Eberline Model PAC-4S alpha radiation counter

Artifact Number:



The control package for an Eberline, Model PAC-4S, alpha-radiation monitor. The unit, which measures 21 cm long by 9 cm wide by 19 cm high, consists of a metal box, which houses the battery pack and the electronics package, a meter and scale adjustments to indicate the count rates. A connection for external earphones is also supplied. The missing scintillation detector and photomultiplier tube used for detecting the radiation would attach to the front of the unit via a high-voltage cable. The units were manufactured by the Eberline Instrument Corporation in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and the units were used by the Atomic Energy Control Board to investigate the contamination in tailings in the Port Hope, ON, area.


alpha detectors
Associated artifacts:
See also artifacts 2020-064 and 2020-065

These instruments had been used by AECL and AECB personnel during the evaluation of the contaminated soils at the Port Hope, ON, sites used in the 1930s for radium production.

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