Press coverage of the Society and its activities

“Fishin” as well as fission

Written by
Jim Ungrin
the North Renfrew Times

In addition to collecting artifacts directly dealing with nuclear research and the nuclear industry, the Nuclear Heritage group (aka SPCHNI) is always searching for material connected with the lives of the people who made it happen and their families.  Recently, with the help of Nancy Schmeing who now occupies the former Cockcroft residence at 17 Beach Avenue, the Society has been able to make contact with Christopher Cockcroft.  Christopher, who was 5-7 years old at the time that the Cockcroft family lived in Deep River, has generously scanned several pages from the Cockcroft family album and forwarded them to us.

In addition to photographs of the local children at play, the family album has a number of photographs of Sir John Cockcroft, Hugh Carmichael and W.B. Lewis from a May 1948 fishing trip.  Most photographs of these three gentlemen show them in very serious poses surrounded by colleagues or scientific apparatus. 

One of the photos taken by Cockcroft features Carmichael and Lewis with Lewis displaying his culinary skills over an open fire.  Another, presumably taken by Lewis, shows Carmichael and Cockcroft relaxed after a good day’s fishing.

The photograph taken by Lewis was likely taken using his prized Zeiss Ikon camera.  The camera, which has been in the care of Peter and Janice Bunge for many years, was recently donated by them to the Society and is part of the growing collection of artifacts at the Society’s 51 Poplar St. facility.

Anyone with similar photographs showing the more relaxed side of life of the nuclear community and willing to share or donate them is asked to contact Jim Ungrin at 613 584 3055 or any other member of the Society.