Truncated spare NRU calandria repair tool

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A truncated, spare, remote-access tool designed for the repair of a serious leak, which occurred in May, 2009, in the aluminum calandria of the National Universal Reactor (NRU).  The tool, which is now reduced to 5.4 m in length, is mounted on a rectangular, steel strongback.  The strongback was required to support the relatively delicate tool, which was originally 11.6 m in length, when it was shifted from a horizontal to a vertical position for insertion into the calandria via one of the 12 cm diameter fuel channels.   

The tool was rapidly developed in 2009 following a leak in the NRU calandria, 9 m below the reactor deck.  The calandria leak resulted in a major shortage of medically-critical isotopes worldwide.  A series of tools that allowed personnel to clean, inspect, repair (via remote weld) and qualify the reactor for return to service were developed.  They would enter the tool at the top and then emerge via an open section at the bottom end.  Repairs were successfully made at a number of locations and the reactor was back in operation 15 months after shutdown. To allow display in the museum, 6.25 m of the central section of the tool was removed.


nru reactor; radioisotope generator
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