Drawing of fueling machine for Westinghouse HPTR

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A 51 cm by 66 cm, hardboard-backed, diagram of a fueling machine for a Horizontal Pressure Tube Reactor (HPTR).  The diagram, Figure 5 from an unidentified publication, was donated by the family of Dennis Harvey and was believed to have been generated at Chalk River.  A search of the literature revealed that it was an early (~1956) design for a CANDU-type reactor by Canadian Westinghouse Limited in Hamilton where Dennis Harvey had worked.  This design for a fueling machine was pre-empted by a newer design for single fuel bundle loading.  The newer design was first used at the Nuclear Power Demonstration (NPD) reactor at Rolphton ON and similar designs were later used at all CANDU units.


candu reactors; fuel element
Artifact produced in 2022 using a drawing from a 1955 publication
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