Nuclear industry—Canada; Nuclear nonproliferation Papback. Front cover bent. Price label on front cover.Bookshelves HD9698.C22 F55 1986 2018-1506
Finkelnburg, Wolfgang, 1905-Structure of matter / by Wolfgang Finkelnburg ; translated from the 9th/10th ed. of Einführung in die Atomphysik by the author in cooperation with Ottilie Matossi-RiechemeierBerlin : Springer ; New York : Academic Press, 1964xii, 511 p. : ill. ; 26 cmIncludes bibliographies.Atoms; Nuclear physics“To his admired friend Dr. W. B. Lewis ... from the author, Wolfgang Funkelnburg, Geneva, September, 1964.” on front flyleaf.Bookshelves QC173 .F513 1964 2018-1261
Fischer, David, 1920- ; International Atomic Energy AgencyHistory of the International Atomic Energy Agency : the first forty years / by David FischerVienna : The Agency, c1997550 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm STI/PUB/1032Includes bibliographical references and index. 9201023979 International Atomic Energy Agency — History; Nuclear energy – HistoryBookshelves HD9698.5 .A2 F56 1997 2023-1129
Fishenden, M. (Margaret White); Saunders, O. A. (Owen Albert)An introduction to heat transfer / by M. Fishenden and O. A. SaundersOxford : Clarendon Press, 1957x, 205 p. : ill. ; 22 cmIncludes bibliographies.Heat—Transmission“R. G. Jarvis, Deep River” written on front endpaper. Jacket clipping taped inside front cover.Bookshelves QC320 F52 1957 2019-1190
Fisher, ArthurNext generation nuclear reactors : dare we build them? / by Arthur Fisher[New York, N.Y.] : Popular Science, 1990page 68-76 : illustrations ; 28 cmArticle excerpted from Popular science, April 1990.Nuclear reactors – United States; Nuclear power plants – United StatesPamphlet files2022-1161
Fleck, R. G.; Perovic, V.; Ho, E. T. C.Development of modified pressure tubes / R.G. Fleck, V. Perovic, E.T.C. Hop. 1-14 : ill.In: Ontario Hydro research review, no. 8 (Aug 1993). -- [Toronto : Research Division, Ontario Hydro],1993.1483-281X CANDU type reactors; Pressure tubesPeriodicals2018-1464
Fletcher, L. (Lazarus), Sir, 1854-1921; British Museum (Natural History). Department of MineralogyAn introduction to the study of minerals : with a guide to the mineral gallery / by L. Fletcher 15th ed.London : Printed by order of the Trustees by W. Clowes and Sons, 1918123 p. : ill. ; 22 cm"The 15th edition is practically a reprint of the 14th, with only a few alterations."--p. 5.Mineralogy--Catalogs and collections Paper cover. Fragile. Cover repaired with laminate. Moved to Pamphlet files.Pamphlet files2018-1235
Flint, H. T. (Henry Thomas), 1890-1971Wave mechanics : being one aspect of the new quantum theory / by H. T. FlintLondon : Methuen, 1929Ix, 117 p. : ill. ; 18 cmMethuen's monographs on physical subjects, 2"References": p. 113-114.Waves; Quantum theory; Wave mechanicsOriginal jacket, spine slightly worn. On front flyleaf: “W.B. Lewis, Caius College, Cambridge”.Bookshelves QC174.2 .F5 1929 2018-1270
Fluke, RicMNR : the beginnings and innovations / by Ric Fluke[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2009]page 7-8 : illustrationst ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 30 no.2 (Jun. 2009).MNR reactor -- History; Research reactors – Ontario -- HamiltonPeriodicals2018-1400
Fluke, RicDouglas Point : Canada's first full scale nuclear generating station / by Fluke`[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2017]page 31-33 : illustrations ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 38 no.1 (Mar. 2017).Douglas Point Nuclear Power Station (Ont.) -- History; Nuclear power plants – Ontario – HistoryPeriodicals2018-1400
Fluke, RicInfamous anniversaries : learning from severe accidents / by Fic Fluke[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2016]page 8-12 : illustrations ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 37, no. 1 (Mar. 2016).NRX reactor -- Accidents; Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant (Pa.) -- Accidents; Fukushima Nuclear Disaster, Japan, 2011; Chernobyl Nuclear Accident, Chornobylʹ,Ukraine, 1986; Nuclear power plants – Accidents; BP Deepwater Horizon Explosion and Oil Spill, 2010Periodicals2018-1400
Foderaro, AnthonyThe photon shielding manual 2nd editionUniversity Park, Pa. : Available from the Penn State Bookstore, Pennsylvania State University [1978]120 pages : illustrations ; 22 cmRadiation protection; Shielding (Radiation)WNRE library discard. Stamps, bar code label.Pamphlet files2023-1054
Forbes, Ian A.Energy strategy : not what but how / Ian A. ForbesFramingham, Mass. : Energy Research Group, c1977ii, 42 pages : illustrations ; 28 cmCover title. Includes bibliographical references.Power resources; Energy policy--United StatesInserted: handwritten notes, memo from David B. Brooks to Robertson, others.Pamphlet files2021-1433
Foreman, Harry, 1915- ; University of MinnesotaNuclear power and the public / Harry Foreman, editorMinneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 1970xviii, 273 pages : illustrations ; 25 cmBased upon a symposium held at the University of Minnesota, Oct. 10-11, 1969. Includes bibliographies.0816605815Nuclear power plants--Environmental aspects—Congresses; Radioactivity--Physiological effect--CongressesAECL Library discard. Card pocket, library stamps.Bookshelves TK1078 .N83 2021-1607
Forsythe, George E. (George Elmer), 1917- ; Wasow, Wolfgang Richard, 1909-Finite-difference methods for partial differential equations / George E. Forsythe, Wolfgang R. WasowNew York : Wiley, 1960x, 444 p. : ill. ; 24 cmApplied mathematics series Includes bibliography.Differential equations, Partial--Numerical solutions; Electronic digital computersSpine slightly worn. “Département de Mathématiques, Ecole Polytechnique, Montréal” stamped on front endpaper.Bookshelves QA374 F6 2019-1268
Fortune, R. F.; Tucker, J. H.Reactor fueling costs : a Canadian approach / prepared by R. F. Fortune, J. H. TuckerPeterborough, Ont. : Civilian Atomic Power Department, Canadian General Electric Company Limited [1960]10 p. : ill. ; 28 cm R60 CAP 37“Issued: August 1960.” Includes bibliography.CANDU type reactors; Fuel cycle—Costs“Draft copy” written on cover. Notes and underlining on some pages. Pamphlet files2019-1070
Foster, Harold D.Assessing disaster magnitude : a social science approach / Harold D. Foster[Emmitsburg, MD] : [National Emergency Training Center],19767 pages (241-247) : illustration ; 23 cmProfessional geographer, volume 28, no. 3, page 241-247 (Aug. 1976)Reprinted form The Professional Geographer.Disasters; Psychological stressPamphlet files2021-1372
Foster, John S. (John Stanton), 1921-2001In memoriam : Harold Smith : the first winner of the W. B. Lewis medal ...[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2000]page 43-45 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 20, no. 4 (Jan. 2000).Smith, Harold Armstrong, 1919-2000?; Ontario Hydro – Officials and employees – Obituaries; CANDU type reactors – HistoryPeriodicals2018-1400
Foster, John S. (John Stanton), 1921-2001In memoriam : Willie Wilson[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2001]page 36 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 22, no. 1 (Feb. 2001). Written by John Foster.Wilson, Ivan Laverne (Willie), 1917-2000; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Officials and employees – Obituaries; CANDU type reactors – HistoryPeriodicals2018-1400
Foster, John S. (John Stanton), 1921-2001 Brooks, G. L.; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. AECL Retirees GroupCANDU origins and evolution. Part 1 of 5 : an overview of the early CANDU program prepared from information provided by John S. Foster / prepared by John S. Foster and G.L. Brooks Rev. 1[Canada] : AECL Retirees Group, 200113 leaves ; 28 cm“Prepared as a contribution to a project sponsored by AECL, and carried out by the AECL Retirees Group during the 1990s.” “2001 February.” “Revision history: Rev1, April 24, 2001”--p. 13.CANDU type reactors—History; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited—History; Nuclear Power Group—HistoryPamphlet files2019-1545
Foster, John S. (John Stanton), 1921-2001 Brown, W. M.; Tilbe, H. E.On-power refueling / by J. S. Foster, W. M. Brown and H. E. TilbeNew York McGraw-Hill, 1960pages 66-68 ; illustrations ; 29 cmNucleonics, v. 18, no. 10 (Oct. 1960)Article in Nucleonics. Nuclear Canada issue.CANDU type reactors; Nuclear fuels—Canada; Reactor charging machinesBottom corner torn off cover, pages 1-8.Pamphlet files2021-1429
Fox, L. (Leslie)An introduction to numerical linear algebra / by L. FoxOxford : Clarendon Press, 1964xi, 295 p. : ill. ; 24 cmMonographs on numerical analysis Includes bibliographical references.Algebras, linear; Numerical calculationBookshelves QA251 F65 2019-1307
Fox, L. (Leslie)Numerical solution of ordinary and partial differential equations : based on a summer school held in Oxford, August-September 1961 / L. FoxOxford ; New York : Pergamon Press, 1962Ix, 509 p. : ill. : 24 cmLectures given at a summer school held by the Oxford University Computing Laboratory. Includes bibliography.Differential equations Jacket clipping taped inside front cover.BookshelvesQA371 L758 1962 2019-1287
Fox, L. (Leslie); Mayers, D. F. (David Francis), 1931-Computing methods for scientists and engineers / by L. Fox and D. F. MayersOxford : Clarendon Press, 1968xii, 255 p. : ill. ; 25 cmMonographs on numerical analysisBibliography: p. [249]-250. Numerical analysis Paperback.BookshelvesQA297 F654 1968 2019-1342
France. Autorité de sûreté nucléaireLa politique de l'ASN en matière de démantèlement et de déclassement des installations nucléaires de base en France : indice 0, février 2008[Paris?] : ASN, Autorité de sûreté nucléaire, 200810 pges ; 28 cm“Projet” (draft) printed on each page.Nuclear facilities – Decommissioning – Government policy – France; Radioactive waste management – Government policy -- France Some text highlighted.Pamphlet files2022-1050
France. Commissariat à l'énergie atomique Dictionnaire des sciences et techniques nucléaires / préface de F. Perrin 2d ed.Paris : Presses universitaires de France, c1966421 p. ; 25 cmTo be used with Lexique nucléaire: anglais-français, français-anglais.Nuclear physics—Dictionaries—French; Nuclear engineering—Dictionaries—French; Génie nucléaire--Dictionnaires français; Physique nucléaire--Dictionnaires français AECL Library discard. Library stamps on front flyleaf. Pocket inside front cover.Bookshelves QC772 .F68 1966 2018-1565
France. Commissariat à l'énergie atomique L' Industrie française du cycle des combustibles nucléairesParis : Commissariat à l'énergie atomique, et al., 1971[84 pages : illustrations ; 21 x 30 cmFuel cycle—France; Nuclear industry—France; Uranium industry—FranceWNRE Library discard. Library stamp, pocket.Bookshelves TK9363 F7 1971 2021-1327
Frank, Nathaniel Herman, 1903-Introduction to mechanics and heat / by Nathaniel H. Frank 2d ed.New York ; London : McGraw-Hill, 1939xvi, 384 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.Mechanics; Thermodynamics On front flyleaf: “L.G. Elliott M.I.T.”Bookshelves QA805 .F7 1939 2018-1091
Frazer, R. A. (Robert Alexander), 1891- ; Duncan, W. J. (William Jolly), 1894-1960; Collar, A. R. (Arthur Roderich), 1908-Elementary matrices : and some applications to dynamics and differential equations / by R.A. Frazer ; W.J. Duncan ; and A.R. CollarCambridge [Eng.] : University Press, 1950, c1938xvi, 416 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm."List of references": p. [399]-401. Reprinted 1950.Matrices; Differential equations, Linear; Dynamics; AerodynamicsStains, front & back covers. “Research Centre Library, Fort Dunlop” stamped on front flyleaf.Bookshelves QA263 .F75 1950 2018-1013
Fremlin, J. H.Power production : what are the risks? / J.H. FremlinOxford [Oxfordshire] ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1987326 p. : ill. ; 20 cm Oxford paperbacksIncludes index. Bibliography: p. 311-315.019286078X (pbk.) Energy industries--Health aspects--Great Britain; Energy industries--Great Britain--Safety measuresPaperback. Spine cracked. WNRE Library labels, stamps, cover & inside covers.BookshelvesHD7269 .E472 G744 1987 2019-1489
French, A. P. (Anthony Philip), 1920-Vibrations and waves / A. P. FrenchNew York : Norton, c1971xi, 316 p. : ill. ; 24 cmThe M.I.T. introductory physics series Bibliography: p. 303-307.0393099245 (cloth); 0393099369 (paper) Vibration; Waves SPCNHI has paper edition. “Martin Elliott 1972” written inside front cover.Bookshelves QC235 F74 2019-1203
Freytag, Berndt und Artaria; International Atomic Energy AgencyThe international Chernobyl project, surface contamination maps / base-map, cartography by Freytag-Berndt, 1071 Wien; Distribution of surface ground contamination released in the Chernobyl Nuclear Accident.Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 19913 maps on 2 sheets : col. ; 87 x 101 cm. or smaller, sheets 89 x 105 cm. and 46 x 75 cm., folded in cover 24 x 21 cmScale 1:1, 000, 000 (E 24⁰--E 40⁰/N 56⁰--N 48⁰). Relief shown by spot heights. Cover title. Map titles in English and Russian. Some place-names in both romanized and cyrillic Russian. Col. map on cover.9201292910Radioactive pollution of soils--Ukraine--Chornobylʹ Region—Maps; Chernobyl Nuclear Accident, Chornobylʹ,Ukraine, 1986--Environmental aspects—MapsAECL Library discard. Library stamp on pocket. Pamphlet files2021-1215
Friedlander, GerhartNuclear and radiochemistry / Gerhart Friedlander ... [et al.]3rd ed. New York : Wiley, c1981xiii, 684 p. : ill. ; 24 cmSecond ed. by Gerhart Friedlander, Joseph W. Kennedy, and Julian Malcolm Miller. "A Wiley-Interscience publication." Includes bibliographies and indexes.0471280216 Radiochemistry; Nuclear chemistrySaskatchewan Research Council Library discard. Library stamp on title page, pocket inside back cover.Bookshelves QD601.2 .N83 1981 2021-1153
Friedlander, Gerhart; Kennedy, Joseph W.; Miller, Juliam MalcolmNuclear and radiochemistry / Gerhart Friedlander, Joseph W. Kennedy, Julian Malcolm Miller2nd editionNew York : Wiley, 1964xi, 585 pages : illustrations ; 25 cmFirst published in 1949 under title: Introduction to radiochemistry. Includes bibliographies.Radiochemistry; Nuclear chemistryWNRE Library discard. Bar code label, library stamp.Bookshelves QD601 F7 1964 2022-1085
Friedman, AvnerFoundations of modern analysis / Avner FriedmanNew York : Dover, 1982vi, 250 p. ; 22 cmReprint. Originally published: New York : Holt, Rinehart, and Winston,[1970]. Includes index.0486640620 (pbk.) Mathematical analysis—Foundations Paperback.BookshelvesQA299.8 F74 1982 2019-1331
Frisch, Otto Robert, 1904-1979; Stern, Otto, 1888-1969Über die magnetische Ablenkung von Wasserstoffmolekülen und das magnetische Moment des Protons I / von R. Frisch und O. Sternp. 63-75 : ill.Facsimile of article in Zeitschrift für Physik 85:4-16 (1933). In Foundations of nuclear physics / compiled by Robert T. Beyer. -- New York : Dover Publications, c1949.Hydrogen; Protons; Magnetic dipolesBookshelves QC173 .B485 2018-1074
Frost, Brian R. T.Nuclear fuel elements : design, fabrication, and performance / by Brian R.T. Frost1st ed.Oxford, Eng. ; New York : Pergamon Press, 1982viii, 275 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.International series in nuclear energy; Pergamon international library of science, technology, engineering, and social studiesIncludes bibliographical references and index. 0080204112 (pbk.) Nuclear fuel elements Donor's name on front flyleaf.Bookshelves TK9207 .F76 1982 2018-1051
Fry, Thornton C. (Thornton Carle), 1892-Probability and its engineering uses / by Thornton C. FryNew York : Van Nostrand, c1928xiv, 476 p. : ill. ; 24 cm., 1 folded sheet."References for outside reading" at end of each chapter. Treated with special reference to applications in the telephone business.Probabilities Brown paper jacket. Donor's signature on front flyleaf.Bookshelves QA273 .F93 2018-1092
Fuel Channel Technology Seminar (1989 : Alliston, Ont.)Fuel channel Technology Seminar, Alliston, Ontario, November 1989 : abstracts[Ontario? : publisher not identified, 1989?]1 volume (unpaged) ; 28 cmFuel channels – Congresses; Abstracts Plastic ring binding.Bookshelves TK9185 .A1 F8 1989 2022-1226
Furman, N. Howell (Nathaniel Howell), 1892-1965; Welcher, Frank Johnson, 1907- ; Scott, Wilfred W. (Wilfred Welday), 1876-1932Standard methods of chemical analysis / N. H. Furman, editor; Frank J. Welcher, editor6th editionPrinceton, N.J. ; Toronto : Van Nostrand [1962-66]3 volumes in 5 : illustrations (part col.) 24 cmContents: volume 1. The elements, N. H. Furman, editor.--volume 2. Industrial and natural products and noninstrumental methods, F. J. Welcher, editor. 2 volumes--volume 3. Instrumental methods, F. J. Welcher, editor. 2 volumes. Previous editions edited by W. W. Scott.Analytical chemistry; Chemistry, TechnicalSPCNHI has: vol. 2, pt. A. AECL branch library copy. Library pocket, stamps on front flyleaf. Notes inserted.Bookshelves QD131 S68 2022-1317
Fyfe, W. S.Geochemistry / W. S. FyfeOxford : Clarendon Press, 1974109 p. : ill. ; 23 cm Oxford chemistry seriesIncludes index. Bibliography: p. [102]-103.0198554672; 019855429X (pbk.) Geochemistry SPCNHI has paperback edition..Bookshelves QE515 F93 2020-1185
Galbreath, RossThe Rutherford Connection: New Zealand scientists and the Manhattan and Montreal Projects / Ross Galbreath15 leaves ; 29 cmPhotocopy of article from War in History, vol. 2, no. 1, page 306-319 (Nov. 1995), downloaded from Internet.Rutherford, Ernest, 1871-1937 – Influence; Physicists – New Zealand; National Research Council of Canada. Montreal Laboratory – History; Manhattan Project (U.S.) -- International cooperation – New Zealand -- History; Atomic bomb – United States – History; Reactor design – History; Uranium; Nuclear power – Research – History; Nuclear physics – Research – HistoryIn binder. Pamphlet files2024-1000
Gale, Robert Peter; Hauser, ThomasFinal warning : the legacy of Chernobyl / Robert Peter Gale and Thomas HauserNew York, NY : Warner Books, c1988230 p. ; 24 cmIncludes index. 0446514098Chernobyl Nuclear Accident, Chornobylʹ,Ukraine, 1986Paperback. New condition. Bookshelves TK1362.S65 G35 1988 2018-1518
Gamow, George, 1904-1968Constitution of atomic nuclei and radioactivity,/ by G. GamowOxford : Clarendon Press, 1931114 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.Translation of Atomnoe i︠a︡dro i radioaktivnostʹ.Atoms; Radioactivity Spine stained. Inside front cover signed: “J.D. Stewart” with calculations. Maple leaves inserted between some pages.Bookshelves QC173 .G3 2018-1014
Gamow, George, 1904-1968Structure of atomic nuclei and nuclear transformations : being a second edition of Constitution of atomic nuclei and radioactivity / by G. Gamow;Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1937xi, 270 p., 3 plates on 2 leaves : ill. ; 24 cmThe international series of monographs on physicsNuclear physics; Radioactivity; AtomsOriginal jacket, worn and torn. “W. B. Lewis, Caius College, Cambridge” on front flyleaf.Bookshelves QC173 .G3 1937 2018-1262
Gamow, George, 1904-1968Zur Quantentheorie des Atomkernesp. 77-85 : ill.Facsimile of article in Zeitschrift für Physik 51:204-212 (1928). In Foundations of nuclear physics / compiled by Robert T. Beyer. -- New York : Dover Publications, c1949.Quantum theoryBookshelves QC173 .B485 2018-1074
Gamow, George, 1904-1968; Critchfield, Charles Louis, 1910-Theory of atomic nucleus and nuclear energy-sources / by G. Gamow and C. L. Critchfield 3d ed.Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1949vi, 344 p. : ill. : 25 cmInternational series of monographs on physicsNuclear energy“J.C.D. Milton, Princeton, Nov '49” on front endpaper. Covers rumpled.Bookshelves QC173 G3 1949 2020-1188
Gander, James E.; Belaire, Fred W.Energy futures for Canadians : long-term energy assessment program (LEAP) / James E. Gander and Fred W. Belaire[Ottawa] : Energy, Mines and Resources Canada, c1978xv, 353 p. : ill. ; 25 cmReport. EP ; 78-1“Report of a study prepared for Energy, Mines and Resources Canada.” Includes bibliographical references.0660100568 (pbk.) Power resources—Canada; Energy policy—CanadaPencilled notes on title page and several other pages, presumably by donor.Bookshelves TJ163.25 .C3 G36 2021-1020
Gantz, Kenneth Franklin, 1905-Nuclear flight : the United States Air Force programs for atomic jets, missiles, and rockets / edited by Kenneth F. GantzNew York : Duell, Sloan and Pearce [1960]216p. : ill. ; 25 cmUnited States. Air Force; Nuclear aircraft; Nuclear energy; Jet propulsion; Nuclear rockets“J.F. Palmer, Feb, 1964” on front flyleaf.Bookshelves UG633 .G29 2018-1458
Garland, Bill; Whitlock, Jeremy; Contact (Periodical)Nuclear pioneer passes on: Harry Thode, 1911-1997 / by Bill Garland and Jeremy Whitlock[Sheridan Park, Mississauga, Ont. : AECL]1 sheet : ill. ; 6 x 27 cmClipping from Contact, Apr. 1997?Thode, Henry, 1910-1997Pamphlet files2019-1510
Gascoyne, M.Evolution of redox conditions and groundwater composition in recharge-discharge environments on the Canadian Shield / M. Gascoyne16 pages : illustrations, map ; 28 cmPhocopy of article in Hydrogeology journal, vol. 5, no. 3, page: 4-18 (1997).Ground water; Redox potential; Groundwater recharge; Canadian Shield; ManitobaPamphlet files2022-1064
Gascoyne, M.; Wuschke, D.M.Gas migration through water-saturated, fractured rock : results of a gas injection test / M. Gascoyne, D.M. WuschkeAmsterdam : Elsevier Science, 1997Page [76]-98 : illustrations ; 24 cmJournal of hydrology, vol. 196 (1997)Reprint of article in the journal. Includes references. Also issued as AECL-11879.Boreholes; Gases; Ground water; Migration; Radioactive waste disposal; Radionuclide migrationPamphlet files2022-1058
GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy Canada Fueling Canada's nuclear future[Peterborough, ON] : GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy Canada, c20111 folder (6 sheets : illustrations ; 28 cm) ; 31 cmNuclear industry -- Canada -- Equipment and suppliesPamphlet files2022-1290
Geiger, James S.; Alexander, Tom K.Nuclear physics activities at Chalk River / by James S. Geiger and Tom K. AlexanderOttawa, Ont. : Canadian Association of Physicists, c2000p. 135-143 : ill. ; 28 cmIn Physics in Canada = La physique au Canada, v. 56, no. 2 (March/April 2000). Includes bibliographic references.Nuclear physics—Research—Laboratories--Ontario--Chalk River—History; Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories—HistoryPamphlet files2021-1208
Gelʹman, A. D. (Anna D.)Complex compounds of transuranium elements / by A.D. Gelʹman ... [et al.] ; authorized translation from the Russian by C. Nigel Turton and Tatiana I. TurtonNew York : Consultants Bureau, 1962195 p. : ill. ; 24 cmTransuranium elementsAECL Library discard. Library pocket inside front cover; stamps inside front cover, front flyleaf.Bookshelves QD172 .T7 K613 2020-1096
General Electric Company. Technical Military Planning Operation; Machinefabriek StorkThe future of power generation : study prepared for the Centennial celebration of Koninklijke Machinefabriek Stork N.V. Hengelo, The Netherlands : presented September 5, 1968[Hengelo, 1968?]xvi, 90 p. illus., maps. 24 cm"Study ... undertaken by TEMPO." Bibliography: p. 86-90.Electric power productionBookshelves TK1005 G45 2019-1405.
General Electric Company; McNelly, M. J.; Williamson, H. E.; Electric Power Research InstituteStudy of the developmental status and operational features of heavy water reactors : final report / prepared by General Electric Company ; principal investigators, M.J. McNelly, H.E. WilliamsonPalo Alto, Calif. : Electric Power Research Institute, 19771 v. in various pagings : ill. ; 28 cmElectric Power Research Institute, EPRI NP-365"Project 517-1" Prepared for the Electric Power Research Institute. Includes bibliography.Heavy water reactors; CANDU type reactors; Thorium cycle; Plutonium recycle AECL Library discard. Library stamps on front cover.Bookshelves TK9203 .H4 G4 1977 2019-1541
Generation mPower (Firm) Generation mPower : delivering clean energy to the world : with small modular reactor technology[Charlotte, NC : Generation mPower, c2012]3 p. : col. Ill. ; 28 cmNuclear industry; Engineering firmsPamphlet files2019-1145
Geological Survey of Canada Plutonic rocks in OntarioOttawa : Geological Survey of Canada, 19801 map : color ; 99 x 149 cm, folded to 19 x 28 cmMap 1533AScale 1:1, 000, 000.Intrusions (Geology) -- Ontario – Maps In envelope.Pamphlet files2021-1052
George, Brian; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited; Carleton Research Unit on Innovation, Science and Environment; Royal Academy of Engineering (Great Britain); Royal Society (Great Britain)W.B. Lewis Lecture for 2000 : energy and climate change / Brian George; Nuclear energy : the future climate[Ottawa : Carleton University?] 20001 videocassette (57 minutes) : sound, colourW.B. Lewis LectureRecorded at Carleton University, 2000 February 15. Lecture sponsored bv AECL and Carleton Research Unit on Innovation, Science and Environment. Based on “Nuclear energy : the future climate,” published by Royal Academy of Engineering and the Royal Society,(Great Britain), 1999.Climatic changes; Energy policy; Nuclear energy -- Economic aspects; Nuclear energy -- Social aspects Title from label.Videos2023-7008
Gerber, Carl R.; Hamburger, Richard; Hull, E. W. SeabrookPlowshare [/ Carl R. Gerber, Richard Hamburger and E. W. Seabrook Hull][Oak Ridge, Tenn.] : U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Division of Technical Information [1966]54 pages : illustrations, map ; 22 cmUnderstanding the atomCover title. Bibliography: pages 52-54. Project Plowshare (U.S.)--Popular works; Nuclear explosions—Popular worksPamphlet files2021-1339
Gerber, Michele Stenehjem, 1948On the home front : the cold war legacy of the Hanford nuclear site / Michele Stenehjem Gerber ; introduction to the New Bison Books edition by John M. Findlay ; with a new epilogue by the author 3rd editionLincoln : University of Nebraska Press, 2007x, 391 pages : illustrations., map ; 23 cmIncludes bibliographical references and index.9780803259959 (pbk. : alk. paper); 0803259956 (pbk. : alk. paper) Nuclear weapons plants -- Waste disposal -- Environmental aspects -- Washington (State) -- Hanford Site; Hazardous waste site remediation -- Washington (State) -- Hanford Site; Hanford Site (Wash.) Paperback. Signed by author. Bookshelves TD898 .12 .W2 G47 2007 2023-1111
Getman, Frederick Hutton, 1877-1941Outlines of theoretical chemistry / by Frederick H. Getman 6th ed. / by Farrington DanielsNew York : J. Wiley ; London : Chapman & Hall, 1937ix, 662 p. :ill. ; 24 cm.Chemistry, Physical and theoreticalDonor's signature on front flyleaf. Bookshelves QD453 .G4 1937 2018-1093
Gibbons, John H., 1929-2015; Chandler, William U., 1950-Energy, the conservation revolution / John H. Gibbons and William U. ChandlerNew York : Plenum Press, 1982, c1981xv, 258 p. : ill. ; 24 cmModern perspectives in energy Includes bibliographical references and index. 0306406705Power resources--United States; Energy conservation--United StatesSaskatchewan Research Council Library discard. Library pocket, stamp, on back endpaper.Bookshelves TJ163.25 .U6 G52 2021-1114
Gibson, J. A. B.; Ahmed, J. U.; International Atomic Energy AgencyMeasurement of short-range radiations : a manual / prepared by J.A.B. Gibson and J.U. AhmedVienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 1973114 p. : ill. ; 24 cmTechnical reports series (International Atomic Energy Agency), no. 150; STI/DOC/10/150Includes references and bibliography.Ionizing radiation—Measurement; Radiation dosimetrySaskatchewan Research Council Library discard. Library stamp on title page, pocket on back endpaper.Bookshelves QC795.42 I5 1973 2021-1121
Gibson, Walter Maxwell, 1930- The radiochemistry of lead [by] W.M. GibsonWashington : Subcommittee on Radiochemistry, National Academy of Sciences--National Research Council, 1971vi, 158 pages : illustrations ; 25 cmNAS-NS 3040; Nuclear science series (National Research Council (U.S.))LeadSaskatchewan Research Council Library discard. Library stamp on title page, pocket.Bookshelves QD603 .P3 G5 2021-1130
Giguère, Pierre; Christensen, Doug; Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedHow safe is it? : Point Lepreau tour / directed and edited by Pierre Giguère ; produced by AECL CANDU[Mississauga, Ont?] : AECL CANDU [1991]1 videocassette (23 min., 30 sec.) : sd., col.Executive producer, Doug Christensen; narrator, Suzanne Desaultels; on-line editor, Jean Baillargeon.Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Facility—Tours; Motion pictures Title on videocassette label: “How safe is it? Lepreau visit – 1991.” SPCNHI also has DVD version of how safe is it?Videos2019-7056
Gillen, Valerie A.; International Atomic Energy AgencyTransport of radioactive material / [editing, layout, and design, Valerie Gillen ; research and production assistant, Robyn Treutle][Vienna, Austria] : International Atomic Energy Agency,[1992]27,[1] p. : col. ill. ; 25 cmIAEA/PI/A.2ECover title Includes bibliographical references (p. [28]).International Atomic Energy Agency--Rules and practice; Radioactive substances—Transportation“DISCARD” stamped on front cover. Pamphlet files2019-1429
Gillespie, Arthur BlackleySignal, noise and resolution in nuclear counter amplifiers / by A. B. GillespieNew York : McGraw-Hill ; London : Pergamon Press, 1953155 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. Electronics and waves : a series of monographsNuclear counters; NoiseOriginal jacket, slightly worn.Bookshelves QC787.C6 G5 2018-1094
Gillespie, R. P. (Robert Pollock)Integration / by R. P. Gillespie 3rd ed.Edinburgh and London : Oliver and Boyd ; New York : Interscience, 1945viii, 132 p. : ill. ; 19 cmUniversity mathematical textsCalculus, Integral“R. G. Jarvis, Coll. Jes. Oxon, Jan 1947” written on front endpaper.Bookshelves QA308 G5 1945 2019-1326
Gillespie, R. P. (Robert Pollock)Partial differentiation / by R. P. GillespieEdinburgh : Oliver and Boyd ; New York: Interscience Publishers, 1951viii, 105 p. ; 19 cmUniversity mathematical textsFunctions Jacket clipping taped inside front cover.Bookshelves QA331 G54 2019-1245
Gingerich, Owen; Scientific AmericanScientific genius and creativity : readings from Scientific American / with an introduction by Owen GingerichNew York : W.H. Freeman,[1987],c1982110 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 28 cmIncludes index. Bibliography: p. [107]-108. 071671857X; 0716718588 (pbk.)Scientists—Biography; Creative ability in scienceSPCNHI has paperback edition. Oversize books Q141 S293 1987 2019-1299
Gittus, JohnThe Chernobyl accident and its consequences / by J.H. Gittus ... [et al.] ; with a foreword by The Lord Marshall of Goring 2nd editionLondon : United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, 19881 v. (various pagings) : illustrations, maps ; 30 cm“April 1988. NOR 4200.” Includes bibliographies. 0853562164 (pbk.)Chernobyl Nuclear Accident, Chornobylʹ,Ukraine, 1986; Nuclear power plants -- Great Britain — Safety measuresAECL Library discard. Oversize books TK1362 .S65 C47 1988 2021-1605
Gittus, JohnUranium / J. H. GittusLondon : Butterworths, 1963xiii, 623 pages : illustrations, maps ; 23 cmMetallurgy of the rarer metals, 8Includes bibliographies.Uranium. AECL Library Fuel & Fuel Channels Branch copy. Library stamps, pocket, card.Bookshelves TN799 .U7 G5 2023-1097
Glashow, Sheldon L.Interactions : a journey through the mind of a particle physicist and the matter of this world / Sheldon Glashow, with Ben BovaNew York, NY : Warner Books, 1988xii, 347 p. : ill. ; 24 cmBibliography: p. 347. 0446513156Glashow, Sheldon L.; Nuclear physics--Popular works; Nuclear matter--Popular works; Physicists--United States—BiographyOriginal jacket. Bookshelves QC778 .G53 1988 2018-1462
Glasstone, Samuel, 1897-1986The elements of physical chemistry / by Samuel GlasstoneNew York : Van Nostrand, 1947vii, 695 p. Ill. ; 24 cm"Answers to problems": p. 669-673. “Reading references" at end of each chapter except one.Chemistry, Physical and theoreticalW. A. Wright's stamp and name on front endpapers. John Hilborn's address label on front endpaper. Bookshelves QD453 G53 1947 2019-1149
Glasstone, Samuel, 1897-1986Nuclear reactor engineering,/ by Samuel Glasstone and Alexander SesonskePrinceton, N.J. ; Toronto : Van Nostrand, 1963830 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm"Prepared under the auspices of the Division of Technical Information, United States Atomic Energy Commission." Published in 1955 under title: Principles of nuclear reactor engineering. Includes bibliography.Nuclear reactors Donor's name on front endpaper.BookshelvesTK9202 G55 1963 2022-1250
Glasstone, Samuel, 1897-1986Principles of nuclear reactor engineering / by Samuel Glasstone with the assistance of ... E. E. Anderson [et al.]London : Macmillan, 1960ix, 861 p. : ill. ; 22 cmBibliographical footnotes.Nuclear reactorsPaper cover, slightly worn. Spine creased, back cover bent.Bookshelves TK9202 .G55 1960 2018-1524
Glasstone, Samuel, 1897-1986Principles of nuclear reactor engineering / by Samuel Glasstone with the assistance of ... E. E. Anderson [et al.]Toronto ; New York : Van Nostrand. 1955ix, 861 p. : ill. ; 23 cmBibliographical footnotes.Nuclear reactorsRebound in hard covers. AECL Library stamp, pocket, front endpapers.Bookshelves TK9202 G55 1955 2019-1482
Glasstone, Samuel, 1897-1986; Edlund, Milton C. (Milton Carl), 1924-The elements of nuclear reactor theory / by Samuel Glasstone and Milton C. EdlundLondon : Macmillan [1953]vii, 416 p. : ill. : 24 cm"A revision of the preliminary draft, issued in 1950."--page v.Nuclear reactors“R.G. Jarvis, Oxford” written on front flyleaf.Bookshelves QC786 G58 1953 2019-1160
Glasstone, Samuel, 1897-1986; Edlund, Milton C. (Milton Carl), 1924-The elements of nuclear reactor theory / by Samuel Glasstone and Milton C. EdlundPrinceton, New Jersey ; Toronto : Van Nostrand, 1952vii, 416 p. : ill. : 24 cm"A revision of the preliminary draft, issued in 1950."--page v.Nuclear reactors“Alan Lane” written on front flyleaf, binding cracked between p. 24 & 25, pencilled notes on some pages.Bookshelves QC786 .G58 2018-1544
Glasstone, Samuel, 1897-1986; United States. Defense Atomic Support Agency; United States. Atomic Energy CommissionThe effects of nuclear weapons / Samuel Glasstone, editor ; prepared by the [Armed Forces Special Weapons Project of the] U.S. Dept. of DefenseWashington, D. C. : United States Atomic Energy Commission, June 1957xii, 579 p. : ill. ; 24 cmBibliography: p. 558-560.Atomic bomb; RadiationPaper cover. Spine creased, yellowed & worn, repaired w clear tape. Library discard stamp, label on frt cov; holes punched in cover corners. Front cover partly separated from text block at title page. Paper good.Bookshelves UF767 .U522 1957 2018-1466
Glazebrook, Richard, 1854-1935A dictionary of applied physics / edited by Sir Richard GlazebrookLondon: Macmillan, 1922-235 v. : ill. ; 24 cm.Contains bibliographies. Contents: I. Mechanics, engineering, heat.--II. Electricity.--III. Meteorology, metrology, and measuring apparatus.--IV. Light, sound, radiology.--V. Aeronautics, metallurgy. General index.Physics—Dictionaries; Technology—DictionariesSPCNHI has vol. 2, Electricity. Front flyleaf inscribed: “To W. B. Lewis. From Chance Brothers & Co. Limited, February-July 1927”.Bookshelves QC5 .G6 2018-1212
GLC Editorial Department; Henning Christensen GraphicsCANDU nuclear reactor / [edited by GLC Editorial Department ; illustrations, Henning Christensen Graphics]Agincourt, Ont. GLC, c198126 p. : col. ill. ; 23 cm Canadian starters. Firsts 7 Children's reader.0888743866 : $3.95 CANDU reactor--Juvenile literatureCovers wrapped in clear plastic. Library label on front cover. Library pocket, stamp on title page. Inserted: note to Morgan Brown from Mike Atlas.Bookshelves TK9203.H4 C3 1981 2018-1467
Glen, Ron, 1943- ; Law, Charles, 1928-Critical choice : nuclear power in Canada, the issues behind the headlines / Ron Glen, Charles LawToronto : Corpus Information Services, c1978268 p. : ill. ; 24 cmIncludes bibliographical references and indexes. 0919217052 pa Nuclear energy; Nuclear power plants--Environmental aspects—CanadaWNRE Library discard. Hardbound paperback. Library label on spine, inside front & covers; stamps, bar code label on title page.Bookshelves TK9145 G54 2018-1327
Godambe, V. P.; Sprott, D. A.; Symposium on the Foundations of Statistical Inference (1970 : University of Waterloo); René Descartes Foundation; University of Waterloo. Department of StatisticsFoundations of statistical inference : proceedings of the Symposium on the Foundations of Statistical Inference prepared under the auspices of the René Descartes Foundation and held at the Department of Statistics, University of Waterloo, Ont., Canada, from March 31 to April 9, 1970 / edited by V. P. Godambe, D. A. SprottToronto : Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, c1971viii, 519 p. : ill. ; 25 cmIncludes bibliographical references. 0039281035 Mathematical statistics—Congresses“Jarvis, Deep River” written on front endpaper.Bookshelves QA276 S94 1970 2019-1311
Godfrey, Lois E.; Redman, Helen F; Special Libraries Association. Rio Grande Chapter. Report Series Dictionary CommitteeDictionary of report series codes / edited by Lois E. Godfrey and Helen F. Redman 2d editionNew York : Special Libraries Association, 1973vi, 645 pages ; 29 cmFirst edition issued in 1962, by the Report Series Dictionary Committee of Rio Grande Chapter of Special Libraries Association. Bibliography: page 12-13.0871112094 Technical reports – Abbreviations of titles AECL Library discard. Library stamps.Oversize booksZ6945 .A2 D5 1973 2021-1614
Godin, V. J.; Canadian Nuclear Society. Chalk River ChapterFear, facts and fission : the nuclear industry and the media[Ottawa? : AECL Corporate Affairs, 1984?]14 p. ; 22 cm“Presentation to the Canadian Nuclear Society, Chalk River Chapter, November 14, 1984.”Nuclear industry—Press coverage; JournalismPamphlet files2021-1054
Godlewski, Nancy Zacha; European Nuclear Society; American Nuclear Society; Belgian Nuclear SocietyNew directions in nuclear energy with emphasis on fuel cycles : international ENS/ANS conference, April 26-30, 1982, Brussels, Belgium / editor, Nancy Zacha Godlewski ; cosponsored by the European Nuclear Society, the American Nuclear Society, and the Belgian Nuclear SocietyLa Grange Park, Ill. : American Nuclear Society, 1982xv, 273 pages : illustrations ; 28 cmTransactions of the American Nuclear Society, v. 40"Transactions of the third European Nuclear Society Conference"--Cover. "ENC-3."Nuclear fuels—CongressesSpine worn. “A.D. Lane, AECL – CRNL, Canada” on front cover.Bookshelves TK9360 N4 1982 2019-1426
Godwin, Aubrey V.Radioactive waste disposal in the United StatesLa Grange Park, IL : American Nuclear Society, 2011Pages 66-67 ; 28 cmRadwaste solutions, volume 18, no. 3 (Jul-Aug 2011)Article in Radwaste solutions.Radioactive waste disposal – United States; Radioactive waste sites – Location – United StatesPamphlet files2021-1513
Goldschmidt, BertrandThe atomic adventure : its political and technical aspects / Bertrand Goldschmidt ; translated from the French by Peter BeerOxford : Pergamon Press ; New York : Macmillan, c1964xii, 259 p. : ill. ; 20 cmCommonwealth and international library of science, technology, engineering, and liberal studies"254." "Second and greatly enlarged edition"--Pref. Bibliography: p. 252.Nuclear energy—HistoryPaperback. Library label, front cover; pocket remnant inside front cover; library stamps, bar code, on half-title page. Needs repair.Bookshelves QC773 .G613 1964 2018-1579
Goldschmidt, BertrandThe atomic complex : a worldwide political history of nuclear energy / Bertrand Goldschmidt ; translated from the French by Bruce M. AdkinsLa Grange Park, Ill. : American Nuclear Society, c1982xiv, 479 pages ; 23 cmRevised and updated translation of: Le complexe atomique. Includes index. 0894485504 Nuclear energy — History; Nuclear fission -- -HistoryBookshelvesQC773 G6313 1982 2022-1297
Goldschmidt, BertrandLe complexe atomique : histoire politique de l'énergie nucléaire / Bertrand GoldschmidtParis : Fayard, c1980493 p. ; 24 cmIncludes index. 221300773X Nuclear energy—History; Energie nucléaire—Histoire; Politique énergétique—Histoire Back cover bent. Some page edges yellowed.Bookshelves QC773 G63 2019-1000
Goldschmidt, Bertrand; Melvin, John G.Pre-history and the early days of the wartime Canadian nuclear program / Bertrand Goldschmidt[198-]1 sound cassette (ca. 1 hr.) : analogTalk given by Bertrand Goldschmidt, probably at Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories in the 1980s. Speaker introduced by John Melvin.Atomic bomb—History; Nuclear energy—Research—Canada—HistoryAudiocassettes2019-7057
Goldstein, Herbert, 1922-2005Classical mechanics / by Herbert GoldsteinReading, Mass. : Addison-Wesley Press, 1965, c1950xiv, 399 p. : ill. ; 24 cmAddison-Wesley series in advanced physics Bibliography: p. 373-376Mechanics, AnalyticBookshelves QA805 G6 1965 2019-1192
Goodman, Clark Drouillard, 1909-Introduction to pile theory / edited by Clark Goodman ; authors, Robert K. Adair [and others]2d editionCambridge, Mass. : Addison-Wesley, 1952514,[25] pages : illustrations ; 28 cmScience and engineering of nuclear power Includes bibliographical references and index. Folded Segré chart at end of book.Nuclear engineering; Nuclear energy; Nuclear physicsAECL Reactor Physics Branch library discard. Library stamps, card, pocket.Bookshelves TK9145 G612 1952 2022-1274
Gottfried, KurtQuantum mechanics / Kurt GottfriedNew York : W.A. Benjamin, c1966-,1974volumes ; illustrations ; 24 cmIncomplete contents: volume 1. Fundamentals. Bibliography: volume 1, p. 479-481.0805333320 Quantum theorySPCNHI has: volume 1. Donor's name, address inside front cover.Bookshelves QC174.1 G64 2023-1035
Gove, H. E.; Lirherland, A. E.2. Gamma rays from unbound nuclear states formed by charged-particle capture / by H. E. Gove and A. E. Litherland[Chalk River, Ont. : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, 1960?]Reprinted from Nuclear spectroscopy. Part A, 1960, chapter 2, page 260-304. In Published papers of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, vol. 14, 1960.Nuclear spectroscopyPeriodicals2018-1377 (v. 14)
Gowing, Margaret; Arnold, LornaIndependence and deterrence : Britain and atomic energy, 1945-1952 / by Margaret Gowing, assisted by Lorna ArnoldNew York : St. Martin's Press ; London : Macmillan, 19742 v. : ill. ; 23 cmIncludes indexes. Bibliography: v. 1, p. 475-480; v. 2, p. [530]-535.Atomic bomb—History; Nuclear energy--Research--Great BritainVol. 1: 2018-1276, published New York : St. Martin's Press, AECL Library discard; Vol. 2, copy 2: 2018-1332, AECL Library discard; library label remnant on spine, pocket inside front cover, stamps on front flyleaf.Bookshelves QC773.3.G7 G68 1974 2018-1276 (v.1); 2018-1332 (v.2)
Gowing, Margaret; United Kingdom Atomic Energy AuthorityBritain and atomic energy, 1939-1945 / Margaret Gowing ; with an introductory chapter by Kenneth JayLondon : Macmillan ; New York : St Martin's Press, 1964xvi, 464 pages, 8 pages of plates : illustrations, portraits ; 23 cm"First instalment of an official history of the United Kingdom atomic energy project." Continued by the author's Independence and deterrence. Bibliographical footnotes. Partial contents: Appendix 4, Quebec Agreement. -- Appendix 6, British-paid scientific satff, Montreal Laboratory.Atomic bomb – History Signed by donor.Bookshelves QC773 .A1 G6 1964 2021-1556
Goyette, Nycol; Hydro-QuébecVocabulaire nucléaire[Montréal] : Hydro-Québec, 1967iv, 91 p. ; 21 cm.Compiled and translated by Nycol Goyette with the assistance of Z.M. Santiago ... [et al.]--P. ii. Includes bibliographical references. English terms with French translations. Text in French.Nuclear energy—Dictionaries; English language—Dictionaries—French; Nuclear physics—Dictionaries—English; Nuclear engineering--Dictionaries--English Paperback.Pamphlet files2018-1168
Gradshteĭn, I. S. (Izrailʹ Solomonovich); Ryzhik, I. M. (Iosif Moiseevich); Jeffrey, AlanTable of integrals, series, and products / by I. S. Gradshteyn and I. M.Ryzhik4th ed. / prepared by Yu. V. Geronimus, M. Yu. TseytlinNew York : Academic Press, 1965xiv, 1086 p. : ill. ; 24 cmTranslation of Tablit︠s︡y integralov, summ, ri︠a︡dov i proizvedeniĭ. Authors' names in reverse order in previous Russian editions. Bibliography: p. 1081-1082. "Classified supplementary references, prepared by Alan Jeffrey": p. 1083-1086.Mathematics—TablesSpine top and bottom repaired with transparent tape. AECL Library discard. Library stamps, pocket on front endpapers.Bookshelves QA55 G6613 1965 2019-1288
Grattan-Guinness, I.The rainbow of mathematics : a history of the mathematical sciences / Ivor Grattan-Guinness; Fontana history of the mathematical sciencesNew York ; London : Norton, 2000, c1997817 p. : ill. ; 24 cmOriginally published: The Fontana history of the mathematical sciences. London : Fontana Press, 1997. The first American edition, 1998, has title: The Norton History of the Mathematical Sciences. Includes bibliographical references (p.[763]-788 ) and index.0393320308 (pbk.); 0393046508 Mathematics—History SPCNHI has paperback edition.BookshelvesQA21 G695 2000 2019-1241
Gray, CharlotteNuclear energy and medicine : the Canadian connection / by Carlotte Gray[Chalk River, Ont.] : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories [1984?][4] p. : ill. ; 28 cmReprinted from Canadian Medical Association Journal, v. 130, no. 3, p. 299-304 (Feb 1984).Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories—Popular works; Radiopharmaceuticals—Popular works; Radioisotopes—Popular works; Cobalt 60—Therapeutic use--Popular works; Radiation—Safety measures—Popular worksPamphlet files2021-1158
Gray, Earle, 1931-The great uranium cartel / Earle GrayToronto, Ont. : McClelland and Stewart, c1982303 pages ; 24 cmBibliography: p. 297-303. 0771035373 Uranium industry — Canada; Uranium industry -- United States; CartelsToronto Public Library discard; library stamps, pockets.Bookshelves HD9539 .U7 G7 1982 2023-1132
Gray, J. L. (J. Lorne), 1913-1987CANDU-PHW : a review of system development, economic assessment and operating results / by J.L. Gray[Ottawa? : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited] 196720, 3 leaves ; 28 cm“Japan/Canada Conference, 20th-22nd November 1967.” Partial contents: Appendix 1, Douglas Point calandria tube failure.CANDU type reactors; Douglas Point reactorPamphlet files2020-1068
Gray, J. L. (J. Lorne), 1913-1987Early decisions in the development of the CANDU programpage 99-106In: Nuclear journal of Canada = Journal nucléaire du Canada, v. 1, no. 2 (Jun 1987).Nuclear power – Canada – History; Nuclear power plants – Canada – History; CANDU type reactors – History; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – HistoryPeriodicals2019-1010
Gray, Paul E.We need safer, smaller, simpler reactors / by Paul E. Gray[New York, N.Y.] : Popular Science, 1990page 76-77 : portrait ; 28 cmArticle excerpted from Popular science, April 1990.Small modular reactorsPamphlet files2022-1161
Gray, Paul E.; Searle, Campbell L.Electronic principles: physics, models, and circuits / Paul E. Gray and Campbell L. SearleNew York ; Toronto : Wiley, c1969xxiii, 1016 p. : ill. (part col.) ; 24 cmIncludes bibliographies. 0471323985Semiconductors; Transistor circuitsBookshelves TK7871.85 G67 2019-1477
Grayson, Melvin J.; Shepard, Thomas R., Jr. (Thomas Rockwell), 1918-2015The disaster lobby : prophets of ecological doom and other absurdities / Melvin J. Grayson, Thomas R. Shepard, Jr.Chicago: Follett, c1973294 p. ; 22 cm0695803913 Environmental policy--United States; Environmental protection--United States--Citizen participationLibrary label on spine, pocket remnant inside front cover, bar code label, stamps on half-title page.Bookshelves HC110.E5 G73 2018-1345
Great Britain. Air Ministry The origins and development of operational research in the Royal Air ForceLondon : H. M. Stationery Off., 1963xx, 218 p. : ill., ports. ; 25 cmAir publication (Great Britain. Air Ministry), 3368Cover title: Operational research in the R.A.F. Bibliographical footnotes.Great Britain. Royal Air Force. Operations research; Military research--Great BritainOriginal jacket, top torn. Typed note enclosed from H. C. McIntyre, editor of Canadian Nuclear Technology, thanking W. B. Lewis for lending him this book.Bookshelves U395.G7 A48 2018-1253
Great Britain. Central Electricity Generating Board Berkeley Nuclear Laboratories[London] : Central Electricity Generating Board, 196632 pages : illustrations ; 30 cm“September 1966.”Berkeley Nuclear Laboratories; Nuclear energy – Research – Laboratories – Great BritainWNRE Library discard. Library stamp, pocket.Pamphlet files2022-1150
Great Britain. Central Electricity Generating Board Oldbury nuclear power station[London] : Central Electricity Generating Board, 196620 pages : illustrations ; 16 cm“August 1966.”Oldbury Nuclear Power Station; Nuclear power plants – Great Britain -- Oldbury WNRE Library discard. Library stamp.Pamphlet files2022-1151
Great Britain. Central Electricity Generating Board. East Midlands Division High Marnham : the first 1 million kW power station / CEGB[London : HMSO [?] 1962]44 p. : ill. : 23 cmMap in pocket.Coal-fired power plants—EnglandLibrary label on cover, pocket & card inside front cover, stamp on 1st page.Pamphlet files2018-1482
Great Britain. Central Electricity Generating Board. Film and Video Branch Operation Smash HitLondon : Central Electricity Generating Board Film and Video Branch, 19841 videocassette (9 min., 38 sec.) : sound, color ; 12 cm in 21 cm containerVHS. Records the train crash staged by the sponsor at Old Dalby in Leicestershire in July 1984. Describes the Central Electricity Generating Board's series of tests - of which the train crash was one - held to demonstrate the strength of the flasks used to transport nuclear fuel from power stations for reprocessing.Radioactive substances – Transportation; Nuclear fuels – Transportation; Motion picturesVideos2020-7002
Great Britain. Health and Safety Executive.; Scottish Environment Protection AgencySafety audit of Dounreay, 1998 : a report published by the Health and Safety Executive[Sudbury, Suffolk, UK] : HSE Books, 1998x, 149 pages : illustrations, map ; 30 cmOn cover: Health & Safety Executive and SEPA. Includes references.Dounreay Nuclear Power Development Establishment – Safety measures ; Nuclear power plants -- Scotland – Dounreay -- Health aspectsOversize books TK1362 .G7 G7 1998 2021-1350
Great Britain. Ministry of Supply.Harwell : the British Atomic Energy Research Establishment, 1946-1951 / prepared by the Ministry of Supply and the Central Office of InformationLondon : Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1952128 p. : ill.Atomic Energy Research Establishment (Harwell, England); Nuclear energy--Research--Great BritainPaperback. Signed by donor. Bookshelves QC789.G7 A53 2018-1052
Great Britain. Ministry of Supply; British Industries Fair (1950 : London, England)Atomic energy research : British Industries Fair, Olympia, London, 8th-19th May 1950.London : Ministry of Supply [?] 1950 18 p. : ill. ; 20 cmDescription of exhibit at British Industries Fair.Bepo reactor; Radioisotopes--Industrial applications; Gamma radiography; Carbon-14Paper cover, loose. Written on cover: Church, Dr. Lawrence.Pamphlet files2018-1481
Great Britain. National Radiological Protection Board Living with radiation62 leaves : illustrations ; 22 cmPhotocopy of: 4th edition,[London] : National Radiological Protection Board, 1989. Originally published in 1973. ISBN 0859513203.Radiation--Safety measures; Radiation--Popular works; Radiation protection--Popular worksStapled. Bookshelves RA569 N36 1989 2021-1081
Great Britain. National Radiological Protection BoardNatural radiation maps of western Europe / NRPB, National Radiological Protection BoardChilton, Didcot, Oxon. : NRPB, c19937 maps on 1 sheet : col. ; 17 x 11 cm. or smaller, sheet 42 x 60 cm., folded to 21 x 12 cmAt-a-glance seriesScale info: scales differ. Covers European Community countries. Contents: Gamma-rays outdoors [2 maps] -- Gamma-rays indoors [2 maps] -- Radon [2 maps] -- Nanograys per hour.Radiation, Background--European Economic Community countries—Maps; Radon--Environmental aspects--European Economic Community countries—MapsPamphlet files2019-1435
Great Britain. National Radiological Protection BoardTransport of radioactive materials / NRPB, National Radiological Protection BoardDidcot, Oxon : NRPB, c19911 sheet : color illustrations ; 42 x 60 cm, folded to 21 x 12 cmAt-a-glance seriesRadioactive substances – TransportationPamphlet files2019-1434
Green, J. A. (James Alexander)Sequences and series / by J. A. GreenLondon : Routledge & K. Paul, 1958viii, 78p. : ill. ; 19 cmLibrary of mathematicsSeries, InfinitePaperback. Spine slightly worn, repaired.Bookshelves QA295 G68 20191323
Green, Ralph E. (Ralph Ellis), 1931-2019.; Okazaki, A.ZEEP : Canada's first nuclear reactor / by R.E. Green and A. Okazaki[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2005]page 18-23 : illustrations ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 26, no. 3 (Sep. 2005). Presented at 26th CNS annual conference, 2005.ZEEP reactor—History; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited; Nuclear reactors—CanadaPeriodicals2018-1400
Green, Ralph E. (Ralph Ellis), 1931-2019.; Okazaki, A.ZEEP : Canada's first nuclear reactor / by R.E. Green and A. Okazaki6 leaves : illustrations ; 28 cmPhotocopy of: reprint of article from Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 26, no. 3 (2005). Presented at 26th CNS annual conference, 2005. [Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society, 2005?]ZEEP reactor—History; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited; Nuclear reactors—CanadaPamphlet files2021-1201
Green, Ralph E. (Ralph Ellis), 1931-2019; Okazaki, A.ZEEP : Canada's first nuclear reactor / by R.E. Green and A. Okazaki[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2015]page 9-14 : illustrations ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 36, no. 3 (Sep. 2015). Presented at 26th CNS annual conference, 2005. Reprinted from Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 26 no. 3 (Sep. 2005).ZEEP reactor—History; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited; Nuclear reactors—CanadaPeriodicals2018-1400
Green, Ralph E. (Ralph Ellis), 1931-2019; Okazaki, A.ZEEP : the little reactor that could / by R.E. Green and A. Okazaki[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 1994]page 3-8 : illustrations ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 16, no. 3 (Autumn 1995).ZEEP reactor—History; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited; Nuclear reactors—CanadaPeriodicals2018-1400
Greene, J. J.The nuclear team : a national asset[Chalk River, Ont? : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited? 1970?][2] pages ; 28 cmPortion of a speech to the Niagara Peninsula Branch, Engineering Institue of Canada.CANDU type reactors; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited; Nuclear power – CanadaIn Power projections binder, 1977. Punched for 3-ring binder.Periodicals2023-1141
Greenewalt, Crawford H., 1902-1993Role of du Pont in advising on early technical decisions : construction and operation of Hanford Reactors and separation plants / Crawford H. Greenewaltp. 22-25In: American Nuclear Society. Winter Meeting (1982 : Washington, D.C.). Historical perspectives. -- La Grange Park, Ill., USA : American Nuclear Society, 19890894485555 : $20.00 E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company. Experimental Station; Hanford Nuclear Reservation (Wash.)--HistoryBookshelves QC773 .H57 1989 2018-1005
Greenshields, Harry; Keating, Catherine; Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedSerial holdings, main library Atomic Energy of Canada Limited : compiled in November 1972 / by H. Greenshields and C. KeatingChalk River, Ont. : Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories, 1973iv, 76 p.AECL-3552 Abstract in English and French.Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories. Library; Science -- Periodicals – Bibliography; Technology -- Periodicals – Bibliography; Nuclear physics -- Periodicals – BibliographyPamphlet files2020-1038
Greenspan, Harvey P. (Harvey Philip); Benney, David J.Calculus : an introduction to applied mathematics / Harvey P. Greenspan, David J. BenneyNew York McGraw-Hill, c1973xi, 784 p. : ill. ; 24 cm0070243425 CalculusBookshelves QA303 G818 2021-1001
Gribbin, John, 1946-In search of Schrödinger's cat : quantum physics and reality / John GribbinToronto ; New York : Bantam Books, 1988, c1984xvi, 302 p. : ill. ; 21 cmIncludes index. Bibliography: p. 277-289.0553342533 (pbk.)Schrödinger, Erwin, 1887-1961; Quantum theory—History; RealitySpine creased. Bookshelves QC173.98 G75 1988 2019-1204
Gribbin, John, 1946- ; Gribbin, MaryRichard Feynman : a life in science / John and Mary GribbinNew York : Dutton, 1997xvii, 301 pages : illustrations ; 24 cmFirst published in Great Britain by Penguin Books. Includes bibliographical references (page [285]-287) and index. 052594124XFeynman, Richard P. (Richard Phillips), 1918-1988; Physicists--United States—BiographyLibrary discard. Includes pocket and barcode label. Bookshelves QC16 .F49 G75 1997 2022-1068
Griffin, AllanJohn C. McLennan and his pioneering research on superfluid helium / by Allan GriffinOttawa : Canadian Association of Physicists, 2006page 33-40 : illustrations, portraits ; 28 cmArticle in Physics in Canada = La physique au Canada, vol. 61, no. 1 (Jan/Feb 2005)McLennan John Cunningham, 1867-1935; Physicists – Canada – Biography; Physics – Research – Canada – History; Helium – Research – HistoryPamphlet files2022-1257
Griffith, J. W.; Canada. Department of Mines and Technical SurveysUranium / J. W. Griffith[Ottawa? : Department of Mines and Technical Surveys 1963]11 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm Canadian minerals yearbook Preliminary review for publication in Canadian mineral yearbook. “1962”--Page [1].Uranium industry – Canada; UraniumPamphlet files2022-1243
Groshev, L. V.Atlas spektrov γ-lucheĭ radiat͡sionnogo zakhvata teplovykh neĭtronov / L V Groshev [et al.]Moskva : Izd-vo Glav. upr. po ispolʹzovanii͡u atomnoĭ ėnergii, 1958197 p. : ill. ; 27 cmIn Russian.Gamma ray spectrometry; Neutrons – Capture; Nuclear physics – TablesOversize books QC793.5.G327 .G7 1958 2018-1097
Grossman, Israel, 1909- ; Magnus, Wilhelm, 1907-Groups and their graphs / by Israel Grossman and Wilhelm Magnus[Washington] : Mathematical Association of America, c1964vii, 195 p. : ill. ; 23 cmNew mathematical library, 14Bibliography: p. 189-191.Group theory; Graph theoryPaperback. David Dunford name, address stamped on half-title page. Bookstore price label inside back cover.Bookshelves QA171 G76 2019-1238
Grove, Andrew S.Physics and technology of semiconductor devices / A.S. GroveNew York : Wiley, 1967xix, 366 p. : ill. ; 24 cmIncludes bibliographies.SemiconductorsBookshelves TK7871.85 G7 2019-1454
Guggenheimer, Heinrich W. (Heinrich Walter), 1924-Differential geometry / by Heinrich W. GuggenheimerNew York : Dover Publications ; Don Mills, Ont. : General Publishing, 1977x, 378 p. : ill. ; 22 cm"Unabridged and corrected republication of the work originally published by ... McGraw-Hill ... New York, in 1963." Includes bibliographies and index.0486634337Geometry, DifferentialSpine creased. Front cover bent. Bookshelves QA641 G8 1977 2019-1362
Guillemette, Mélissa; Pariseau, Pierre-PaulL' histoire oubliée de Chalk River / par Mélissa Guillemette ; illustration, Pierre-Paul PariseauMontréal : Magazine Québec Science, 2021page 30-37 : illustrations ; 28 cmQuébec science, vol. 60, no. 3 (oct./nov. 2021)Article in Québec Science. In French.NRX reactor; NRU reactor; Reactor accidents—Ontario—Chalk River English translation in Pamphlet file 2022-1194.Pamphlet files2021-1515
Guillemette, Mélissa; Smith, NeilThe forgotten nuclear accidents at Chalk River / by Mélissa Guillemette ; translated by Neil Smith[Deep River, Ont. : Deep River Public Library, 2022][18] pages : illustrations ; 28 cmPhotocopy of article from The Walrus website,,issued 13 Jul. 2022, a translation of L'histoire oubliée de Chalk River, article in Québec science, vol. 60, no. 3 (oct./nov. 2021)NRX reactor; NRU reactor; Reactor accidents—Ontario—Chalk River Original French article in Pamphlet file 2021-1515.Pamphlet files2022-1194
Guizzo, EricoThe atomic fortress that time forgot / by Erico Guizzo[New York : Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, 2005]page 43-49 : illustrations ; 27 cmArticle in IEEE Spectrum, vol. 42, no. 4 (Apr 2005).Hanford Site (Wash.); Hanford Reservation (Wash.); Radioactive waste sites --Washington (State) Pamphlet files2022-1159
Gurney, Ronald WilfridIntroduction to statistical mechanics . By Ronald W. Gurney 1st ed.New York ; Toronto : McGraw-Hill, 1949vii, 268 p. : ill. ; 24 cmInternational series in pure and applied physics Bibliographical footnotes.Statistical mechanics“J.C.D. Milton, Princeton, Oct. 1949” on front endpaper.Bookshelves QC175 G8 2020-1165
Haar, D. terElements of statistical mechanics / D. Ter Haar[S. l. : s.n., 1954?]xix, 466 p. : ill. ; 19 cm.Originally published New York : Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Includes indexes.Statistical mechanics Lacks publisher and place of publication. May be a pirated edition. Chinese writing on back endpaper.Bookshelves QC175 H14 1954 2019-1186
Haas, Arthur Erich, 1884-1941Wave mechanics and the new quantum theory / by Arthur Haas ; translated from the German edition ("Materiewellen und quantenmechanik") by L.W. CoddLondon : Constable ; Toronto : Macmillan, 1928xviii, 124 p. : ill. ; 23 cm"Literature": p. xvii-xviii.Quantum theoryCover slightly stained. “W.B. Lewis, Caius College” on front flyleaf.Bookshelves QC174.1 .H32 2018-1271
Hablanian, M. H.High-vacuum technology : a practical guide / Marsbed H. HablanianNew York : M. Dekker, c1990vii, 410 p. : ill. ; 24 cmMechanical engineering (Marcel Dekker, Inc.) ; 71Includes bibliographical references and index. 082478197X (alk. Paper) Vacuum technology Acid-free paper.Bookshelves TJ940 .H33 1990 2018-1410
Hahn, Otto, 1879-1968; Strassmann, Fritz, 1902-1980Über den Nachweis und das Verhalten der bei der Bestrahlung des Urans mittels Neutronen entstehenden Erdalkalimetalle / von O. Hahn und F. Strassmannp. 87-91 : ill.Facsimile of article in Die Naturwissenschaften 27:11-15 (1939). In Foundations of nuclear physics / compiled by Robert T. Beyer. -- New York : Dover Publications, c1949.Nuclear fissionBookshelves QC173 .B485 2018-1074
Hall, Eric J.Radiation and life / by Eric J. HallOxford ; New York : Pergamon Press, 1978, c1976x, 201 p. : ill. ; 21 cmIncludes index. 0080205984 Radiation--Physiological effect; Radiation--Safety measures; Medical radiology; Nuclear energy; Radiobiology--Popular works; Radiation effects--Popular works“Ron Clingen, Research H.O.” on front flyleaf.Bookshelves RA569 .H33 2018-1346
Hall, F. G. (Frank Gardner); Rideal, Eric K. (Eric Keightley), Sir, 1890-Cambridge five-figure tables / F. G. Hall and E. K. RidealCambridge : University Press, c1929, 1952viii, 75 p. ; 23 cm.LogarithmsInside fron cover inscribed: “Peter Oliver,… 2nd year hons. Physics, University of Manchester ....” Front flyleaf inscribed: October 15th1956.Bookshelves QA47 .H3 2018-1185
Hall, H. S. (Henry Sinclair), 1848-1934; Knight, S. R. (Samuel Ratcliffe)Elementary algebra for schools : containing a full treatment of graphs : with answers / by H.S. Hall and S.R. Knight New ed. rev. and enl.London : Macmillan, 1920viii, 516 p. : ill. ; 18 cmAlgebra--Problems, exercises, etcSpine, cover slightly worn. On front flyleaf: “A. R. Smith.”Bookshelves QA152 .H17 1920 2018-1206
Hall, W. B. (William Bateman)Reactor heat transfer / by W. B. HallLondon : Temple Press, 1958 ; New York : sole distributors in U. S. A. : Simmons-Boardman Pub. Corp.68 pages : illustrations ; 22 cmIn: Introduction to nuclear engineering. Includes bibliography. Nuclear reactors; Heat – ConvectionBookshelves TK9008 I5 1959 2023-1082
Halliday, David, 1916-Introductory nuclear physics / by David HallidayNew York : Wiley, 1950ix, 558 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.Nuclear physics Donor's name stamped on front flyleaf. Jacket blurb inserted.Bookshelves QC777 .H25 1950 2018-1098
Halliday, David, 1916-Introductory nuclear physics / David Halliday 2d ed.New York : Wiley, c1955ix, 493 p. : ill. ; 22 cmNuclear physics Front cover stained. “A.D. Lane” written on front flyleaf.Bookshelves QC777 .H25 1955 2018-1545
Hamilton, MinardLow-level waste facilities in Canada and the U.S. /Minard Hamilton109 pages : illustrations, maps ; 28 cmPhotocopy of New York : Radioactive Waste Management Associates, 1992. “April 22, 1992.” Includes bibliographies.Low-level radioactive waste facilities; Chalk River Labs; Illinois; NewYorkBookshelves TD898 .15 H3 1992 2022-1045
Hampton, Howard; Reno, BillPublic power : the fight for publicly owned electricity / Howard Hampton ; with Bill RenoToronto : Insomniac Press, c2003298 p. : ill. ; 23 cmIncludes index. Includes bibliographical references: p. 284-286.1894663446 : $21.95 Electric utilities--Government ownership—Ontario; Privatization—Ontario; Privatization--United StatesBookshelves HD9685 .N662 H34 2003 2018-1512
Hampton, W. M.The investigation into The beam from a standard lighthouse lens / by W. M. HamptonCambridge [Eng.] : University Press [1928?]p. 101-132 : ill. ; 26 cmTransactions of the Optical Society, vol. 29, no. 3 (1928)Reprinted from the Transactions of the Optical Society, vol. 29, no. 3 (February 1928) p. 101-132.1475-4878 Lighthouses; Beacons Spine slightly worn.Pamphlet files2018-1236
Hance, NickHarwell : the enigma revealed / Nick Hance 1st ed.Buckland : Enhance, 2006xiii, 337 p. : ill. (chiefly col.), col. maps ; 29 cmIncludes bibliographical references and index. 0955305500; 9780955305504Atomic Energy Research Establishment (Harwell, England); Nuclear energy--Research--England--Harwell--History--20th century; Nuclear industry--England--Harwell--History--20th centuryOriginal jacket. Autographed by author on front flyleaf. Oversize books QC789 .G7 H3 2006 2019-1067
Hands-On Workshop on Ionizing Radiation (1999 : Chalk River, Ont.); AECL Science for Educators Seminar (1999 : Chalk River, Ont.); Whitlock, JeremyNuclear experiments for the class room : Hands-on Workshop on Ionizing Radiation, 1999 April 8 : 1999 AECL Science for Educations Seminar, Chalk River Laboratories / Jereny Whitlock1 volume (various pagings) : illustrations ; 28 cmPhotocopies of documents issued by Canadian Nuclear Society and Bubble Technology Industries. Chairman, Jeremy Whitlock.Radiation -- Measurement -- Instruments; Science projects; Physics -- Experiments; Instructional and educational works Sapled leaves.Pamphlet files2024-1038
Hanna, Geoffrey. C., 1911?-1998Arthur Gowsell Ward, 1914-1989 / G. C. Hannap. [581]-584 : port.In:Transactions of Royal Society of Canada, 6thser., v. 1 (1990)0035-9122Ward, Arthur Gowsell, 1914-1989; Physicists—Canada—Biography; Nuclear energy—Research—CanadaPaper cover. New condition. Bookshelves AS42 R66 ser.6 v.1 1990 2018-1282
Hardy Stevenson and Associates; Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedMoral and ethical issues related to the nuclear fuel waste disposal concept : report on AECL's Consultation Workshop ; Toronto, Ontario, Canada, March 7-8 199138 leaves ; 28 cmPhotocopy of Toronto, Ont. : Hardy Stevenson and Associates, 1991. Also issued as AECL reports TR-549 and COG-91-140.Radioactive waste disposal –Moral and ethical aspects; Radioactive waste disposal – CanadaPamphlet files2021-1477
Hardy, G. H. (Godfrey Harold), 1877-1947A course of pure mathematics / by G. H. Hardy 7th ed.Cambridge [Eng.] : The University Press, 1938xii, 498 p. : ill. ; 22 cm."First edition 1908 ... Seventh edition (revised and re-set) 1938."Calculus; FunctionsDonor's signature on front flyleaf. Inserted: “Dalhousie University, Brief tables for students of physics and chemistry.”Bookshelves QA303 .H24 1938 2018-1099
Hardy, G. H. (Godfrey Harold), 1877-1947A course of pure mathematics / by G. H. Hardy 9th ed.Cambridge [Eng.] The University Press, 1945xii, 503 p. : ill. ; 22 cmCalculus; Functions“R. G. Jarvis, Sept. 1945, Coll. Jesus, Oxon.” written on front endpaper.Bookshelves QA303 H24 1945 2019-1251
Hardy, JohnHarriet Brooks : Canada's first woman physicist was forced to choose between marriage and science / by John Hardy[2] leaves : illustrations, portraits ; 28 cmPhotocopy of article in Canada's History, Oct./Nov. 2023, page 26-27. With photocopy of article “Nobel pursuit,” by John Hardy in same issue.Brooks, Harriet, 1876-1933; Physicists – Canada – Biography; Women physicisats – Canada – Biography; Radioactivity – History – BiographyPamphlet files2024-1002
Hardy, JohnNobel pursuit : how Ernest Rutherford's Montreal research won the world's top science prize / by John Hardey[9] leaves : illustrations, portraits ; 28 cmPhotocopy of article in Canada's History, Oct./Nov. 2023, page 18-26. With photocopy of article “Harriet Brooks,” by John Hardy in same issue.Rutherford, Ernest, 1871-1937; McGill University – History; Radioactivity -– History -- Biography; Nobel prize winners – BiographyPamphlet files2024-1002
Hare, F. Kenneth (Frederick Kenneth), 1919-2002Policy and uncertainty in the environmental arena : the process of scientific review / F. Kenneth HareEdmonton : University of Alberta, 1988[?][20] pages ; 23 cm“The John A. Allan lectureship in science, presented by F. Kenneth Hare, 6 December 1988”--Cover. Includes referemces.Environmental policy—Canada; Science policy—CanadaPamphlet files2021-1439
Hare, F. Kenneth (Frederick Kenneth), 1919-2002; Ontario Nuclear Safety Review; Ontario Hydro; Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedThe safety of Ontario's nuclear power reactors : a scientific and technical review / F Kenneth Hare, Ontario Nuclear Safety ReviewToronto : The Committee, 19886 volumesContents: v. 1. Report to the Minister, technical report and annexes -- v. 2. Appendices -- v. 3. Minister's report -- v. 4. A submission to the Ontario Nuclear Safety Review /by Atomic Energy Canada Limited (issued as AECL-9427) -- v. 5. Ontario Hydro submission to the Ontario Nuclear Safety Review -- v. 6. Selected Consultant's reports.077294041X (set); 0772940401 (v.3) Nuclear reactors -- Ontario -- Safety measures; Nuclear power plants -- Ontario -- Safety measures SPCNHI has: v. 1-4.Bookshelves TK9152 O65 1988 2021-1430 (v.1); 2021-1431(v.2); 2021-1414 (v.3); 2023-1136 (v.4)
Harper, Dorothy, 1914-Let's use the sun / Dorothy HarperMontreal : Multiscience Publications, c1979viii, 265 p. : ill. ; 21 cmIncludes index. "Papers read at annual conferences of the Solar Energy Society of Canada Inc. (SESCI). for 1977 and 1978": p.[252]-259.0919868053 pa. : $5.85 Solar energy—Canada; Solar heatingWNRE Library discard. Circulation punched card in pocket inside front cover, librarystamp on front flyleaf.Bookshelves TJ810 H37 2018-1294
Harris, Paul; Southam Energy GroupEnergy in Canada, 1989-1990 / produced by Southam Energy Group ; editor, Paul Harris ; assistant editor, Claudine Kapel ; staff writer, Angela StelmakowichDon Mills, Ont. : Southam Business Information and Communications Group, c1989xvii, 488 p. : ill.0008285179 Power resources—Canada; Energy industries—Canada; Energy policy—CanadaLibrary label on spine, labels inside covers, bar code label, stamps on flyleaf.Oversize books HD9502.C34 E48 1989 2018-1447
Harris, SidneyWhat's so funny about science? : Cartoons / by Sidney Harris from American scientist ; foreword by Herbert S. Bailey, Jr.Los Altos, Calif. : W. Kaufmann, c1977[120] p. : chiefly ill. ; 23 cm.0913232424 (pbk.)Science--Caricatures and cartoons; American wit and humor, PictorialPaperback. Bookshelves NC1429.H33317 A4 1977 2018-1053
Harrison, John Raymond, 1929-Nuclear reactor shielding / by J. R. HarrisonNew York : Simmons-Boardman, 195868 pages : illustrations ; 22 cmIn: Introduction to nuclear engineering. Includes bibliography. Nuclear reactors -- Shielding (Radiation) Bookshelves TK9008 I5 1959 2023-1082
Hart, R. G.; Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedWhy nuclear? : a talk to the Manitoba Electrical Association / by R.G. Hart[Chalk River, Ont?] : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, 1976[4] pages : portrait ; 28 cmTalk given in Winnipeg, 1976 Jan. 15.Nuclear power – Canada; Power resources – CanadaIn Power projections binder, 1977. Punched for 3-ring binder.Periodicals2023-1141
Hart, R. G.; Taskforce on the Churches and Corporate ResponsibilityThe false apocalypse / by R. G. Hart; Fausse apocalypse[Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified],198310, 11 pages ; 24 x 10 cmIn English and French, each with special title page and separate paging. French text on inverted pages. Cover title. Presentation to the Taskforce on the Churches and Corporate Responsibility. French title: La fausse apocalypse.Nuclear energy -- Religious aspects – CanadaPamphlet files2020-1045
Hart, Ralph S.; Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedCANDU technical summary / by Ralph S. Hart[Mississauga, Ontario : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited] 200557 p. : ill. ; 28 cm“Revised October 1997”. 1 folded sheet inserted at end: CANDU: the evolution.CANDU type reactors; Nuclear power plantsSPCNHI has 2 copies: 1st, stain on front cover; 2nd, inserted: CANDU : the evolution. -- [Mississauga, Ont?] : AECL, 1997. -- 1 sheet 26 x 64 cm. folded to 26 x 21 cm.Pamphlet files2018-1533; 2019-1001
Hart, Robert G.; Morris, G. O.Crystallization temperatures of uranyl nitrate-nitric acid solutionsp. 544-545In: Process chemistry, vol. 2. -- New York ; London : Pergamon Press, 1958.0079-6514 Nuclear fuels; Radiochemistry; Reactor fuel reprocessingAECL Library discard. Spine loose. Needs repair. Library label on spine; pocket inside front cover; stamp inside front cover, front flyleaf.Bookshelves TK9360 P7 v. 2 1958 2018-1314
Hartcup, Guy; Allibone, T. E.Cockcroft and the atom / Guy Hartcup and T.E. AlliboneBristol [Avon] : A. Hilger, c1984xii, 320 p. : ill. ; 24 cmIncludes index. Bibliography: p. 303-304. 0852747594Cockcroft, John, Sir, 1897-1967; Physicists--Great Britain—Biography; Nuclear energy--Great Britain—HistoryInserted: “Cockcroft Timeline,” compiled by J. Ungrin.Bookshelves QC774.C6 H37 1984 2020-1005
Harte, John, 1939- Consider a spherical cow : a course in environmental problem solving / John HarteLos Altos, Calif. : W. Kaufmann, c1985xvi, 283 p. : ill. ; 24 cmIncludes index. Bibliography: p. 271-274.0865760861 (pbk.); 0865760934 (hard) Environmental sciences—Mathematics; Environmental sciences--Problems, exercises, etc. SPCNHI has: paperback copy. Inserted: Microbes rattle beliefs about origins of life on earth / by Margaret Munro, article from Ottawa Citizen, 9 Nov. 1996, page J5.BookshelvesQH541 .15 M34 2022-1030
Harvey, Bernard G.Introduction to nuclear physics and chemistry / Bernard G. HarveyEnglewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, 1962370 p. : ill. ; 24 cm Prentice-Hall chemistry seriesIncludes bibliography. Nuclear physics; Nuclear chemistryChart of the nuclides / Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory. -- 5th ed., rev. to Apr. 1956, folded, in pocket. “Gene L. Smithson” on front endpaper.BookshelvesQC777 H3 2021-1115
Hascall, J. L.; Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (U.S.)Alpha autoradiography of irradiated materials / J. L. HascallRichland, Wash. : Pacific Northwest Laboratory, 19665 leaves ; 28 cm BNWL-324 Photocopy. “October 1966.”Materials testing; AutoradiographyPamphlet files2020-1149
Hasse, R. W.; Myers, William D., 1935- Geometrical relationships of macroscopic nuclear physics / R.W. Hasse, W.D. MyersBerlin ; New York : Springer-Verlag, c1988ix, 141 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.Springer series in nuclear and particle physics Includes indexes. Bibliography: p. 127-131. 0387175105 (U.S.) Nuclear liquid drop model; Nuclear physics—Mathematics; GeometryAECL Library discard. Library stamp, donor's name on front endpaper.BookshelvesQC793.3 .S8 H37 1988 2020-1183
Hasson, J. A.The economics of nuclear power / J. A. HassonLondon : Longmans, 1965viii, 160 p. : ill. ; 23 cmNuclear industry; Nuclear energy--Economic aspects“P. Oliver” written on front endpaper. Bookshelves HD9698.A2 H32 2018-1529
Hastings, Cecil, 1920-Approximations for digital computers / by Cecil Hastings, Jr. ; assisted by Jeanne T. Hayward, James P. Wong, Jr.Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1962, c1955.viii, 201 p. : ill. ; 25 cmRand series (New York, N.Y.)Bibliography: p. 201. Electronic digital computers; Numerical analysisAECL branch library discard. Library stamps, pocket, front endpaper.Bookshelves QA76 H37 2020-1172
Hastings, I. J. (Ian James)The CNF : leading edge technology for Canada's future[4] pages : illustrations ; 28 cmReprinted from Nuclear Canada yearbook 1999.Canadian Neutron Facility; Materials -- Testing -- Research –CanadaPamphlet files2021-1424
Hastings, I. J. (Ian James)Obituaries: Dr Richard Verrall, 1947-2013[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2014]page 41 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 35 no.1 (Mar. 2014).Verrall, Richard, 1947-2013; Atomic Energy of Canada – Officials and employees – Obituaries; Nuclear fusion – Research – Canada – BiographyPeriodicals2018-1400
Hatch (Firm) Nuclear power / Hatch[Mississauga, Ont. : Hatch, c2018]11 p. : col. Ill. ; 28 cmNuclear industry; Engineering firmsPamphlet files2019-1144
Havelock, Thomas, Sir, 1877-The propagation of disturbances in dispersive media / by T. H. HavelockCambridge [Eng.] : University Press, 1914viii, 87 p. : ill. ; 22 cmCambridge tracts in mathematics and mathematical physics, no. 17Bibliography: p. [83]-87.Waves; Mathematical physicsPaper cover. “W. B. Lewis, Caius College” written on cover.Pamphlet files2018-1247
Hawking, Stephen, 1942-2018A brief history of time : from the big bang to black holes / Stephen W. Hawking ; introduction by Carl Sagan ; illustrations by Ron MillerToronto ; New York : Bantam Books, 1988x, 198 p. : ill. ; 24 cmIncludes index. 055305340X CosmologyBookshelves QB981 H377 1988 2021-1162
Hayes, DenisThe world-wide debate over nuclear power : the real issues are values and ethics / Denis HayesOttawa : University of Toronto Press, 1976pages 3-7 ; 28 cmScience forum, v. 9, no. 4 (Aug. 1976)Article in Science forum. Special nuclear issue.Nuclear power—Moral and ethical aspects Some text highlighted.Pamphlet files2021-1428
Haywood, L. R.; Atomic Energy of Canada LimitedEvolution of nuclear power in Canada : address to 1967 Congress of Canadian Engineers, Montreal, May 29-June 2 / by L. R. HaywoodChalk River, Ont. : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, 196710 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm AECL-2886Includes summary in French. Also printed in the Engineering journal, v.50, no. 10, p. 49-53 (Oct. 1967).Nuclear industry – Canada; Nuclear reactors—CanadaPamphlet files2020-1062
Heaps, LeoOperation morning light : terror in our skies : the true story of Cosmos 954 / Leo HeapsNew York ; London : Paddington Press : distributed by Random house of Canada, c1978208 p. : ill. ; 24 cmIncludes index. Bibliography: p. 201-203. 0448224259Cosmos 954 (Artificial satellite); Artificial satellites, Russian—AccidentsSpine slightly worn. Library label on front cover. Library pocket remnant inside front cover. Bar code labels, stamps on front flyleaf. Clipping about author attached to reverse of half-title page.Bookshelves TL796.5.R9 C674 2018-1394
Heath, R. L.Scintillation spectrometry : gamma-ray spectrum catalogue / by R.L. Heath[Ed. 13]Idaho Falls, Idaho : Phillips Petroleum Company, Atomic Energy Division, 19571 v. (various pagings) : ill. ; 28 cmAEC research and development report., TID, 4500; IDO-16408“July 1, 1957.”Scintillation spectrometry; Gamma ray spectrometry – TablesPaper cover, slightly worn. Plastic binding.BookshelvesQC373 .S7 H37 1957 2019-1105
Hébert, AlainApplied reactor physics / Alain Hébert 2nd edition[Montréal] : Presses internationales Polytechnique, 2016x, 396 pages : illustrations ; 25 cmCollection cursus Includes bibliographical references (pages 381-389) and index.9.78255E+12Nuclear reactors; Nuclear physics; Nuclear reactionsCNSC Library discard. Bookshelves QC786.5 H43 2016 2022-1304
Hecht, Marjorie MazelIt's not waste : nuclear fuel is renewablep. 52-53 : ill. 27 cmIn: 21st century science & technology, v. 18, no. 2 (summer 2005).0895-6820 ReprocessingPamphlet files2018-1593
Hedges, K. R.; Hinchley, E. M.CANDU 3 aims to provide a smaller, cheaper, more reliable alternative / by K. R. Hedges and E. M. Hinchleyp.22-25 : ill.In: Nuclear engineering international, v. 35, no. 430 (May 1990). Coloured chart inserted, folded to 27 x 17 cm.CANDU 3 reactor; CANDU type reactors; Reactor designPeriodicals2022-1010
Hedges, Ken; Yu, Stephen; Hastings, I. J. (Ian James)Future CANDUs influence the present /by Ken Hedges, Stephen Yu & Ian Hastings[London : [Heywood-Temple Industrial Publications Ltd?] 19951 sheet : col. Ill. ; 28 x 43, folded to 28 x 22 cmReprint of article in Nuclear engineering international, April 1995.CANDU type reactors—Design and construction; CANDU 9 reactor—PlanningPamphlet files2021-1068
Hedges, Ken; Yu, Stephen; Hopwood, JerryCANDU 9 : reducing capital costs through advanced construction / by Ken Hedges, Stephen Yu & Jerry Hopwood[London : [Heywood-Temple Industrial Publications Ltd?] 1996 1 sheet : ill. ; 30 cmReprint of article in Nuclear engineering international, July 1996.CANDU 9 reactor—Design and construction; CANDU type reactorsPamphlet files2021-1070
Heeney, Phyllis; George McQuade Photography The sound of neutrons / written and directed by Phyllis Heeney Special CoviDVD editionDeep River, Ont. : George McQuade Photography, 20201 DVD ; 12 cm in 19 cm container“Recorded on March 12 & 13, 2020 in Deep River, Ontario. Produced by George McQuade Photography.” Performed March 12, 13, 2020 in Childs Auditorium, Mackenzie Community School, Deep River.ZEEP reactor—History--Popular works; Nuclear energy—Research—Canada—History—Popular works; MusicalsCD/DVDs2021-7004
Heitler, Walter, 1904-Elementary wave mechanics / by W. HeitlerOxford : Clarendon Press, 1948viii, 136 p. : ill. ; 19 cm"This ... book originated from a course of lectures I had given at the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies for the physics and chemistry students of the two Dublin universities”--Pref.Wave mechanics“R. G. Jarvis, Jesus Coll., Oxon.” written on front endpaper.Bookshelves QC174.2 H4 1948 2019-1210
Heitler, Walter, 1904-Elementary wave mechanics : with applications to quantum chemistry / by W. Heitler 2d ed.Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1956193 p. : ill. ; 19 cmWave mechanics“W. Buyers, Aberdeen” inside front cover.Bookshelves QC174.2 H4 1956 2021-1171
Heitler, Walter, 1904-The quantum theory of radiation / by W. Heitler 2d ed.[Oxford] : Oxford University Press, 1944xi, 272 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.International series of monographs on physics"First edition 1936. Reprinted photographically ... from corrected sheets of the first edition."Radiation; Quantum theoryOriginal jacket, slightly worn top. Front flyleaf missing.Bookshelves QC475 .H43 1944 2018-1101
Henkin, Robert E.Nuclear medicine : special section[La Grange Park, Ill., etc.] American Nuclear Society [1959- ][22] p. : ill.Photocopy of cover and special section of Nuclear medicine, Feb. 1998 issue, p. 29-56. Includes six articles by Robert E. Henkin and others.Nuclear medicinePamphlet files2019-1519
Henley, Ernest J.; Kouts, Herbert, J. C.Advances in nuclear science and technologyNew York : Plenum Press volumes : illustrations ; 24 cm. Publication history: volume 1- 1962-Editors: 1962-66 E.J. Henley and H. Kouts; 1968- E.J. Henley and others. Also issued online. 0065-2989 Nuclear engineering – Periodicals; Nuclear physics - -Periodicals SPCNHI has: vol. 15. AECL Library stamp.Bookshelves TK9001 A3 2023-1104 (v.15)
Hersey, John, 1914-1993Hiroshima / John HerseyNew York : Knopf, 1946117 p. ; 20 cmSummary: Describes the effect of the bombing of Hiroshima on six survivors of the atomic blast. "Originally appeared in the New Yorker."World War, 1939-1945—Japan—Hiroshima-shi; Atomic bomb--Blast effect; Hiroshima-shi (Japan)--History--Bombardment, 1945Front cover bent. “W. Holmes” stamped inside covers and on several pages. Some pages damaged. Jacket clipping taped to front endpaper. Bookshelves D767.25 .H6 H4 1946 2019-1441
Herzberg, Gerhard, 1904-1999; Spinks, J. W. T. (John William Tranter), 1908-1997Molecular spectra and molecular structure / by Gergard Herzberg ; translated with the co-operation of the author by J.W.T. SpinksNew York : Prentice-Hall, 1939-19663 v. : ill. ; 24 cm. Prentice-Hall physics seriesTranslation of Molekülspektren und Molekülstruktur. Contents: v. 1. Diatomic molecules.--v. 2. Infrared and Raman spectra of polyatomic molecules.--v. 3. Electronic spectra and electronic structure of polyatomic molecules. Vols. 2-3, published without translator's name and series title, have imprint: New York, Van Nostrand. Bibliography: v. 1, p. [533]-550; v. 2, p. 539-558; v. 3, p. 671-697. SeriesMolecular spectra—Tables; Molecular structure—TablesSPCNHI has vol. 1-2. Bookshelves QC451 .H463 2018-1102 (v.1); 2018-1315 (v.2)
Herzberg, Gerhard, 1904-1999; Spinks, J. W. T. (John William Tranter), 1908-1997Atomic spectra and atomic structure / by Gerhard Herzberg ; translated with the co-operation of the author by J. W. T. Spinks 2d editionNew York, Dover publications, 1944xiii, 257 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm"First edition, 1937. Second edition, 1944." Bibliography: p. [235]-242. Translation of: Atomspektren und Atomstruktur.Atomic spectroscopy; Atoms Front cover missing. “M.D. Atfield” written on half-title page.Bookshelves QC451 H453 1944 2023-1081
Hewitt, J. S.; McNeill, K. G.; University of Toronto. Dept. of PhysicsA final report on the University of Toronto Linac Project / compiled by J.S. Hewitt, K.G. McNeill[Toronto : s.n., 197-?]1 v. (Unpaged) Cover title: University of Toronto Linear Accelerator Project, 1966 to 1978.University of Toronto Linac Project; Linear accelerators Paper cover. Includes bibliographies.Pamphlet files2018-1550
Hildebrand, Francis BegnaudMethods of applied mathematics / by F. B. HildebrandNew York : Prentice-Hall, 1956, c1952xi, 523 p. : ill. ; 22 cmMathematics“R. G. Jarvis, Deep River” written on front endpaper.BookshelvesQA37 H52 1956 2019-1289
Hincks, E. P.; Committee on Nuclear Issues in the Community; Royal Society of Canada; Science Council of CanadaNuclear issues in the Canadian energy context : proceedings of a national conference : organized by the Committee on Nuclear Issues in the Community, Vancouver, Canada, March 7-9, 1979 = Problèmes de l'énergie nucléaire au Canada : procès verbal d'une conférence nationale : organisée par le Comité pour l'information nucléaire du public [Vancouver, Canada, 7-9] mars [1979] / editor, E.P. HincksOttawa : Royal Society of Canada,[1979?]viii, 279 pages : illustrations ; 25 cmCo-Sponsored by the Royal Society of Canada and the Science Council of Canada. Text in English, abstracts in French. Includes bibliographies0920064132 (pbk.)Nuclear energy—Canada—Congresses; Nuclear power plants—Canada--Congresses; Energy policy--Canada--CongressesDonor's label on cover. Bookshelves TK9026 N85 1979 2021-1411
Hine, Donald W.Public opposition to a proposed nuclear waste repository in Canada : an investigation of cultural and economic effects / Donald W, Hine ... [et al.]10 leaves : illustrations ; 28 cmPhotocopy of article in Risk analysis, vol. 17, no. 3, page 293-302 (1997).Radioactive waste disposal in the ground -- Canada -- Public opinion; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited; Radioactive wastes – Canada -- Ethnic relations – Economic aspects; Radioactive wastes – Canada-- Social aspectsPamphlet files2022-1062
Hines, Neal O.Atoms, nature, and man : man-made radioactivity in the environment[Oak Ridge, Tenn.] : U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Division of Technical Information [1966]57 pages : illustrations, portrait, maps ; 22 cmUnderstanding the atom Author: Neal O. Hines. Bibliography: p. 55-56. Nuclear explosions--Environmental aspects—Popular works; Radiation—Environmental aspects—Popular worksWNRE Library discard. Library stamp, pocket.Pamphlet files2021-1332
Hively, WillIs radiation good for you? : or dioxin? : or arsenic? / by Will Hively[6] pages : black & whiter illustrations ; 28 cmPhotocopy of article in Discover. Vol. 23, no. 12, page 74-80 (Decc. 2002)Biological radiation effects; Low dose irradiation; Calabrese, Edward; HormesisPamphlet files2022-1022
Hoddeson, Lillian; Baym, GordonCritical assembly : a technical history of Los Alamos during the Oppenheimer years, 1943-1945 / Lillian Hoddeson ... [et al.] ; with contributions from Gordon Baym ... [et al.]Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1993xv, 509 p. : ill. ; 24 cmIncludes bibliographical references (p. [418]-492) and indexes. 0521441323 (hc)Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory—History; Manhattan District--History, Project Y, the Alamos Project; Atomic bomb--New Mexico--Los Alamos—History; Los Alamos (N. M.)--HistoryJacket clipping taped on front endpaper. Bookshelves QC773.3 .U5 C75 1993 2019-1446
Hodgman, Charles D., 1881-1979; Holmes, Harry N.; Chemical Rubber CompanyHandbook of chemistry and physics / edited by Charles D. Hodgman and Harry N. Holmes 26thed.Cleveland : Chemical Rubber Pub. Co., 1942xviii, 2515 p. : ill. ; 18 cm."A ready-reference book of chemical and physical data." Publication history: [1st]-57th ed.; 1913-1976/77. Continued by CRC handbook of chemistry and physics. Editors: 1913- W.R. Veazey (with C.D. Hodgman, 1914-); C.D. Hodgman (with others). Also issued online.0363-3055 Chemistry—Tables; Physics—Tables; Chemistry; Physics Front cover bent. Donor's signature on front flyleaf. Small tear on title page.Bookshelves QD65 .H3 2018-1103
Hodgman, Charles D.; Chemical Rubber CompanyCRC standard mathematical tables / editor in chief Charles D. Hodgman; Chemical Rubber Company standard mathematical tables 12th ed.Cleveland, Ohio : Chemical Rubber Publishing Co., 1961, c1952Ix, 525 p. : ill. ; 21 cm“Formerly Mathematical tables from Handbook of chemistry and physics.”Mathematics—TablesAECL Library discard. Library label remnant on spine; library pocket inside front cover, stamps front flyleaf, inside back cover.Bookshelves QA47 M315 1961 2019-1263
Hoel, Paul Gerhard, 1905-Introduction to mathematical statistics / Paul G. Hoel 2d ed.New York : Wiley, 1954xi, 331 p. : ill. ; 24 cmWiley publications in statistics0471403652 Mathematical statisticsFront cover slightly damaged. “R. G. Jarvis, Deep River” written on front endpaper.BookshelvesQA276 H57 1954 2019-1375
Hogerton, John F.The atomic energy deskbook / John F. Hogerton; consultant Edward A. Mason ; associates Howard T. Phelan, Robert TumblesonNew York : Reinhold ; London : Chapman & Hall, 1963xiii, 673 p. : ill. ; 26 cm"Prepared under the auspices of the Division of Technical Information, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission." Bibliography: p. 650-661.Nuclear energy—DictionariesAECL Library stamps inside front cover, front flyleaf. First 10 pages rumpled, may have been wet.Bookshelves QC772 .H64 2018-1463
Hogerton, John F.; Grass, R. C.; Argonne National Laboratory; Vitro Corporation of AmericaThe reactor handbook / contributors: Argonne National Laboratory [et al.] ; coordination and editing by J.F. Hogerton and R.C. Grass, Vitro Corporation of AmericaDeclassified ed.[Oak Ridge, Tenn.] : Technical Information Service, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission ; for sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, 19553 v. : ill. ; 26 cmU.S. Atomic Energy Commission, AECD- 3645-3647Contents: v. 1. Physics.--v. 2. Engineering.--v. 3. Materials. section 1. General properties. Includes bibliographies.Nuclear reactors; Nuclear engineeringSPCNHI has: v. 2-3. Covers loose & worn (repaired). Tape on binding. Front cover worn.. AECL Library stamps, pocket, card. Nuclear Engineering Branch (v.2); “NRX Reactor” written on title page (v.3)Bookshelves TK9202 U62 2019-1106 (v.3); 2023-1078 (v.2)
Hogerton, John F.; U.S. Atomic Energy CommissionAtoms for peace: U.S.A. 1958 : a pictorial survey prepared by Arthur D. Little, Inc. for the United States Atomic Energy Commission / John F. Hogerton, editor[Cambridge, Mass., 1958]162 p. : ill. (part col.) ports. (part col.) ; 31 cm.Nuclear energy--Research--United States; Nuclear energy; Nuclear engineeringPaperback. In box. Oversize books QC788 .L5 2018-1054
Hohn, Franz Edward, 1915-1977Applied Boolean algebra : an elementary introduction / Franz E. HohnNew York : Macmillan. 1960xx, 139 p. : ill. ; 24 cmA Series of mathematics textsAlgebra, Boolean; Switching theoryPaper cover. Spine slightly worn. Front cover stained. AECL Library discard. Stamps on covers, title page.Bookshelves QA266 H62 2019-1350
Hohn, Franz Edward, 1915-1977Elementary matrix algebra / Franz E. Hohn 2d ed.New York : Macmillan ; Toronto : Collier-Macmillan Canada, 1970, c1964xiv, 395 p. : ill. ; 24 cmBibliography: p. 376-383.MatricesBookshelves QA263 H6 1970 2019-1352
Holderness, A.; Lambert, JohnThe essentials of qualitative analysis / by A. Holderness and John Lambert Revised 1945London ; Toronto : Heinemann, 195564 pages : illustrations ; 22 cmAnalytical chemistry – QualitativePamphlet files2023-1018
Holliday, Joe, 1910-Dale of the Mounted : atomic plot / by Joe HollidayToronto : T. Allen, c1959158 pages ; 21 cm“Dedicated to those workers at Chalk River, Ontario, who are putting the mighty atom to work for peaceful uses on behalf of mankind—and a better world”--p. [5]Royal Canadian Mounted Police -- Juvenile fiction; Nuclear energy -- Canada -- Juvenile fiction; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – Juvenile fiction; Deep River, Ontario – Juvenile fiction“David Lyon, 2361 Sheldon Ave., Ottawa 3, Ontario” written inside front cover.Bookshelves PS8515 O435 D2 1959 2018-1223
Holloway, David, 1943-Stalin and the bomb : the Soviet Union and atomic energy, 1939-1956 / David HollowayNew Haven : Yale University Press, 1994xvi, 464 p. : ill. ; 24 cmIncludes bibliographical references and index. 0300060564Nuclear weapons--Government policy--Soviet Union—History; Nuclear energy--Research--Soviet Union—History; Science and state--Soviet Union—History; Soviet Union--Foreign relationsBookshelves UA770 .H632 1994 2018-1528
Holmes, Harry N. (Harry Nicholls), 1879-General chemistry / Harry N. Holmes 5th editionNew York : Macmillan, c1949, 1955viii, 708 pages : illustrations ; 22 cmIncludes "References."Chemistry Spine slightly worn.Bookshelves QD31 H7 1955 2023-1017
Hooper, J. E. (John Edward); Scharff, M. (Morten), 1926-The cosmic radiation / J. E. Hooper and M. ScharffLondon : Methuen ; New York : Wiley, 1958172 p. : ill. ; 18 cm. Methuen's monographs on physical subjects Bibliography: p. 164-165.Cosmic raysInside front cover: “P. Oliver, 26 May 1959, Manchester.”Bookshelves QC485 .H64 2018-1204
Hopwood, JerryObituaries : Adi Dastur[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2014]page 42 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 35 no.1 (Mar. 2014).Dastur, Adi, died 2014; Atomic Energy of Canada – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Hore-Lacy, IanNuclear electricity / Ian Hore-Lacy 4th ed.Melbourne : Uranium Information Centre in association with Minerals Council of Australia and Canadian Nuclear Association, 1997vi, 90 pages : illustrations ; 30 cm“Student activities included”--Cover. Includes glossary and index. 0909276048 Nuclear power plants—Study abnd teaching; Nuclear industry—Study and teaching; Nuclear energy—Australia; Nuclear industry—Canada M.J. Brown stamp on title page.Pamphlet files2019-1498
Howlett, H. C. (Hop C.)The industrial operator's handbook : a systematic approach to industrial operations / by H.C. Howlett II. 2nd ed.Pocatello, Idaho : Techstar, c2001xvi, 316 p. : ill. ; 28 cmIncludes index. 157614027XOperations research--Handbooks, manuals, etc.; Industrial management--Handbooks, manuals, etc.; Industrial safety--Handbooks, manuals, etc.Bottom spine torn, repaired with tape.Oversize books T57.6 H76 2001 2019-1066
Hoyle, Fred, 1915-2001; Hoyle, Geoffrey, 1942-Commonsence in nuclear energy / Fred Hoyle ; Geoffrey HoyleSan Francisco : W. H. Freeman, c198088 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.Includes bibliographical references and index. 0716712474 Power resources; Nuclear energyInserted: copy of e-mail with reprint of newspaper article about author, sent by Morgan Brown.Bookshelves TJ163.2 .H72 1980 2018-1274
Huang, T. C. (Tzu Chuen) Engineering mechanics / T. C. HuangReading, Mass. ; Don Mills, Ont. : Addison-Wesley, c19672 v. (xi, 860 p. : ill.) ; 24 cmContents: v. 1. Statics.--v. 2. Dynamics.Mechanics, AppliedSPCNHI has: v. 1. Bookshelves TA350 H856 2019-1472 (v.1)
Hubbard, R. H. (Robert Hamilton), 1916-1989; Royal Society of CanadaScholarship in Canada, 1967 : achievement and outlook : symposium presented to Section II of the Royal Society of Canada in 1967 / edited by R.H. Hubbard ; with an introduction by Watson Kirkconnell[Toronto] : Published for the Society by University of Toronto Press, 1968xii, 104 p. ; 24 cm.Studia varia, 12Learning and scholarship—Canada Original jacket.Bookshelves AZ515 A546 H8 2018-1104
Hudis, J.The radiochemistry of carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen / by J. HudisWashington : Subcommittee on Radiochemistry, National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, 1960vi, 118 pages ; 25 cmNAS-NS 3019; Nuclear science series (National Research Council (U.S.))Carbon; Nitrogen; OxygenSaskatchewan Research Council Library discard. Library stamp on title page, pocket.Pamphlet files2021-1127
Hughes, Donald James, 1915-On nuclear energy : its potential for peacetime uses / Donald J. Hughes ; with a foreword by Lewis L. StraussCambridge,[Mass.] : Harvard University Press, 1957263 p. : ill. ; 24 cmNuclear energyLibrary label on spine, pocket remnant inside front cover; bar code label, stamp on front flyleaf. Binding broken, cover loose. Needs repair.Bookshelves QC780 .H8 2018-1468
Hughes, Donald James, 1915- ; Schwartz, Robert B.Neutron cross sections / Donald J. Hughes and Robert B. Schwartz 2d ed.Upton, N.Y. : Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1958v, 373 p. Ill. ; 26 x 40 cmBNL 325. Includes bibliographies.Neutrons; Nuclear physics—TablesCovers, spine worn and torn. Held together with clamps. Needs repair.Oversize books QC721 H82 1958 2019-1542
Hund, August, 1887-Phenomena in high-frequency systems / by August Hund 1st. ed.New York ; London, McGraw-Hill, 1936xv, 642 p. : ill. ; 24 cmInternational series in physicsElectric wavesFront cover stained with liquid. “W. B. Lewis, Caius College, Cambridge” on front flyleaf.Bookshelves TK5751 .H77 1936 2018-1242
Hunt, Bernice KohnThe peaceful atom / by Bernice Kohn ; illustrated by Zenowij OnyshkewychEnglewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, 1966, c196372 p. : ill. ; 22 cm P-H junior research booksNuclear energy—Juvenile literature; Nuclear power—Juvenile literature; Nuclear technology—Juvenile literatureBookshelves QC778.5 H86 1966 2020-1006
Hunt, Colin GeraldMeet the publisher / Colin Gerald Hunt[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2015]page 44 : portrait ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 36 no.1 (Mar. 2015).Boyd, Fred; Canadian Nuclear Association – Periodicals; Nuclear Canada (Periodical); Nuclear Canada Yearbook; Canadian Nuclear Socciety – PeriodicalsPeriodicals2018-1400
Hunt, Colin GeraldObituries : John (Ian) Edward Wilson[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 2014]page 41-42 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 35 no.1 (Mar. 2014).Wilson, John Ian Edward, died 2014; Canadian Nuclear Society – Officials and employees – Obituaries; Ontario Hydro – Officials and employees – ObituariesPeriodicals2018-1400
Huntley, Chet, 1911-1974; Seaborg, Glenn Theodore, 1912-1999 ; U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. United States. Delegation to the Fourth International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic EnergyCentury of the atom[Washington, Division of Technical Information, United States Atomic Energy Commission, 1971]2 discs : analog, 33 1/3 r/m ; 30 cmMatrix no. A4RS-0283-86. On labels: RCA Victor “Presented by the United States delegation to the Fourth International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy.” “Told through the voices of the scientists who created the nuclear age;” narrated by Chet Huntley and Glenn T. Seaborg. Automatic sequence. Booklet in Russian, French, Spanish, and English (ix, 75 p. Illus.) and chart: Nuclear research, development & application; a chronology, 1895-1971, inserted in slipcase.Nuclear energy SPCNHI copy lacks booklet.Bookshelves2019-7003
Huntley, Chet, 1911-1974; Seaborg, Glenn Theodore, 1912-1999 ; U.S. Atomic Energy Commission; United States. Delegation to the Fourth International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic EnergyCentury of the atom1 sound disc (CD) CD copy of sound recording with same title, released by Division of Technical Information, United States Atomic Energy Commission, 1971, copied on CD by John Hilborn. Nuclear energy—HistoryCD/DVDs2019-7004
Hurst, D. G. (Donald Geoffrey), 1911-1999The road to CANDU / Don Hurst[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 1989]page 17-21 ; 28 cmArticle in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 10, no. 4 (Fall 1989). “Adaptation of material presented to Ottawa Branch of the Canadian Nuclear Society.”Nuclear energy -- Research -- History; National Research Council of Canada. Montreal Laboratory – History; NRX reactor; Uranium; NRU reactor; Nuclear reactors – Canada – HistoryPeriodicals2018-1400
Hurst, D. G. (Donald Geoffrey), 1911-1999Hugh Carmichael, 1906-1995 / Donald Hurstp. [201]-205 : port.In:Transactions of Royal Society of Canada, 6thser., v. 6 (1995)0035-9122Carmichael, Hugh, 1906-1995; Physicists—Canada—Biography; Nuclear energy—Research—CanadaPaper cover. New condition. Bookshelves AS42 R66 ser.6 v.6 1995 2018-1281
Hurst, D. G. (Donald Geoffrey), 1911-1999Letter to the editor / D.G. Hurst[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 1990]page 12 ; 28 cmLetter in Canadian Nuclear Society bulletin, vol. 11, no. 1 (Spring 1990), with corrections to author's article in vol. vol. 10, no. 4 (Fall 1989).Nuclear energy -- Research -- History; National Research Council of Canada. Montreal Laboratory – History; NRX reactor; Uranium; NRU reactor; Nuclear reactors – Canada – HistoryPeriodicals2018-1400
Hurst, D. G. (Donald Geoffrey), 1911-1999; Ward, Arthur Gowsell, 1914-1989Canadian research reactors / by D. G. Hurst and A G. Ward.p. 1-48, 1 plate : ill.In: Progress in nuclear energy. Series 2, Reactors. Vol. 1 -- New York ; London : Pergamon Press, 1956.0555-4063 Nuclear reactors—Canada; NRX Reactor; ZEEP Reactor; NRU Reactor Library label on spine; pocket inside front cover; stamp on front flyleaf.Bookshelves TK9202 R43 v.1 2018-1289
Hutten, Ernest H. (Ernest Hirschlaff), 1908-Fluorescence and phosphorescence / by E. HirschlaffLondon : Methuen, 1938vi, 130 p. : ill. ; 18 cm.Methuen's monographs on physical subjects"References" at end of each chapter.Fluorescence; Phosphorescence“W. B. Lewis, Caius College, Cambridge” on front flyleaf.Bookshelves QC477 .H85 2018-1228
Hyde, Earl K. The radiochemistry of thorium / by E. K. HydeWashington : Subcommittee on Radiochemistry, National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, 1971vi, 70 pages illus. 25 cmNAS-NS 3004; Nuclear science series (National Research Council (U.S.)) ThoriumSaskatchewan Research Council Library discard. Library stamp on title page, pocket.Pamphlet files2021-1123
Hyde, H. Montgomery (Harford Montgomery), 1907-1989The atom bomb spies / H. Montgomery Hyde1st American ed. New York : Atheneum, 1980xii, 339 p.,[8] leaves of plates : ill. ; 22 cmIncludes index. Bibliography p. 321-324.0689110758Espionage, Soviet--United States; Espionage, Soviet--Great Britain; Espionage, Soviet—Canada; Atomic bombPine Ridge, Bailieboro Library discard. Discard stamps on endpapers.BookshelvesUB271 .R9 H9 1980 2019-1448
Hydro-Québec La centrale de Gentilly 2 1er éd.[Montréal? : Hydro-Québec] 19831 sheet : col. Ill., map ; 22 x 64, folded to 22 x 11 cmEn français. 2550103246 Centrale nucléaire de Gentilly 2; Centrales nucléaires -- Québec (Province) -- BécancourPamphlet files2021-1076
Hydro-Québec Emergency measures plan for Gentilly 2 nuclear power station 2nd ed.[Montréal?] : Hydro-Québec. 19841 sheet : col. Ill., map ; 46 x 43, folded to 23 x 11 cm2550114620 Gentilly-2 reactor; Nuclear power plants—Québec (Province)--Bécancour; Emergency plans; EvacuationPamphlet files2021-1077
Hydro-Québec Gentilly 2 generating station 1st ed.[Montréal? : Hydro-Québec] 19831 sheet : col. Ill., map ; 22 x 64, folded to 22 x 11 cm2550103254 Gentilly-2 reactor; Nuclear power plants—Québec (Province)--BécancourPamphlet files2021-1075
Hydro-Québec Le plan des mesures d'urgence de la centrale nucléaire de Gentilly 2 2e éd.[Montréal?] : Hydro-Québec. 19841 sheet : col. Ill., map ; 46 x 43, folded to 23 x 11 cmEn français. 2550114620 Centrale nucléaire de Gentilly 2; Centrales nucléaires -- Québec (Province) – Bécancour; Plans d'urgence; EvacuationPamphlet files2021-1078
Hyslop, James M.Infinite series / by James M. HyslopEdinburgh ; London: Oliver and Boyd, 1942xi, 120 p. ; 19 cmUniversity mathematical texts Series, Infinite“R. G. Jarvis, Coll. Jes. Oxon” written on front endpaper.Bookshelves QA295 H9 1942 2019-1325
IAEA-NPPCI Specialists' Meeting on New Instrumentation of Water Cooled Reactors (1985 : Dresden, Germany); Westphal, D.; International Atomic Energy Agency. International Working Group on Nuclear Power Plant Control and Instrumentation; Zentralinstitut für Kernforschung RossendorfIAEA-NPPCI Specialists' Meeting on New Instrumentation of Water Cooled Reactors : proceedings, German Democratic Republic, Dresden, 23-25 April 1985 / editor, D. WestphalDresden : Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR, Zentralinstitut für Kernforschung Rossendorf, 1985xi, 378 p. : ill. ; 21 cmZfK (Series) ; 568At head of title: International Atomic Energy Agency & Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR, Zentralinstitut für Kernforschung Rossendorf. "October 1985." Includes bibliographical references. Nuclear power plants—Instruments--Congresses; Water cooled reactors—Measurement--CongressesPaper cover. Some pages yellowed. Bookshelves TK9178 I19 1985 2019-1462
Ignatius, Nancy; Claybrook, Joan; Center for Study of Responsive LawA citizen's manual on nuclear energy : a nuclear catastrophe is too big a price for our electric bill[Washington, D.C. : Center for Study of Responsive Law, 1974]xii, 161, AP (32) pages : illustrations, map ; 28 cm.Critical mass handbook, 1974"A manual for the use of Critical Mass '74 conferences."Nuclear energy; Nuclear power plants -- United States; Breeder reactors; Nuclear energy -- Law and legislation; Nuclear power plants -- Safety measures; Nuclear reactors -- Safety measuresWNRE Library discard. Oversize books TK1343 C5 1974 2021-1598
Iliffe, C. E.An introduction to nuclear reactor theory / C.E. IliffeManchester [Greater Manchester] : Manchester University Press, c1984 xii, 299 pages : illustrations ; 23 cmIncludes index. Bibliography: p. [287]-292. 0719009537 Nuclear reactorsAECL Library Reactor Physics Branch copy. Library stamps, pocket, card.Bookshelves TK9202 I38 1984 2023-1098
Imperial Oil Limited 101 atomic terms and what they mean; One hundred one atomic terms and what they meanVancouver : Imperial Oil Ltd., 196629 pages : illustrations ; 19 cmNuclear energy-- Dictionaries; Nuclear power—Dictionaries; Nuclear engineering—DictionariesPamphlet files2020-1061
Ince, E. L. (Edward Lindsay), 1891-1941Ordinary differential equations / by E. L. Ince[New York] : Dover Publications [1956]558 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. "An unabridged and unaltered republication of the first edition published in 1926."Differential equationsBookshelvesQA372 I6 1956 2019-1265
India. Department of Atomic Energy Nuclear India[Bombay],[Dept. of Atomic Energy, etc.] volumes : illustrations ; 28 cmBegan with Sept. 1962 issue. Publisher skips v. 46 and v. 49 in Volume numbering. Current frequency: quarterly, 2012- . Frequency varies, 2000-2011 .0029-5523 Nuclear industry—India—Periodicals; Nuclear energy—India--PeriodicalsSPCHI has: v. 3, no. 3 (Nov. 1964).Pamphlet files2021-1220
India. War Department. Director of Public Relations Tiger Head : chabiswen Hindustani Division ki kahani : Arakan-RangoonBombay : G.S. Borker,[between 1945 and 1947?]37 pages : folded map, portraits, plates ; 18 cm.In Hindustani. Donor was in British Army, Indian Division, in World War II.World War, 1939-1945 -- Campaigns – Burma; Great Britain. -- Army. -- Indian Division -- History -- World War, 1939-1945; World War, 1939-1945 -- Regimental histories -- Great BritainPaperback. Pamphlet files2018-1055
Infeld, E. (Eryk); Rowlands, G. (George)Nonlinear waves, solitons, and chaos / E. Infeld, G. RowlandsCambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1990xi, 423 p. : ill. ; 23 cmIncludes bibliographical references (p. 392-412) and indexes. 0521321115; 0521379377 (pbk.) Solitons; Chaotic behavior in systems; Nonlinear waves SPCHNI has paperback edition.Bookshelves QC174.26 .W28 I55 1990 2019-1217
Ingles, J. C.Manual of analytical methods for the uranium concentrating plant / by J. C. InglesOttawa : Mines Branch, Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, 1959-1 v. (loose-leaf) : ill. ; 27 cmMines Branch monograph 866.Uranium; ThoriumSaskatchewan Research Council Library discard. Library pocket inside back cover. Bookshelves QD137 .U7 I5 2021-1144
Institut de protection et de sureté nucléaire (France). Départmment d'Évaluation de Sûreté; Escalierdes Orres, P.; Lemeille, F.Glossaire anglais-français et français-anglais : “cycle du combustible,” partie déchets[Fontenay aux Roses. France : Commissariat à l'énergie atomique] 1992 1 volume (unpaged) ; 30 cmTransmittal letter attached. “Élaborée par P. Escalierdes des Orres et F. Lemeille”--Transmittal letter.Radioactive wastes – Management -- Glossaries – French-English; Glossaries – English-French In binder.Oversize books TD897.85 I5 1992 2022-1006
Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoĭ khimii im. V.I. Vernadskogo; Paleĭ,P. N.; Ri︠a︡bchikov, D. I.; Seni︠a︡vin, Mark MoiseevichAnalytical chemistry of uranium / compiled by P. N. Palei ; translated by N. Kaner ; editors, D. I. Ryabchikov; M. M. SenyavinAnn Arbor : Ann Arbor-Humphrey Science Publishers, 1970vii, 421 p. : ill. ; 25 cmAnalytical chemistry of the elements Translation of Analiticheskai︠a︡ khimii︠a︡ urana. Bibliography: p. 383-414.0250399229 Uranium—AnalysisSaskatchewan Research Council Library discard. Library stamp on title page, pocket inside back cover.Bookshelves QD181 .U7 A5513 1970 2021-1146
Institut national des sciences et techniques nucléaires (France). Session d'études sur la sûreté des réacteurs nuc;léaires Fonctionnement des PWR1 volume (varous pagings) : illustrations ; 30 cmPhotocopy of conference paper. “M. Leblauc (EDF)” written on first sheet. In French.Reactor safety; PWR type reactorsPamphlet files2022-1005
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE spectrum special issue : Three Mile Island and the future of nuclear powerNew York : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers [1979]144 pages : illustrations (some color), color maps ; 28 cmIEEE spectrum, vol. 16, no. 11 (Nov. 1969)Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant (Pa.); Nuclear power plants -- United States; Nuclear power plants -- United States -- Safety measuresPamphlet files2021-1600
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers; Booth, Christopher J.; Kurpis, Gediminas P.; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. IEEE standard dictionary of electrical and electronics termsThe new IEEE standard dictionary of electrical and electronics terms : (including abstracts of all current IEEE standards) / Gediminas P. Kurpis, chair ; Christopher J. Booth, editor5th ed.New York, NY, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c19931619 p. : ill. ; 26 cmPrevious ed. published under title: IEEE standard dictionary of electrical and electronics terms. "IEEE Std 100-1992."1559372400Electrical engineering—Dictionaries; Electronics—Dictionaries; Computer engineering—Dictionaries; Electrical engineering—Acronyms; Electronics—Acronyms; Computer engineering—AcronymsCRL Library stamp, front endpaper.BookshelvesTK9 I478 1993 2019-1475
Institute of Petroleum (Great Britain) Advances in mass spectrometryLondon : Heyden, 1959-1980volumes : illustrations ; 24-26 cmPublication history: v. [1]-8. Continued by Mass spectrometry advances. Volumes for 1959-79 issued on behalf of the Institute of Petroleum. v. 4 is proceedings of Mass Spectrometry Conference, 1967, held in Berlin.0568-000X Mass spectrometry—Congresses; Hydrocarbons—Spectra--Congresses SPCNHI has: v. 4 (1968). Donor’s name on front endpaper.Bookshelves QC454 A195 2020-1112
Institute of Physics (Great Britain)The physics of nuclear reactors : a conference arranged by the Institute of Physics in London from 3 to 6 July, 1956London : Institute of Physics, 1956Iv, 111, xvi p. : ill. ; 28 cmNuclear physics--Societies, etc; Nuclear engineering--Societies, etcSpine slightly worn. “G.J. Phillips, May 17, 1957, U.B.C.” written on front flyleaf. Errata slip taped in.Bookshelves QC770 .I49 2018-1563
Institute of Physics (Great Britain); Physical Society (Great Britain); Institute of Physics and the Physical Society; Institute of Physics Publishing Reports on progress in physicsLondon : The Institute of Physics, 1934-v. [1]- 1934- : illustrations ; 26 cmCurrent frequency: Monthly,. Former frequency: Annual, 1934-41. Biennial, 1942-49. Annual, 1950- . Volumes for 1934-1960 issued by the Physical Society; 1961- by the Institute of Physics and the Physical Society; 1971- by the Institute of Physics; 1987- by the Institute of Physics Publishing.0034-4885 PhysicsSPCNHI has v. 10 (1944-45), v. 24 (1961), inside front cover: “P. Oliver, Oct. 1961.”Periodicals2018-1254 (v. 10); 2018-1193 (v. 24)
Institution of Nuclear Engineers (Great Britain) The nuclear engineer : journal of the Institution of Nuclear Engineers[London] : The Institution, 1987v. :illustrations ; 30 cmSpecial issue : fire protection.Nuclear power plants — Fires and fire prevention; Nuclear industry — Fires and fire preventionSPCNHI has: vol. 28, no. 1 (Jan./Feb. 1987)Pamphlet files2023-1152
International Atomic Energy Agency Board of governors and permanent missions of member statesVienna : International Atomic Energy Agency volumes ; 15 cmContinues International Atomic Energy Agency. Board of governors and permanent missions.International Atomic Energy Agency – DirectoriesSPCNHI has: no. 114 (Mar. 1996), no. 121 (Mar. 1998)Bookshelves HD9698.5 . A1 I5 2023-1127 (no. 114); 2023-1128 (no. 121)
International Atomic Energy Agency Classification of radioactive waste : a safety guideVienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 199439 pages : illustration ; 24 cmSafety series, no. 111-G-4-1.1; STI/PUB/9509201011946 Radioactive waste—ClassificationPamphlet files2021-1383
International Atomic Energy Agency Classification of radioactive waste : specific safety guide53 leaves : illustrations ; 22 x28 cmPhotocopy of Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 2009. Series: IAEA safety standards series, SSG-1; STI/PUB/1419. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 9789201092090.Radioactive waste—Classification Handwritten note on first leaf. Some text highlighted or underlined.Pamphlet files2021-1451
International Atomic Energy Agency Commissioning procedures for nuclear power plants : a safety guideVienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 198058 pages ; 24 cmSafety series, no. 50-SG-O4.; Safety series; IAEA safety guides; STI/PUB/5749206233807Nuclear power plants -- Safety measures; Nuclear power plants – Testing; Nuclear power plants – CommissioningAECL library discard. “D. Howell” written on cover. “B. Deabreu” written on title page. Pamphlet files2022-1093
International Atomic Energy AgencyDerivation of activity concentration values for exclusion, exemption and clearance136 leaves ; 28 cmPhotocopy of book and CD-ROM, Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 2005, Safety reports series, no. 44; STI/PUB/1213. "April 2005." ISBN 9201131046.Radioisotopes -- Safety measures; Radioactivity -- Safety measuresBookshelves QC795.8 .R3 D47 2005 2021-1460
International Atomic Energy Agency Directory of nuclear reactorsVienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 1959-v. : ill ; 30 cmContents: v. 1. Power reactors --v. 2. Research, test and experimental reactors --v. 3. Research, test and experimental reactors. Supplement to v. 2 --v. 4. Power reactors. Rev. and supplemented ed. of v. 1 --v. 5. Research, test and experimental reactors. Supplement to vols. 2 and 3 --v. 6. Research, text and experimental reactors. Supplement to vols. 2, 3 and 5 --v. 7. Power reactors. Supplement to v. 4 --v. 8. Research, test and experimental reactors. Supplement to vols. 2, 3,5 and 6 --v. 9. Power reactors. Supplement to vols. 4 and 7.--v. 10. Power and research reactors.Nuclear reactors – DirectoriesSPCNHI has : v. 3, 6,AECL Library discards, card, pocket, stamps on front endpapers. Spine, cover, worn and repaired.Oversize books TK9202 I5 2019-1428 (v.6); 2022-1321 (v.3)
International Atomic Energy AgencyEnergy, electricity, and nuclear power estimates for the period up to ...; Nuclear power and its fuel cycleVienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 1982-volumes ; 18 cm. Reporting period varies.Reference data series, no. 1Publication history: Sept. 1982- . Current frequency: annual. Also issued online. Cover title: Nuclear power and its fuel cycle. 1011-2642 Nuclear energy – Statistics – Periodicals; Electric power – Statistics – Periodicals; Power resources – Statistics – Periodicals; Energy consumption – Statistics – Periodicals SPCNHI has : July 1998 (CRL discard).Pamphlet files2022-1312
International Atomic Energy Agency The environmental behaviour of radiumVienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 19902 v. : ill. ; 24 cmTechnical reports series (International Atomic Energy Agency), no. 310; STI/DOC/10/203Includes bibliographical references. 9201250908 (v. 1); 9201251904 (v. 2) Radioactive pollution; Radium--Environmental aspectsBookshelves TD196 .R3 I5 1990 2021-1118 (v.1); 2021-1119 (v.2)
International Atomic Energy Agency Glossaire de sûreté de l'AIEA : terminologie employée en sûreté et radioprotection Édition 2007240 pages ; 22 x 28 cm STI/PUB/1290 Includes references and bibliography with English-French index.Nuclear power plants--Safety measures—Dictionaries -- French; Radiation--Safety measures—Dictionaries -- French; Nuclear power plants--Safety measures--Glossaries, vocabularies, etc. -- French; Radiation--Safety measures--Glossaries, vocabularies, etc. -- FrenchPhotocopy from Internet resource issued by International Atomic Energy Agency, 2007. Oversize books TK9152 I16 2007f 2021-1506
International Atomic Energy Agency Handling of tritium-bearing wastesVienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 1981137 p. : ill. ; 24 cmTechnical reports series (International Atomic Energy Agency), no. 203; STI/DOC/10/203Includes bibliographical references. 9201250819 (pbk.) Radioactive waste disposal; Tritium IAEA complimentary label to donor on first page. Donor's name on front cover.Bookshelves TD898.7 .T7 I5 1981 2021-1196
International Atomic Energy Agency Highlights : annual report / International Atomic Energy Agency[Vienna, Austria] : IAEA, 1996-volumes : colour illustrations ; 30 cm. Publication history: 96- .Current frequency: Annual. Continues: International Atomic Energy Agency. Highlights of activities. Issues for 1996- based on the Agency's annual report.International Atomic Energy Agency — Periodicals; Nuclear energy – Research -- International cooperation – Periodicals SPCNHI has: 97.Pamphlet files2023-1137
International Atomic Energy AgencyINIS, authority list for journal titlesVienna : International Atomic Energy Agency volumes ; 30 cmINIS reference series, IAEA-INIS-11Publication history: began in 1970? Current frequency: annual (irregular). Description based on: May 1972. Latest issue consulted: Aug. 1994.1014-1561 INIS (Information retrieval system); Periodicals--Abbreviations of titles AECL Library discard. SPCNHI has: Apr 2007.Oversize books Z699.5 .A85 I2 2021-1615
International Atomic Energy Agency International Atomic Energy Agency : personal reflectionsVienna : The Agency, c1997311 pages : portraits ; 25 cm STI/PUB/10339201024975 International Atomic Energy Agency – Personal narratives; International Atomic Energy Agency – History; Nuclear energy – History;Bookshelves HD9698.5 .A2 I5 1997 2023-1130
International Atomic Energy Agency International Atomic Energy Agency bulletinVienna : The Agency, 1975-198814 volumes : illustrations ; 27 cmTitle from cover. Publication history: vol. 17, no. 1 (Feb. 1975)-v. 30, no. 4 (1988). Current frequency: quarterly, 1981-1988. Former frequency: bimonthly, 1975-1980. Continues: Bulletin (International Atomic Energy Agency). Continued by: IAEA bulletin.0020-6067 International Atomic Energy Agency—Periodicals; Nuclear energy—PeriodicalsSPCNHI has: v. 19, no. 4 (Aug 1977, 20th anniversary, 1957-1977, issue).Pamphlet files2021-1108
International Atomic Energy Agency Leak-before-break in water reactor piping and vessels / edited by C.E. Coleman; International journal of pressure vessels and pipingVienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 1989-volumes ; 30 cmPublication history: 1989- . Also issued online. 0074-1906 Nuclear reactors – Directories; Research reactors – Directories SPCNHI has: 1989 (WNRE Library copy. Library stamp.)Oversize books TK9202 I55 1989 2022-1322
International Atomic Energy Agency The long term storage of radioactive waste : safety and sustainability : a position paper of international expertsVienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 200318 pages ; 25 cm IAEA-LTS/RWUnderground disposal; Radioactive waste disposalPamphlet files2021-1385
International Atomic Energy Agency Natural analogues in performance assessments for the disposal of long lived radioactive wastesVienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 198957 p. : ill. ; 24 cmTechnical reports series (International Atomic Energy Agency), no. 304; STI/DOC/10/304920125489XRadioactive waste disposal--Risk assessment; Radioactive waste disposal in the ground—Mathematical modelsPunched for 3-ring binder. “To Dennis with thanks, Peter Sargent” written on half-title page.Pamphlet files2021-1050
International Atomic Energy Agency Nuclear power reactors in the world; Nuclear power and its fuel cycleVienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 1982-volumes ; 18 cm. Volumes for called also Reference data series ; no. 2 Publication history: Sept. 1982 ed.- . Current frequency: annual. Continues: International Atomic Energy Agency. Power reactors in member states. Other title: Nuclear power and its fuel cycle. Also issued online.Nuclear reactors — Directories; Nuclear power plants — DirectoriesSPCNHI has : April 1997 edition (WNRE discard, worn, mended), 2011 edition (photocopy)Pamphlet files2022-1313 (Apr 1997); 2022-1314 (2011)
International Atomic Energy Agency Nuclear research reactors in the world; Research reactors in member statesVienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 1986-volumes : illustrations ; 18 cm. Reference data series ; no. 3 Publication history: 1986 ed.- . Current frequency: annual. Continues in part: Research reactors in member states.1011-2642Nuclear reactors -- Handbooks, manuals, etc. Also issued online.SPCNHI has : May1989 edition (WNRE library discard, worn, mended).Pamphlet files2022-1315
International Atomic Energy Agency Operating experience with nuclear power stations in member states in ...Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 1970-2004volumes : illustrations ; 30 cmBegan with vol. for 1970; ceased with 2004. Current frequency: annual. Continued by: Operating experience with nuclear power stations in member states in ... (CD-ROM). Issues for 2003-2004 also issued in CD-ROM format; later issues only published on CD-ROM. 1011-2634 Nuclear power plants—Statistics—Periodicals; Nuclear power plants—History--Periodicals SPCNHI has : 1990 (WNRE Library discard).Oversize books TK1078 I57a 1990 2022-1329
International Atomic Energy Agency Quality standards : comparison between IAEA 50-C/SG-Q and ISO 9001:2002Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 200248 pages : illustrations ; 24 cmSafety reports series (International Atomic Energy Agency), no. 22; STI/PUB/11279201111029 Nuclear reactors -- Safety measures; Quality control – Standards; Quality assurance – Standards; Nuclear power plants -- Safety measures – StandardsPamphlet files2021-1384
International Atomic Energy AgencyRadiation protection glossary : selected basic terms used in IAEA publications = Glossaire de radioprotection : choix de termes de base utilisés dans les publications de l'AIEA = Glosario de protección radiológica : seleccion de terminos basicos utilizados en las publicaciones del OIEA = Glossarii po radiatsionnoi bezopasnosti : nekotorye osnovnye terminy, ispol'zuemye v publikatsiiakh MAGATEVienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 1986166 p. ; 24 cmSafety series, no. 76; IAEA safety guides; STI/PUB/726Text in English, French, Russian and Spanish. Includes bibliographies.9200230865 Radiation--Safety measures—Dictionaries--Polyglot Donor's initials on front cover.Bookshelves RA569 G5 2007 2018-1393
International Atomic Energy Agency Radioactive waste management glossary[3rd version]Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 199355 p. ; 25 cm STI/PUB/9409201034938 Radioactive wastes—Management--TerminologyAECL Research stamp, pocket, on half-title page.Pamphlet files2018-1389
International Atomic Energy Agency Radioactive waste management glossary 2nd ed.Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 198855 p. ; 30 cm IAEA-TECDOC ; 447Radioactive wastes—Management--TerminologyPaper cover, bent.Pamphlet files2019-1038
International Atomic Energy AgencyRadiological protection of the environment : summary report of the issues : summary report of the NEA Forum on "Radiological protection of the environment, The path forward to a new policy?" : held in collaboration with the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP)28 pages ; 24 cmPhotocopy of Internet resource, Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 2004. Safety standards series, RS-G-1.7; STI/PUB, 1202. ISBN 9201094043.Radioisotopes; Radioactivity -- Safety measures Some text highlighted.Pamphlet files2021-1455
International Atomic Energy Agency Safe handling of tritium : review of data and experienceVienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 1991130 p. : ill. ; 24 cmTechnical reports series (International Atomic Energy Agency), no. 324; STI/DOC/10/324Includes bibliographical references. 9201253915 Tritium--Safety measures; Nuclear fuels--Safety measures Donor's name on first page.Bookshelves TD898.7 .T7 I55 1991 2021-1197
International Atomic Energy Agency Safety principles and technical criteria for the underground disposal of high level radioactive wastesVienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 198928 pages ; 24 cmSafety series, no. 99; STI/PUB/854Includes bibliography. 9201239890 High-level radioactive wastes; Radioactive waste disposal in the ground; Undergound disposalPamphlet files2021-1368
International Atomic Energy Agency; Attas, MichaelCerenkov viewing devices for spent fuel verification at light water reactors : Canadian, Finnish and Swedish support programmes[Pinawa, Man. : AECL Research, c1993]89 p. : ill. ; 30 cm“In co-operation with the Department of Safeguards, Safeguards Training Section, International Atomic Energy Agency. IAEA Inspector Training.” Contributors: Michael Attas, et al.Cherenkov radiation; SafeguardsPamphlet files2021-1181
International Atomic Energy Agency; Delves, DerekIAEA safety glossary : terminology used in nuclear safety and radiation protection114 pages : illustrations ; 22 x 28 cm STI/PUB/1290Photocopy of: 2007 edition, Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 2007. STI/PUB/1290. "June 2007 "—Title page verso. Also issued in French under title Glossaire de sûreté de l'AIEA : terminologie employée en sûreté et radioprotection. "The IAEA officer responsible for this glossary is D. Delves."--Foreword. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 9201007078.Nuclear power plants--Safety measures—Dictionaries; Radiation--Safety measures—Dictionaries; Nuclear power plants--Safety measures--Glossaries, vocabularies, etc.; Radiation--Safety measures--Glossaries, vocabularies, etc.Oversize books TK9152 I16 2007 2019-1041
International Atomic Energy Agency; El Baradei, MohamedAtoms for peace : a pictorial history of the International Atomic Energy AgencyVienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, c2007189 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 31 cm"IAEA-History/2007."--Page facing title page. Preface signed by Mohamed El Baradei. "August 2007."--Page facing title page. Includes index.9789201038074; 9201038070 International Atomic Energy Agency--History--Pictorial works In box.Oversize books HD9698.5 .A86 2007 2018-1511
International Atomic Energy Agency; International Atomic Energy Agency. Division of Public Information IAEA bulletinVienna, Austria : Division of Public Information, 1989-v. : ill. ; 29 cmPublication history: Vol. 31, no. 1- . Current frequency: Twice a year, 2002-. Former frequency: Quarterly, 1989-2001. Continues: International Atomic Energy Agency bulletin. Subtitle: "Quarterly journal of the International Atomic Energy Agency",vols for 1989-2001. Has occasional supplements. Indexed by: Chemical abstracts. Online version, continues the print: IAEA bulletin.0020-6067 International Atomic Energy Agency—Periodicals; Nuclear energy—PeriodicalsSPCNHI has: v. 38, no. 3 (Sep. 1996), v. 49, no. 2 (Mar. 2008).Pamphlet files2018-1391 (Mar. 2008); 2024-1021 (Sep. 1996)
International Atomic Energy Agency; International Chernobyl Project The International Chernobyl Project : an overview : report / by an International Advisory Committee.Vienna : IAEA, 199157 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm"Assessment of radiological consequences and evaluation of protective measures."9201290918International Chernobyl Project; Chernobyl Nuclear Accident, Chornobylʹ,Ukraine, 1986 -- Health aspects; Chernobyl Nuclear Accident, Chornobylʹ,Ukraine, 1986 -- Environmental aspectsAECL Library discard. Library stamp on first page. Pamphlet files2021-1214
International Atomic Energy Agency; International Chernobyl Project The International Chernobyl Project : broadsheet summary[Vienna] : International Atomic Energy Agency [1992]1 folded sheet (5 pages) : illustrations ; 42 x 60 cm, folded to 21 x 12 cmIonizing radiation--Environmental aspects—Ukraine; Ionizing radiation--Health aspects—Ukraine; Chernobyl Nuclear Accident, Chornobylʹ,Ukraine, 1986Pamphlet files2021-1469
International Atomic Energy Agency; International Nuclear Safety Advisory Group Key practical issues in strengthening safety culture : INSAG-15 : a report by the International Nuclear Safety Advisory Group34 leaves ; 28 cmPhotocopy of Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 2002. Series: INSAG, 15; STI/PUB, 1137. ISBN 920112202.Nuclear industry -- Safety measures. Nuclear power plants -- Safety measuresSome text underlined. Pamphlet files2021-1456
International Atomic Energy Agency; Nuclear Safety Standards Programme Quality assurance for safety in nuclear power plants and other nuclear installations : code and safety guides Q1-Q14vii, 342 pages ; 30 cmPhotocopy of Vienna : IAEA, 1996. Series: Safety series, 50-C/SG-Q. Safety standards and guides. “A publication within the NUSS Programme”--Cover. “STI/PUB/1016.” ISBN 9201036965.Nuclear power plants -- Safety measures; Nuclear power plants – Quality control In loose-leaf binder. Cover title: Code and saftey guides : Q1-Q14.Oversize books TK9152 I56 1996 2021-1578
International Atomic Energy Agency; OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Geological disposal of radioactive waste : draft safety requirements40 pages on 12 leaves ; 22 x 28 cmIAEA safety standards series : for protecting people and the envionment; Draft safety reuirements, no. WS-R-4Photocopy of online resource. [Vienna?] : International Atomic Energy Agency, 2005? -- 40 pages. --”Supersedes Safety series no. 99. Jointly sponsored with the Nuclear Energy Agency of the OECD. GOV/2005/48.”Radioactive waste disposal in the ground -- Safety measuresPamphlet files2021-1586
International Atomic Energy Agency; OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Homogenization methods in reactor physics : proceedings of a Specialists' Meeting on Homogenization Methods in Reactor Physics / organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the OECD Nuclear Energy AgencyVienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 1980670 pages : illustrations ; 30 cm IAEA-TECDOC-231“[H]eld in Lugano, Switzerland, 13-15 November 1978”--Title page.Nuclear reactors -- Mathematical models – Congresses; Homogenization (Differential equations) – Congresses Paper cover. AECL Library stamps on front cover.Oversize books QA377 H6 1978 2019-1252
International Atomic Energy Agency; OECD Nuclear Energy Agency INES : the International Nuclear Event Scale : user's manual Revised and extended edition 1992Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 199282 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm`IAEA-INES-92/01International Nuclear Event Scale; Nuclear reactor accidents Donor's name on front cover.Pamphlet files2021-1346
International Atomic Energy Agency; Seligman, HenryIsotopes in everyday life / [written by: Henry Seligman]Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency [1990]67 p. : ill. ; 24 cm IAEA/PI/A6ERadioisotopes; Radioisotopes--Industrial applicationsPaper cover. Library label on front cover, inside front & back covers.Pamphlet files2018-1489
International Atomic Energy Agency; World Health Organization Nuclear power and the environment : information booklet / prepared by the International Atomic Energy Agency in collaboration with the World Health OrganizationVienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 197385 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.STI/PUB/321 (Rev.).Nuclear power plants--Environmental aspects; Radiation—Safety measures; Radioactive substances—Safety measuresWNRE Library discard. Library stamp, pocket.Bookshelves TD195 .E4 I57 2021-1328
International CANDU Fuel Conference (8th : 2003 : Honey Harbour, Ont.)8th Int. CANDU fuel conf proc., 2003 Sept, Honey Harbour1 CD-R : ill. ; 12 cmTitle from disc. Unpublished CD.Nuclear fuels—CongressesCD/DVDs2022-7009
International CNS Conference on CANDU Fuel (10th : 2008 : Ottawa, Ont.)10th CNS International Conference on CANDU Fuel : Oct. 5-8, 2008 : CANDU fuel, leading the renaissance = 10ièmeConférence internationale de la SNC sur le combustible CANDUToronto : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 20051 CD-ROM ; 12 cmConference held in Ottawa. Title from disc label. 0919784933 Nuclear reactors -- Maintenance and repair – Congresses; Fuel cycle; Nuclear power plants -- Canada – CongressesCD/DVDs2022-7011
International CNS Conference on CANDU Fuel (9th : 2005 : Belleville, Ont.); Özberk, Engin; Iglesias, FernandoFuelling a clean future : Proceedings, 9th International CNS Conference on CANDU Fuel, Belleville, Ontario, September 18-21, 2005[Toronto?] : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne, 20051 CD-ROM : ill. ; 12 cmTitle from case label. Conference chair: Engin Özberk. Technical program chair: Fernando Iglesias. 0919784844 Nuclear fuels—CongressesCD/DVDs2022-7010
International Commission on Radiological ProtectionThe evaluation of risks from radiation : a report prepared for Committee I of the International Commission on Radiological Protection and received by the Committee on April 20th, 19651st edition, 1966Oxford ; Toronto : Published for the International Commission on Radiological Protection by Pergamon, 1966iv, 60 pages : illustrations ; 25 cmICRP publication, 8At head of title: Radiation protection. Includes references.Radiation -- Physiological effect; Radiation -- Toxicology; RadiogeneticsAECL library, RIS branch copy. Library stamps, pocket.Bookshelves RA1231 .R2 I2 no.8 2023-1087
International Commission on Radiological Protection General principles for the radiation protection of workers 1st editionTarrytown, New York : Published for the International Commission on Radiological Protection by Pergamon, c1997iv, 61 pages : illustrations ; 25 cmICRP publication, 75.; Annals of the ICRP, v. 27, no. 1.At head of title: Radiation protection. "Adopted by the Commission in January 1997."0080427413 Radiation workers -- Health and hygiene.; Radiation dosimetry; Radiation -- Environmental aspects – Measurement“SERP” on front cover. Pamphlet files2021-1347
International Commission on Radiological ProtectionGeneral principles of monitoring for radiation protection of workers : a report by Committee 4 of the International Commission on Radiological Protection adopted by the International Commission on Radiological Protection, adopted by the Commission on May 24, 19681st edition, 1969Oxford ; Toromto : published for the International Commission on Radiological Protection by Pergamon Press, 196924 pages ; 25 cmICRP publication, 12At head of title: Radiation protection. Includes references.Radiation protection; Radiation -- Safety measuresAECL library, RIS branch copy. Library stamps, pocket.Pamphlet files2023-1090
International Commission on Radiological Protection Radiological protection policy for the disposal of radioactive waste : adopted by the Commission in May 1997Oxford : published for the International Commission on Radiological Protection by Pergamon, 1998v, 21 pages ; 25 cmICRP publication, no. 77; Radiation protection; Annals of the ICRP, v. 27, supplement 19970080427499 Radiation -- Safety measures; Radioactive waste disposal -- Safety measuresPamphlet files2021-1419
International Commission on Radiological Protection Radiosensitivity and spatial distribution of dose : reports repared by two task groups of Committee I of the International Commission on Radiological Protection1st edition, 1969Oxford ; Toromto : published for the International Commission on Radiological Protection by Pergamon Press, 1969iv, 118 pages : illustrations ; 25 cmICRP publication, 14At head of title: Radiation protection. Includes references. 0080063322Radiation dosimetry Radiation -- Physiological effect; Radiation -- Toxicology ; RadiometryAECL library, RIS branch copy. Library stamps, pocket.Bookshelves RA1231 .R2 I2 no.14 2023-1091
International Commission on Radiological Protection Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection : as amended 1959 and revised 1962Oxford : Published for the International Commission on Radiological Protection by Pergamon, 1964v, 70 pages ; 25 cmICRP publication, 6At head of title: Radiation protection.Radiation – Dosage; Radioactivity -- Safety measuresAECL library, RIS branch copy. Library stamps, pocket.Bookshelves RA1231 .R2 I2 no.6 2023-1086
International Commission on Radiological ProtectionA review of the radiosensitivity of the tissues in bone : a report prepared for Committees I and 2 of the International Commisaion on Radiological Protection and received by the committees on April 3, 19671st edition, 1968Oxford ; Toromto : published for the International Commission on Radiological Protection by Pergamon Press, 196836 pages : illustrations ; 25 cmICRP publication, 11At head of title: Radiation protection. Bibliography : page 30-36.Bone marrow cells Bones ;Bone marrow – TumorsAECL library, RIS branch copy. Library stamps, pocket.Pamphlet files2023-1089
International Commission on Radiological Protection. Committee 4 Optimization and decision-making in radiological protection : a report of a task group of Committee 4 of the International Commission on Radiological Protection 1st editionOxford ; New York ; Toronto : Pergamon for the Commission, 1989ix, 60 pages : illustrations ; 25 cmICRP publication, 55; Annals of the ICRP, v. 20, no. 1 (1989)"Adopted by the Commission in September 1988." Includes: Statement from the 1989 Paris Meeting of the International Commission on Radiological Protection.0080373887Radiation -- Safety measures -- Cost effectiveness; Radiation -- Safety measures -- Decision making; Radiation protectionPamphlet files2021-1363
International Commission on Radiological Protection. Committee 4 Protection of the public in the event of major radiation accidents : principles for planning : a report of Committee 4 of the International Commission on Radiological Protection 1st editionOxford ; New York : Pergamon for the Commission, 198422 pages : illustrations ; 25 cmICRP publication, 40; Annals of the ICRP, v. 14, no. 2 (1984)“Adopted by the commission in May 1984.”0080323022 Radiation--Accidents; Disaster planning; Radiation protectionPamphlet files2021-1364
International Commission on Radiological Protection; International Commission on Radiological Protection. Committee IVReport of Committee IV, evaluation of radiation doses to body tissues from internal contamination due to occupational exposure : recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection1st edition, 1968Oxford ; Toronto : published for the International Commission on Radiological Protection by Pergamon Press,,1968v, 94 pages : illustration ; 25 cmICRP publication, 10At head of title: Radiation protection. Errata sheet inserted. Includes references.Radiation -- Physiological effect; Radiation – DosageAECL library, RIS branch copy. Library stamps, pocket.Bookshelves RA1231 .R2 I2 no.10 2023-1088
International Commission on Radiological Protection; International Commission on Radiological Protection. Committee V Report of Committee V on the handling and disposal of radioactive materials in hospitals and medical research establishments (1964) : recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection 1st editionOxford : published for the International Commission on Radiological Protection by Pergamon Press, 1965v, 50 pages ; 25 cmICRP publication, 5At head of title: Radiation protection.Radioactive decontamination Radioactive waste disposal; Radioactivity -- Safety measuresAECL library, RIS branch copy. Library stamps, pocket.Bookshelves RA1231 .R2 I2 no.5 2023-1085
International Commission on Radiological Protection; International Commission on Radiological Protection. Committee 2 Report of Committee II on Permissible Dose for Internal Radiation (1959) : recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological ProtectionOxford ; Toronto : published for the International Commission on Radiological Protection by Pergamon Press, 1967vii. 233 pages ; 25 cmICRP publication, 2At head of title: Radiation protection. Includes bibliographies.Radiation -- Safety measures; Radiation – DosageAECL library, RIS branch copy. Library stamps, pocket. Inserted: Photocopy of 29. Radioactivity & radiation protection / by R.J. Donahue and A. Fassò.Bookshelves RA1231 .R2 I2 no.2 2023-1084
International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (5th : 1990 : Paris); Yiou, F.; Raisbeck, G. M.Accelerator mass spectrometry : proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, Paris, France, Apr. 23-27, 1990 / editors: F. Yiou, G.M. RaisbeckAmsterdam : North-Holland, 1990xv, p. 211-630. : ill. ; 27 cmReprinted from Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research B, vol. 52, no. 3/4Accelerator mass spectrometry – Congresses Donor's name on front endpaper.Oversize books QC454 .A25 I5 1990 2021-1008
International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (7th : 1996 : Tucson, Ariz.); University of Arizona. Dept. of Geosciences; Long, AustinAMS-7 : abstracts of the 7th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, Tucson, Arizona, 20-24 May 1996Tucson, Ariz. : Dept. of Geosciences, University of Arizona, 1996.iv, 173 p.Radiocarbon, v. 38, no. 1Editor, Austin Long. Cover title. Includes abstracts from the Workshop on Secular Variations in Production Rates of Cosmogenic Nuclides on the Earth, held in Santa Fe, New Mexico, February 2-5, 1996.Accelerator mass spectrometry – Congresses Donor's name on cover.Bookshelves QC454 .A25 I5 1996 2020-1186
International Conference on Advanced Monte Carlo for Radiation Physics, Particle Transport Simulation and Applications (Lisbon : 2000)Advanced Monte Carlo for radiation physics, particle transport simulation and applications : programme and book of abstracts; MC 2000 : Monte Carlo 2000[Lisbon] : ITN (Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear), 2000xxxiv. 392 pages : illustrations ; 30 cm"23-26 October 2000, Congress Centre, IST, Lisbon, Portugal." Cover title: MC 2000 ; Monte Carlo 2000. Includes author index.Radiation — Statistical methods — Congresses; Monte Carlo method — Congresses; Neutron transport theory — CongressesOversize books QC474 I5 2000 2024-1016
International Conference on Atomic Collision and Penetration Studies (1967 : Chalk River, Ont.); Atomic Energy of Canada Limited; International Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids (2nd : 1967 : Chalk River, Ont.)Conference on Atomic Collision and Penetration Studies with Energetic (keV) Ion Beams : September 18-21, 1967Chalk River : Atomic Energy of Canada, Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories [1967]1 v. (unpaged) : ill., maps : 22 cmSubsequently considered to be the 2nd International Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids. Partial contents: Daily program and abstracts. --List of delgates. Full proceedings were reprinted from Canadian jounal of physics, v. 46, p. [449]-782 (1968) by University of Toronto Press.Collisions (Nuclear physics) – Congresses Plastic ring binding. Donor's name on title page.Bookshelves QC794.6 .C6 I617 1967 2020-1119
International Conference on CANDU Fuel Handling Systems (1st : 1996 : Toronto, Ont.); Canadian Nuclear Society1st International Conference on CANDU Fuel Handling Systems : proceedings : May 13 & 14, 1996, Hotel Plaza II, Toronto, CanadaToronto, Ont. : Canadian Nuclear Society [1996]vi, 224 pages : illustrations ; 28 cmCover title. 0919784437 CANDU type reactors -- Design and construction – Congresses; Nuclear fuels -- Congresses Paper cover.Bookshelves TK9360 I595 1996 2022-1075
International Conference on CANDU Fuel; Canadian Nuclear Society; American Nuclear Society; Hastings, I. J. (Ian James); Boczar, P. G. Conference proceedings / International Conference on CANDU Fuel ; sponsored by the Canadian Nuclear Society and the American Nuclear SocietyToronto : Canadian Nuclear Society,[1987]- volumes : illustrations ; 28 cmPublication history: 1986- . Frequency: once every 2 or 3 years. Editors vary: 1986, 1989: Ian J. Hastings; 1992: P.G. Boczar.Nuclear fuels—Congresses; CANDU reactors – CongressesSPCNHI has: 1986, 2nd 1989, 3rd 1992; 4th (1995); 5th (1997); 6th (1999 v.1); 8th (2003)Bookshelves TK9360 I593a 2019-1423 (1986); 2019-1424 (1989); 2019-1425 (1992); 2022-1199 (1995 v.1); 2022-1200 (1995 v.2); 2022-1201 (1997 v.1); 2022-1202 (1997 v.2); 2022-1203 (1999 v.1); 2022-1204 (2003)
International Conference on CANDU Maintenance (7th : 2005 : Toronto, Ont.)Seventh CNS International Conference on CANDU Maintenance : Maintain the Fleet : Maximize Performance : November 20-22, 2005, Toronto, CanadaToronto, Ont. : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société Nucléaire Canadienne, 20051 CD-ROM ; 12 cmSystem requirements: Adobe Reader 6 or 7. Installer software for Adobe Reader v.7 included. 0919784836Candu type reactors; Nuclear reactors -- Maintenance and repair – Congresses; Nuclear power plants -- Canada – CongressesCD/DVDs2022-7012
International Conference on CANDU Maintenance (8th : 2008 : Toronto, Ont.)8th International Conference on CANDU Maintenance : conference proceedings : November 16-18, 2008Toronto, Ont. : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société Nucléaire Canadienne, 20081 CD-ROM ; 12 cmTitle from disc. 0919784909Candu type reactors; Nuclear reactors -- Maintenance and repair – Congresses; Nuclear power plants -- Canada – CongressesCD/DVDs2022-7013
International Conference on CANDU Maintenance; Canadian Nuclear Association; Canadian Nuclear SocietyProceedings : ... International Conference on CANDU Maintenance, Toronto, Canada[Toronto, Ont.] : Canadian Nuclear Society = Société nucléaire canadienne,[1992?-]volumes : illustrations ; 28 cmIssued every two or three years. 2nd, 1992, conference co-sponsored by Canadian Nuclear Association, others by Canadian Nuclear Society.Nuclear power plants -- Maintenance and repair – Congresses; Heavy water reactors -- Maintenance and repair – CongressesSPCNHI has: 2nd, 1992; 3rd, 1995; 4th, 1997; 5th, 2000. Some issues have extra papers inserted not available at time of printing.Bookshelves TK9203 .H4 I5 2022-1076 (1992 v.1); 2022-1077 (1992 v.2); 2022-1206 (1995); 2022-1207 (1997); 2022-1208 (2000)
International Conference on Containment Design (1984 : Toronto, Ont.)International Conference on Containment Design : conference summaries, 1984 June 17 to 20, Westin Hotel, Toronto, Ontario, Canada[Toronto] : Canadian Nuclear Society, 1984?157 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm“Plenary session and invited papers are not included”--Editor's notes.Nuclear reactors -- Containment – Congresses; AbstractsConference proceedings are in INIS Repository at ,Reference number 21050010.Bookshelves TK9211 I5 1984 2022-1122
International Conference on Containment Design and Operation (2nd : 1990 : Toronto, Ont.); Lawrence, S. R.; Canadian Nuclear SocietyThe Second International Conference on Containment Design and Operation : October 14-17, 1990, King Edward Hotel, Toronto, Ontario, Canada : proceedingsToronto, Ont. : Canadian Nuclear Society, 19902 volumes (loose-leaf) : illustrations ; 30 cmEditor: S. R. Lawrence. 0919784216 (set); 0919784224 (v.1); 0919784232 (v.2) Nuclear reactors -- Containment – Congresses; Abstracts SPCHI has: vol. 2.Oversize books TK9211 I5 1990 2022-1215 (v.2)
International Conference on Containment Design and Operation (3rd : 1994 : Toronto, Ont.); Canadian Nuclear Society; International Atomic Energy AgencyThe Third International Conference on Containment Design and Operation : conference proceedings, October 19-21, 1994, Toronto Hilton Hotel, Toronto, OntarioToronto, Ont. : Canadian Nuclear Society, 19942 volumes : illustrations; 28 cmSponsored by the Canadian Nuclear Society in cooperation with the IAEA. 0919784390 (set); 0919784370 (v.1); 0919784380 (v.2) Nuclear reactors -- Containment – Congresses Paper covers.Bookshelves TK9211 I5 1994 2022-1078 (v.1); 2022-1079 (v.2)
International Conference on Cyclotrons and their Applications (7th : 1975 : Zürich); Joho, W.; Schweizerisches Institut für NuklearforschungSeventh International Conference on Cyclotrons and their Applications, Zürich, Switzerland, 19-22 August, 1975 / organized by Swiss Institute of Nuclear Research ;proceedings editorial chairman chairman, W. JohoBasel ; Stuttgart : Birkhäuser, 1975655 p. : ill. ; 28 cmExperientia : Supplementum, 24Sponsored by Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich (ETHZ), International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP). Includes bibliographical references and index. 3764308230 Cyclotrons—Congresses“J.C.D. Milton, Feb. 76” on front endpaper.Bookshelves QC787 .C8 I48 1975 2021-1013
International Conference on Deep Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste (1996 : Winnipeg, Man.); Canadian Nuclear Society.; CANDU Owners GroupProceedings of the 1996 International Conference on Deep Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste : September 16-19, 1996, Winnipeg, Manitoba CanadaToronto : Canadian Nuclear Society, 19961 volume (various pagings) : illustrations ; 23 cmSponsored by Canadian Nuclear Society ; co-sposored by CANDU Owners Group [and others] ; organized in co-operation with, Nuclear Energy Agency, International Atomic Energy Agency.0919784445Radioactive waste disposal – Congresses; Radioactive waste disposal in the ground – CongressesBookshelves TD898 .2 I48 1996 2022-1217
International Conference on Deep Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste, EDZ Workshop (1996 : Winnipeg); Martino, Jason Blair; Martin, Charles Derek; Canadian Nuclear Society.; International Atomic Energy Agency.; OECD Nuclear Energy AgencyProceedings of the Excavation Disturbed Zone Workshop : designing the excavation disturbed zone for a nuclear repository in hard rock : held at the 1996 Canadian Nuclear Society International Conference on Deep Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste : September 20, 1996, Westin Hotel, Winnipeg, Manitoba, CanadaToronto, Ont. : Canadian Nuclear Society, c1996164 pages : illustrations ; 27 cm"EDZ Workshop proceedings edited by J.B. Martino and C.D. Martin." Sponsored by Canadian Nuclear Society ; co-sponsored by CANDU Owners Group [and others] ; organized in co-operation with Nuclear Energy Agency, International Atomic Energy Agency.0919784445Rock mechanics – Congresses; Radioactive waste disposal in the ground – Congresses; Engineering geology – CongressesBookshelves TD898 .2 I5 1996 2022-1059
International Conference on Electromagnetic Sizes of Nuclei (1967 : Carleton University); Brown, D. J.; Sundaresan, M. K.; Barton, R. D. (Richard D.); Carleton University. Dept. of Physics; National Research Council of Canada. Division of Pure PhysicsProceedings of the International Conference on Electromagnetic Sizes of Nuclei, Carleton University, Ottawa, May 22-24, 1967 / editors: D. J. Brown, M. K. Sundaresan, R. D. BartonOttawa : Carleton University Press, 1967x, 312 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.Sponsored by the Dept. of Physics of Carleton University, the Division of Pure Physics of the National Research Council, and the City of Ottawa.Electrons—Scattering--Congresses Paperback. Attached slip: “With the compliments of the organizing committee.”Bookshelves QC721 I58 1967 2018-1080
International Conference on Expanded and Rolled Joint Technology (1993 : Toronto, Ontario)Proceedings of an International Conference on Expanded and Rolled Joint TechnologyToronto : Canadian Nuclear Society, 19931 volume (various pagings) : illustrations ; 28 cmCover title: Conference proceedings. 0919784364Expansion joints – Congresses; Joints (Engineering) – Congresses; Rolling (Metal-work) – CongressesBookshelves TA660 .J64 I58 1993 2022-1227
International Conference on High Energy Physics (10th : 1960 : University of Rochester); Sudarshan, E. C. G.; Tinlot, J. H.; Melissinos, Adrian C. (Adrian Constantin), 1929- ; International Union of Pure and Applied PhysicsProceedings of the 1960 Annual International Conference on High Energy Physics at Rochester : the University of Rochester, Rochester, N.Y., August 25-September 1, 1960 / edited by E.C.G. Sudarshan, J.H. Tinlot [and] A.C. MelissinosRochester, N.Y. : University of Rochester ; New York : distributed by Interscience Publishers, 1960xxv, 890 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.Sponsored by International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, et al. Includes bibliographical references and index.Nuclear physics—Congresses; Particles (Nuclear physics)--Congresses; Collisions (Nuclear physics)--Congresses Donor's signature on front flyleaf.Oversize books QC793 I553 1960 2018-1144
International Conference on Isotopes (3rd : 1999 : Vancouver, B.C.); Stevenson, Nigel R.; TRIUMFIsotope production and applications in the 21st century : proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Isotopes, Vancouver, Canada, 6-10 September 1999 / editor, Nigel R. StevensonSingapore ; River Edge, N.J. : World Scientific, c2000xxiii, 488 p. : ill. ; 23 cm981024200X Isotopes—Congresses; Radioisotopes—CongressesSaskatchewan Research Council Library discard; Library labels, stamp, on endpaper, title page.Bookshelves QD466.5 .I58 1999 2021-1113
International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (7th : 1960 : University of Toronto); Graham, G. M.; Hallett, A. C. HollisProceedings of the VIIth International Conference on Low Temperature Physics : University of Toronto, Canada, 29th August-3rd September 1960 / edited by G.M. Graham and A.C. Hollis HallettToronto : University of Toronto Press, 1961xviii, 725 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.Includes bibliographical references and index.Low temperatures—Congresses Spine worn top & bottom. Donor's signature on front flyleaf.Bookshelves QC278 .I512 1960 2018-1095
International Conference on Mathematics and Computations, Reactor Physics, and Environmental Analyses (1995 : Portland, Or.); American Nuclear Society. Mathematics and Computation DivisionMathematics and computations, reactor physics, and environmental analyses : proceedings of the international conference, Portland, Oregon, April 30-May 4, 1995 / meeting sponsors, American Nuclear Society, Mathematics and Computation Division ... [and others]La Grange Park, Ill. : The Society, c19952 volumes (xvi, 1597 pages) : illustrations ; 23 cm"International Conference on Mathematics and Computations, Reactor Physics, and Environmental Analyses"--Cover. Includes bibliographical references and index.0894481983 (set) Nuclear engineering – Mathematics – Congresses; Nuclear reactors – CongressesBookshelves TK9006 M37 1995 2022-1307 (v.1); 2022-1308 (v.2)
International Conference on Nuclear Physics (1980 : Berkeley, Calif.); United States. Department of Energy; National Science Foundation (U.S.); International Union of Pure and Applied Physics; Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory; Diamond, R. M.; Rasmussen, J. O.Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Physics : August 24-30, 1980, Berkeley, CaliforniaBerkeley : Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of California, 19802 volumes : illustrations ; 23-25 cm LBL-11118"Sponsored by International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, U.S. National Science Foundation, U.S. Department of Energy." Contents: v. 1. Abstracts. v. 2, Invited papers, published Amsterdam : North-Holland, 1981; edited by R.M. Diamond and J.O. Rasmussen; reprinted from Nuclear physics. A, v. A354 (1981).Nuclear physics -- Congresses V. 1: donor's name on cover. V. 2: Donor's name on front endpaper.Bookshelves QC770 I515 1980 2021-1002 (v.1); 2021-1011 (v.2)
International Conference on Nuclear Physics (1983 : Florence, Italy); Istituto nazionale de fisica nucleare; Università di Firenze; International Union of Pure and Applied PhysicsProceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Physics, Florence, August 29-September 3, 1983 / [organized by Istituto nazionale di fisica nucleare, Università degli studi di Firenze ; sponsored by, International Union of Pure and Applied Physics ... et al.]Bologna : Tipografia Compositori, c1983-v. : ill. ; 24 cmIncomplete contents: v. 1. Contributed papers. Includes bibliographies and index.Nuclear physics—Congresses SPCNHI has: v. 1. Paper cover. Donor's name on front endpaper.Bookshelves QC770 I515 1983 2021-1003
International Conference on Nuclear Structure (1957 : Reḥovot, Israel); Lipkin, Harry J.Proceedings of the Rehovoth Conference on Nuclear Structure, held at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovoth, September 8-14, 1957 / edited by H.J. LipkinAmsterdam : North-Holland Pub. Co., 1958xvi, 614 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.Series in physics Includes bibliographies.Nuclear physics—Congresses Donor's signature on front flyleaf.Bookshelves QC173 .I54 1957 2018-1111
International Conference on Nuclear Structure (1960 : Queen's University, Kingston, Ont.); Bromley, D. Allan (David Allan), 1926-2005; Vogt, Erich W., 1929-Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Structure, Kingston, Canada, August 29 - September 3, 1960 / edited by D.A. Bromley, E.W. VogtToronto : University of Toronto Press ; Amsterdam : North Holland, 1960990 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.Nuclear physics—Congresses; Nuclear models--Congresses Donor's signature on front flyleaf.Bookshelves QC770 .I516 1960 2018-1078
International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (1982 : Michigan State University); Bertsch, George F.; Gelbke, C. K.; Scott, D. K.Nucleus-nucleus collisions : proceedings of the International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Michigan State University, September 26 - October 1, 1982 invited papers / edited by G.F. Bertsch. C. K. Gelbke and D. K. Scott Amsterdam ; New York : North-Holland, 1983xiii, 612 p. : ill. ; 25 cmReprinted from Nuclear physics A, 400Collisions (Nuclear physics)--Congresses; Nuclear physics—Congresses Donor's name on front endpaper.Bookshelves QC794.6 .C6 I65 1982 2021-1005
International Conference on Nuclidic Masses (1st : 1960 : McMaster University); Duckworth, H. E. (Henry Edmison), 1915- ; International Union of Pure and Applied PhysicsProceedings of the International Conference on Nuclidic Masses : McMaster University, Hamilton, September 12-16, 1960 / edited by H.E. Duckworth[Toronto] : University of Toronto Press, c1960xi, 539 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.Sponsored by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, the National Research Council of Canada, and various other bodies. Includes bibliographies.Atomic mass—Congresses; Nuclear physics—Congresses Donor's signature on front flyleaf.Bookshelves QC173 I57 1960 2018-1088
International Conference on Numerical Methods in Nuclear Engineering (1983 : Montréal, Québec); Phillips, G. J.; Canadian Nuclear Society; American Nuclear SocietyInternational Conference on Numerical Methods in Nuclear Engineering, 1983 September 6-9, Montreal, Canada.[Toronto : Canadian Nuclear Society] ; printed at the Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories, 19832 parts (vii, 1145 pages) : illustrations ; 28 cmEdited by G.J. Phillips. Includes bibliographies. 0919784046 (pbk. : set); 091978402X (pbk. : v. 1); 0919784038 (pbk. : v. 2) Nuclear engineering -- Mathematical models – Congresses; Numerical analysis – Congresses; Nuclear engineering – CongressesBookshelves TK9006 I4765 1983 2022-1210 (v.1); 2022-1211 (v.2)
International Conference on Properties of Nuclear States (1969 : Université de Montréal); Harvey, Malcolm, 1936-2019; International Union of Pure and Applied Physics; Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories; Université de MontréalProceedings : International Conference on Properties of Nuclear States, Montreal, Canada, August 25-30, 1969 = Comptes rendus : Conférence internationale sur les propriétés des états nucléaires, Montréal, Canada, 25-30 août 1969 / editorial committee = comité de publication: M. Harvey [et al.]Montréal : Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 1969xxi, 811 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.Sponsored by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories of Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., Université de Montréal [et al.] Advisory committee included L.G. Elliott. Summaries in French. Includes bibliographical references.0840501293 Nuclear physics—Congresses; Nuclear spectroscopy—CongressesBookshelves QC770 I518 1969 2018-1100
International Conference on Radioactive Waste Management (1982 : Winnipeg, Man.); Feraday, M. A.; Termarsch, D. J.; Canadian Nuclear SocietyProceedings of International Conference on Radioactive Waste Management, 1982 September 12 to 15, Winnipeg Convention Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba, CanadaToronto, Ont., Canada : Canadian Nuclear Society,[1982]673 pages : illustrations ; 28 cmEditor: M.A. Feraday, editorial assistant: D.J. Termarsch.0919784011 Radioactive waste disposal – Congresses; Radioactive waste disposal -- Canada – CongressesBookshelves TD898 .14 I583 1982 2022-1103
International Conference on Radioactive Waste Management (2nd : 1986 : Winnipeg, Man.); Canadian Nuclear Society; American Nuclear SocietyProceedings of the Second International Conference on Radioactive Waste Management, September 7-11, 1986, Winnipeg Convention Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada / Canadian Nuclear Society ; co-sponsored by American Nuclear Society; 2nd International Conference on Radioactive Waste ManagementToronto, Ont., Canada : The Society, 1986781 pages : illustrations ; 28 cmTitle on cover: 2nd International Conference on Radioactive Waste Management. Includes bibliographies and index. 0919784089 (pbk.) Radioactive waste disposal—Congresses; Radioactive wastes – CongressesBookshelves TD898 .14 I583 1986 2022-1216
International Conference on Robotics and Remote Handling in the Nuclear Industry (1984 : Toronto, Ont.); Canadian Nuclear Society; Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering; American Nuclear SocietyProceedings of the International Conference on Robotics and Remote Handling in the Nuclear Industry, 1984 September 23-27, Toronto, CanadaToronto : Canadian Nuclear Society, 1984 (printed Chalk River, Ont. : Atomic Energy of Canada Limited)v, 275 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm"Organized by the Canadian Nuclear Society; co-sponsors: Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering and the American Nuclear Society"--Cover. Includes bibliographies.0919784062 (pbk.)Remote handling (Radioactive substances)--Congresses; Robotics – Congresses; Manipulators (Radioactive substance) – Congresses; Robots, Industrial – CongressesBookshelvesTK9151 .6 I58 1984 2022-1224
International Conference on Simulation Methods in Nuclear Engineering (2nd : 1986 : Montréal, Québec); Brais, A. (Augustin); American Nuclear Society; Canadian Nuclear SocietySecond International Conference on Simulation Methods in Nuclear Engineering, 14-16 October, 1986, Le Grand Hotel, Montréal, Canada : proceedings / editor, A. Brais ; co-sponsored by the American Nuclear SocietyToronto, Ont. : Canadian Nuclear Society, c19862 v. : ill. ; 28 cm"October 1986." Includes bibliographies and indexes.0919784097 (pbk. : v. 1); 0919784100 (pbk. : v. 2); 0919784119 (pbk. : set) Nuclear engineering--Computer simulation—CongressesBookshelves TK9006 I4767 1986 2020-1194 (v.1); 2020-1195 (v.2)
International Conference on Simulation Methods in Nuclear Engineering (3rd : 1990 : Montreal, Québec); Archinoff, G. H.; Midvidy, W. I.; Rozon, D.; Canadian Nuclear Society; American Nuclear SocietyThird International Conference on Simulation Methods in Nuclear Engineering, April 18-20, 1990, Montreal, Canada : proceedings / editors: G.H. Archinoff, W.I. Midvidy, D. RozonToronto, Ont. : Canadian Nuclear Society, c19902 volumes : illustrations : 28 cm“Sponsored by NSED Division of the Canadian Nuclear Society, American Nuclear Society.”0919784186 (set); 0919784194 (v.1); 0919784208 (v.2) Nuclear engineering -- Computer simulation – CongressesBookshelves TK9006 I4767 1990 2022-1099 (v.1); 2022-1100 (v.2)
International Conference on Simulation Methods in Nuclear Engineering (4th : 1993 : Montreal, Quebec); Archinoff, G. H.Fourth international conference on simulation methods in nuclear engineering, June 2-4, 1993, Montreal, Canada : proceedingsToronto : Canadian Nuclear Society, 19932 volumes : illustrations ; 28 cmEditors: G.H. Archinoff [and others]. "Sponsored by NSED Division of the Canadian Nuclear Society, American Nuclear Society."0919784313 (set); 0919784291 (v.1); 0919784305 (v.2) Nuclear engineering -- Simulation methods – Congresses CNS Library discards.Bookshelves TK9006 I4767 1993 2022-1189 (v.1); 2022-1190 (v.2)
International Conference on Simulation Methods in Nuclear Engineering (5th : 1996 : Montréal, Québec)Fifth International Conference on Simulation Methods in Nuclear Engineering, September 8-11, 1996, Montreal, Canada : proceedings / editor, Anne-Marie Girard ; organized by Canadian Nuclear Society ; co-sponsored by American Nuclear SocietyToronto, Ont. : Canadian Nuclear Society, c19962 volumes : illustrations ; 28 cm091978447X (set); 0919784453 (v.1); 0919784461(v.2) Nuclear engineering -- Computer simulation -- CongressesBookshelves TK9006 I4767 1996 2022-1191 (v.1); 2022-1192 (v.2)
International Conference on S